STUNNING! Elon Musk ANOUNCES 4 BIG Upgrades Tesla Bot Gen 2 Optimus Shock ALL Rivals, Gen 3 Coming !

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2026 it's it's really the kind of thing where you you could tell it to do kind of a wide range of tests it's hard to believe but Elon Musk seems to be right Optimus will get four new updates that'll allow it to do things it's never done before this is the reason why many people are waiting to order it just think about it you only have to spend about 20 grand while the amount of money this robot brings in is up to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year so what will it actually do when you bring in a home it all depends on these big four updates it's easy to see that Tesla has come a long way in a short period of time in its efforts to get its humanoid robots into the hands of consumers as soon as possible there's no denying that there's still a lot of work to be done before Optimus is ready for sale especially given the utility it can provide even at a price of only $20,000 Optimus will become a toy if the benefits it brings cannot meet the expectations of customers so to achieve more utility Elon Musk has talked about quite a few new updates for his humanoid robot this year but among them there are four big updates that we think are really worth it and take Optimus to the next level number one Optimus will get a movement speed upgrade in the recent episodes we've done about the benefits and roles of Optimus for both Tesla and consumers the majority acknowledge the progress Tesla has made with its robot however a significant issue that everyone's particularly concerned about is why Optimus Tesla still walks and moves at the pace of a certain president speaking of gate if you pay attention to some other humanoid robots from Boston Dynamics unitri or kepers 4Runner they all have a bent KNE gate similar to Tesla's Optimus in fact manufacturers are required to design them this way because when the robot is in a bent knee posture it helps lower the center of gravity making it easier for the robot to maintain balance the lower center of gravity allows the robot to adjust its posture quickly when there are sudden changes in position or when walking on even surfaces more importantly Optimus uses its Crouch to save energy when moving keeping the knee joints slightly bent can help reduce the torque needed for the motors thereby saving energy so we think we should not criticize its walking posture too much but focus more on its speed in fact from Optimus gen 1 to two Tesla increased the movement speed by 30% for its latest version but we also learned that after the Gen 2 launch a silent update followed that allowed for another 30% increase in movement speed meaning that Tesla Engineers have increased the movement speed of this robot by 60% since the time of the Prototype release however it seems that this Improvement is not particularly significant compared to other competing robots currently Optimus is confirmed to move at a speed of6 m a second equivalent to 1.34 M hour in vids where Optimus is moving it takes 132 steps in 78 seconds averaging 1.67 steps a second with a stride length of just over a foot compared to competitors that mostly achieve 2 MERS a second this is a Major Performance gap for Optimus the slower speed can affect its competitiveness because most buyers including us prefer a mobile agile robot as it reflects the overall efficiency of the joints drivetrain sensors and battery pack but don't worry too much cuz Elon and optimus's Engineers have confirmed a major update to the upgrade of the movement speed of the robot musk said and I think we've got kind of like one major Hardware revision which should be done by end of this year as Elon Musk said in Tesla's shareholders meeting this implies that Tesla's working on an upgraded version or a major change in this Hardware design of the Tesla Optimus robot we think gen 3 and they plan to complete it before the end of the year coinciding with a one-year anniversary of the Gen 2 launch you may not know but upgrading the hardware means 100% improved movement joints because the hardware will include skeleton frame actuators joint Point sensors and Battery all these parts play a core role in giving Optimus movement speed for example Tesla's upgrade to a stronger and lighter motor helps Tesla's robot move many times faster and smoother meanwhile on X Tesla's Optimus engineering expert milon kovak has confirmed that optimus's speed will still be upgraded to make it go faster and not stopping there he also confirmed that Optimus can handle more adverse terrain meaning that besides environments with a lot of machines like Tesla's gigafactory it can also move skill hopefully even in smaller spaces Like Houses stairs and Roads although the Improvement is quite a big one the team confirms that it will not lose its humanlike nature this is why we appreciate the talent and experience that the Tesla team has going on for it considering a scenario when Tesla maintains a 30% increase in speed for the next three months and repeats this process until launch in late 2025 the upgrade rate could be three or four times the initial 30% increase this points to the potential for significant speed Improvement for Optimus over time eventually hitting the 5 mph Target which is the first major upgrade we're talking about while speed and legs are important it would be better if Tesla had optimized more of the upper body especially optimus's hands this is especially important because without a high-end human-like hand walking speed is irrelevant the hand is the primary tool for performing intricate and complex tasks from gripping objects to operating devices if Optimus cannot manipulate with its hands flexibly and accurately then its ability to move quickly also becomes meaningless therefore perfecting and upgrading the hands should be prioritized in Tesla's development process two Optimus will have the best new hand in the world do you believe that even without upgrades optimus's hand is still something very different from the other humanoid robots out there few robots have a full five-fingered hand not to mention the numbers of degrees of freedom that they possess most only have the crab likee hands three fingers four at most it's rare to see a five-fingered hand despite the increasing number of humanoid robots from both North America and China it's not hard to Guess that the five fingers are meant to make Optimus as humanlike as possible which also facilitates in adding more degrees of freedom to optimus's hands our next Generation has 22 degrees of freedom um it will be able to play the piano so it's it's really like wow every time we hear This Promise from Elon the future becomes clearer than ever a hand that can prepare a sandwich for breakfast then fold all the clothes in the closet clean the kitchen and play a beautiful moonlight sonata yeah of course that's not done by a human it's all done by a robot's hand you cannot imagine how crazy a robot with 22 degrees of freedom will be we think some people may don't understand degrees of freedom let's repeat I hope you don't mind degrees of freedom refers to the number of independent movements that a robot or mechanism can perform in the context of humanoid robots degrees of freedom represent the ability of joints in different parts of the robot's body to move multiple degrees of Freedom allow the robot hand to perform complex movements that mimic human hand movements like grasping objects of different shapes and sizes writing letters or performing delicate manipulations this is why the Tesla bot can easily perform tasks that require precision and flexibility such as the medical manufacturing or service Industries so you could say pick up a cup pick up a shirt fold the shirt uh these these things will generalize I think quite quickly therefore it's no coincidence ents that must confidently puts thousands of these robots to work in Tesla's Factory no one's crazy enough to bring useless toys to make the factory more credit you understand currently the 11 degrees of freedom in the hand is almost double that of many other humanoid robots that only achieve five or six degrees of freedom nvidia's senior research manager and lead of embodied AI Jim fan noted that optimus's hands are among the best in the industry yeah we're doing everything with our hands with a total of 27 degrees of freedom the 22 degrees of freedom in optimus's hand hands will definitely be second only to human hands that's for sure we're pretty confident that these 22 degrees of freedom will mean the Optimus Gen 3 is coming as must talked about our next Generation instead of next update this is further evidence that a more advanced version is ready to launch later this year now on to the next update that we believe everyone will be excited about regarding Optimus musk has directly spoken about this crazy capability in the Tesla 2024 shareholder meeting now imagine if Optimus could respond like Apple Siri but even much better because it can not only speak but actually do the described actions three Optimus will be added with languages and voices we'll be able to customize the personality customize the voice um and and really kind of the robot will kind of get to know you as well and know your preferences you won't even have to say things because it'll just kind of understand you you might not know yet but Tesla's very likely to commercialize Optimus robot worldwide recently Tesla brought Optimus Gen 2 to a conference in China hoping to demonstrate the robot's capabilities and showcase what the company is researching in robotics and AI therefore if Optimus is to be sold globally it must support multiple language models elon's officially confirmed this will indeed be included in the upcoming update for Optimus currently Tesla has not put too much inside the head of Optimus it's quite empty when it's mainly 2D cameras inside according to kovak he said that the 2D cameras allow connection to the neural network so that optimis can perform useful tasks by observing objects and the environment many opinions say that Tesla will develop a face that'll have an interactive screen that allows communication and information display and this info display screen can replace the voice however this may not seem right we believe that being able to make Optimus speak is not something that'd be a big hurdle for a giant manufacturer like Tesla simply Tesla just needs to add a microphone and speaker for optimists to gather sounds from the surrounding environment Listen to Human speech to analyze understand and generate natural language there's natural language processing software which can be used in conjunction with the Deep learning models available on Optimus to understand the context and respond appropriately if this is true as Elon said the owner can customize optimus's language communication speed depending on the language set not only diversifying the language model Elon also frankly shared that we can create an Optimus robot that accurately reflects our personality habits and behavior and more precisely Optimus is going to be like a useful assistant normally other humanoid robotss take months even years to get used to new jobs and you even have to directly control it but with Optimus according to Elon users don't need to give detailed instructions this robot can automatically understand and react according to the owner's context and habits Optimus has the ability to predict and act only after a short time of interaction which is really incredible for example if you point to the refrigerator and then point to the cup it'll immediately bring you a beer just kidding anyway the final and most important update to make Tesla's Optimus surpass all its competitors is to optimize its self-learning ability or rather artificial intelligence before launching in the market four Optimus will continue to be AI optimized it can watch a video of something like a person and and then learn just by looking at that video and and do that task last month we saw footage of tesas Optimus dropping 4680 battery cells during sorting and it only took a few seconds to automatically fix eror showing that Tesla has reached a pretty quick Milestone with its robot self-learning capabilities also in the Tesla shareholder 2024 meeting musk mention that by 2026 Optimus will be capable of performing a wide range of tasks including those that's never been program for before this opens up a future full of potential and surprises currently Optimus still requires training but in the next few years training will become less necessary simply watching videos or observing others perform tasks will be sufficient to achieve this Tesla will focus significantly on developing optimus's ability to learn autonomously this year through its video and controls out neural network Optimus feeds on video data processes it and automatically determines its actions it's a world where seeing truly translates to doing it's not just about Machinery Tesla leverages an endtoend neural network encapsulating everything from data intake to decision making all driven by real world AI we all know that Tesla's Optimus has a special integration with full self-driving FSD software found in Tesla's electric vehicles or more precisely fsds embedded within Optimus however unlike Tesla owners who get free updates for FSD users must subscribe to receive Optimus software updates because each update significantly increases the number of utilities and tasks that Optimus can perform for example initially it might pick up a shirt then fold it and eventually put it away in the closet according to Milan kovak on X about what the Tesla team's doing with optimus's Software System they're focusing on repeatability across the fleet training the neural net to deal with Dynamic calibration and small bot tobot variants ultimately we're going to see a lot of crazy AI powered things between now and when it's officially available for sale or lease while working on this episode it did occur to us at some point in the future that Optimus could monitor your emotional state and then call your family or friends to let them know how you're doing or if you're showing signs of depression or other mental health conditions like a stroke more excitingly it could also alert you to high blood pressure and heart rate meanwhile millions of people will surely dream of having an optimist to care for their parents full-time it'd be incredibly useful in alleviating a lot of stress for elderly individuals whose kids have to leave home to pick up prescriptions or groceries or handle any other daily Tas they currently manage alone however in the end Optimus needs to truly be affordable for the masses who may not have that much money to buy one along with having a sufficient utility for a variety of tasks in a few of our episodes many people admitted that they planed to rent this butt right away to test to see if it could actually help them out when their busy lives especially as they get older and things start getting harder they also admitted that they can't afford to spend 20 to $60,000 on a toy to play with so let's finally look forward to seeing what Tesla Optimus will be like in the future especially with its updates Morgan Stanley analyst studied Tesla's humanoid robot Optimus and how AI is transforming robotics They concluded that the capabilities of humanoids will be far bigger and faster than autonomous cars AI is driving transformational change in robotics analysts that the firm proclaimed we believe the humanoids opportunity is far bigger and faster adopting than autonomous cars and we'll see a greater Quantum of capital behind it Tesla's at the epicenter of the theme investors may need to add new tabs to their Excel models analysts believe that it's humanlike robots that'll be important in our world since the world's already been created for people and buy them and adapt it to them Morgan Stanley stated that against the backdrop of a theoretical $30 trillion Global labor market their usam model forecasts a humanoid population of8 million units by 2040 that's a $357 billion wage impact and 63 million units by 2050 that one is a$3 trillion wage impact according to Meanwhile at Tesla's annual shareholder meeting in 2024 chief executive officer off Elon Musk said he believes humanoids will eventually outnumber humans by 2: one or even more I think the ratio of humanoid robots to humans will probably be at least two to one something like that one: one for sure so which means like somewhere on the order of 10 billion uh humanoid robots maybe maybe 20 or 30 with Optimus Tesla is leading us into a future where robots transcend traditional boundaries not only obeying commands but making informed decisions based on vast amounts of input data this represents a paradigm shift not just in robotics but in our understanding of autonomy and machine intelligence as Optimist takes its strides we have to sit and ask ourselves are we on the brink of a world where robots are no longer mere tools but now intelligent collaborators we have to ask what do you think about the four updates that Elon Musk will make in the coming time and what features are are you expecting to see please let us know in the comments section down below and having said that we hope you lik this video if you did please press the like button that way you'll join the Tesla car World family when you subscribe to our Channel and don't miss out on any of our awesome videos by hitting the Bell icon we value your feedback and your time and humbly thank you so much for watching to the end of this video and hope to see you back here soon until then stay safe have fun take care and God bless you goodbye [Music] oh [Music]
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Keywords: Tesla Car world, 888999, 888999 tesla, 888999 evs, STUNNING! Elon Musk ANOUNCES 4 BIG Upgrades Tesla Bot Gen 2 Optimus Shock ALL Rivals, Gen 3 Coming !, Elon Musk ANOUNCES, Tesla Bot Gen 2 Optimus, Tesla Bot Gen 2, Gen 2 Optimus, tesla bot, tesla robot gen 2, optimus gen 2, tesla optimus gen 2, tesla optimus, tesla bot update, tesla bot upgrade, tesla bot production, elon tesla robot, optimus tesla, tesla bot price, tesla bot news, optimus robot, elon musk robots
Id: U30KRvk6BR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2024
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