Tesla Cybertruck Event: Is this Real?

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- Is it real? I don't know. Pretty sure this is happening. (electricity buzzing) (crowd cheering) Tesla Cybertruck is officially here. Right now, we're about two hours away from the event. This is maybe my fourth or fifth Tesla event that I've been to. I'm pretty sure that this is going to be the most exciting one out of all of 'em that they've made. Everybody that I've spoken to that has some sort of knowledge of what's going on tonight has said you do not wanna miss this one. So I'm super grateful to be here. I brought the Roadster all the way down here to California. And then I've got my Elon Musk shoes that he actually wore at the Model Y event. I mean, they weren't the exact ones. But only eight pair were made and this is one of them. Cybertruck is what they call it. This could be the truck that changes the entire landscape of pick-up trucks. F-150, Silverado, all of those trucks, they might not look all that exciting after what Elon drops tonight. So, what are the specs gonna be? How much is it gonna cost? What's the range? Would I buy one of 'em? If it has enough range. I don't know what crazy thing Elon Musk is about to do, but we're gonna go. You're gonna experience it. This is like better than Christmas in a lot of ways. Let's do this. (upbeat music) - [Dan] That's weird. - Whoa! Almost ready. - I've been in line for about 45 minutes and it is filling up. Like check this out. People everywhere, all the way to the back. It's incredible. (man cheers) - [Dan] Look at these guys. (upbeat music) Badges on, we're going in, boys. What is this? All right, looks like we're not quite in yet. This is the bar area where you sit and wait. This is like a holding area before we go in the actual place. This is just where the Superchargers are. There's the version 3 Superchargers behind me. And then we've got like all these chairs, some futuristic like cartoon-y looking cars. And then of course, a bar over here. (upbeat music) Look at this, there is a giant Tesla coil here. I've never seen a Tesla coil in person before. Looking good. Okay, pretty sure this is happening. (electricity buzzing) It's happening. It is louder than I thought. (electricity buzzing) We're going in. (crowd cheering) Oh my gosh, that was crazy. That was crazy, man. We just squeezed right in. Oh wow this place looks pretty cool. And that big ol' stage this time. Oh my gosh those lights. All right we are here. We got a pretty good spot. It's a giant stage. I don't think there's a bad spot to be on the line here. Front row, is like my third or fourth front row event. Zack is in the building, Mr. JerryRig. - I've been really cold outside. So right now I'm just like, let's get going. You know? - [Dan] I told you to wear a jacket. - Yeah. If this this truck isn't like double of what my Tacoma does, I might just stick with the Tacoma. You know it's gotta come out, they have to come out swinging with this truck. - Zack wants this Cybertruck to fly. Or he's like na-uh. - [Zack] It's gonna fly. - In all seriousness, I think Zack's right. It has to blow, like regular trucks out of the water. I think we have to see 500 mile range and really nice towing capacity for a lot of people to even consider it. - I don't really need to tow anything. I'm really just looking for the range. I want it to be killer range and comfortable inside, really cool looking. But not so weird, that you just look strange, driving down the road, but. (crowd chattering) We might be close to one of the surprises, if they have a surprise tonight. Maybe two trucks, maybe the Roadster is gonna be ready. The party is starting. (electronic music) (crowd cheering) - I now present to you, - [Dan] That's what's inside the box - My creator. - It's that girl. It's a hologram (crowd cheering) He made it in the building. (laughing) - Welcome to the Cybertruck unveil. (crowd cheering) - [Dan] Hundred years of the same. - So I present to you the Cybertruck. (electronic music) (crowd cheering) - [Man in the Crowd] Look at this! - [Man in the Crowd] Fire! - [Man in the Crowd] Here we go! - He's not messing around. He's bringing it out right now. What the freak. What! Oh my gosh. (crowd cheering) - [Zack] No way. What is that dude? What is that? What. (crowd cheering) - No way, look at that. Are you freaking kidding me right now? - [Dan] It's the Matrix. - [Zack] No way, no way. - All right where's Neo? We are living in the Matrix. Keanu Reeves is coming out next. - Dude, my mind is blown right now. Blown. What the heck. - Honestly, it looks like a concept car. It looks like a concept car. Is it real? I don't know, it's real. It's not April first. - [Elon] Doesn't look like anything else. - [Zack] For real dude. - We'll start off with the size, the dimensions. (electronic music) The key to creating an effective model plane was a stressed skin design. - Are you freaking kidding me right now. - You remove the stress to the outside skin. It allows you to do things that we can't do with a body on frame. - Sledgehammer, this is it. This is my world right here. (sledgehammer knocks) (sledgehammer pounds) What is happening right now? (sledgehammer pounds) (electronic music) - [Elon] What? Really wind up, nail it. - [Zack] No way, that's solid dude. Can't wait for the JerryRigEverything durability test. (laughing) - Do you want a truck that's tough? You want a truck that's really tough? (crowd chattering) - I know a guy that shot a tesla with a gun, this guy. - [Man in the crowd] Shoot it! (crowd laughing) - We're in California, unfortunately. (crowd laughing) - [Elon] We're gonna be using the same alloy - Dude. - [Elon] in the start of the project and in the Cybertruck. - This is really like a tank. It's a real live tank. It's bulletproof. - [Man in the crowd] Take my money. - [Elon] Yeah I will. (crowd laughing) (light electronic music) - What is going on right now? This is amazing. (woman laughing) (metal ball thudding) - [Elon] Got bigger balls. - [Dan] It's happening right now. (crowd cheering) (metal ball thudding) (crowd cheering) I don't care what the price is, I know Zack is buying one of these. Just for the durability test. - Yeah, it's the only truck that fits me now. (intense beats) (glass cracking) (crowd gasping) - Maybe that was a little too hard. (crowd laughing) - [Zack] So huge. - [Man] Should we try the rear? (man laughing) - [Elon] Get started, do the next one. - [Man in Audience] Be strong. - [Elon] It didn't go through, so that's the plus side. (crowd laughing) - [Elon] Okay, sure. (glass cracking) (metal ball thudding) (crowd moaning) - [Dan] Oh no. - It didn't go through. (crowd laughing) All right. - [Zack] Whoops. - Not everything works out the way you planned. It's live, this is live. - [Voiceover] Glass is glass after all. (mysterious music) (crowd cheering) - [Zack] Fourteen. - [Dan] That's more reasonable, that makes sense. Win. - [Elon] Yeah it was uphill. - [Dan] 0-60 in 2.9. - [Zack] 2.9. - 0-60 in 2.9 seconds. - [Voiceover] That's crazy. That's faster than-- - That's twice as fast as my Tacoma. Twice as fast. Over twice as fast. - I mean that's faster than my Model S. My Model X right now. (electronic music) (crowd cheering) (crowd clapping) - [Zack] That is, almost as expensive as my Toyota Tacoma And it's like doubles all of the specs. That is insane. (electronic music) - Another surprise. - [Elon] Surprise. - One more surprise, it's coming. You know something's coming. Something's coming Elon. - When we made it, we also made an ATV, so. - [Man in the Crowd] No! - [Dan] No. - [Man in The crowd] Yeah! - [Zack] That's amazing. (crowd cheering) - He's gonna put the ATV in the back of the truck. That is crazy. - [Man in The Crowd] Yeah, what! - [Elon] I was feeling high on those side pulls. (door beeping) Plus load works. (crowd cheering) - Instant reaction, I don't know what to think. I don't know if I like it or I don't like it. I like a lot of things about it, but it's definitely not what I thought. I need to process this. - There's no release date, which basically makes this a concept. 'Cause it's a concept, until it's released. - If you look just at the specs, I love it. If you look at the design, on video it looks amazing. On pictures it looks amazing. Where I'm sitting right now, it looks more like a concept, like it's not finished. Maybe that's just the metal that's on the outside. The glass broke. I'm sure everybody is gonna be talking about the glass breaking. What did you guys think? What did you think about that? I can't wait. Hey what'd you think? What you think? I'm a little bit shell shocked to be honest dude. - Yeah, yeah I think everybody is pretty shocked. - [Anuarbek] And I looked around at all my friends and was like, is this real? I thought Elon was like joking - [Dan] Yes messing with us. - Messing with us, it wore on me though like within five minutes, I'm like I can see myself driving that. - I think it's gonna to take people some time for it to grow on them, like because it's so different. But the price, is like way better, than I was even expecting. (engine roaring) - 7.8 in the quarter mile above all for that. And 0-60 in under 3 seconds. - [Dan] You could probably do something good to make it faster. - Yeah, exactly. - [Dan] Put wheels on there, off road. - Electric ATV, I'm up for that too. - [Dan] View what you think when it first rolled on stage. - Thought it was a joke the design was like-- - Fugly. - It didn't look done, but I-- - But the specs are right. The specs are correct. - If you look at the numbers they're amazing. The design I'm like, is this really the one? Is he going to roll something else out? - That's what I thought. - I'm having a hard time embracing the crazy, futuristic look of it. It will probably grow on me. As we were kinda talking about earlier. I don't think your traditional truck lover is going to, to really like this a whole lot. But it's Tesla. I think people will buy it. I already know, people texted me tonight saying that they put a reservation in. So, yeah. - The event has been over for about 30 minutes. And they opened up the stage. So you can actually walk up there and take a look at it. They're going to be giving rides outside, but the line is crazy long. They're letting media go, which there is a lot of YouTubers that are in the media section. But I have a red badge. I'm not quite sure why I didn't get a media badge. With all the referrals and all the videos and everything. But, yeah, they decided not to give it to me, so. (upbeat music) - Incredibly futuristic. I love the specs of it. All of that towing. 2.9 seconds, I think it was 0-60. That's crazy fast. They took the truck with the broken glass and they got it out of here and they rolled up a clay model. And so this is a different one and I actually like this one better, than I do the other one. Because the actual one that they had on stage the metal was really unfinished and it felt like they just made it in the metal shop next door. This one looks a little bit more clean. And so once you get some paint and some color on it, it's going to look better than what my initial reaction was when it first came out. And I was like. What am I looking at right now? I need more time to think about it. The four wheeler. Yes, I would love to have that. Especially where we live with the off road. I feel like the glass breaking was a really awkward moment. I'm sure they tested that out so many times, and then they get on stage and the glass that they had on there was not as strong. If you had that ball in the side of any other glass in a car, it would just go right through it. Goodbye Cybertruck. I'll see you in a long time. Two or three years. I don't know that I've ever been at a loss for words for a video. Good news, they're doing the test rides here on the street right next to it. So I'm gonna check it out and see what it looks like as it drives by. All right here it comes, listen for it. (engine roaring) There goes Cybertruck. This is Zack, this is his media badge. So he got in, did you get a ride in it? - I did. This one's a bit bigger than mine and it also felt, because it's a bigger truck, you can feel it tip a little bit more when it was doing like its hard turns. - [Dan] Yeah I saw it when it was riding it kinda shook a little bit because of the shocks. - It feels like a big boat, but I think that's because the suspension is all the way up right now. They haven't like lowered it down. - Did you put a deposit down? - I did. - Yes, all right check out his video. I think that's all she wrote from here. I hope you guys like this video. I'm gonna go edit this video and get it out to you guys, so you can see it. I really do wanna know your thoughts. I know YouTubers say that all the time, but let me know down below, like what you think. I wanna read, did you hate it? Did you love it? Be honest. (electronic music) (electricity buzzing) Superchargers are in Kazakhstan now. That's because of this guy right here. - [Dan] Wait, you put your GoPro in the middle of the street? - For it to go over top of it. - [Dan] Shut up. - Yeah, ran it over - [Dan] Cybertruck ran that over? - [Zack] Ran it completely over. - [Dan] No. How do you get out of it? If it crashes. (engine roaring)
Views: 2,973,854
Rating: 4.857831 out of 5
Keywords: tesla, cybertruck, tesla cybertruck, tesla truck, elon musk, tesla pickup truck, tesla pickup, cybrtrk, pickup truck, tech, ev, new tesla, technology, truck, tesla cyber truck, tesla event, electric pickup truck, news, tesla news, cyber truck, science, electric truck, elon musk cybertruck, tesla cybertruck event, tesla pickup truck video, elon musk tesla, what's inside, cars, automotive
Id: pMZKwOaOrxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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