I Finally Got a Tesla Cybertruck and It Scares the Crap Out of Me

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rev up your engines well you're not going to waste your day watching this video because you're going to get plenty of laughs I finally got my hands on a cyber truck now people wanted to charge me thousands of dollars to film their cyber truck a lot of guys are flipping them to make money but the Chicago charity that's a good charity brought this over for me to make a video with would I pay $84,000 for this truck no way would I buy a raffle ticket for a 100 bucks with a possibility of winning it yes I would do that that's what these guys are doing more later on that but I do have to say it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen it looks like something Homer Simpson would have made for a truck that he wanted right now it doesn't really look like a truck but believe it or not it's got this kind of Rolodex thing on the back if you're not old enough to know what a Rolodex is people had information on cards in a Rolodex so as we put P this you can see indeed it is sort of a pickup and the weird thing is it's got the gate that goes down this is an electric truck right but it doesn't have a gate to go up to go up you got to actually push it with your bare hands now it's got a lot of sharp angles on it cuz it's got stainless steel on it you can see for stainless steel it's thin but not too thin but to me it's just sloppy looking look the Gap there it's kind of sloppy looking course everything has buttons on it there's the back door got a little bit of space nothing like an F-150 it's got the giant opaque sunroof moon roof whatever you want to call it you even get your own controller here in the back so you can watch me on YouTube Here I Am this is a very heavy vehicle weighs about 6600 lb and the battery alone weighs more than 2/3 of what my whole Toyota Matrix weighs the entire car with tires full of gasoline it's a very heavy vehicle and being the base model this has all-wheel drive two Motors got motor for the front and a motor for the back see when you look under the bottom it is totally sealed everything under here is sealed away anything goes wrong good luck accessing it and you can see it's not particularly high off the ground it's got these giant tires they look like some alien vehicle this isn't made for rock crawling to say the least you're going to be bashing that battery on the bottom off up now they have to put the batteries in the bottom cuz they weigh so much put them up higher the thing would flip over more would handle poorly realize that it's a very fast vehicle but now speed limited to like 113 mph and that's a good thing because you wouldn't want this thing flipping over to say the least you really noticed the weight especially when you decelerate you said just as fast as the other testiles You' driven but slowing down with all that weight and it's regenerating power the insanely large windshield wiping plate my God that thing is long look at it long as me practically that is insanity and they've had problems with these things breaking no surprise it's that large that heavy something's going to go wrong on this gigantic windshield now if the windshield does break it's 2500 smackers there sensors and all kinds of stuff in it the more glass you put obviously the more problems you're going to have with glass breakage such as if you live in a Glass House don't throw stones so if you're driving this around don't go throwing stones around I'll tell you that now it's an electric vehicle it's doesn't use gasoline but it uses an awful lot of electricity as we look inside it sounds pretty solid though give it that can adjust all kinds of things but the steering yolk just feels kind of weird to me we'll see what it's like when I drive it around they don't have keys they got cards you just put the card in oral amount of space some type of synthetic material in the seats I got to say they're pretty comfortable and that sunroof it's opaque so you're not going to get too hot back there and it is rather large at least they put the turn signals here now so we don't have to push anything out here for the turn signals that's left and so when you go left it's showing what's to the left and when you show right there's the right side so you get a good view you can get a full view by pushing the button on the steering column the front there's my garage it's extremely high resolution I'll give them that you want to open the glove box well you got to tap this to open it tap it to to close kind of Overkill if you me you can make it comfort you can make it sport you can make it Offroad well I wanted sport you can even engage rear locking differential got 58% charge it's limited at 80% cuz they don't want to overcharge them shows you the last time it was paid $264 you can use your tips on how to supercharge them arve with 20% battery or less you want to find one just push a button while you're going to the supercharger you can precondition it no you got to be a computer where to get this thing going there's no gear shift or anything so here's what you got to do now it's kind of confusing but when you finally fit the right spot here then your gears come up it's up here dumb place if you ask me but we're in Reverse now you got a backup camera and you got side camera it's got a good view the tailgate open so forget that you go back into park there you touch it it's invisible until you touch it what you touch something else the things pop up magically whatever well we finally figured out how to get it in reverse no this is a brand new vehicle listen that the steering is already making horrible noises put it back and drive kind of weird having it up there but here we go with the weird steering wheel I'm flying a plane I'm not driving a car right over the hump and we're off certainly high enough up in a now I guess they're really going for the uh kind of weird triangular shapes cuz even the mirrors are but with regena of braking watch this okay we're going 15 miles when you let go man it comes to a stop you have to get used to driving this thing you can turn those things off if you want but it's rather bizarre and this little steering wheel takes a while cuz it really more or less really over steers you turn it a little bit and it turns a lot it is electronic power steering and on these Road Island bumps it's not doing too good you can feel every bump we're going up the hill and slows on by itself now we don't have to worry about traction it is all-wheel drive it's a basic model so it's got a motor in the front and the back the fancy one has three motors this has two everyone's coming everywhere stopping so I can't get by them they're looking at this thing it does attract the crowd I'll say that much here comes a weird truck even he's looking at it all right and let's see what this thing can do it is wicked fast there's no arguing that this thing is wicked fast you drive wicked fast you won't be driving all that far this thing supposedly can toll 11,000 lb but I've read people tow it 11,000 lb and they got about 70 Mi and they ran out of electricity got the turn signal going left little cameras on so we can see where we're going I'd rather look ahead though than at the camera myself then it switched to the backwards to see what's behind me now we're going to go up the hill there's people in front of us so we'll go slow we'll see what it does going uphill it is like a roller coaster it's wicked fast there's no arguing that blows down wicked fast too with his foot off the gas again we stop on the gas it's just like a roller coaster kind of sounds like a roller coaster all I got to say it's a a good thing this thing is speed limited to like 113 mph it is too fast for its own good the turn signal you got to get used to it's over there instead of on the stalk everything on these vehicles is hiding in a weird place you got to get totally used to it it's not normal isn't very accurate cuz it says the speed limit is 30 but speed limit here is actually 20 so it's giving wrong information the software and the navigation data isn't that accurate so now we come to a stop I got to say the steering's weird see it doesn't go that far because of its Yol design so it has a tendency of over steering and it makes a lot of noise too it's not the quietest system in the world and of course this is stainless steel and we all know what happens in stainless steel fingerprints are everywhere look even my Knuckles made fingerprints you're going to have to be cleaning this thing every 10 seconds or it's going to look like a dirty refrigerator the Rolodex toop that's just it's such a bizarre CL there lot of things aren't going to fit in it we'll climb inside and take a look I said weird shape to Star stuff and really help I'm being eaten by a cyber truck help I feel like I'm inside a Rolodex now we got a frunk here but really where's the headlights let's go back inside and see if we can figure that out like I said in the video I made about the Volvo years ago the electric Volvo I liked it cuz it had a regular gear shift turn signal stocks drove like a regular car the panel was in front this you're always looking over here you're taking your eye off the road I don't think it's a very smart idea but let's see if we can figure out how to turn the headlights on here we go controls headlights now that says they're on let's see what they look like there they are they're on tiny little things now it's not dark now I'm assuming they put on bright but you know what this whole thing reminds me of now it's not flashing to me but it's flashing on the computer but the lights themselves look to me like the super computer from The Hitcher Guide to the Galaxy the Hollywood movie that was made of life right and that's what this looks like the computer it is the weirdest looking thing I'm assuming this puts out enough light so you can see what you're going through but just weird looking as you can see it really looks weird so if you see some weird thing like this behind you on the highway I don't even know how legally this thing could be driven to tell you the truth because they used to have laws about the size of headlights and where they're supposed to shine but I mean this looks like somebody just stuck something on as an add-on cute you can name your vehicle you can give it a name if you like a dark screen just like hiters gu of the Galaxy you can have the black spaceship with black controls so you can't see anything now you can play around with these things all you want you can mess with the steering adjust the steering wheel up down in out it's all adjustable I just find it has a tendency to over steering it's got such a short turning radius it's you got to get used to that few glitches here and there to say the least on a brand new vehicle It's a Good Charity they're selling raffle tickets for this thing for 100 bucks a piece discounts if you buy more you can check it below on the links that we're given for that it's a good charity you know they're helping out poor people at Chicago I'll buy some tickets I think it's a good idea now I would never pay 80 something, for this and that's the list price they're going for well over 100 I looked up some used ones are going for $169,000 people have lost their minds but if you can buy a ticket for 100 bucks and you won this thing hey You' be laughing instead of crying there you have it a Tesla cyber truck well I mean it'll be a nice toy for a kid maybe it'll move it too big for them but as an actual work truck hey let's face it forget it if you pull 11,000 lb you're lucky if you're going to get 65 70 mil in this thing then what are you going to do keep charging it up charging it up I met a guy who did that he went from Rhode Island to Maine it isn't that far he had to recharge the thing seven times on that small trip because he was thring a trailer and that wasn't a big trailer either his trailer might have been 55 6,500 lb nowhere near what the full weight is it's not a work truck it's a strange future idea of a truck that for some reason has finally been built and people have bought them they waited years to guy who bought this waited 5 years on a waiting list he finally got it right but hey all that money and all that waiting to me I could think of better things to do with my time and money but I do have to say as that famous man said I got a lot more than one laugh out of this so my day has not been wasted so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music] la
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 1,219,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, are tesla cars reliable, are tesla's reliable, are tesla's worth it, buying a car, buying a tesla, buying a tesla model 3, car advice, don't buy a used tesla, electric car, is tesla reliable, is tesla worth it, should i buy a tesla, tesla, tesla car, tesla car review, tesla motors, tesla review, tesla cybertruck, tesla cybertruck review, cybertruck, truck, trucks, cyber
Id: D5EaymbSWyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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