NEW BYD Seal vs Tesla Model 3 vs VW ID.7 – best EV? | Road trip costs compared! | What Car?

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Wales here we come let's go and find some seals what's that I think it's a corn that's a rock 7 hours 34 what's the rush would you like to listen to the station how to love your body go away 877 P per Kow hour what a bargain that's an absolute bargain that is for a long time now we said that the Tesla Model 3 is the best electric car that you can buy and it's just received some major updates to make it even better and cheaper but wait because we have two brand new competitors here we have the byd seal and the Volkswagen id7 and we're going to find out if the Tesla Model 3 really is still the best we're driving from London to Wales and back to find [Music] out so Doug where are we going and what are we doing well Neil is in the model 3 you are in the id7 and I am in the seal and we are driving from Twickenham to St Davids in pen Brookshire to hopefully see some real life seals and that will give us a chance to test these cars on a long journey in the real world then we're going to pick up some Christmas trees to test their practicality head back to London crunch some numbers and do a real world efficiency test and we're going to explain exactly how these cars compare in every single area but first I need a coffee let's get one hi there yeah can I order [Applause] [Music] a so Neil can you remind us what exactly is new with the new model 3 so starting with the exterior you'll notice that it's got Slimmer headlights and tail lights and as well as that it has more aerody Dynamic front and rear bumpers all of that means that this car has improved aerodynamics over the last Model 3 so this will now do 318 M to a charge compared to 305 for the last generation car Tesla's also worked really hard on improving refinement which was a weakness of the last generation car and to do that it's fitted double glazing all around and it's tweaked the mounting points of the suspension and Tesla claims that this car is now 30% quieter than the last Model 3 so will what is the id7 so this is Volks faron's brand new flagship electric car at least if we ignore the more utilitarian ID buzz and it might look like a bit of a mashup between a coupe and a saloon but it is in fact a hatchback so really you can think of it as an electric Aran only it's a bit bigger than that car it's almost 5 m long it's the longest car here it has a drag coefficient of 0.23 which means it's very aerodynamic and that's one of the reasons it has a Long official range of 384 M on a charge and because of how much criticism Volkswagen has had about some of its recent infotainment systems we've got a redesigned operating system for that and some updates for the user interface as well anyway Doug what are you driving well I'm in the byd seal now byd is a massive Chinese company that make batteries but not only batteries they make loads of electric vehicles as well in the UK we've only had two of their products come over so far that's the 3 and the dolphin and then following the dolphin another Maritime themed name with this byd seal and it's a pretty direct model 3 competitor really the version that we've got on this test is a rear wheeel drive model with one electric motor driving the rear axle it's also got a very long official range of more than 350 Mi which is pretty impressive it's got an lfp battery as well again similar to a model 3 so that doesn't use Cobalt and is therefore less resource intensive to produce and while the ID 7's infotainment system might have been massively updated I bet it can't do this whoa after making good progress on the M4 we all stopped for a charge in kamadan Neil in the model 3 of course had the benefit of using the Tesla Supercharger Network so you just get out the car walk over to the charger plug it in and that's it look how easy that is all the payment is done over the air buying a Tesla and getting use of superchargers gives you a huge advantage over other electric cars not just because of how easy it is to use as Neil showed but because there are loads of superchargers around they're all very reliable and they always deliver very fast charging speeds that is not the case for other public Chargers but Tesla might not have this Advantage for much longer because some superchargers in the UK are now accepting non- Tesla EVS including this one in Wales the process of charging is a bit more complicated than if you were in a Tesla but all you need to do is download an app register set up some payment details and from then it's a simple process of selecting the charger you wish to use and then watching the kilowatts roll in 2092 KW it's rising it's a bit more expensive than if you were in a Tesla but will and I were paying 51 P per kilowatt hour a lot cheaper than most other public Chargers and we were getting very fast speeds [Music] so we've made it to Apparently one of the best seal watching spots in the UK and I know there's one seal in the car park um oh hold on what's that it's a duck okay think it's a corn R actually let's give it five minutes okay yeah we got to give a bit of time they might be shy so we did make it and the journey was actually quite simple to be honest when I arrived first model three wins it was the quickest to charge and the easiest to charge by far it was yeah although how did you find it actually using a supercharger in a non- Tesla very um impressed by the whole experience really got really pretty quick speeds not the maximum of my car really quick speed yeah I think I got up to 190 at one point which is faster than the car is supposed to uh be able to achieve the most I got the most I got was about 110 Kow should have got 150 but it's a bit B at all still not bad and no connection problems no no connection problems no waiting and it's cheaper than if you went to an ionity or a shell recharge so all of that was was very good okay so no seals should we move on oh no it's a rock [Music] okay unfortunately the only seal we saw had a byd badge on the Bonnet so we left headed to our hotel parked up and got some rest before a big [Music] day okay it's day two we are leaving St David's absolutely stunning morning here unfortunately we didn't see any seals but let's hope we have some better luck hunting out some Christmas trees before we tested the boots we compared each car up front now the main change for the id7 is this infotainment system so it has a much bigger screen than we've seen on previous ID models and it's angled slightly towards the driver it also I don't know if it's just me but it also looks a lot crisper in terms of Graphics so that's all good news and also you get more climate control information always visible at the bottom of the screen and while we're on the subject of climate control these slider pads which to be honest they are still quite annoying they do seem to react a lot quicker than they did on the ID3 for example and also at night Al you can't see that now they actually backlit this has an amazing voice control system okay so let's try that y hey ID please can you adjust the fan speed to a faster setting switching the front left fan to the lowest setting so it's gone down that is I want do but it has that's the best it's probably been all day because it realized I was talking about the fan if for some reason you didn't want to use that brilliant voice system what how do you actually adjust the fan speed so there is a climate control menu there um that's not overwhelming at all when you're going at 70 on no but you don't need to because you've got the voice control brilliant yeah um but no on a serious note I would say this infotainment system is definitely better so you've got some shortcut icons at the top here um you've got the home screen still but as I say yeah the voice control system is terrible okay so model three yes so in my opinion I think this is the best infotainment system here um for this facelifted car it's a little sharper than it was before but the layout basically Remains the Same but I don't think that's a bad thing because they kind of nailed it first time out it's very easy to use and if you're upgrading from a preface lifted car to this one you're going to get on with it straight away one thing you do get though is the screen in the back that wasn't on the preface shifted car and it's amazing really you can actually access the heated you got heated seats in the back you can watch Netflix your kids can sit in the back here so something else that's slightly different from the pre-facelift car is the driving position or certain elements with the driving position so what's different yeah so the actual ergonomics have maybe taken a slight step backward so Tesla's deleted the stalks from behind the steering wheel and put all of the crucial controls on the steering wheel itself and we've seen that with the likes of Ferrari and Lamborghini but Tesla's done a little bit different by putting the indicators on the left hand side of the steering wheel now you've done a lot of miles in this car how have you found that on this journey for the first couple of days I thought I'm never going to learn this it's just it's not very good and it's not very intuitive but I have to admit today I haven't made a mistake once so it is going in there um and to be honest through right hand Bend it's not a problem but certainly through left it's a bit trickier but I am getting used to it and the haptics on the steering wheel are genuinely good so you at least know when you've clicked it you've activated it and just like the prefacelift model 3 there's still no driver display either which means that all your Speedo and all the information is on the entertainment system I personally don't find that a problem and I get on with it perfectly well but it would be nice you've got so much real estate up there yeah I don't know why Tesla hasn't done done it but Elon Musk has said or responded to tweets from customers saying it will never get one so it's unlikely sh not to just have a head up display can I say one thing though I've noticed there is no gear selector so how do you engage a gear because there's no stalks you now have to select drive or reverse or Park from the screen itself and that's more tricky what happens if the screen dies Tesla has thoughts of that and it's hidden up here so you actually have physical buttons up there that you can use in an emergency or if you just find that more convenient okay so the seal does have a tradition gear selector as you can see down here fair but I do still have some issues with the driving position I can't have the steering wheel where I want it and still see this driver display for one thing then when I can see the driver display you can see you got your Speedo over here very important this just shows you how much power you're producing or is being used and it's a number that is constantly jumping around all over time it's not moving anywhere and it's still changing and it's really distracting and I don't need to know it so that's quite annoying also this screen is so big in landscape mode again where I've got my driving position quite a big chunk of the bottom right of the screen is actually blocked and when you're using ways or Google Maps that is your destination at the time you're going to get there so things that you actually want to see that's not a problem in the Tesla or the A7 is it but look at this whoa can either of your cars do that no so there you go but your car can't do that when you're using Apple carplay that is true and that is quite a big drawback because it just means I would always have it in landscape mode the interior quality in the seal is not amazing I would say there are aspects of it which are quite nice like the mix of materials that you have like some of this kind of SED feels okay but there is quite a strong smell of plastic in here there is which is not as strong as when I first got in it um but it's not particularly appealing I mean all this material on the whe this feels very much vinyl the seats it's just would say very plush I would say that certainly this is bottom of the parile when it comes to certainly perceived interior quality yeah what do you reckon is the best thing would it be the model 3 I think a lot of people would think that looks the nicest inside because it's got that kind of minimalist thing going on and it's more visually appealing than the id7 and the materials are still pretty good and the actual build quality it's taken a noticeable step up from preface lifter C to the point that I would say it is just better than the id7 and even if the id7 was fractionally better let's say it's still a lot more money than the model 3 so I think that's the surprise you getting the model 3 and it's the cheapest car here and yet it feels really polished all right let's put threes in let's do it okay guys this is one area I think the id7 might show your cars up that's because you're cheating well it is a hatchback look at that that's cheating different class of car and also you can fold the seats down very easily just pull this handle on the side of the boot there look drops down it's not flat not completely flat but pretty good and obviously if I put this H boot floor up that will make it flatter up and then all I do is grab the Christmas tree who and Slot it under that parcel shelter knock the GoPro off and uh that looked pretty easy to I that that was quite aggressive also that's cuz I've got a GoPro just stuck on the side of it just whacked into the to be fair it hasn't even had to go through the front of your seats which I thought might happen someone could still sit on the other side and back yeah if Will had been more delicate so there you go very easy and I've also got the power tailgate to close it off again very all right model three yeah let's do it so this isn't a hatchback but I don't think you actually need that although I do have to go inside the car to put the rear seats down but I have an electric tailgate as well and because I'm much more more delicate than will I don't need all that wasted space of the id7 in there quite happily easy that was very elegant and again it doesn't need to go through the middle of the front seats impressive pretty simple seal so the seal similar in size to the model 3 you can see the opening is quite a bit smaller than certainly the id7 and the model 3 to put the rear seats down you've got to go inside here here you can't do it from the boot and now will the tree fit in let's just post it through like this actually very easy is that decapitating a passenger set in the front I don't think so fine back there yep it it's come the furthest forward of all of them it has but that's still fine and someone can still sit in the back okay id7 overall the most practical here isn't it but you can still fit a Christmas tree in all three let's [Music] go so I've got my Christmas tree and I'm heading back to London but I only have 9% remaining but because Tesla's navigation system is so good I've just plugged in my final destination and it's telling me that I need to go in charge at supercharger in Swansea now it's also telling me I'm going to get there with only 1% remaining but the range read out of this car has been super accurate over the last couple of days so I'm confident we're not going to run out of [Music] juice will hello hello are you feeling festive now very festive I have a Christmas tree in tow okay so you and I are in similar position when it comes to charge I think I've got a little bit less than you I currently have 17% and 46 mil remaining well I have got 26% and 85 mil remaining which is quite a lot better than you I'd say but both of us are going to struggle to get to a Tesla Supercharger that is open to non- Tesla drivers I think there's one in Cardiff but that's a bit of a stretch and the one at Swansea is Tesla only so I found a charging point and I must admit I've never heard of this brand before called Power stop power stop green flux but apparently there are two stalls there and they're both 175 KW so do you fancy joining me at those I do because I am so confident in the range of this car that I do know if they don't work I'm pretty confident I'll be able to find another one within the area and be fine yes I have a little bit less I'm not quite so confident okay so see you at the charging stop I will see you at the charging stop good luck okay so this charging point is actually in a Volvo dealership so I don't know if it's exclusive to Volvo but we're going to find out first thing I need to do is actually plug this Cable in all looks very modern so fingers crossed then what do we need to do please authenticate please authenticate should I yeah press that select that 877 P per kilowatt hour what a bargain what an absolute bargain that is wow service error currently unavailable service error okay so this is 87p do you think Neil's having this problem super uned Okay so we've just been told by someone who works at the Volvo dealership that you can't actually pay contact us you have to download an app so we've just done that I'm not going to sign up I went as a guest and then it told me that actually I have to sign up I thought this was actually legal in the UK now I've already confirmed my registration this is quite annoying isn't it come on ADD card I'm not actually sure this is charging check please check the OBC system am I going to get a charge first charge here we go right charging finished what one available what a it's saying charge two is faulty oh what shame is yours working though cuz it's going to say the same thing that is such a shame it's going to say the same thing come on come on is it charging is it charging no something happened charging what's this saying it is charging is it working yes I have charg I have charged going into my battery look at that 99 KW okay that's not as fast as this car can accept but dog is plugged in and that's still way faster than we would have got from a grid surf or any of the other charging points around here so i' say mine working as well how many well I'm get I'm getting 8.8 KW so 7 hours 34 what's the rush I love I love Wales had a lovely time eventually my charging speed caught up with will we put in enough charge to see us through the final leg of our journey Neil had done the same at his charging stop so we all headed off back to London ready to charge up to full again to help us crunch some numbers [Music] so let's go through the cost now and the BD seal and the rd7 both covered about 560 Mi over those two days for me in the seal I needed 180.5 kwatt hours to do that Journey which meant I was averaging about 3.1 m per kilowatt hour in terms of the actual cost my fast charging stops on Route cost me £ 7278 then the final home charge if we're basing that on a price cap of 27p per Kow hour was £ 2218 so my total cost was 9496 for the whole trip what about the rd7 well I needed a total of 22.8 KW hours and my efficiency across the trip was 2.8 m per Kow hour so in terms of fast charging cost cost that was 914p and then the home charge at the end sent me back £ 2125 so total cost of 11139 quite a bit more than you spent quite expensive what about the model 3 well I actually covered a few more miles than you guys CU I had to divert to a supercharger in Swansea so I did around 574 miles and used 16.4 kilowatt hours of energy for my journey so that means my efficiency was 3 .6 m per Kow hour and what about the cost of those supercharges well I think that's the impressive bit really my fast charging stops cost me just £396 so when you factor in that my home charging top up was £1 1524 my total cost of the trip was £ 5920 quite a lot less than both of you guys Lo cheaper loads cheaper even though you actually covered a few more miles as well yeah totally so the quick conclusions to draw from those numbers are that the model 3 seems to use its energy in an incredibly efficient way and superchargers seem to be very cheap compared to non-tesla superchargers and the id7 looks to be at the other end of the scale where it doesn't use its energy particularly efficiently and the charges that we stopped at were very very expensive that is an important Point actually because the second fast charging stock we made it was very very expensive I think the most I've ever paid at a public charger had we done a bit more research we could have probably found somewhere a little bit cheaper it wouldn't have made a huge difference but it would have just reduced that cost slightly and also I topped up probably more than I needed to on the way back because when I got to my final destination I still had 133% left in my battery so if I wanted to save some money at that final pit stop on the way home I could have probably put a bit less in and saved some money there another thing to mention is that this test wasn't the most scientific in the world when it comes to measuring efficiency because obviously different drivers and we all took slightly different routes so what we did the next was we went to milbrook Proving Ground which is where we test cars in a controlled environment so traffic doesn't influence the results and we did a second test where we simulated Motorway Rural and town driving we swapped drivers regularly and we got some slightly different results didn't we we did so the seal on that test recorded an average of 3.3 m per kwatt and based on its battery size that gives it a theoretical winter range of around 271 miles which is pretty far what did the model 3 get on the same test well the model 3 once again was comfortably the most efficient it did 3.7 m per kilow hour which gave it a theoretical range of 212 mil which isn't bad considering the conditions yeah it was about 3 4 degrees while we were doing that test so what about the id7 that wasn't quite so efficient so that averaged 2.6 m per Kow hour and that gives it a theoretical range in those conditions at least of just 200 miles which is pretty disappointing when you consider that officially it's supposed to be have to do 384 miles that is a huge difference isn't it massive is that the worst thing about the car the other slightly disappointing thing I would say is the price so this is a launch edition car that's the only version on sale at the moment that cost around 55,000 cheaper versions will be coming don't know exactly how much they'll cost but probably a little bit less than £50,000 still a lot more than your cars though on the plus side very comfortable on the motorway comfortable ride the quality of the cars and it's also the most practical as well it's roomy in the back and it's got a hatchback Boots the seal is quite a bit cheaper than the rd7 though isn't it and actually it was quite impressive on this trip the main positive of the car I think is the range certainly compared to what you two are getting because 271 miles in the real world in cold conditions meant that on this trip I was always very relaxed I was never worried if we were going to make it to the next charging stop or not and also the car was reasonably comfortable the handling is quite good as well the interior's okay and it's £10,000 cheaper than an id7 but it is still about £5,000 more expensive than a model 3 and apart from the range the model 3 is stronger in every area isn't it yeah I would say so I mean the model 3's always been a very good car but this facelift means that it's now a great car and when you factor in the supercharging network that you get when you buy a Tesla the brand is making every other car manufacturer I think look a little bit silly I'd agree think it is so there you have it the model 3 is still king of electric cars and it really looks like it will take something truly Sensational to change that thanks for watching this video if you want to see more make sure you subscribe and go to to read more about these electric cars and many others and remember 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Channel: What Car?
Views: 571,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: byd seal, byd, tesla model 3, tesla, byd or tesla, byd vs tesla, id7, id 7, vw id.7, vw id 7, id.7, new id7, new seal, new model 3, ev, electric car, model 3 review, new seal review, new electric car, new tesla review, best new ev, best new electric car, electric car review, byd seal review, vw id7 review, tesla model 3 review, new model 3 review, seal review, tesla test, byd seal vs model 3, model 3 vs seal, tesla model 3 vs byd seal, tesla model 3 vs seal, china vs usa
Id: y-f9mLCxgrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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