New Tesla Model 3 v BYD Seal: Ultimate review!

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which is the best the new Tesla Model 3 which has been heavily revised or the newer byd seal which has come fresh from China now to compare them what I'm going to do is talk around the exteriors show you their Interiors compare their technology put them through a series of tests I've just farted and of course I'm going to drag race them I'm Matt Watson and you're watching car with America versus China the war none of us really need let's start off with the prices so the Tesla is actually the least expensive car of the two when it comes to the starting price because it kicks off at just under £440,000 for the single motor rear drive version whereas the single motor rear drive version of the byd starts from just over £45,000 however the cars I have here the dual motor versions for the Tesla the starting price of that is just under £50,000 whereas the byd seal is slightly less expensive £485,000 so these cars are pretty closely matched on price but which one looks the best let's start with the new Tesla Model 3 tell you the truth it's not completely new it's still the same car pretty much underneath but they have made so many changes to it that it seems right to call it new for instance it's got a new face I could do with a new face this one's getting a little bit old AI help me out as as well as a facelift Tesla has given the new model 3 a butt lift it has some new brake lights and the bumpers have been redesigned with different reflectors and some new trim big wow Tesla hasn't changed much down the side either so it looks just like the old model 3 from this angle you do get some new 18-in Alloys though ooh or you can pay £1,500 extra for a set of 19in wheels instead ah the 19 do look better but they do affect the car's range due to the added rolling resistance something no one ever cared about with piston engine cars anyway more on that later because now we need to discuss plagiarism the byd is given off mild Tesla Model 3 vibes from certain angles but I guess that's just because it's a mediumsized saloon car however there is one thing that is rather tesler they're not exactly model 3 can you guess what it is you spotted it yeah these look look look look look look look these headlights with this bit underneath here really remind me of the Tesla Roadster the Chinese aren't back to their old tricks of copying other cars are they I quite like all the extra details byd has added like the creases down the sides and the little fins under the rear doors the BD comes with 19in Alloys as standard but there's only one design available there are lots more paint colors to choose from than the model 3 however the seal comes in white black dark blue or this light blue a standard dark green and light gray cost about £900 more but that's a lot cheaper than Tesla's optional paint jobs which are £22,000 for the red or the gray and £1,300 for the blue or the black white is the only standard color on the Tesla though to be fair it suits the car best but even so I'm still going to give the design wi to China you see I ever so slightly prefer the look of the byd seal to the Tesla Model 3 apart from that rear diffuser it's just stupid at least it does have better door handles though you see I really don't get on with the ones on the Tesla I have to do it two-handed someone showed me how to do it properly once I'm not sure if it's like that that you do it but it's just I just don't like it don't like it so I prefer to just go like that look it's just easier isn't it and you might be thinking well they're not flesh like the Teslas oh yeah of course they are it's like I it yeah it's better actually let's go back to the Tesla for a moment that doesn't sound quite so solid though it might be because got frameless windows let's stop this nonsense and do something far more serious drag race the Tesla Model 3 long range has two electric motors one on each axle so it's got four-wheel drive combined those Motors P out 490 horsepower and 490 NT M of torque and this thing weighs in at 1,840 kilos the byd seal has dual electric motors like this so it's four-wheel drive but combined they put out 530 horsepower and 670 Newton M of torque so it's ahead on those stats unfortunately it's a bit heavier than this car it weighs in at 2.2 tons so how's that going to play out when we drag race them let's find out 3 2 1 come on come on come on come on so then what exactly happened well as you can see it's very close on the line but the slow motion action replay reveals that it was the byd that crossed the line first ahead of the Tesla however both cars recorded a standing quarter mile time of 12.6 seconds so the byd is quicker in a drag race than the Tesla but can the Tesla pull things back when it comes to the interior the basic dashboard design is similar to the old car but there's a new LED strip around the base of the wind screen some added aluminium on the center to console and new dashboard trims these changes are good what's not so good though is the fact that the indicator stalks have been ditched in favor of buttons on the steering wheel which are awkward to use and the physical gear selector has gone too now you have to swipe a slider icon on the infotainment screen to switch from forward to reverse gear Tesla you have taken minimalism too far the byd couldn't be more different most of the B yd sales interior is pretty conventional there's a normal Drive selector thank god well unless of course your God is Elon and there's some physical buttons on the center console the air vents are pretty normal too though the curvy dashboard is less so and generally the materials in the byd are a match for the Teslas but there are some scratchy bits of trim on the door handles and door bins which are two areas you'll actually touch quite a bit speaking of which there's a decent amount of storage in the Seal's cabin but then that's also true for the Tesla now you can't talk about these cars Interiors without mentioning their massive touch screens both measure over 15 in yes you still get all the same silly sound effects as in the old model 3 but the screen is brighter and faster now I guess that means more FS per minute the rest of the infotainment is basically the same as before so that means no physical buttons there are a few shortcut icons for the climate control which is good but adjusting other settings is more of a faf especially when you're driving in fact Tesla only seems to care about features you can use when you're parked you get Netflix YouTube Disney plus and zoom there are even racing games you can play using the steering wheel as a controller if you want to look like a kid who's been left on their own in a car but you can't get Apple carplay nor Android auto why not you can get them in almost every other car these days even a mid-range daa sandero okay so the model 3's entertainment system is actually pretty good on the whole it's definitely easier to use than lots of other touch screens and I'm talking about those from Volkswagen however the model 3 isn't perfect Tesla flat out refuses to give its cars a heads up display and you really need one in the model 3 because the speedometer is only visible on the central screen and I don't like having to look slightly off to the side every time I want to check my speed and I'm definitely not the only one who thinks that this is not a problem with the byd seal because they have sensibly given their car a digital driver's display so the speedo is just there oh and you've also got a heads up display so you can have the speed there projected on the road in front of you I don't know why Tesla don't just fit their cars with heads up displays just solve the problem instantly you know it's not beyond the wit of them surely because with a cyber trip they created a vehicle which has body panel so tough that you can do this to them here we go but there is one thing you can do with the byd's infotainment system you can't do with the Teslas portrait mode in truth this screen is a bit of a gimmick this is exactly the kind of thing that will probably stop working when the car gets a bit old some features don't even work properly in both orientations right now like Apple carplay and Android auto but at least you do get smartphone mirroring unlike in the model 3 speaking of which some of the byd's menus also look like they were inspired by the Tesla but they're more fiddly and generally less easy to use there aren't any permanent shortcut icons like you get in the Tesla either so doing simple stuff like changing the cabin temperatures is just more difficult it's not all bad though I like the way the satinav displays in portrait mode because you can see more of your root ahead and this brings me on to my next test I asked both cars to calculate a route from our filming location in Oxford to abdine in Scotland a nice long journey the sort that electric car owners probably never do this means the cars will have to recharge on the way but will their navigation systems automatically add a charging stop the byd system is easy to program and it shows a couple of different root options but it doesn't automatically add EV charges along the way there's a feature that shows you your remaining range as a green outline on the map but you have to add charges manually along your route which is a bane all this is much easier in the Tesla you just enter your destination and the car automatically adds Chargers to your route not only that it will tell you how long to stay charging at each one and how full to take your battery to before moving on to the next one to give you the least amount of charging time possible for you to make it to your chosen destination that is brilliant that facility is a massive advantage of the Tesla as is the fact that you have Tesla's supercharger Network that really does matter when it comes to electric cars now before we go any further I just want to say that if you're thinking about changing your car you can do the whole process through carw you can research your next car car to buy find out the best offers on it all through carw and you can even sell your current car through carw as well now to find out more about that just click on the pop out B up there for the link in the description below it's completely free alternatively if you want to do it a later date just simply Google help me car wag now let's carry on with a review another big advantage of the Tesla Model 3 is the autopilot system now it can't actually drive itself that's a bit of a Tesla lie and you still have to keep your hands on the wheel in the UK unlike in other parts of the world where you can take your hands off the wheel when driving a Tesla using autopilot it's really just an adaptive cruise control system that's a little bit more advanced so it'll accelerate break and steer for you and it can automatically change lanes on motorways and your carriageways it can wirelessly update itself too so you always get the latest software just like on your phone but just like with your phone there can also be problems autopilot is still in the testing phase and this means Tesla can change features or switch them off completely whenever it wants it also means that it's not completely bug proof in fact that's exactly what happened to this particular car right let's see how easy this Tesla Model 3 is to park now this one has the advanced autopilot feature so while I'm driving next to these cars it should be monitoring for a gap and then it should Auto steer me into the Gap if the Gap is large enough but it's not operational today because Tesla has had to recall 2 million vehicles for a for with their autopilot system and that whole parking thing is part of the autopilot system it's happening right now this recoil when I say recoil It's actually an overthe a update but they've disabled full autopilot and some of the functionality while they fix the system so I'm going to have to par this thing myself so let's see how easy it is so swiping the screen to go into reverse no swipey screen I'm not a fan of that much preferred the old system when you just used the lever to go into reversal Drive anyhow let's see if my cameras will help me out I like the way it gives you the distance now I can't go much further back because I'll be curbing my wheels and there there is no curb stop okay I'll stop this is going to be multiple Maneuvers one good thing is that you can go from Lock to lock lock lock to lock in two turns of the wheel which isn't bad there's another stop no one ever looks out the back window anymore it's pointless in this I've got no idea where the rear the car is this camera does the job perfectly quite a few Maneuvers but I think I'm in and relatively close to the curb turning Circle actually on this is 11.6 M which is fairly decent it helps when maneuvering like god well that was a problem wasn't it I thought i' got into to drive but actually it hadn't actually registered i s in revers and almost crashed into the car behind that was so close I hate that system anyway that's that done let's try the byd seal that was a bit nerve-wracking this car doesn't have any auto park facility whatever so I'm going to have to park it myself anyhows oh my God first thing the brakes are really grabby can I alter the brake [Music] sensitivity breaks this mode let's try again oh it feels weird no that's horrible anyway I do prefer that little lever though to select drive or reverse much better than the screen system on the Tesla my camera's all dirty let's go for 3d effect there we go is this going to help me like the way the wheels aren't even turning it's just gliding back oh look we got it IM metric rather than inches like the Tesla that 3D is just not helping me here let's go normal the steering's light and the Turning Circle slightly better than the Tesla 11.4 m okay I find that slightly easier than the Tesla once again there's no point looking at the back window because you can't see where the rear of the car is really the cameras are the way to do it let's see if I can get out of here without the same dramas as in the Tesla I'm less likely to make a mistake because of that lever just prefer it but the brakes are awful so grabby but that was less stress overall now let's find find out what these cars are like in the back the tesa's all right so knee rooms good head room pretty decent as well any real complaints of the fact that you don't get that much under thigh support and you can't really stretch your feet out underneath the seat in front the model 3 is pretty good at carrying three adults in the back at once there's a decent amount of space for everyone's feet and Headroom is okay even for taller passengers in the middle seat it's a bit tighter for those on the outer seats though so they might burm their heads on the glass roof if you go a little bit too quickly over a speed hump but how does the byd seal compare I think this feels slightly more comfortable so the seats are a bit more sculptured to your bottom so you sitting the more and the seat backs are bit more sculptured as well and more reclined so the sitting position is just a bit more relaxing there's a touch more under thigh support as well and maybe knee rooms a bit more as is head room but as with the Tesla you can't really slide your feet underneath the seat in front but it's less of an issue here what's more of an issue though is that this D dark interior doesn't feel quite as nice and Airy as a lighter interior on that Tesla the byd has a bit more space for everyone's knees and shoulders than you get the Tesla but there's less head room for tour passengers and foot space is even more cramped especially in the middle seat overall this means the byd doesn't feel quite as spacious in the back as the Tesla does but how do these cars compare when you need to carry younger passengers the byd's back doors open nice and wide so it's fairly easy to lift in a large charge seat and the isopix anchor points are also dead easy to locate behind plastic covers job done simple meanwhile the Tesla's back doors don't open as wide as the byd's and the isopix anchor points are hidden by the seat material so you might end up scratching the interior if you're not careful the byd is definitely the winner here but both these cars have quite low rofs which makes it hard for tour adults to lean in and out when messing around around trying to get a screaming toddler pinned in the seat if you have young kids you might be better off with a taller SUV but how practical are these electric cars when it comes to carrying luggage there is quite a difference between these cars boot capacities so Tesla says the model 3 has 594 L of space whereas the byd seal they're only quoting 400 L for this car but as you can see there's enough room in both of these cars boots to carry a man but is the room for two men well let's find out move back move back right so let's see if I can get in that ain't going to shut let let me try a 69er is this going to work oh can we shut that boat well they shut oh what are you doing with that yeah it's not very comfy though ah ah oh there's no room to jiggle about open the boot sorry did you get a boot to the head no it's fine right let's try the Tesla see if I can do it this way so we can spoon rather than 69 let have a spoon yeah it's better oh I've just farted no yeah sorry let us out this is definitely way bigger sorry about that fact I'm going to lock you in with [Laughter] it but that's not all Tesla and byd also get front boots or fruits as I like to go them the byd has a 53 L fruit but the Tesla can carry 80 8 L underneath its bonnets that's more than enough for all the charging cables you might need to carry around with you it also means that the Tesla has a total storage capacity both in the front and the rear boot of 682 L which trumps the equivalent figure of the byd seal which is a comparatively small 453 L but to be fair still decent enough but what happens when you need to fill your car with electricity rather than men well the byd seal has a usable battery capacity of 82.5 KW hours and you can charge it from 10% to 80% full in 26 minutes that's because it's only capable of DC charging up to 150 KW the Tesla however can charge up to 250 KW which means you can charge it from 10% to 80% full in just 14 minutes to be fair though it does have a slightly smaller battery than the bydc it's 75 KW hours but charging speeds are just part of the story what really matters for an electric car is how far you can go on a full charge so how did the Tesla and byd compare in terms of range well Tesla claims the entry level model 3 with a single motor can do 344 Mi on a full charge but that's only if you stick with the standard 18-in alloy wheels fancy the bigger 19-in rims you'll have to make do with just 318 Mi of claimed range the single motor seal which comes with 19in alloy wheels are standard can go a lot further well according to byd it says you'll get 354 mi from a full charge but what about the dual motor versions well byd says that the four-wheel drive version should do 323 M on a full charge whereas the dual motor Tesla Model 3 called the long range can go a lot further on the 19-in Alloys it's supposed to be able to do 390 Mi but on the 18-in wheels Tesla claims 421 m is possible that's about the same distance as driving from Birmingham to abedine in case you are wondering and that means Tesla definitely wins this round however all these figures are calculated according to the wltp tests and they tend to be a bit optimistic of what you can actually achieve in the real world as a Oda when I tested the old Tesla Model 3 long range it only managed 290 Mi on a full charge but was supposed to be able to do 389 miles according to the wltp tests it'll be interesting to see how this new car Compares with its updated software so I'm going to compare the new Tesla Model 3 and byd seal in a real world range test very soon along with lots of other brand new cars so if you don't want to miss out on that video when it goes live make sure you're subscribe to this Channel and click the Bell icon so you're notified when we upload that video well that's enough of the sensible stuff let's see what these cars are like if you want to have a little bit of fun when the road gets twisty I'm going to start in this model 3 right here we go thing you always know with electric cars is just the acceleration at the bends this long range has so much punch do they need to bring out the performance I don't know it's so quick the steering's precise grip levels are good doesn't lean too much in the bends but it leans enough to let you know what's going on considering I'm on mitlin premacy tires which are more focused for Eco than outright grip they're actually holding the road really well well that's making me feel a bit sick actually W I've always liked the way the Tesla Model 3 is driven I've always found it quite go-kart I know that's a bit of a cliche but it does sum it up it's very much a point and squirty kind of car that's also very responsive to the steering another thing I like about the Tesla is the brakes they just don't feel like some electric car brakes they feel more natural oh my gosh it's so quick it's quick and effortless handles really well normal people one an electric car this is going to handle as well as they're ever going to need it to and even for people you know petrol heads you think you know what maybe I'll get an electric car because it's cheaper through my work Lea scheme blah blah blah blah blah you will enjoy driving it you really will trust me do know what I'm going to do actually wait whoa whoa so you got one pedal drive on the Tesla see that see it stop and then it doesn't creep let me see where the thing is for whether I can make it just Coast which is actually better when you're hooning I prefer it to Coast rather than have that more aggressive breaking when you lift off the accelerator cuz it can just upset the balance but I don't know where that is does it not have it did it I can do acceleration I can do steering it's charging autopilot set speed for Sentry mode no okay you can't do it you can on some electric cars thought you could on the Tesla maybe you never could anyway I wish you could because the regen braking when you lift off is more aggressive than what it be like to Coast on engine braking on a normal internal combustion engine car so when you are thrashing it you have to just get used to that the way you lift off the throttle can have a bit more of a pronounced effect than in a normal ice vehicle BL me it absolutely goes for it this is one of the reasons why I'd always have a model 3 over a model y I know the model Y is the better seller but for me the three is the better car I can't imagine the seal can be as good as this time for the byd seal right away I can tell it doesn't handle as well as that Tesla Model 3 doesn't feel as Punchy either when you come out the bends oh I know what to do let's put into sport mode sport yeah it feels a little bit quicker but still doesn't have the punch of the Tesla that's going to be down to the weight it's just heavier Al I'm getting this warning constantly saying I'm going over 50 m on hour yeah I know I can see the speedo it's all right it just doesn't seem to have as much front end grip once again it's on eco tires this time Continentals but I think it's more to do with the shatter than the tire oh there and it's kind of lost its composure a little bit and the stability control just helped me out it just feels looser less tied down bit more floaty bit more leany bit more vague ultimately it's just not as good dynamically as that Tesla the Tesla feels genuinely more sporty more sorted and more special to drive quickly this is not awful I don't hate it but it doesn't have that sporty edge of the Tesla just a little bit looser and less precise also there's loads of binging and clicking and bonging going on because of Safety Systems which I have no idea how to disengage right now I'll give it this though subjectively it seems a little bit smoother over bumps because it's got softer suspension oh it's time to come around a little bit there will actually rotate to a bend the stability got crossed there and just killed it all wa there we go ah it's okay but it's a definite win for the Tesa in terms of the handling actually wait a minute I'm actually getting it rotating it's looser and in some ways it's a little bit more flighty and fun the Tes are more tied down more sporty more precise this has a kind of like looseness which you can exploit H it's really funny just over that short little Drive I was very underwhelmed but now I want to go again cuz it maybe by accident they've created a car that if you know a little bit about what you're doing it can be good fun I'm going to go for another run I didn't want to go for another run in the Tesla it made me feel a little bit sick cuz it was so like whereas this it feels more playful I'm sure they haven't engineered it for that it's just cuz it's a bit loose like see it's rotating I mean the stability does just kick in and kill everything if I could turn the stability off this could actually be quite a decent amount of fun the stability just kicked in there and just shut everything down look it's sliding see I'm doing a four-wheel drift there oh it's so close to being fun but accidentally so yeah I think for most drivers they're going to feel that the Tesla is the more sorted stable and precise and better handling car and really it is this is just a bit looser but when it's slippery like this and you want to just H about it's surprisingly good fun just how loose it is brakes are still can't go on with the brakes they're just awful so grabby like freaking ick look wait oh wait see the stability killed me there it's quite mobile right after all that I found that to be quite a lot of fun but you can't be doing that kind of thing on the road and really on the road the Tesla is just going to be the better handling and more secure handling and safer handling car I might have enjoyed this more right now in these circumstances but overall I take the Tes in terms of the handling do you know what if they sorted out the stability control maybe allowed you to turn it off make a bit rear biased this could be a lot of fun I was not expecting that in fact I'm going to show Jack so this is weird this car you're going to see why in a moment rot it rotates it's like a clear 182 look but you can't do that on the road no and the Tesla will just absolutely kick this thing's ass on the road but out here you're like honestly you should have a go that's really cool you think it's just reg anymore on the re no I think it's the tires cuz it's got Eco tires yeah I think it's an accident a happy accident yeah I think it's a happy accident they have not injured that in surely and I think it's just these conditions is it building your dreams my dreams have been built you want to go yeah got [Music] me see that's really good he's got no business doing that yeah you can't do it on the thrott hole no it's just it's all on the Chuck it's all about the Chuck but most people they ain't going to want that no no that kind of chucking it in and it's rotating you do not want that anyway so are you surprised yeah I'm actually surprised I was so then what's my final verdict well the byd seal is a really good electric car I like it a lot but I like the Tesla Model 3 even more and that's why it wins this test anyway hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a like let me know if you agree with my verdict in the comments below click on the video windows for some more videos and click on the carw box to go to carwow to change your car the easy way thanks for watching
Channel: carwow
Views: 3,332,017
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Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2023, new car 2023, tesla, tesla model 3, tesla model 3 review, new model 3, new tesla model 3, new tesla model 3 2024, model 3 2024, tesla model 3 2024, best tesla, best electric saloon, electric saloon review, best electric saloon 2024, byd, build your dream, byd seal, byd seal review, byd seal review 2024, byd review, byd review 2024, byd electric car review, byd saloon review
Id: tezLYZHWkK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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