2020 VS 2021 Tesla Model Y Interior and Exterior Differences

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i think you there you go and you tap it and it closes on its own so i've never done that before but that's that is so much more solid exciting video today we have a 2021 tesla model y owner that reached out to me exact same spec as mine and we're going to look over the differences of the car variants to see things like the thicker glass has anything changed on the inside how is the build quality everything like that is going to be answered in this video he just took delivery yesterday so i'm really excited to see the new model and show you guys what the differences are and hopefully it's improved since i purchased mine okay so here we are we have the actually i'll let you guys get which one do you think is the 2020 and 2021 model which one there's a slight secret i will show you you'll notice that my hood still dips down even though i took it to tesla service for 2021 they've actually fixed it this hood and everything sits totally flush paint looks great i have gary here so gary saw some of my videos before he went and purchased his and actually switched to get the exact same spec which i have no problem with i love seeing the spec on the road i think it looks amazing we were just talking about this off camera it's like the most striking spec i think that you can get your y in so he got the upgraded wheels he got the new uh you got the white interior just like i have and you can actually see the difference here i have my windshield tinted is a 70 and you can see it's just slightly darker here so we're going to walk through i'm going to show you the differences on the exterior the interior show you the heated steering wheel and all the different nuances on the new car so that way you can see what you're getting and the interior actually looks beautiful so i'm excited to show you that we'll start with the front of the car here i do have mine totally uh covered in expel paint protection film i've got that done at dynamic tint in tempe i actually had my badge removed and it is just a decal now which i really like a lot of times if you try to get your chrome badge covered up it never turns out well so that's why i like the idea of just going to a decal it's flat if it rips or tears or whatever over time just throw a new one on now on to every tesla owner's favorite topic these are cars are amazing but we all like to talk about panel gaps so these panels are sitting very nicely and evenly maybe a little tight right there but overall the car looks great now gary did his initial walk through with it and he looked at all the gaps he walked through twice and actually today he could i guess you could take it back if you wanted to you got 24 hours if he wants to take it back to elon and return it he can he's obviously not it looks amazing in the spec i mean they're just getting better at making them and i'm really happy to see that a lot of you ask about the paint on the bumpers paint on bumpers i feel like maybe some people some of you haven't owned cars before i don't know why everyone freaks out about this i had a ford focus st before i had my tesla and sometimes on the plastics the paint just doesn't sit as well it looks a different shade now is that an excuse no i have my m2 there the paints are perfect all around but on this one i i really don't see a difference now on mine now looking at these two side by side his is clean it's brand new mine i just cleaned yesterday this this is metal this is plastic and you can see a slight difference in shade i think on mine there is a slight difference there but again it's something you really have to be looking for not a big deal for me if that's a big deal for you then i guess keep waiting but these new models this looks better so i i really have a hard time seeing the difference uh between the two all right so as we're standing here talking more and more we just keep finding differences so this is the first reporting of this in the world here is the 2021 uh windshield wiper and this is where this blue spray comes out now so there's two there so we'll go over to mine and you can see that there's only one of those so that's another nuance to the car that we just noticed also the headlights they are slightly different in the 21 model y and then here's mine here what are these called again the headlights the matrix headlights yeah so they're slightly different on the newer model it also almost looks like they're tinted in a way mine don't look quite the same another complaint with the 2020 model y the initial version was the road noise so in order to handle that tesla put thicker glass on the newer model so we'll take a look at this glass here this is the single pane and then if we go right over to the new one it's double paned so you can see how that would improve the sound deadening within the cabin and i think that is an awesome upgrade since we're already looking at the interior of the car let's just dive in there are slight differences in the finish on a lot of the black trim you see how this is a matte black here on my tesla it is a that piano black that everyone tried to get rid of with wrapping moreover there is these buttons here where they have this lighter gray trim around them on the out just to give make them pop a little bit more so you notice them and then within the center console now this is interesting the these middle parts show these rings here and i thought maybe these would be uh maybe they're heated or cooled but there's nothing that says anything about that so as far as we know they're not heated or cooled it's just a design that they put in it's the new matte finish interior and you can see this here you just push it back and there you go and it's actually i think you there you go and you tap it and it closes on its own so i've never done that before but that's that is so much more solid than how it was before and then you can see the double charging phone port i mean this is beautiful alcantara here and your phone lays nicely in there if you don't have a case on your phone it's not going to rattle around or scratch it so it looks really nice and then on to the steering wheel again just some gray and silver updates highlights just to show you different parts of the wheel which i don't know if that was necessary but it does flow better with the rest of the updates they've done with the car other than that i mean it's my car it's the same thing it has the white seats they look the same one other difference that i just noticed here here's my car if you're getting confused going back and forth so you'll notice notice this leather or vegan leather whatever vegetarian leather we have here has the stitching and then right here is it's not a hard plastic it's a soft plastic so moving over to the 2021 model you will be happy to see that this is the same material and it has the stitching to go along with it so i i'm really happy and impressed to see uh how this is all how it has all evolved and come together i'm just happy to see that the build quality is improving over time also if you're on a tighter budget and really every dollar counts with you on my way over here i saw uh one of the new model y's with the 19 inch wheels now do these wheels weigh a little bit more yes are they going to run it a little bit more inefficiently maybe i don't know that i've seen any proof of that but the wheels with the hubcaps they're actually when you pull the hubcap off i think they look pretty good i think the car looks solid so if you're worried about ride quality or range or anything like that or just saving the two thousand dollars it costs for that option i think you're going to be totally happy with it in the long run you can always upgrade to these after the fact now the other thing that was interesting that gary and i were talking about is you came from a model three i did so early yes early i mean he was talking like he went to elon's basement and he said here this is the 15th one ever made what i like is you sold it privately i did and and you said you sold it within an hour and a half uh facebook post made a mistake by posting it there because i had six offers within the first hour sold cash buyer went through a couple days ago no issues yeah for you know an hour and 24 minutes yeah so and that's definitely the way to go the way tesla has it set up yes it's convenient they'll take your car without looking at it and and put up to auction but tesla's not looking to sell the cars they're looking to get rid of them so selling it privately if you do have a tesla it's going to sell quickly and you'll probably get what you're asking for it and honestly it was 10 minutes at the dmv yeah that was it it was done it was not a hard process anymore yeah and that's he saved himself thousands of dollars that he could put toward this yeah yeah that's a lot of money that's money that you can put toward those upgrades that maybe you wanted and thought it was a little too much i just think it's worth doing that it was good to hear that story especially owning a tesla there's just demand for them so they're not going to lose a lot of value and you're going to be able to sell it quickly that's pretty much the update here i guess we can take a look at the trunk long range model it comes like this i was given this spoiler so i'm pretty sure this is a model 3 performance spoiler it is from tesla unfortunately i don't a lot of people have asked how to get it like i was given it was given to me by tyler and i i don't know i got nothing for you uh we'll open up the trunk here little b on the tesla hello mr b uh yeah so this is what the trunk looks like without any coverings on it uh so it is a really nice material i just with all the stuff i was putting in and out of my car i got these from 3d mats they sent them to me and i think this is a really nice option if you're going to be lugging a lot of stuff around especially down in there as well the other nice thing is when these peel up they don't fray uh the material underneath so that was like a key selling point i'm really happy that they created this stuff so new model y is here things are improving build quality is improving paint's improving everything is going up including the stock price after the hit it just took that's about all i just wanted gary thank you for having me over and letting me see this because it is uh it is cool just to see how they slightly change all of these um over time and yeah i mean to any of you who are out there and concerned about is this something that i should buy or what's the quality like it's improving so it's looking better i think every single day i'm sure they're looking at the forums and seeing the complaints and uh they're just improving it okay so another uh interesting thing we just noticed here it just just introduced me to this ghost feature which i'm happy my car does not have okay so listen right now it's totally silent okay so now we're gonna go into reverse do you hear that it's like the first note in the haunted mansion ride when you're going in in disneyland very weird and apparently and listen to the pitch okay yeah that is weird it's like a note that's just playing it's a note and if you go backwards the higher you go the higher the pitch it's annoying yeah that's and if you have the windows open it's louder right it almost sounds like it's outside of the cars it does feel like that that's weird quiet off there you go it's off i'll go forward no problem yeah back then the ghost is back that is weird yeah i don't know you guys have to let me know what you think about that feature which one you installed that free casper in every car yeah the question you have to be asking yourself if you own a 2020 model why is is this enough to get you to want to upgrade the answer for me is no the reason for that is because of the range if the range was substantially more if it was 400 miles and it's like okay that's a significant difference it would probably be a little bit quicker i'd be more enticed to upgrade but as of right now it's it's morally it's more aesthetic i think we talked about that you said the battery might be slightly different than yours might be a little couple kilowatts bigger but yeah because of how they're wrapping them and again i'm not the guy to go to for information on batteries i'm terrible that's my understanding that's why they're able to get 326 miles as opposed to 316 miles of range out of the new ones the other thing to talk about gary was very concerned about body roll again coming from a model 3 to this so i'll just let you speak to that because i've never owned a model three i have driven it but owning it extensively where your thoughts can only do so much research online about you know is it really gonna feel the same and everybody says well you're sitting higher right center of gravity's off a little yeah the center of gravity is still way below you because of the battery yeah being so low right and there's no way that you know i can still floor it i can still corner it like a tesla yeah it's a tesla at the end of the day and now i can fit all my disc ball stuff in it which is great and not have to worry about anything yeah that was the big reason for the upgrade and honestly my number one concern was the body roll right drive it like a performance car yeah no question anybody out there who has the same question don't worry you'll be able to take the corners just as hard right and you'll get used to it you'll you'll forget like you're right though sitting in a three is like a go-kart i mean you're just so low you can just throw it wherever you need to but again then the space in this this is just as fast if not faster i guess you had an earlier one i did this one is faster it is faster yeah i think those concerns again having the immediate throttle response and everything like that they're very fun to drive i have an m2 i know it's not electric car but again this is i haven't lined them up yet i'm kind of scared to do that but i'm gonna do it and it's extremely fast and there's very few people on the road that can even uh hang with you and i don't even have the acceleration boost as far as it being a performance oriented car look if you want to get a porsche macan which is one i always talk about to get them a con that is as fast as this is going to cost you almost 90 000 and it's still a tenth of a second slower to 60. and again all the conditions have to be right you have to have the engine up to temperature you have to have all these things to get it there and you're spending almost a hundred thousand dollars where this would cost you could get a performance model y and that is going to cost you about sixty thousand dollars and it's faster than any porsche macan you can get and it has more storage and it handles better it's tough to argue unless you're just driving an absurd amount of distance over time and you can't have an electric car that's the only argument really that you could have put any questions you have down in the comments below i'll be happy to get back to as many as i can going through the differences but i hope we covered enough for you guys today gary again thanks for having me out to see this looks beautiful and all the yeah i mean just the build quality going up is is nice to see because i i'm so sick of seeing like the bar was set low without it i honestly i have one little scratch right i brought the where is the little scratch let's where is it at that is a scratch right in there oh yeah i'm not sure what they can do but honestly i brought the model 3 back three times for panel alignment like major issues and this is the only issue i have here so yeah i mean and and like we said we were talking off camera a lot of the issues on the yes there are absolutely some major issues that have been reported online in various places for the most part if this was a mercedes or a porsche or bmw or whatever you wouldn't be looking at these things because it's not something that's widely reported people were just like oh i got my bmw and now i'm going home and that's it i think a lot of it is overdone but some of it you know here it's an expensive car and these type of things should be handled appropriately so and then we are he i guess he just ordered these new uh mudflaps the thin ones yeah so i'm ordering those two uh but they kept they kept selling out right away so i guess they're back in stock so i'm gonna get those orders and it's kind of chintzy now so one thing is yeah right you have to oh yeah for your connectivity yeah right instead of it being free forever yeah but that kicks in only after a year yeah there's no like immediate thing right but you pretty much have to clear coat it you have to put a clear bra on it yep right just i would recommend it for everybody yeah the trays yeah the trays here let me show you guys let me show you what gary's not allowed to have so in the center console here there's this tray this right here this piece of plastic with uh i don't know stuff that is that black stuff this is 20 and his does not come with that they sell it they have them they sell it that's an extra expense so he cannot have that until he gives them 20 extra dollars which is ridiculous well and then the home like 300 bucks yeah yeah home link if you're not familiar is uh the garage opener order ahead of time and just have it in the car when you pick it up okay you have to purposely order it separately and you have to go to test the service to have it installed oh geez well officially so it's another inconvenient step and you know elon said well it's going to move the wi-fi anyway i have wi-fi yeah so yeah no that's i agree i mean just to something as simple as having like on any other car if you just had the buttons right here or anywhere to click the button and open up your garage doesn't make any sense but um it is what it is so i hope that video was helpful to you guys two cars just slammed into one another behind me here it's like they're paving single lane and it just rained and the car i mean i thought i got hit they slammed in it's pretty nasty sound anyways i hope that was a helpful video to you all i know i jumped around with different nuances of the cars and i'm sure there's some tiny things that i missed yeah overall i mean the upgrades that they've made are great again to me i just don't think it's enough yet really for me the more important thing is the range i love the interior of this car as it is it would be nice to have the double pane windows but i think it's only about five decibel difference uh between sound on the interior if you're able to tell that that's extremely impressive by you congratulations but i think it's more than you know i don't understand how these cars are compared to a bmw or mercedes i don't understand why they're so much quieter uh the engineering behind what's behind all these panels i don't understand it i don't build the cars i don't know i just make stupid videos thank you all for watching if you're still with me here i would really appreciate a like on the video that helps me the most with the algorithm watching the videos all the way through and alike it's all i can ask for it's free too that's the best part thank you for watching i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Gjeebs
Views: 401,933
Rating: 4.9068947 out of 5
Id: yYNcN2F590Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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