I've Had My Cybertruck For 1 Week & 4,500 Miles! Here's What I Think After Driving It Across America

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this video is brought to you by chemp power the reliable quick and scalable EV charging solution for everyone and everywhere and this video is also brought to you by star charge the largest EV charging manufacturer in the world they are also a provider of residential and Commercial battery storage with micro grid Solutions hello and welcome to another out of speec reviews video you join me back at home in Colorado finally at the office uh one week ago we posted our delivery video of our Tesla cyber truck this is the Cyber beast and well it certainly isn't looking as clean as it did when we took delivery in Jacksonville Florida uh in fact after one week we already have 4,500 miles on our cyber Tru and I've learned so much about it so in this video I want to tell you about what we did over the last week how the truck has been performing give you some of the data that we've captured on it such as efficiency and other numbers as well for the Nerds uh tell you my Impressions want to go through what people have been thinking of course we've met probably hundreds maybe even thousands of people driving this all across the country from Florida to California and back here to Colorado and uh it is something that is wild this is truly one of the most exciting cars of uh probably Our Generation it is insane so I want to tell you all about what my first week of ownership has been like with my Tesla cyber truck well guys it all started one week ago in Florida Alyssa behind the camera was with me Alyssa what was your impression when you saw our cybertruck for the first time I mean it really is it's something it's it's eye-catching it's Unique um do I think it's the prettiest looking thing compared to like AR rivian over there no but um yeah it's really cool it's a lot of attention you have to a pretty high level of social battery in order to drive this around and uh but yeah it's it's been fun so far we've done a lot of great you've done a lot of great things with it I flew back home and um yeah that's that's pretty much it it's back so let's walk everyone through the specifications really quick how it all worked out um by the way like I mentioned this is the tri motor version so we paid just over $120,000 for this one we got it through the Tesla referral program which is how we were able to get an accelerated delivery it was an official program from Tesla a huge thanks to you guys for using the out of speec codes in this case I used out ofp speec Dave's referral points to get this truck and uh also we took delivery in Florida it all kind of worked out uh for that so my dad has had the chance to drive it now he actually has a video on his YouTube channel out of spec Dave and um what else should we say it's about 124 Kow hour usable battery pack they Tesla says 123 but when I went 100 to zero I used I got to pull 124 out out of it according to the screen nearas makes no difference as we would say uh has I don't know how much horsepower 78 900 horsepower something like that it's really quick and it certainly feels quicker than this this has been my daily driver for the last rolling up on almost two years now at least a year and a half this is the quad motor rivan r1t uh launch edition and this one is 835 horsepower and this is faster no question this is faster and there's also been drag races between the two this is faster does it matter that your pickup truck is really fast no but it is fun and I have been using beast mode quite a bit I've been ripping it um it has uh again range I think Tesla says like 300 just over 300 miles of range that is not accurate in anyway in fact the Cyber truck is not EPA tested this has not run through any EPA cycle because it's over I'm trying to think it's got an over 6ft bed and its GVWR is quite High um or maybe it's based on total vehicle weight of just about 6,800 lb a combination of weight and bed size means that this qualifies as a truck and doesn't need to be EPA certified which means the numbers Tesla gives us for range are numbers they could just make up and they don't tell us what drive cycle they run it in now I hope they're based on some repeatable drive cycle like a two cycle EPA or a five cycle EPA but we're just not sure in the real world this truck is a on the highway cruising at 75 80 85 mph this is a a just over 200 mile range truck um you know it's it's realistically if I was you know if someone asked me oh how much range does it have I would say somewhere between 250 and 260 Mi uh realistically because most of when range matters is on the highway and that's what you'll get at around 70 mph I've run a 70 m per hour Highway range test in the Cyber Tru before with my friend Ben's truck in Florida and uh we did 254 miles from 100% to when it stopped moving and completely died but and that feels about what this one will get as well I really don't feel like the tri motor is much less efficient than the dual motor in fact I will do a video comparing them in the very near future so I think that's enough about the truck come along the side look at how dirty we have gotten it first of all driving through Florida and the southern part of the us we caked this thing in bugs absolutely murdered the entire mosquito population of Northern Florida with this thing and that's great uh we don't like mosquitoes but you know Tesla says this is the world's toughest truck however um they also say in the owner's manual don't leave insects on it how can it be the world's toughest truck if you can't leave insects on it Alysa no idea I don't know sounds like a big problem I'm ignoring all of Tesla's recommendations and we're going to test to see what happens to our truck uh before we wrap it Colton from out ofpc detailing asked me not to wrap this truck for 6 months and so I said cool let's see what happens to the metal either way I personally don't like the stainless steel uh it gets really hot gets really cold I just think it looks uneven and unfinished unless you really take the time to take care of it which Colton can do and he has some cyber Tru customers that are coming in for the works and he's going to get their trucks dialed in but for me I think we're going to do a wrap on this after about 6 months of ownership and again I have no intention of flipping this truck or selling it for a profit we bought this to make videos with and uh we're not you know I think there's 30 cyber trucks for sale on the market as of today Alysa yeah I'm curious to see how that plays out with them yeah I don't know if Tesla's going to go after them or if they can go after them of course if you own something you should be able to sell it that's my personal Viewpoint um but Tesla disagrees and they're trying to um I would say discourage uh flippers if you will so we have of course a layer of bugs and grime from the southern part of the us and then in the northern part of the us we got mag chloride salt sand and Schmutz technical term all over this thing so it was driven through ice and snow and cra and you know you can't even imagine come on back this way I actually think it looks great dirty I think it looks better dirty than clean what do you think Alysa it looks disgusting but yeah the rear camera doesn't work by the way oh yeah it's a little too nuty they put a washer on the front camera but not on the back camera where most yeah it I mean a truck should be dirty and that's one thing a lot of people disagree with well yeah but they're like oh you're spending so much money on a truck it should should be pristine should be clean it's like well no it should be dirty it should be going in mud it should be having fun and doing truck life stuff not a pavement princess stuff absolutely and we've treated our rivan the same way we've treated this truck we have put this thing through everything we've had it off-road onroad I've towed with it a bunch everything we've done with this truck to really learn it we're going to do with this truck and um actually in our next video we're going to kick off our truck comparisons because we have the F-150 Lightning over there in fact we have two of them we we have a couple rivan r1ts we have our cyber Tru and also a friend with a dual motor and we have two Silverado EVS as well one with the medium and one with the big battery so it's going to be crazy week and a half to two weeks of just Towing hauling off-roading uh ripping up Canyons doing everything we need to do to test them so I think uh let me just give you my impressions of this truck after spending again 4500 miles in it the first thing we really did with it was drive it non-stop from Jacksonville to San Diego racing these three other Electric trucks now not this particular rivan but um you know we had a really great time and those videos will be coming in the next week or two on the out of speec Motoring Channel they're going to be multi-hour long three-part series of this truck race across the US extravagan it was pretty incredible you know we set a speed limit cap so we weren't doing anything too stupid it was all about the range and charging and charging performance of networks it was really amazing I bought a truck to use it as a truck so let me show you one of my favorite things about this vehicle it is this the Vault the power Vault the power Tano Vault there it goes this is amazing now we've had the power Tano on the rivan which actually it just got it just got done really yeah yeah it's brand new now let's check that out in a second cuz I haven't seen it yet that's right we pic you picked it up from service thank you um I also have the wheel covers in here also shipped to me from my friend Ben I'll leave his channel Linked In the description but the problem with these is they chew into the tires pretty hardcore so we removed them also are there four in there Alysa or just three there's four you see the four one two three four y okay good cuz I left the tono open one day in California and I didn't realize oh and the IT the app sent me a notification it said hey you parked your truck with the Tano open I was asleep did a lot of good things for you yeah I hope nothing California happened so I love this power Tano this it is it's so smooth I mean compared to the Ravine it is so smooth and you can control it from the app really nicely I mean that's what Tesla gets right the integration of everything they and so I just absolutely love that the one thing is it gave me a notification the other day and it actually stopped it from working cuz I used it three times oh wow maybe four I brought it to the Evo uh testing laboratory and we were able to CCS charge it and do a bunch of stuff it does CCS charge by the way on certain chargers there's some bugs the flap thing no we had to remove the whole side panel and I couldn't take photos cuz we were in the lab yeah and the adapter doesn't interface into the charge port here so we had to pull pull the panels off rip this off get the CCS adapter in and then charge it the CCS official adapter is only rated for 500 volts not 1,000 and we were charging this at 800 volts uh so we just like stood back a little bit but it was testing we're in the laboratory that's what we do um but I hope Tesla will come out with an official naxa CCS th000 volt rated adapter that interfaces into this port so I don't think it's a bad thing that it doesn't fit because um if the Thousand volt one does fit then we're at least preventing potential issues uh by using a 500 volt rated adapter so um while it was in the laboratory I was using the the power Tano Vault thing and it just uh threw a warning and it said hey it's overheated or you've used it too much it said excessive use of Tano cover it might stop working and it stopped working and it was left open and they basically just shut off that now I feel like I only saw it go three times it's possible it was a fourth but it wasn't like someone was just sitting there pressing the buttons over and over and over so I thought that was interesting they had some sort of uh longevity software in there so that you don't wear out the motors or overheat the motors I'm cool with it it's just like it seemed like a very um low amount of power usage the other thing I've done with the Cyber Tru is I've charged another vehicle off of it I love this come on in here Alysa I love that there is a actual Nema 1450 I can pull 40 amps out of this one continuously this is so nice because um I've got 124 kwatt hours to play with I want to be able to dis spense that electricity into anything I want and the problem with the lightning and the Silverado is they do have 240 volt power output but it's with like a a welder plug almost it's a a Nema 1030r and you know I I work in the electric car world I always have to charge cars Nema 1450 is what most people use for charging uh electric vehicles so at least here I can plug in another I can plug in a rivan or after a range test if something dies I'll be ble to charge full power off of this port this is such a useful feature I love it and the rivan has no 240 volt power available at all which is a shame real big shame in that one and perhaps they'll update that for the next model year couple things as well just while we're back here on the truck some thoughts on it after living with it um we did some light off-roading just little things here or there but definitely in the back of my head I was thinking I really wish I had a spare tire and unfortunately under here there's not enough you can see my my this thing has not been fixed yet it goes in for service this week but I think I have to delay it cuz we have to film this truck um there's no room for a spare tire and that is like a big Miss for something that's positioned as an adventure off-road lifestyle vehicle you're going to be taking it at least we will to Moab to have fun there's a bunch of cyber trucks at Moab this week shout out to all my friends out there having fun wish I could have joined them um but yeah crazy the rivan spare tire lightning spare tire what what the heck Tesla this thing needs a spare tire you can buy a spare tire for and just throw it in the bed and they position that as that's their spare tire solution but I could just buy any tire and throw it in any bed and I think that's dumb uh another thing that's actually worked really well uh on this truck have been the doors they have worked without fault without issue at all uh they they open they close uh the plunger works pretty well and I'm saying this because we have a Model S we've owned a few Model S's and every single Model S I've had has had door handle issues and our model X we have to fight the doors to open them this one really nice doors so getting in and out of this is a breeze it's no issue at all reminds me of a microwave thing I will say like most people when they walk up to it they're like how do I they stand there like because I'm always like go go sit in the truck at a supercharger or something and they stand there like this and they're like I don't know what to do and I'm like push the button and they go like this and they think it's capacitive I'm like no you really have to freaking push the button and I think that's been interesting just watching people and how they operate with the vehicle uh another big positive has been the hyper wiper hyper wiper that's what I call it it goes so fast and it cleans so well and I'm so impressed with this mono wiper situation it's the future I'm convinced of it okay I think it's really ugly and and what's funny is some of its operation isn't that well tuned for example if you do a quick wipe coming down the highway the wiper will wipe and then it sits down at the bottom it will park itself in this position and you can feel the air resistance of the wiper and it's doing it so that the water that it's pushed down here doesn't come back up and streak but I wish I could hit a button and say no return to Center return to the normal position uh the only other complaint of the wiper has been that it doesn't throw enough washer fluid to clean the windshield uh yesterday driving behind trucks and salt and Schmutz and everything in Wyoming uh I just held down the washer fluid button for like 4 seconds it felt like just trying to get enough fluid dispensed out of that wiper uh so that it cleans the windshield and so I just wish I could dial up the flow of the washer fluid dispensing out of the wiper um up front there's some other issues to be honest the headlights are a big problem they certainly aren't the brightest they're not as bad as I remember from testing the truck at Austin perhaps they U the power output or the roads really soaked up the light there I don't know um you know sometimes dark pavement it's hard to notice a really bright headlight these are not really bright headlights or really great headlights but they're at least acceptable in my opinion the rivan has incredible headlights really good headlights on that one not here um but yesterday I got snow all smooshed in my bumper and I was driving at night and I couldn't see a damn thing it was like uh just completely dark I've had that issue on my rivan too where the LEDs don't produce enough heat to melt the snow however at least in the rivan there the snow can kind of just fall off here they're stuck in this ledge this little ship uh this uh chin lip and yeah there's just nothing you can really do there I have gotten pretty good at finding the front trunk latch on the truck now I've got that dialed check that out first try I still need them to dial in the front trunk and I've uh been putting my bags up here I use the front trunk in this way more than I use the front trunk in that and I think the whole reason is I don't have to lift something up and over and I think just having a feels like a trunk I mean you do use the trunk on that that has all of our Towing equipment in there yeah for towing but that I use that more for storage than I do actively putting my backpack in and stuff and normally in this truck what I do is I'll I'll you know open the door I'll throw my backpack in the back and then I'll get in this I notice I throw all my stuff in the front trunk so I think it really comes down to the speed at which this operates and um yeah Pro probably just the the low access height I do wish this was a bigger capacity for storage and it's um it's just not so yeah there's that's about that and watch your fingers of course as this comes down as we have demonstrated I think we are going to name this the carrot Crusher could just be called Chomps Chomps that's good we'll come up with something but yeah we're you're on the right track there um Let me show some some folks on the inside I'll I'll grab the door for you guys I'll have you sit in the back so you can get the view out the front [Music] getting in and out of the truck is very nice I do not set it to Auto lower there is a function where every time you get in the truck it can just lower down but I don't use it just for for wear and tear purposes more or less the software in this vehicle has been amazing I have to say truly in 4,374 miles we have on it right now in one week we've used almost 2 point well we've used over 2.3 megawatt hours of con of energy consumption I have had zero glitches with this truck even the trucks in Austin with throwing up weird faults had weird things this I've had zero not even as much to where the screen blinks I mean it's been incredibly well tuned and sorted so Props to Tesla for really dialing in this truck let's just crack the windows cuz it gets a little bit toasty in here which is why I've put in this shade this came with the truck and um that was the $20,000 option right I don't know if it comes with the foundation series or not but it came with this one uh we used it just to reduce the HVAC load on the trips and we'll probably pull that out because I like having a glass roof in the cars but it was good for the road trip at least especially maybe if we have the dogs in there or something yeah definitely when the dogs are in here that's that's a good thing to have mhm okay um what else is good what else is bad before I tell you about you know the data well I love the the steer by wire is incredible I've already mentioned this in driving reviews this is just stuff that I haven't mentioned in videos I want to talk about this is wildly incredible in the city and on the highway but in any other situation like if you're driving sporty or even off-road I don't love the steer by wire so much but I'd love it for driving around the city it's just watching Alyssa parked the rivan before you're like doing this like well I just this is the future you're so cool it's amazing and it's really cool I love the steer by wire um the phone charger is probably the the worst design part of this whole truck because this doesn't charge your phone all it does is create waste heat and heats up your phone uh I mean I put I sat my phone on this for like three days of driving and I think over those three days I only gained 20% it's just a phone heater now you could say well all wireless chargers get phones hot yes but Porsche thought about this and the cayenne and the new tyon um they're they're actively cooled they pipe the HVAC cold air into the phone charger so you get a more efficient char and your phone actually charges and doesn't overheat this is awful but then the problem is there's no other place to really put your phone because if you have two cups in here what do I do with this now it's like I can't just slide it in there because it'll fall over so what I end up doing is I plug in I don't even know where it went the physical cable and I put my phone in here upside down so it can charge but there should be a little bit I think maybe an attachment I'm sure the aftermarket will come up with some sort of just I just need a storage bin that's pretty high up that I can just throw junk like a junk drawer that's easily acceptable just a preference uh what what I would like to see uh I love how much storage there is down below there is like old model S Type storage where you can just put anything you want down there which is great uh rivan is similar and what else is there to say Alysa about the trucks things we like and dislike suspension's been good I still think they need to dial in the damper so um you know they have the pressure relief valves on the damper and I think they can make it softer when you put it in softer settings it's still the rivan gets so nice and comfortable cruising and uh you know this is probably the calibration the set you know start of production calibration but I'd love to see them dial the suspension in there's so much more they could play around with and just kind of fine-tune the comfort and the performance and really dial this thing in a real issue I have with the truck is that I'm not able to turn off stability control uh in an onroad setting so there's no like slip start there's no way to go ESC sport or ESC off and to me that really limits the fun that you can have because the truck is so stiff and seemingly well sorted um it's actually heavier in the rear than the front um you know you can kind of drive it like a 911 and you feel that you can get some rotation and then it just grabs brakes and slows everything down and yeah again it's a pickup truck but also it's a cyber Beast let it do beastly stuff let's turn off the traction control here we'll do all the off-road testing here pretty soon and all the towing testing pretty soon but overall it's been a really cool truck and those are some things I like and dislike the seats are amazing the interior quality is amazing the sound system is by far the best I've ever heard in any car it is um and we got to drive everything it's right up there with u like a Bentley name system or something like that it's it's incredible um what's up Alysa I have a question have you gotten used to the Mir rear view mirror yet yeah the rear view mirror has been okay um the only problem is here I'll just show you when you're driving you can't see anything cuz it's dirty right now right that I have another issue with this though is when I put on my turn signals on the side obviously it shows the side repeater but when the tono is closed I can't see what's behind me anymore what I would have preferred is for them to put the side repeaters here but then keep my rear view camera there on the screen oh yeah that's because I want to know what's going on all around me before I make a turn um and so I think that's that's been my one gripe with it uh but other than that I've gotten totally used to looking here instead of here and in fact I would probably even remove this I mean there's no point to it no but you know what's nice is like if the dogs are back there that's what I want to see if I can keep an eye on them oh yeah with this keep an eye on the kids it's the nanny cam The Nanny cam yeah could be interesting the shifting doesn't bother me as nearly as much as the model S does only because it's right close to the steering wheel so I can just go up down the model S I feel like I have to reach farther for and the model 3 Highland so that really bugs me but you know all the Tesla stuff here is amazing the dash cam the the built-in Spotify the software the route planning it all it just does everything everything so well we can't even begin to describe how much better this is than the competition um it's it's incredible the rivian software is incredible as well and their software team is I would say almost second to none and you know I love was at rivian I think he's doing an incredible job building a groundup platform for that vehicle you can just tell like Tesla still has some features that I'd love to see rivan kind of implement and they are and that has some features that I'd love Tesla to start to implement so it's really cool to see these two you know automakers battling for the best in software when every other automaker is so far behind doesn't matter who they are I'm looking at you Ford oh really yeah they really need to overhaul everything in the software on that truck um that's an amazing truck I love the lightning I actually uh enjoyed driving the lightning instead of this at certain times especially with driver assistance which brings up another Point Alysa this does not have autopilot still yeah what's up with that still and that was part of the really expensive upgrade well autopilots included right but FSD we paid for I'm okay if I just have I don't even want to use the FSD stuff I just want don't like it too much yeah I just want base autopilot and it's like come on crazy yeah some people have argued that they're just waiting for more data on the trucks and having more trucks out there but I'm like that's BS because they have enough data from all the other cars this isn't that much bigger than model X I mean who knows what the real reason is but when you bring bring a car to series production and your company is known as one of its core pillars of expertise in driver assistance and your brand new flagship product doesn't have your other Flagship product built into it crazy yep but they're not having any issues selling these it was actually kind of funny everyone was trying to Pawn off the cybertruck UN certain legs they're like oh I want to drive the lightning I want to drive whatever the rivan and I was like oh I'm stuck with this thing I got to drive so okay let's talk about where we went the data I'm going to pull out my laptop let me show everyone what we've done because I logged everything on teslafy and we've also logged everything on another app called Tessy I've always been a teslafi guy but there's so many of these Tesla tracking apps it doesn't matter which one you use um let's run to the back of the truck I'll pull up teslafy and show everyone what we've done with this this is teslafy and teslafy is a service that we'll leave our referral code Linked In the description below but it's something that really logs all of the data of your Tesla and I've used it for our vehicles for a long time um and what am I trying to show you let's go to the month view so we'll go to drives and we'll go to whoops calendar month I keep it logging I don't use this every day really the only time I pull up tesy is when I'm making a video about our cars but I love it so we've driven 4358 72 Mi logged again there's always some sway here sometimes it loses connection it tries to make things up but you're always within a percent or two it is average just under 2 m per kilowatt hour which I would agree with I would say cruising at 80 mph this is a 1.7 1.8 m per kilowatt hour truck somewhere around there um efficiency is 73% of rated kilowatt hours used 2.2 megawatt hours and we've been driving 75 hours and 17 minutes so here's the day I guess we picked it up and here is today so I think it's a week and two days that we've had the truck I thought it was a week exactly you picked it up on a Thursday no Saturday so excuse me for the intro uh and here's everywhere I've driven it we've driven it from where we took delivery in Jacksonville Florida we went down hung out with your grandparents raced it across the country 30 different charging locations we stopped at the Silverado only stopped at 10 and that's just because of the charging curve on this one I won't tell you who won or lost or anything like that because you'll have to wait for the video then we drove it from LA had it pretty high charged there drove it up to Lake City the only reason is I70 was closed at the time but then by the time I got to I80 it was closed and then I made it home so that was the the trip the first trip in the Cyber truck let me give you some data if I come here to charge summary I love this one it will tell me what percentage of the charging has been supercharging or DC charging so 85% has been supercharging 2.3% has been CCS Chargers by the way the the cybertruck does not support shadoo charger uh we tried it doesn't work this was at the Evo testing laboratory we did I don't know maybe 100 kilowatt hours or something like that and then AC Chargers uh 12.7% this will start to increase the more time we spend at home it's always good to AC charge your cars for the grid for the battery everything um but this has a ton of DC charging as do all of our vehicles because we really do use them but uh at least when we're not using them I set my charge limits usually to 50% every day the battery lives between 30 and 50 it's the best for longevity and um that's just where most of our cars sit for storage is about 30 to 50% state of charge so that AC charging percentage will start to increase the more we have the truck here at the office and at home and using it normally but again the first bit of this trip was really hitting all of these superchargers uh by the way the charging performance of the cybertruck has increased it's gotten better and what I mean by that is it has now here let me I'm just dealing with uh right so the cool thing about this is now here's all of our top charging destinations everything like that um it now charges full power until 29% state of charge instead of 25% state of charge wow whoa uh I have heard Rumblings that maybe a charging Improvement could come in the near future we'll certainly be keeping our eye on it testing it um but we seem like we're on revision two of the charging performance of cybertruck the Austin trucks would hold 250 Kow to 20 25% this will Peak at 328 KW um now that they're KNX compatible and CCS compatible uh 326 KW I think actually is the most we've ever seen at like 2% and then it walks its way down ultimately most people are only using version 3 superchargers with cybertruck and with those you uh hold 250 kW to 29% and then it tapers off and uh it's actually not bad they've really beefed up the the top part of the charging curve which just kind of sits at 80 k all the way to almost 90% so yeah it just kind of comes down and then Trails off it's way better than the not way it's still a bad charging curve compared to other electric vehicles on the market but it's better than what we originally saw in Austin so I have to retest it relog it and we'll be updating that what I don't know is if that's because this is a tri motor and they did something with the battery pack or if all of the dual motor and tri Motors got this software update time will tell I going my friend Eric from the Derek YouTube channel just got his sick wrap on his by the way really love it sort of a digital camo color um his a dual motor so we'll be able to use his truck and this one for for some comparisons uh I just kind of want to end the video we'll go back outside with everyone's General response to this truck what we've seen driving it and talking to hundreds of people and then of course uh that's kind of our onewe ownership experience wrapped up for you I'll give you some final thoughts but um yeah let's go out there Alyssa before we talk about that I forgot we were going to check the tunel so this is my first time seeing this is the updated one yeah oh boy it's slow and it still clunks I mean it just sounds louder and crunchier still than the than the Cyber but at least it works the gaps here are much smaller wow this is like one giant piece all the way from here to here so it's a totally different tono but leave it open why cuz we got snow in there oh okay okay it just sounds like it's under stress it's doesn't sound any better than it was right before it broke so the trust in it is um you can now order it on a new rivan for 500 bucks as of today yeah that's funny that they're not including it yeah um okay so everyone's reactions to the cybertruck Alyssa I thought when we first took delivery of this we would be dodging bullets I was like thank goodness it's bullet resistance because we're driving around in this crazy triangle everyone online people were going to do literally dodging bullets you thought people were going to shoot the car well in certain areas I had a guy in Wyoming ask me if he could shoot it well that's very Wyoming ass yeah I thought that was awesome cuz they hate Eevees no no he was cool he loved it he wanted to just test it cuz they you know they claim bullet resistance he was like oh dude sick truck can I shoot it and I'm like sorry I'm driving through if we shoot it I want it to be on YouTube no comment um I thought everyone was going to hate this Alyssa and they don't very I think out of the whole country I got one out of hundreds maybe even a thousand people well I shouldn't say that because I also brought it by my friend Matt Farrah place at the smoking tire and it their reaction was different than most people but they're also car reviewers and in the world generally the general public loved it and people online hate it and so I don't know why there's this big disparity between the comment section and in real life because even just driving it around here in town people are like w they're strugg I had a dude oh it's so funny driving through this little town in Wyoming yesterday I go by like an Applebee's in Rock Springs or something like that and this dude looks he goes whoa he runs and falls over trying to run in to get his phone I imagine to take a picture it just causes chaos wherever you go yeah it definitely Causes Chaos and I I would also say that I don't think a lot of people are going to walk up to somebody's truck who just just spot it and say hey I really really hate it um because when I've just kind of sat around it and people don't know cuz they don't think I drive the truck or anything like that then I hear a lot of negative comments as well so I think there's a lot of um just being there in person you're representing your truck people are going to be like h no man it's really really ugly why would you ever buy that um I had one guy who said that he said you couldn't pay me to drive that thing um yeah I mean there definitely are people who are strong enough to do that but I think the general Public's not going to just out tell you your truck is come up to you take time out of your day to tell you your truck's ugly but but you know I get that Alyssa and I think there's definitely truth to that but the number of Thumbs Up and waves and like excitement that it gets is certainly I think far outweighing the negative yeah it's a social battery tester for sure yeah you have to love talking to people because you have to give a full product presentation at every charging stop you get all the Tesla owners that come around you're like okay here's how it charges your of and I'm like I'm sell like I'm not a Tesla salesman yeah is anytime you stop you any stop is the 30 minutes you have to a lot in order to get in and out you'll get to know all your neighbors all the people you never met before you'll make tons of friends and probably enemies but uh just really I I'm just blown away by the the response of everyone and um yeah so I did a a um a podcast with my friend Matt Farah from the smoking Tire he drove this as did Zach and they were like actually I well you'll see it it and I'm going to let them borrow this and make a video with because I think um they definitely have valid points I don't disagree with anything they say uh so yeah it was all pretty funny they were just like w the build quality is terrible this is going to kill someone and I'm like yeah maybe just don't walk in front of my truck I don't know you know it's kind of my thought on it so anyway um the public reception's been been far superior uh to to what I expected I mean far more exciting uh than I than I expected the uh the overall experience with the truck over 4,500 miles is is one that I can come away with a few words high quality comes to mind which I can't really think about from any Tesla we've had in the past this is certainly the highest quality Tesla I've ever purchased or driven it's put together really well I have a couple rattles inside two rattles and that's really it some of the body panels need some finishing but honestly so did they on my rivan and so did they on our other cars but I just mean by like the solidity the amount of insulation that they put in this vehicle it's unlike any other Tesla for that is 100% accurate it is so much better so I'm loving that the power and acceleration is phenomenal this thing boogies and it digs it goes it's got so much traction off the line which I wasn't expecting from these Goodyear Tires uh by the way these Goodyear tires are really capable of a lot of things but they're not amazing in any category and one category they really struggle in I've learned is snow and ice they suck in the snow there's just they're not Triple Peak Snow rated do not drive these in the winter time I was coming down I 80 and I was just like hit a snow patch and you're like whoa sideways and also I think Tesla needs to tune some of the regen drag control stuff because I went into regen a couple times it didn't quite unlock the wheels in time and I was just like getting some opposite lock on uh in some very slippery conditions so um you know we're all Nokian tires fans here I run studded winter tires on my rivan obviously I'm spoiled but you should be safe driving in adverse conditions don't use these in the snow that's my recommendation um yeah just just an awesome vehicle steer by wires Next Level the the excitement that it brings to people it creates a whole new generation of car enthusiasts I would say so I'm excited about that the technology is amazing the integration of everything and what I love is that we're at day one of cybertruck this is very early days there is so much optimization and improvements and things that yes have to come especially with autopilot and some other things needing to come in the vehicle but also things that I hope Tesla will really focus on which is some of the performance aspects perhaps also letting us do some off-road modifications maybe there's a way we can get sway bar disconnects on this thing and the aftermarket certainly is going to go crazy with this as well and that's why I bought one uh that's I want to cover all of these advancements all of the future things um you know do I like it more than my rivan I can already hear the comment section I I don't it's close but I still think the rivan you know is uh something really special and that's an amazing product from a really cool company and that Riv is uh that that truck's been through a lot and it has never really let me down it's been amazing so this one still has to earn its place as my number one truck spot the rivan still holds it but this is different it's exciting it's interesting and I'm so glad that I've had the opportunity to yes own it and now have it for one week and 4,500 miles it's uh it's been a dream come true I hope you guys are enjoying the videos stay tuned this week subscribe if you're not because we're doing all the truck comparisons but I wanted to get this video out of the way first for you so uh we can really hit the next uh few videos with this sort of review out of the way one week with the Cyber truck my final review is not just one thumbs up two thumbs up it's amazing thanks for watching see you on another one again soon bye-bye
Channel: Out of Spec Reviews
Views: 242,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car, Review, Acceleration, Braking, POV, Handling, Test, VS, Comparison, Interior, Exterior, Supercar, Hypercar, Sedan, SUV, CUV, TFL, Redline Reviews, Motor1, sports car
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 23sec (2363 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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