Tesla Model S Plaid Motor EXTRAVAGANZA!!

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

How cool that beyond the carbon sleeve, they're packaging the rotor in a new way that allows 20% more torque and 20% more power in the same footprint.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/asimo3089 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone care to explain this to a pleb like me? I can obviously tell his reaction is extremely positive but what are we talking about: just really well designed, better than previous versions, or is this like some kind of game changer? I know nothing about motors unfortunately. Are other companies going to be able to make equivalent motors?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ClassyLungs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pornhub is down, this will do

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Idonotpiratesoftware πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

It was all great and very interesting but am quite disappointed at Sandy's take towards the carbon wrap not noting the purpose of it that has been specified loads and instead suggesting s change that goes against the entire purpose of the part

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hypervortex21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gank_me_plz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I disagree on how he thinks a knitted carbon sleeve would be better. Carbon fiber’s main strength is tensile force it can withstand. And very high modulus strength. The winding is only going to experience one directional force. Tesla is not wasting any resource (material, weight) into something that is not going to make any difference. Knitting a kit will make it cheaper for Tesla to install but it will not be as uniform as they got now. When you are spinning at such high speeds, I wouldn’t trust a knitted kit because of vibrations from the very slight weight imbalance will magnify and create more stress on the bearing. This is the reason why the carbon tows are straight and not skewed like traditional winders as Munro suggested. I bet there’s no resonance at max rpm and is smooth as butter.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Miffers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey boys and girls uh today is uh motor day and uh what we're going to do is we're going to start off with the inverter this is one of the motors off the tesla model s plaid this is the inverter let's take this off and let's look at this this like the sign says is the model 3 front this is the model y front this is the model 3 rear and this is the model y rear now for those of you who aren't engineers this is good engineering this is forward and backward compatible this is what i like to see when i see products manufactured and designed and put in the hands of the people who are going to basically live with this because quite frankly every one of them can take the same inverter package this by the way i'm going to show you right now has a little note on it as soon as i find it right there model 3. the other ones will say model 3 as well because this is the standard that they have inside their organization and because this this board is so advanced it's going to be around for a long time all they have to do is modify some of these chips but at the end of the day this is a really good design let's go and look at the rest of the motor so before we get started let's zoom zero in on this a little bit this is the board that came off of the model y you'll notice that the insignia where it says model 3 right there is in a different location the model 3 board and the model y board are very very very similar only a few components change if we look at the difference between what we saw over on the other on the other inverter versus versus this inverter you can see that there are things that are in different locations but a lot of it looks identical to the average person like you can see there's a couple of capacitors there that aren't here these boards are very very similar and and they're made to be modified a little bit so that uh so that tesla can upgrade over the uh over the time that that the the product will be in the marketplace and if you look you can see this is one of the other inverters and you can see that apart from oops wrong one this is one of the other inverters that's from uh from the from the model from the from the plaid and you can see that they're identical these are identical regardless of whether it's a front motor a rear motor it doesn't matter it's identical so with that let's talk about a little bit about uh the the motors and the casings themselves so ben's with me so i don't screw up and um and we're gonna talk a little bit about the integration of these two motors and we've got them sitting right in front of us uh ben why don't you jump in and uh all right yeah you can do that thanks sandy yeah so we have the rear motor assembly that's sitting at the front side of the table right now they have two motors and two inverters that are all connected into into one housing assembly so when it gets mounted into the vehicle it's going in as one unit the gearbox housing has been integrated into the stator housing so that this is now one piece they share a common gearbox housing on the inner side which allows them to make this a very compact unit there are two different oil pumps on the two different stators to keep both of them cool then there's another oil pump that's located in this mid center casting what we can do here is maybe show off the filter the cooler and and one of those pumps in here this is the front motor that we've taken out we have the oil filter which there is just one oil filter on the rear two motor assembly as well so one oil filter up for front they have one heat pump and then the heat exchanger the i said i said heat pump i meant oil pump i'm sorry they have one oil pump up front and one heat exchanger so each motor on the rear has a the same pump and the uh the same heat exchanger you know one of the things that that we noticed that we really like is if we look at the the way the housing is put together you've got a bolt that comes in from this direction passes through that section and then bolts into into the the rear housing for the stator this is a really good way of making things happen because in order to make bolts work really well you have to torque them and then put them into yield so you actually stretch the bolt so it turns into a spring this this arrangement here having everything coming through in one direction and not having a bolt coming here and then tying into that center section or from there and into the center section that's a really good idea bolt stretch is really important especially on aluminum products so we were really happy to see uh some see what's going on with that yup and one other thing that they did integrate here is they don't have a differential on the rear they have the two motors so they're doing torque vectoring each motor is driving one of the rear wheels it's not like the front where there is a differential in here so that they're able to drive both of the wheels and you don't get any skid when you're going around the corner any chirping of your wheels they are using the same oil in these that they were using in the 3 and y as well so it's going down their production line they don't have something else they have to pump into these it's getting the same the same oil and then they did change the gear ratio on these they've lowered them a little bit the model s has a 7.54 to 1 gear ratio when the model y it was at nine 8.996 to one so it's it's been reduced quite a bit so let's look at one other thing that i uh i was surprised to see happily surprised to see and that's over here yeah i just didn't want to run over the tools here there we are this is a this right here is a mirror finish um there are a lot of ways of making that happen but the best way is something called roller burnishing and that's what i think is going on here now this is where the bearings fit and bearings have to have a very accurate and precise uh hole to be pushed into this roller burnishing is um if that's what it is and i think it is this is a fabulous way of putting putting bearings into a housing this will tell me this will give me a dead accurate diameter to shove those bearings in and the bearings like it when they're pressed in and they want to be just the right snugness in order to make this work this is a something i haven't seen uh i haven't seen usually the only time you see this is a like in brake components like the the master cylinder is done using roller burnishes because it it gives you it compresses the uh it compresses all of the tool marks and whatnot flattens it out and makes it so that it's actually forged cold forged to uh to give you this surface and it's really really something i really really am impressed with this so all right we'll take a look at a couple of other things that we have here in the housing we're gonna look where the inverter mounts into the housing next so we have this cast in feature here that is for the bleed resistor that is on the inverter so that's a heat sink so it's using some of the cooling that's inside the motor that's cooling the stator to help cool the inverter as well and then one other thing that they've done with this unit that tesla hasn't done before is they are now side mounting their inverter which means you have the stator that's right here typically they mount on the end of this and kind of a cap but because of their width constraints because they have two motors that are next to each other they've had to move their inverter to the side um and one of the penalties from that you can see this piece here is still in that is where the inverter will connect to this bus bar and this bus bar this is the other side so it's not going to sit in here the same way but this bus bar is going to go and connect to your stator the leads that they have on their stator typically connect straight to their inverter when you're able to end mount the inverter so they've had to add a piece but they kept the same inverter and the same inverter housing so it is it's a decision that they made to keep a common common component that's complex and just bring in a simple bus bar the one thing we also noticed was the gasketing there's no there's no rtv on anything uh for for this product all of them are our laminated gaskets so these are our gaskets that these are the premium gaskets you'll notice that that they've got both a metallic part in this case aluminum and and then gasketing material and an o-ring type of gasket or a half-o-ring kind of gasket that's molded on top we used to call this vulcanized in place i'm not sure what they're calling it now but but this this is uh like i say the premium way of doing it and the reason for that is because when i screw these bolts together i want to have them into yield that means that there's tremendous amount of force if i use an ordinary gasketing material it's going to flatten it out with this i will flatten the the gasketing material but this is going to act as a as a little bit of a shim to make sure that i don't crush it too much so that uh so that it it becomes ineffective if if you flatten uh just an ordinary seal it'll um it'll leak eventually so this is a really good gasket really kind of expensive but a very good gasket for the life of the product this is the gear million mile kind of gasket okay and then we're going to jump onto the stator to talk a little bit next the stators that they're using are the same ones out of the model y again tesla has gone with reusing components everywhere that they can so this is something that they're taking they're already producing hundreds of thousands a year and they're putting them into this vehicle it's a coil wound stator as you can see it's a three-phase stator they are again cooling through the channels in their laminates that are here and they are using using paper slot liners on the inside again very similar or the very same thing as the model y so it's things we've seen before and then they have a cooling ring that goes on top of this so this is where the oil would be pumped through to go through the channels in here to help cool the stator the same design and same architecture that they've had in their model 3 and model y motors all right and then this stator when it goes to get pressed in they they heat press this into place so they will cool the stator some they'll heat up the aluminum housing so the aluminum grows this will shrink a little bit put it in place then when they go to the same temperature it's a very tight fit to be able to get these out we have to cut the stator housing so it's it's effectively held in place without any fasteners it's not gonna it's not gonna go anywhere so right now what we see here is um the standard wound type of stator however at the end of the program we're going to talk or show you a little bit of something that we got from someone i don't know who but somebody sent us a little picture and um this is a totally different departure or a yeah a departure from the standard way that that tesla's been doing things and we'll give you a sneak peek at that right at the end of the program so now we've gotten through basically the housings the inverter the stator the cooling systems and whatnot let's move over here to the rotor and um i think the first thing that i want to do is give you an idea of something that uh really really surprised me um this this uh this is the rotor and you can see that it's got a wrap on it the wrap is um is made out of uh out of uh carbon fiber and um this is what we would call a winding it it's just uh a bobbin basically and it gets uh covered with carbon fiber and epoxy it's a prepreg i'm sure and um and when it's done it's done now um that's something we've never seen before and that that's kind of amazing but then we put the green paper on here and that is not what i was expecting to see if you remember before i was telling you that all of the different laminates are slightly skewed so that you don't get pulsing this one is uh is doing something magic this is not skewed this is in line and uh and i've driven that car quite a bit and i detected no pulse whatsoever i'm astounded i guess it'd be the right word i i've never seen anything like this before uh on a on a high speed high power motor and i think it's because tesla's invented some new physics or something the one thing on here that i would suggest because i look at this and i uh this isn't my this would not be my first choice i like the idea of the carbon fiber but i don't like the the winding but we worked with a company that that made the machines that make sweaters socks dresses and and that machine uh could knit um a winding if i was tesla i think i'd i'd probably go with that because i could take that carbon fiber then i could slide it over this will give you unidirectional you know this works only in one direction whereas if i had a knitted or a woven blanket that goes over the top of this i would get a lot stronger a much much stronger component so i like the idea of this being carbon fiber but i think that i think that there's a better way to get the job done the next thing that's kind of interesting is the laminates themselves now i've never seen anything that looks like that and these components here are a little different you can see the magnets go in between here and um and then you've got an end cap that holds it in place then you wind it with the with the carbon fiber i've never seen anything like this before and and so consequently what you're looking at and what we're looking at here is here's your laminates on the shaft here's the magnets by the way these magnets were all glued together they they don't come in little sections like this they come in a long bar and the this long bar goes into the laminates and basically they're held by these little cleats see these little tiny these little tiny cleats here that's what holds it in place now the the standard way of making a laminate case or the the traditional way that they've been using is by using mechanical stapling and you can see the little dimples here on this side and the little projections on this side and that's kind of like stapling them together to make a like a solid component and that solid component even though it's a whole bunch of how many laminates did you say there was there are 529 laminates in each motor and that's a lot so the the statistics uh the the statistics on this are a little bit different than what we've seen in the past i've i've never seen anything quite like this we know that what they're going to do is they're going to press on the the laminates in one lump and then they're going to take these long magnets but they're not magnetized yet but anyway they'll take one these long magnets and put them in place i'm not sure how they uh they do what they do to make this work because they don't touch but maybe what they do is magnetize these and then drop these in place i'm not sure all i know is that what we're looking in the way of gauss equipment or sorry the the goss of this is uh phenomenal in comparison to uh in comparison to the model 3 or the or the model y and we're just finding out now so ben is finding out how how sticky the magnets are so anyway i'm going to turn it over to him so uh so anyway why don't you uh fill us in on all right so we'll take another look at what sandy was just looking at here with this rotor that we've partially put back together so we have two magnets in here we have our inner laminates that we've built in and then we've got these bridges that go on the top we're just gonna put this in so you can kind of see what it looks like when it's all together hopefully these stay kind of close to each other so we can show you what's here we'll pull the laminates apart a little bit my tool gets stuck as well but you can see that these are in here they don't touch on the outside here so they've removed that bridge that is on a normal normal laminate stack and that has allowed them to get much better power and torque from this rotor so they are they've patented this and they're claiming in the patent that they're actually getting a 25 increase in peak torque and peak power because of building their laminate stack this way and using using these to remove using these pieces to remove the bridge that was here so that's uh then they've also these magnets we set it during the maki video but these magnets are super strong again so we're gonna do a test we've grabbed some of our different magnets here in a little bit we're going to walk to the back and do a pull test to see how strong these magnets actually are give you guys some numbers more than just us saying this is really strong so we'll be doing that in a second and then is there anything actually yeah while we're on this um uh corey uh wants me to do the big sale so all right anyhow um we have a very limited number of these laminates obviously and uh and what we're going to do is we're going to be selling these they'll be online and like i said these are really unique i'm expecting that there's going to be a few people from the oems and people who make magnets that are sorry motors i should say that are going to be interested in in the laminates and maybe the and maybe the keepers as well but at the end of the day these will be up for sale shortly um i'm not in charge i'm not sure of any of that stuff all i can tell you is that corey wants me to let everybody know that we're going to be selling these oops and now what do we what are we on to next now we are going to hop back over uh to the inverter and something something that is new in this inverter sandy showed you kind of the highlights before but there is now a uh explosive charge with a couple of plungers here that are used to break these bus bars so we're going to go through we're going to set this up we've rigged up a test equipment and we're going to run this to see how see what it looks like so we will be setting that up right now you can see this is out of the model y the change in the bus bars these were solid bus bars on the outside the model s if you come over you can see that they are they have been shaped to allow them to break and so that will break this plunger will break the inner piece of the bus bar and then there is a fuse that connects the outer part so this fuse will pop once all the power is being ran through the outer portion so this is a third fourth fifth fail safe that tesla has installed to be able to cut power to the motors they have different safety features inside the battery inside the battery management system now they're adding another step in the inverter to physically cut power in in whatever situation they need to do that in so we're going to set this up we're going to set up some cameras and we'll hop behind the wall and we'll we'll pop this and see how it goes stay tuned okay so we're almost ready to try this out um these types of um explosive fuses are a little more exciting than uh than just having um you know something turned black so um we're going to uh we're going to ignite this and you're going to get a chance to see it but not with anybody else in the picture certainly not me anyway and you'll see that i've got the stator sitting on top of it that's there for a reason we're pretty sure that this is going to pop around so i'm going to get out of the way anyway here it comes three two one oh that was a big nothing ah you're kidding i was hoping for a lot more than that oh but you you can see how this thing is blown out and you can see it's bright it's it's uh basically broken the um broken the uh what do you call it the the bridge um i thought i thought it'd be a lot more dramatic we didn't need this we could have could have just um just let it sit on the table which is probably a good idea because i don't want a heck of i don't want to have a lot of stuff ruined on the circuit board if uh if there was some kind of accident or something i guess i'd want to i'd want to be able to to identify what's gone right and wrong at least maybe on that board so this is kind of a cool idea but it's a lot less than what i was anticipating as far as power is concerned yep so anyway there you go and now ben is going to talk to you a little bit about pulling uh uh sorry lifting lifting magnets with or lifting weights with magnets anyway uh stay tuned for that all right so we've completed all of our magnet testing i'm going to walk you guys through how we did that real quick here and then we'll show you some results so what we have is a force gauge that we used we mocked up a a bolt on a wire so that we can pull this is what's going to stick to the magnet we're going to pull this off of the magnet we took a another large piece of steel that we have which is our forklift tine we marked an area here we put the magnet on it so we can use the same piece of the forklift each time and all we did was take the the bolt connect it to the magnet and then we turned on our our gauge we used our peak peak value put it in the loop and we pulled it off so this would have came out at 140 newtons of force so we did this 10 times for each of the magnets we used the bmw i3 we chose one because that was the first electric vehicle the motor that we have in-house so it's the oldest one that we have we used a tesla model y we also did the mach e rear motor as well as the model s and as you can see the model s does have the strongest force to pull this this bolt off of the magnet and that's just what we mean by this is a strong magnet it's just a very anecdotal test as we get anecdotal feelings we do send all of these magnets out to get their goss ratings and that is available in our motor reports and that's more what kind of number you would use if you're designing a magnet designing a motor okay well that's our little motor demonstration here thanks for watching um stay tuned for corey's announcement on how much those laminates are go for and uh stay tuned we're gonna show you quite a bit more this this car is full of surprises thanks for watching again bye now you
Channel: Munro Live
Views: 745,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EV, BEV, Sandy Munro, Munro, Electric Vehicle, Benchmarking, Electric, Insight, Lean Design, Design, Comparison, MunroLive, MunroLive.com, ElectricCars, Review, Car Review, 2021, Automotive, Automotive Review, Teardown Titan, 2022, Teardown, Plaid, Tesla, Model S, Tesla Model S Plaid, Elon Musk, Tear Down, Electric Car, IP, Screen, Adjustable, Hidden, Instrument Panel, motor, rotor, stator, laminate, gears, electric motor, inverter, model y
Id: 4lGVimLK58g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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