Tesla Model 3 v BYD Seal: DRAG RACE

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what will'll win in a drag race between a Tesla Model 3 and a byd seal well we're going to find out cuz I'm going to race them over the standing quarter mile I'm Matt Watson and you're watching carwow now let me tell you about this Tesla Model 3 the one I have here is the long range and it does have a long range according to Tesla with up to 420 M possible on a single charge that's thanks to the fact it's got a 75 k our battery and is pretty efficient by most electric car standards but we don't care about that today we care about the performance and even though this isn't the performance version of the model 3 it still packs 490 horsepower and 490 new meters of torque driving all four wheels via two electric motors one at the front one at the back and despite the fact it's got a decent Siz battery it's not that heavy for an electric car weighs in at 1,840 kilos it's also not that expensive for an electric car considering all the tech and the range you can get out of this car it costs £50,000 now let's find out about the new kid on the Block the build your dreams seal from a man who is always trying to build his dreams M are you building your dreams I am absolutely building my dreams what a great acronym this is I know and even better is the name of the car seal I need like a scar down here and I can build my dreams and then I'll be an amazing singer so you went for the singer I went for the animal so can you name another car that is named after a singer and I don't mean the singer 911s all right just wait for him no I keep thinking cougar but that's not working but I think of people who are cougars but no I can't think of any singer can you no can you think of another car that's named after an animal I can very quickly Mitsubishi cult cougar I already said it a cougar yeah well done yeah he should have gone with animal um another car named after an animal Shelby Cobra Mustang it's all Ford stuff isn't it can we name another car that isn't named after an animal that isn't a Ford no I can't any Lamborghini they're all named after balls any Lamborghini V12 a Diablo uh Aventador uh H I'm I'm not so convinced by this now um RTO was that a ball no I don't think it was I thought only Diablo was the type of ball wasn't it I think this is getting really boring should we move on and just get the stuts on your car so this is the byd seal it's oh my making noises by your face yeah but go on anyway okay so byd seal 530 horsepower powering all four wheels with dual electric motors single speed gearbox it weighs just over 2 tons starting price 48,000 have I missed anything oh torque it's it's got 670 Newton M anyway let's compare the car stats side by side cuz you've got more parent T but more weight mine's a Tesla so yeah actually you know what it's very hard to get the exact stats for a Tesla cuz they don't actually publish things like horsepower and torque so you have to TRW the internet and kind of make the best guess if anyone thinks that we've got these numbers completely wrong for the Tesla please let us know in the comments what you think the pound T figures are for this vehicle right before we race shall we do the obligatory car sound check so can you make a noise with your car Sam you should have chosen a seal noise not a cow noise try a seal noise woof woof woof woof a seal not a dog well see staffies are land seals so that's what I'm leaning towards and why they are the best breed in the world why don't you just sing a few lines from a seal song go on uh I can't think Kiss From A Rose I don't know the words all I think of is back man what are the words to that okay go on your phone now have a little listen on Spotify to a song by Seal and just sing the first few lines I don't want to okay right I'm just going to make a noise in my car then toy box boom box megaphone hello I'm going to make the sound of a [Applause] helicopter stop now stop copyright I want to do a a proper car sound all right let's get on with this race oh before we do if you haven't done so already and you like drag races make sure you're subscribed to this Channel and hit the Bell icon to turn your notifications on Miss a single upload h s I've got an idea actually I've just gone through my car settings and I've got a choice for the acceleration setting between standard and chill so you know what let's just do the first drag race with the cars in their most relaxed chill eco-friendly mode do you have an eco mode or something I have eco mode so I'll go and chill you go and Eco and we'll see what happens this won't count to the overall like race okay it's just a little bit of interest to see if there's much of a difference in these kind more boring sensible modes okay let's do that this whatever 2 one that is proper chill off the line no no proper chill come on what's it saying speed exceeded H doesn't feel quick at all already to start to a bad [Applause] day I'll tell you what for a car that has 500 horsepower that did not feel like 500 horsepower in any way shape or form no and this started shouting at me because I exceeded 50 m hour which probably has something to do with Eco Mode no it doesn't have anything to do with eco mode that's what that car does it loves to just shout about the speed limit you're going to get that in every single race we do and another thing that just happened I break ever so gently to pull up alongside you there and I got the hazard warning you know when like in fats and stuff when you smash the brakes you get the hazards on I I literally broke so broke break so gently the hazards came on great isn't it I love all that kind of stuff anyway that was clearcut and very slow but let's do it in proper acceleration mode now so if you got sport setting I don't have Spore I just have standard that is not one n to me by the way don't worry don't you worry your pretty little self about it oh it's fast that's a difference isn't it right I mean seriously oh yeah that feels better I've gone into standard mode W Long Live standard Mode God this is actually fast okay I'm a little bit worried now go on put your foot down oh oh this could be interesting ooh this is quick there is a delay though that's weird why would this possibly have a delay as if it's a kick down what is the point maybe it's just so they don't accidentally hit the pedal and go accelerating straight through your garage that's such a good point and it sort of probably goes with all the you know the beeps and bongs when you go over 50 m hour and like the hazards coming on when you just touch the brake pedal maybe it's just overly cautious and it needs to just relax a little bit it's definitely got the wrong person driving it hasn't it this is health and safety Madness I still can't break boost this that's really annoying I don't break boost this otherwise I get this error message both pedals pressed motor power reduced and we don't want motor power being reduced 3 2 one he yes come on [Applause] what no uh-oh is he coming no come on no come on come on come on no that was well close for all your light it doesn't like to launch and as a delay you were off the line like a scolded cat who scolds their cat by the way bad people and I want to find them all individually uh I thought you got a better launch than me who do you think crossed the line first it kills me to say it and I don't want to say it out loud but I think we all know I'm not even going to say it really cuz I think you did so you think I got a better launch than you and I think you got a better launch than me I think you cross the line first and you think I cross the line first this is journalism at its best isn't it well not just that it's kind of like we're the least competitive people this is so British no you go first no you won I feel a little bit like um Sterling M just like giving away the championship by going actually do you know what he didn't break track limit so he won and therefore I won't win the championship I'm Irish but you know I'm a polite Irish person so I'll go along with the British comment do you know what actually I did win I'm going to say it I won that yeah sorry about calling you British it must have been quite an insult yeah that's very British of me to just assume that everyone is British when they're not apologies okay so Sam the Umpire says that you won that last drag race I just want to check something right wait wait wait start line guys can you tell me who actually got the best launch last time me or Sam see if I got that right I'm trying to get some form of Victory even if my victory is suggesting that you actually did better than me it's honestly completely even question when you come off your brake pedal does the car go forwards no look off my brake pedal look maybe we race from here we' got to get our feet from here down to the accelerator but you can't do it until the hands come down I have to brake or my car goes forwards so I have to come off the brake without any kind of boosting that we try and do to get off the line quickly and then floor it so overall I'm doing much better than you there will be a thing in the menu to stop it doing that I'm pretty sure can someone who knows about cars going to help Sam it just took me 15 minutes to turn the heater on so if you think I'm going to be able to turn that off this position is making me want to go for a poo we're potty training Nate so maybe you and him can kind of work together Grace hasn't even been potty trained yet and she's two and a half my kid's super advanced one of you are going to pull a muscle doing this I'm the oldest I pull a muscle just by turning around nowadays so it'll be me okay so we've had an adult uh try and do it for me and you cannot turn it off so this will go forwards when I come off The Brak well it shows how much I know then maybe someone needs to come and help me with the Carfax too okay let's not do this I'd have probably injured myself anyway Let's Race properly two one ah not again [Music] he got a better launch though come on come on come on come on come on come on [Applause] that was you again wasn't it you got a better launch of me that time I don't know about that one we'll have to get an adult again to look at that but I think that might have been you where is this Deja Vu enam who won that Sam you're just the best insert karate kid music just there and that'll be nice for [Music] me so then what exactly happened well as you can see it's very close on the line but the slow motion action replay reveals that it was the byd that crossed the line first ahead of the Tesla however both cars recorded a standing quarter mile time of 12.6 seconds in case you're wondering when the cars were in eco mode the Tesla won that race it completed the standing quarter mile in 15.8 seconds whereas the byd took 16.4 seconds now let's have a rolling race from 30 mph get level Young Man 3 2 1 go to the half mile come on this is where you're quicker a look at that well over the speed limit you're quicker Tesla oh it is quicker that's just a little bit better on the old um initial of the launch 10 11 12 13 14 15 and I'm maxed out this one didn't it it certainly did so this up to 100 is very very fast and then up to 117 which is a limiter it's not very fast and there is a lot of drag in this car you can feel it you can also hear it through the glass roof all the little bits of air trying to come through gets quite noisy in here at speed yeah this has a limiter at 126 126 let it was quicker anyway let's just up the speed slightly cuz that was 30 let's do it from 50 see what happens then so you can win another race well we normally do like two rolling races right listen you won the drag races I didn't do any more I could have kept on going can we have another race can we have another race another race but I didn't cuz people in the comments go Matt always twist things so that he can win and to be fair I usually do I have a Pres for you by the way so I'm going to just when we pull up I'm going to run out and get it for you quickly okay it's not going to be a punch to my nose for Christmas is it no it's better better than a punch of nose is he going to be a sex doll I'm your only sex doll baby I want a sex doll for Christmas I don't I do but I don't really but if someone was to give me one I wouldn't be disappointed now I don't this this can't go in is just the editors never seem to just cut out such crap they just let it go in I don't know whe they're being vindictive or they're just rushing to get the edits out anyway let's see what Sam's got for me you always tell me to get level oh look at this it's I give you some rubbish sorry look at that it's a it's a spirit level cuz you always say get level that's the end of it now that's brilliant so what we'll do we'll use that to see if you're level okay okay let's do that okay let's go then get level we did it from 50 ready get level you level there we go that's good really level 3 2 1 [Applause] [Applause] go that wasn't much [Applause] better oh did hear that blind me when I hit the brakes really hard the suspension went clonk I hit the brakes like proper then and the brakes or I don't know the suspension went clunk I got a clunk as well I wonder if it's like the regen just getting overwhelmed I can smell my brakes now as well but it smells more motory than Breaky so it's a bit nerve-wracking this should we just like give the cars back quickly and not say a thing about it I think that's best it's particularly worrying cuz you know what we got to do now yeah can we do it from 117 just to see how long it takes no let's just do it from let's do it from 100 yeah yeah let's go I can really smell brakes now I think they're yours like coming across into mine do you want to just drive it there and let it cool down a bit let's cool down now before we do the brake test if you're thinking of buying an electric car and you want some help and advice and want to see what offers you can get on the electric cars and the various pricing to make sure you're paying a fair price just click on the pop out banner up there of the link in the description below to go to carwow okay you can look at all our reviews find out what's the best electric car and you can also see what prices are available on the cars you can even sell your current car through carre as well just buy it loading some photos and give a brief description then dealers all across the country will bid on it it's dead easy if you want to that a later date just simply Google help me carwow and we will help you s a car brake test from 100 m hour get all good leveling very good leveling this really does help but I'm having to do this one-handed here it comes was full [Music] smashed come on yeah you clearly won that wow I was trying to do like about three things at once but I'm not sure it made a difference I pushed with both feet and from my hips so that was very efficient breaking yeah I just used the one F and I was holding on to a spirit level I don't think I want to break in this car again though cuz it might break I got another clunk sound but this time from the right so it's like everything's just evened up I'm getting a clunk as well under brakes I'm sure someone more intelligent than us will tell us what's happening there but that's not a happy noise is it no anyway I hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a like if you want to watch some of the videos click on the video windows and if you want to compare these cars qu mile times to everything else we've ever drag raced just click on the carw logo to go to the carw drag race leaderboard thanks for watching
Channel: carwow
Views: 1,735,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2023, new car 2023, tesla, model 3, tesla model 3, tesla model 3 long range, tesla model 3 lr, model 3 long range, telsa model 3 drag race, tesla model 3 drag racing, electric car drag race, best electric car, new electric car, chinese electric car, chinese electric car 2024, byd, byd seal, build your dreams, build your dreams seal, byd seal drag race, byd seal performance
Id: vwR0pjwuIAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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