2024 Tesla Cybertruck Review: This Is Just Plain Cool

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this is the Tesla cyber truck and it's the most talked about most anticipated most hyped car so far this decade it looks absolutely insane it has insane performance it comes from a company run by an insane person there is nothing else like this on the planet and today I'm going to review the Cyber Tru and show you all of its quirks and features [Applause] [Music] today's video is brought to you by cars and bids my online Enthusiast car auction site that recently sold this and this and this and this and this check it out at carsand bids.com before I get started big news I launched a podcast this car podcast is now live the first episode is already out and new episodes are coming every Friday me and my friends are going to talk car news car market trends and take viewer questions all in a tight hour every week so be sure to check out this car podcast with new episodes coming every Friday all right time for the quirks and features of the Tesla cyber truck I am so excited for this that I'm going to skip all the basics most people already know about this truck and dive right into the quirks and features starting with the absolutely ridiculous design of this truck It's All About Angles sharp angles at everywhere you look there are no curves on this truck it's all intended to be angular and sharp and futuristic and totally different from everything else on the road which in fact is true the only curved thing on the outside is the wheels and even then the wheel arches are angular as you can see just like the rest of the truck in fact the angles of this truck are so sharp that there are places where you can clearly cut yourself on it you can see right here that's a pretty sharp angle looks kind of scary if you walk Too Close same deal up front this angle of particular looks like if you walk too close it might actually draw blood the Cyber truck is just that brutal now the other interesting thing about the cybertruck's design is its material because the cyber truck is almost entirely made of unpainted stainless steel this is totally different than the painted sheet metal you see in basically every other vehicle it gives it a totally different appearance and it wears a little bit differently in fact the early reports about premature wear on the stainless steel panels of the Cyber Tru have already caused a lot of early cyber truck owners to wrap their trucks in a different color or just to protect the body panels regardless it is totally different just like the way this truck looks now at first glance when you look at the Cyber truck it seems like it's just one giant silver monolith a totally minimalist exterior design without any adornments to break up the big triangle that this truck is but as you start to look closer you start to notice all of the little things peppered throughout the exterior that do break up the monolithic shape but only if you notice them we'll start with most obvious the rear view mirrors which borrow the angled design from the rest of the truck they're triangular instead of well anything else because they mimic the look of the truck itself next you move on to the windshield where you can see the mono wiper the giant windshield wiper that is tucked on to the very side of the windshield as you can see now this is a massive windshield and it is a massive windshield wiper and according to Tesla the reason for putting it here along the side of the windshield is actually increasing the truck's range if you mounted the wiper horizontally it would break up the aerodynamics of the truck and so mounting it here allows for better air flow over the truck and it lets Tesla hide the wiper a little bit better so when you look at the truck you don't see it you just see one giant flat plane of glass next up in terms of hidden exterior adornments let's talk badging there is no Tesla badge anywhere on this truck but if you look closely you can see it says Foundation series right here on the front fender you got to look very closely cuz it's kind of silver on Silver but it is in there on the early Foundation series trucks like this one you also have Foundation series printed on the tailgate you can see it right here but again you got to look very closely you wouldn't necessarily notice it otherwise but again there is no Tesla logo anywhere front back wheels none no Tesla branding on this truck then again you don't really need it if you see this truck you know what it is next we're talking exterior stuff so let's talk Wheels how do you design wheels for a monolith the answer is well these weren't the wheels that the Cyber truck was shown with in fact they're not the wheels the Cyber truck has generally been shown with and that's because the Cyber truck has been mainly seen with wheel covers on top of these wheels that look weird and futuristic and kind of match the look of the truck only problem is the wheel covers didn't actually work Tesla tried them out and they would impact the sidewall of the tire and so Tesla has recalled the wheel covers and apparently there will be a future different design that means these wheels are the Cyber truck wheels with no cover frankly I don't really love how they look they're fine they look nice enough but they're kind of generic to sit on such a special crazy looking body those wheel covers really did add to the air of Mystique this truck had and these wheels I don't think really look that great but it's what the Cyber truck has and next up on the subject of exterior features you might not notice take a look at the back of the front wheel Arch you can see right here there's a little cut out for the blind spot camera put on the turn signal a blind spot camera turns on in the center screen I'll show you that later but the camera is mounted right here and I love the fact that the little cutout for it is triangular to match the truck again no circles if they could avoid it now go to the rear wheel Arch and you can see right here there's a panel that appears to be cut out that is your charge port you tap on that and it pops open automatically and that's where you plug in the Cyber truck it's hidden quite well but it's there and when the panel's open you can see a cool profile image of the Cyber truck lit up inside the charge port area next up another interesting exterior item with the Cyber truck is lighting how do you put lights on a monolith well up front the answer seems pretty obvious there's a light bar going across the front end but there's actually more lighting than that you turn on the lights and there's a hidden Set of Lights below the light bar that come on additionally to the light bar and that lower hidden set is where the turn signals are located as you can see in the rear the lighting is even more unusual let's say it comes from this giant bar going across the rear of the truck and in normal operation the lights are normal but small the main brake lights are on the very edges of the rear of the truck as you can see they also include the turn signals and then the third brake light is in the center it's fine it's a little small concern size of the truck but it works perfectly the weird part is what happens when you turn on the headlights then the tail lights come on in the form of a giant light bar across the whole rear of the truck but when you put on the brake the light bar turns off and instead your traditional brake light setup turns on it's strange because when the tail lights are on and you put on the brakes less light actually comes on than when you weren't breaking it's certainly an odesign one that I have never seen before but fitting a rather odd vehicle now also worth pointing out in back another hidden exterior adornment you wouldn't notice unless you're looking is this camera you can see mounted right in the middle of the rear this is not a backup camera but your rear view mirror that is how it works in the cybertruck let's talk about that so why does the Cyber truck need a camera for a rearview mirror well the answer is obvious you can see it right here there's no rear window actually that's not entirely true this is a Tano cover that covers up the bed of this truck so if you have stuff in here you don't want to get wet or damaged or stolen you can cover up the bed with this cover if you want the cover off you just come back here push a button and then it automatically slides itself back it's actually quite neat and Nifty and quick and it's a pretty cool design it rolls itself back and suddenly the bed is exposed now when the bed is open like this you do have a rear window and you can see out the back of the truck but apparently keeping the tunnel cover in place adds about 10% of range when you drive so I suspect most owners will close the too cover most of the time to maximize their range unless they're actually using the bed with larger items of course if you want to close the tel cover that's no problem you just press another button back here and then it's slides closed very easy very simple to do and now your bed is secure once again it's really a pretty cool feature now in addition to the Tano cover situation back here you do have one other button mounted the back of the Cyber truck and that is the tailgate opener button you push that and then the tailgate automatically opens itself that's pretty straightforward it gives you access to the bed where there's a lot of cool features so let's start when you first look inside the bed to the left there's this little panel here you open it up and it's a series of outlets you have household outlets in here or you have a heavy duty one where you can plug in your washing machine and run it from your your cyber truck now the other interesting thing in the bed of the Cyber truck is this giant panel in the bed floor actually lifts up and you have a trunk back here where you can store well whatever you would normally store in a trunk it's not as big as a traditional trunk in a sedan but it's decent sized where you can put stuff if you don't want to keep it in the bed rolling around or whatever you have this extra space and there's even a drain plug at the bottom of this space so if you wanted to use this extra trunk for like a cooler with ice you could do that and then just pull the plug at the end and all the water will go out now one drawback of this bed situation is the tailgate is quite large it's quite tall which means that when it folds down it's quite long and so it's pretty hard to reach past it to access this bed trunk or the rest of the bed and sadly Tesla didn't give us a bed step situation like you have in basically every other full-size pickup where you can pull something out and then step right into your bed to access it it's pretty hard actually to access the bed because of the tailgate and of course the height of the truck no big deal but worth pointing out other stuff in the bed there's a lot of cargo tie downs like you would expect to see in well most pickup trucks frankly one cool feature is you have bed lighting as you can see lights on both side that actually illuminate what's in the bed more pickup trucks could use this feature the Cyber truck has it and it's pretty nice and I'll show you how to operate it from inside the the truck in a little bit by the way one other interesting item back here the tailgate it is not power operated to go back up so you do have to lift it into place but it does have soft cloes which means you don't have to slam it you can just kind of get it near where it latches and then it will automatically close itself which is a nice touch and finally the last hidden adornment on the outside of this truck the door handles doesn't look like there are any door handles how do you get into this truck well the front one is is mounted here on the b-pillar at the base it's actually pretty simple you just push the door handle and then the door kind of pops out a couple of inches for you to grab and open up the rest of the way so next up we climb inside the Cyber truck you open up the door get in and you discover it's not quite as insane in here as it is out there the design is such a slap in the face that it would be hard to replicate that in the interior and indeed it doesn't but there are some very interesting and crooky things inside this truck let's start with well the general minimalism vibe in here just like other Tesla models you don't have all sorts of swoopy trim everywhere and buttons all over everything instead very minimalist very few buttons and switches basically anywhere in this interior again like other Tesla models so it's not that radical but it is radical compared to other vehicles just how minimalist and basic and simple it is in this interior and the other interesting thing is that the angular theme has been carried over to the interior not just outside for example the steering wheel is not in fact a wheel you can see it's more of like a collapsed hexagon there's no real curving to it and it's all pretty angular and certainly unique compared to other vehicles now I'll cover more unorthodox angled things in this interior in a second but first I want to talk more about the steering wheel because steering is undoubtedly one of the most interesting things about the cybertruck that's because it uses something called steer by wire which sounds very kind of boring and mechanical Hightech but the interesting part is you barely turn the steering wheel to turn the truck so in your car you turn the wheel like hand overand three times and then you're all the way Locked In One Direction in the Cyber truck it's only half a turn and the entire steering is as far over as it goes half a turn the other direction the steering is as far as it goes totally unorthodox compared to other vehicles we'll see how I like it when I get behind the wheel of the cybertruck in a little bit but one clear immediate benefit is it really works with Tesla's Yol steering wheel there was a lot of complaints about going hand overhand turning a Yol well you don't have that complaint if you don't ever have to go hand overand because of the way the steering is set up and that's the case in this truck it solves that problem with a similar steering wheel to the Yol also worth pointing out the Cyber truck has rear wheel steering in addition to front wheel which dramatically improves the maneuverability of this giant truck a lot of new luxury cars have rear wheel steering but this does too and it helps but back to the interior weird angled stuff the cup holders are not circular as you can see they are octagon even though your cups are circular in the cybertruck your cup holders are not take a look over at the door panel and you can see a bunch of different angles on basically every surface there is no attempt to smooth anything out with a Curves in fact there really is basically nothing round anywhere in this interior even the dog in dog mode in the infotainment system you can see he's like an angular pixelated dog instead of a usual circular curved dog which just adds to the cyber truck hilarity and I really like it the only thing I really found in here that is circular the thumb controls on the steering wheel you can see these are well traditional circles and wheel dials that turn like a circle that's because Tesla borrows these from other Tesla models to put in the Cyber Tru and I guess they decided they didn't want to make specific hexagon shaped steering controls just for the cybertruck would have been too expensive so those remain circles although it is worth pointing out the camera icon con to switch on the cameras on the steering wheel that is a hexagon and same deal on the infotainment screen a hexagon for the camera so they did put some attention to details like that which is pretty cool to see most people probably wouldn't notice now beyond all of the angles and the minimalism in this interior once again just like on the outside there's no Tesla logos inside this truck on the steering wheel you have that profile image of the truck sort of the Cyber truck Tri Ang Le and on the door cill you have cyber truck written in the cool cyber truck font that Tesla's used in some marketing but again you won't find Tesla logos anywhere in here just like on the outside it is very unorthodox just like the windshield so let's talk about that next the windshield in this truck in order to make the shape work it goes basically all the way to the front of the truck now this is weird you're not used to driving a car the windshield that looks like this and it creates actually some issues one is cleaning the windshield I don't know how you're going to get in this area to clean the bottom inside of the windshield or to dust off the top of the dashboard it looks like hell for detailers good luck the other issue that a long windshield like this creates we've seen it in other cars is the a pillar becomes very large to support the windshield that blocks your visibility now to Tesla's credit they put windows inside the a pillar to make it a little easier to look out but it doesn't really entirely solve the problem you can clearly tell there's a lot of stuff blocked by this large a Piller going pretty far into your line of sight and I have a suspicion it's going to cause some cybertruck pedestrian issues because you won't be able to see everything that's there next up also on the subject of the windshield the sun visors are very interesting because the windshield is so massive it almost goes over directly where you're sitting the visors are not mounted on the ceiling but instead they're stuck to this plastic panel that comes out for the sensors for this truck that in itself is unusual but the strangest part is when you put down the sun visor to cover up the sun on the windshield they actually reveal more windshield you block some part of the windshield but you get another part of the windshield it is very unusual the good news is there is extra sun visor that comes down from the visor in the form of an extra panel to block out even more sun if you like now also worth pointing out you have up here the button to turn on the hazard lights it's worth mentioning the hazard lights being a separate button is a regulatory thing you can't put the hazard light button in the screen and so that's why all these cars with minimalist interiors and giant screens still have the hazard light button separate as you do here this probably irked Tesla they wanted to make it as minimalist as possible but they still had to do a button for the hazard lights nonetheless they did away with climate vents you can see in this interior there's no obvious climate vents they are obviously there because you get air conditioning and heat in this truck just like any other vehicle but they've completely made them invisible which is an amazing effort towards minimalism that Tesla's really committed to next up on the door panel you can see this button here you press to electronically open the door it kind of Pops it open and then you open it the rest of the way this latch is a manual backup in case the electronic door popper fails and then you also have your window switch here the owner of this truck told me that the switches are mounted pretty far back and they're kind of in an uncomfortable place to reach which is a little annoying but worth pointing out speaking of the windows the front windows in this truck are crazy the design of them has this crazy kinked angle to fit with the angle of the truck it looks like no other front window I've ever seen very unusual but next we move on to the controls in this truck starting with the steering wheel there are no stocks coming off the steering column for your turn signals your windshield wipers like in most normal Vehicles instead your turn signals are mounted on the steering wheel you can see them here arrow to the left arrow to the right you also have a button here where you can Flash the headlights over on the other side you have your wipers here as you can see and you have your voice control feature here you can activate from the steering wheel and this button turns on the camera system opens it up in the center screen like I mentioned before but no stocks on the steering column at all so you're probably wondering how do you shift this vehicle into gear how do you put it in drive or reverse the answer is it's on the screen so let's talk about the giant screen in the Cyber truck shifting into gear is over on the left side of the screen and it's a function where you slide your finger in the direction where you want to travel so you slide up forward for drive you slide back for reverse and then Park will turn on if you tap the center or if you just open your door it's actually pretty intuitive it works reasonably well and you don't really think about how it's odd or unorthodox after just a little while using this truck but beyond the gear swipey situation there's a lot of other interesting items worth pointing out with this screen now this screen in general will be pretty familiar to anybody who spent time in a recent Tesla Model the cybertruck has a very similar screen interface setup to other Teslas there's just a different font that's supposed to be more futuristic and there's a few features that other Tesla models don't have I'm going to cover the most interesting so let's start with the main screen you see a side image of the truck and check this out if you double tap the window on this image well take a look oh my god oh man it didn't go through yes that's right the glass breaks just like it did when Elon Musk first showed and demonstrated this truck four years ago it's very cool to see that they've integrated that feature kind of a stupid little hidden Easter egg but I'm all about the little cirks and features next up here's an interesting item you can open the glove box in the center screen that's not different from other Teslas but the glove box itself is you open it and you can see it's actually a glove tray or a glove drawer if you will that's where you keep your stuff that you'd keep in a glove box when you want to close it just press the button but on the screen again and it goes right back into where it belongs a standard glove box would be too normal for the Cyber truck now next up also interesting in this screen this is where you find the rear view mirror for this truck like I mentioned in the toot cover is closed you can't see behind you so the rearview mirror is shown on the screen instead now worth pointing out the cybertruck actually does come with a rear view mirror that's regulatory but the owner of this truck told me he removed this it blocked his forward visibility and he didn't really plan on driving with the tunel cover open and so he'd rather use the mirror inside the screen which makes sense and also worth pointing out you can move the rearview mirror on the screen to a more convenient place if that's what you want to do you can kind of choose where it is also worth pointing out another cool cyber truck feature in here you can raise and lower the suspension all cybertruck models come with height adjustable suspension and you can see various different options here from the entry height height which is the lowest to make it easier to get inside all the way up to the highest height which is for off-roading and you can see right now the truck is going into its highest height and boy does it get high it can go from very low to very high that highest setting is something like 17 in of ground clearance to maximize its off-road capability now beyond that the rest of this screen is mostly your typical Tesla fair and I did an indepth look at the latest Tesla infotainment system in my recent review of the new Tesla Model 3 so you can watch that for a little bit more details on this infotainment system but you do have the basics for instance you control the mirrors using the screen and then also the little thumb dial on the steering wheel you can see it puts the mirrors up or down same deal with controlling the position of the steering wheel you navigate over to steering and then you can move the wheel up or down using the dials just like in other Tesla models it's a very cool trick but again I've mentioned it in other views you also have dog mode like I mentioned where you can keep the interior cool if you want to briefly run into a store leave your dog in the car again all the usual Tesla fair in this infotainment system now with that said one totally crazy piece of technology that this truck does not have is autopilot Tesla's autopilot driver Assist Technology which will slow down and speed up based on the car in front of you and also steer for you this truck doesn't come with it it does have a cruise control that will slow down or speed up based on traffic but you have to do your steering and the truck also doesn't have Tesla's full self-driving system or differential locks to enhance its off-road capability I mention all these things together because Tesla says they're all going to be added to the Cyber Tru with an over-the-air update but they're not here now so if you bought one of these you've been driving it around for a few months already without any of these features that you probably expected which is a little bit disappointed now the final item that's interesting worth noting in the interior up here in the infotainment screen you can open up the front trunk which Tesla calls the frunk you just tap here where it says open frun and then you can see it pops open automatically up front revealing a storage compartment so what is in the front trunk well the answer is nothing which is intentional because it's a storage compartment where you are supposed to put stuff but there's a few interesting quirks worth pointing out for one cyber truck is written across the back and the cool cyber truck font as you can see you also have a little cap over on the side where you can add windshield washer fluid a fairly normal thing that you still have to do in this otherworldly truck and you also have a button where you can press and the front trunk will close and apparently the front trunk will close on you there's nothing preventing it from Just closing on whatever you have in in between the trunk and the car so needless to say don't stick your arm in there it will be cut off and next up we move on to the back seat and first getting into the back of the Cyber truck opening the rear doors about the same as the front door you got a panel over here to the side you push it the door pops open reveals itself for you and you can open it the rest of the way cool thing here is the back doors open 90° so they really open far which allows you easier Ingress and egress getting in and out of the truck now once you're back here a couple of interesting quirks and the biggest is actually a surprise there's decent space back here given the overall length of this truck I assumed there would be good leg room knee room hip room that kind of stuff and there is but given the design of this truck I thought Headroom would be compromised but it isn't I'm pretty tall and sitting back here I can sit all the way straight up and I have room for my head I'm only an inch or two away from the glass above me so it's not like there's a ton of space but there's certainly enough for me to sit back here comfortably adults children whatever they'll fit in the back of the cybertruck now the other notable item back here is the screen for rear passengers which you can use to do a lot of different stuff you have for instance music controls back here you can use to adjust the audio in the car you also have entertainment controls you can turn on your favorite apps like Netflix or YouTube and you have climate controls back here turn turning on the climate controls the on button is an angled hexagon instead of a usual Circle which adds to the Cyber truess but beyond that you can just adjust where the air comes out the temperature that sort of thing and turn on your rear heated seats that's your rear screen now beyond all that stuff the rear of the Cyber Tru isn't particularly interesting or exciting the only other interesting item worth pointing out is you can lift up the base of the seats for more storage there's sort of a hidden little tab you can pull back here you pull it and then the seat base Rises up and you can use the back for storage instead of Passenger seating if you don't have people but instead you have stuff a lot of other trucks have that but it's nice to see it here so those are your quirks and features and now on to the basics of the Cyber truck if you want to hear the general details so right now there are two versions of the Cyber truck available there's sort of a regular one the Cyber truck and then there's the high performance cyber Beast with more power this is the regular cyber truck it has 600 horsepower it does 0 to 60 in 3.9 seconds and it starts around $882,000 it also has about 340 M of range now if you upgrade to the Cyber Beast you get about 835 horsepower you do 0 to 60 in 2 something seconds which makes it the fastest or quickest truck of all time you have a base price of around $102,000 and a total range of about $300 miles a little bit less than in the standard truck now both of these versions of the Cyber Tru can tow up to 11,000 lb which is a pretty strong number although obviously that will significantly diminish range it's also worth pointing out that both of these versions are significantly more expensive than Tesla said they would be when these trucks were first announced back in 2019 between 20 and $40,000 more expensive depending on the version it's a pretty steep price increase but also one that pretty much everybody expected now it's also worth pointing out that Tesla claims there is an even cheaper version of the Cyber truck that is still coming out it is a single motor rear wheeel drive cyber Tru that will only tow about 7500 lb and obviously have a lower base price compared to the four-wheel drive more high performance more powerful versions Tesla claims that's coming in 25 but we're all skeptical about Tesla's claims of time at this point now the Cyber truck is built in Texas at Tesla's Giga Factory near Austin it's about 224 in Long which is enormously long for a vehicle but pretty standard for a full-size pickup truck and it weighs about 6900 lb which is fairly significant also worth pointing out the Cyber truck right now is only available here in in North America this hasn't been exported to Asia or Europe yet and given some of its regulatory challenges in those markets I have a strong suspicion it never will be and it will always be confined to North America a special treat we get here the Tesla cyber truck and with that let's get behind the wheel all right driving the Tesla cyber truck I have wanted to drive the Cyber truck ever since it was first revealed as everyone did back at the end of 2019 now in that time they said it'd be out in 21 here we are 3 and 1/2 years after it was revealed and it is finally out now when they first revealed it I said I think I had a video or or tweet that I said I didn't think they'd be able to make the Cyber truck in production form actually look like that and there have been some changes to the concept cybertruck to get it production ready but to Tesla's credit it's pretty close to how they said it was going to look or maybe to Tesla's detriment because it is heinously ugly but it's also just plain cool I think it's both things at once so I'll get to the driving experience in a second but I'll say this I have been watching from the sidelines over the last year as people have talked about towing capacity and hauling capacity and all of this truck stuff about the cybertruck and frankly I just think these discussions are moot because people are buying this to be cool that's the whole reason nobody cares about it Toes or halls and frankly that's also true of its competitors the six guys in my neighborhoods with Ford Raptors I've never seen them dirty I've never seen them hooked on to anything to tow people buy these trucks to be cool now when the Cyber truck was first announced Elon was like it's going to be a Ford F-150 competitor and it's going to be useful in the fields well it's become clear that it really is more of a lifestyle expensive thing for rich people but once that came clear I think we should have stopped all discussion about stupid stuff like towing capacity and start talking about how cool it is and this is so cool I've driven around several of these in traffic just seen them on the roads people lose it they take pictures they're so excited and I think a lot of the arguments about oh it can't tow oh it's going to run out of battery are coming from raptor owners who are just mad that something has upstaged them in the pickup world this is cooler than any other truck and I think if you paid 100 grand for a TRX or 120 for a raptor r you would be upset that you just got upstaged by a stupid electric car you know whose company is from California you know but it is it upstages everything because it's so cool okay so let's talk Driving Experience first thing that's interesting about the cybertruck is steer by wire this doesn't sound particularly sexy or cool but it really has a profound effect on the driving experience and that's because the steering wheel basically can only only turn over a half turn and that's the full amount it can turn in a normal car you can do a couple of around around around the wheels well in this the steering is directly connected to how far you turn the wheel and it happens quick and the Driving Experience is very interesting as a result it takes a little bit of getting used to but I have to say just driving this thing around now for like a half hour I kind of prefer it to normal car driving why am I doing Turn hand over hand turn over turn I don't really need to do that this truck is a great is great proof that it actually just works out okay in regular driving with this steer by wire where you don't turn it much and I'm surprised how well it works once you get used to it there's a couple of interesting thing I love this steer by wire you just a simple turn and then you're you're you're good there's no hand overhand and it really neutralizes the drawback of the crazy yolk steering wheel because you're not doing hand overhand turns it's surprisingly great now one interesting thing about the Cyber Tru is it actually steers pretty well the steering be because of the steer by wire and because Tesla just generally does a good job of this you have quite direct steering so you turn the steering wheel and it's pretty quick to make a turn uh and go in that direction now it's a huge vehicle weighs almost 7,000 lb and so ultimately it's still going to be pretty heavy it's not like it's going to handle incredibly well uh around like bends and Corners you know if you're taking it on Mountain Canyon roads but it Sears better than you'd expect and it feels a little bit more limber and Nimble than you might expect particularly given that it also accelerates pretty well now this is not the Cyber Beast version of the truck it has only 600 horsepower that's fine 0 to 60 in 4 seconds in a vehicle that weighs 7,000 lb that's really all you need Tesla has delivered quite a few of them I've seen probably a dozen just regularly driving here around San Diego and I was in New York last week and I saw two or three in New York they're not going to be rare soon the excitement Factor will wear off like it did for the C8 Corvette but for now it is definitely the craziest thing on the road and people just go absolutely nuts the Driving Experience is probably the least interesting part about the truck aside from the very long windshield and the kind of problematic a pillars aside from the steer by wire and the weird you know mirror is a camera thing other than that driving it is really not all that crazy it looks crazy it has some crazy features it you know there's a lot of weird stuff about the truck but from a driving perspective just sitting here driving it once you get used to steer by wire it's a fairly traditional vehicle to to own and operate and use which I think is the point you don't want people to have some steep learning curve of actually driving it you want the kind of The Styling and the design to speak for itself in terms of how crazy it is all right I'm going to juice it here woohoo yeah acceleration is just fine with the uh in the non cyber Beast I'm sure it's amazing in the Cyber beast but frankly we've all gotten used to electric cars doing 0 to 60 and 2. whatever it's really not special anymore this truck is special for a lot of other reasons Beyond its acceleration in terms of size I think that's something that a lot of people are going to are going to be curious about it's big if you're in a city area you may not want to be driving around in such a large vehicle all the time you're going to be hauling around a large bed in back you may not be using just for the sake of being cool I'm not really sure that's the right move but certainly the most interesting most exciting Parts about the truck come from all the stuff I showed you before and not necessarily from driving it uh and I think that's a good thing you don't have to even though you have to adapt in your mind to this crazy design you don't have to really make any concessions or adaptations to use the truck you can use it reasonably well you just have to get used to steering by wire which frankly I think is great and so in the end I think this thing is just cool it just is cool uh and it's amazingly exciting to be driving around finally after all this time and the response on the road is just wild and the market has spoken also with the demand for it this is cool people are interested people love it people think it's crazy and boy isn't and so that's the Tesla cyber truck say what you will about this but it is incredibly head turning impressive to see impressive to just be around this is one of the craziest vehicles ever to exist and it's just plain cool incredibly head turning there is nothing else like it on the road a crazy experience inside and out and now it's time to give the Cyber truck the Doug score and the Doug score is here 73 out of 100 which places the Cyber truck here against various other similar vehicles and other Tesla models the Cyber truck wins against all of these but mainly due to such a high weekend score it's immensely cool right now an absolute showstopper as this cyber truck gets more common though and that cool Factor Falls I suspect the r1t will end up with a higher overall score it's just a more well-rounded truck a little quicker a little better looking a little more practical a little cheaper for now though cyber truck is [Music] King
Channel: Doug DeMuro
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Id: XDkzm_LR0Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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