2021 Tesla Model 3: E4 - Under the Hood

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oh this clip is broken we got one of the one of the christmas trees is gone as well this snap is not good and that one's gone completely so that's not so good i'm not sure if i want to even try this but you know what maybe i should save this really well never mind then what i'd really like to see is the one that's here oh that's a lot more robust i think no it didn't it's not that would not be my favorite snap fit but lisa's not broken which is uh better than last time so um we'll ch we'll we'll have a deeper look at this sort of stuff later on but at least it's not i that's i mean it snaps together real well that's that's good that's definitely better than what what happened with the model before hey boys and girls uh welcome back today what we're going to do is we're going to be looking at the frunk the frunk is uh held in with seven seven fasteners they're all the same they all have captured washers which is kind of the way we would like to see these things the other thing that's kind of important is that all of them have a dog point this means that you're going to ensure that the bolts go in straight and they never cross thread plus when you run them down with the with the with this fastener you're going to get good clamp load because when you run screws down on plastic they really don't like to be compressed uh too much so this is a good idea so let's put these things aside here so the first thing is um as you saw in the other uh the other video i uh removed it and and the snaps weren't broken i think one of the things that they did in order to make that happen was they put a relief in here you'll see it a little bit later but i want to point out that where this strut is coming in for the air shock they've made a they made a a slot here that's a good idea that probably is what was causing some of the consternation when they were trying to put this thing together so let's tie and put it apart here now this is snapped in i've already released it because i want to i want to i don't want to have a struggle in my hands but this this cover is different than the old cover they look similar but they're not the same so let's have a look at the old model 3 cover so you'll see a bunch of stickers these stickers are not cheap and and pretty ugly so these things have disappeared and again you're looking at extra money that doesn't have to be there that tesla's come in and removed from the process if we look at the two of them here you can see some parts are similar but something's different here the air vents are a little bit different and the reason for that is because the plenum is quite a bit different so you've got this and this when really that's all the air they needed so they plugged the rest not a bad idea so let's uh let's put that right here because i may be coming back to that in a minute now when we look down into the front of dash here you'll see that this is the um this is the new uh plenum the new place where all the air comes in to feed the vehicle now if we look over here at the um at the old model 3 you can see that this is quite a bit bigger um and that's why there was more vent if you like in the uh in the in the cowl vent we didn't even need to check back and forth with the uh with the old drawings or the old old pictures that one was kind of like obvious right away the other thing we noticed was um they've eliminated uh this little carpet here now that doesn't seem like a heck of a lot but again if you go back to my calculations we're looking at 68 milli or sorry 68 000 a year eliminating something like this is a lot more expensive and um quite frankly they probably got feedback from the customers saying they didn't care about that anyway if we look here we see that we see that the little button for child protection and this cowl looks similar they look similar to what you see here on the old model 3 but hey what's this they've changed the design slightly probably so that they can move that release button back a little bit further and make it so that it actually glows when in the old one i i never really noticed it in this one it shines because of that that little change so we're looking at small changes that make a kind of a big difference we're not expecting to see gigantic changes but we are pretty happy with the changes that we've seen so far so let's just take the the frunk out and let me let me show you the contrast between that and the old plenum now you can see that there's quite a bit of a difference between this part and this part it's quite a bit smaller and to be quite frank that'll do just fine because that air is more than enough to uh to cover what's going on inside the inside the cabin this was overdone and all i see here is extra parts for maybe water to water ingress and things like that so an improvement an improvement that's probably going to reduce the cost so now that we're under the hood let's see what uh let's see what we what we've got here as far as the new arrangements now on the old model 3 we had the super bottle and i raved about this i really thought this was glorious i thought man this is good engineering and then and then they brought out this now the the new the new um uh hvac system this is a little bit different than than what we've seen in the past number one some people commented about the chicken bands that were holding the condenser in place they've they've obviously figured out how to get rid of that moment that they had that was causing the shaking and the leaking if we look down here we can see that this is a they're calling it the super manifold now and if we look over here you'll see there's no no markings on it whatsoever but the bigger change is the one that we're looking at here so when we got our model y the version that we had was revision a and then we had the uh the revision that came from our friends over uh with one of the other vehicles they were looking at revision c and now we're looking at revision e so you're looking at iteration after iteration after iteration trying to make sure that this product is doing the best it possibly can to make the customers happy now i want you to have a look down here at the um at the sound prevention device that they put over the top of the uh of the uh um compressor okay here's the old one and you can see that this this shield it's good for what it was supposed to do it's acting as a shield but the new one the new one allows the operator to fish a path for the wire harnesses and it's got little appointments so that you can't screw up as you put that together now this is called poka yoke poka yoke is a japanese word for you can't put it together wrong or goof proofing whatever you want i think that this is a very good idea this is a much better idea than what we've seen in the past the one thing that i forgot to mention too was if you notice there was a little yellow or sorry this orange tag which tells the firemen where to cut so that it can kill the power so that's what's going on here okay so now what i want to do is i want to talk a little bit about what we've noticed as far as the frunk itself so if we look at the model y this one over here you can see that it's deeper and wider than the model three and then if we look this is the 18 model 3 and then if we look at the 20 model 3 you can see that it's much shallower and much narrower than the old two two versions are and the reason for that is primarily because of the new heating and cooling system now one of the things that's important in car manufacturing is to have things so that they're backward compatible this franc will fit into an old model 3 but the old model 3 will not fit into the new model 3. and that will not fit into either of these because that that vehicle is taller and and basically bigger than what the model 3 is so we're looking at all of the different little changes that they've made at the speed of thought because like i said two years two years and you see this kind of difference that's a big big deal for me a huge deal for me so let's uh let's move back here and my closing comments if you like i see a lot of good things here we already talked about not breaking the clips and they figured out why the clips were breaking and they've repaired that the thin wall that we saw before is gone all of these little features all these little features make a big difference at the end of the day as far as cost everything i see here is 100 good engineering i don't have any bad comments on this on this uh on this operation here on the on the front so far and the cooling system we're going to do some testing on this but i've already gotten dozens of people calling me back saying they have an old model 3 and a new model 3 and this thing is outperforming it by about 30 percent and that's in cold weather cold weather is the bane of all the batteries and everything else this thing is doing a better job by 30 percent between two cars sitting there just just basically heating and cooling the inside of the inside the model three thanks very much for watching uh please continue to tip the cashiers they're all out there risking their lives we'll see you soon hopefully hopefully real soon to show you more about what we found on the new model 3. thanks a lot we'll see y'all [Music] you
Channel: Munro Live
Views: 245,415
Rating: 4.9729071 out of 5
Keywords: Model Y, Elon Musk, EV, BEV, Tesla, Tesla Motors, Tesla Model Y, Teardown, Sandy Munro, Munro, Electric Vehicle, Elon, Benchmarking, Electric, Insight, Lean Design, Design, Performance, Model 3, Model 3 vs. Model Y, Model Y vs. Model 3, Comparison, MunroLive, MunroLive.com, New Model 3, 2021 Model 3, ElectricCars, Costing, Ride & Drive, Frunk, Tesla Frunk, Heat Pump, HVAC, LCC, Super Manifold
Id: eEZPlnCEuaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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