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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/grinchisthicc 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] just another ordinary day with the same technology yeah we're top of the line that's the problem i want to upgrade something but everything i own is still fine i have a suggestion what is it powerbook g3 is my series zero apple watch it still works fine except for the battery life no you should upgrade your transportation but my boosted board is still in perfect working order no you should upgrade the dinosaur in the garage oh the subaru impreza what's the 2017 model it will feel like it's from a century ago if you get a tesla what's a tesla are you serious have you even been on youtube in the past three years get with the times you know i hate driving in cars right so why would i want another car that's probably the same as every other car i think i can easily convince you give it a second oh plea whoa it's fully electric that's a neat feature it can do that how is that even possible convinced yet yep [Music] hey you ready to go yeah i'm always ready to be able to go anywhere you sure do love being driven around well i'm a car so it's just natural and you don't drive me that often i think i'm just gonna shop at walmart today all right as long as i get to go somewhere i'm happy that's good hold on a second hey i've never seen that app before what is it oh it's not that important but it's in the favorite stock it must be really important to you uh it's the official t-series app that indian music youtube channel that's gonna overtake pewdiepie yeah i'm studying t-series videos to see how i can become the number one youtuber that makes sense let's get out of this stuffy garage all right [Music] foreign oh a new email want me to read it to you uh no don't even look at it huh why oh we're both driving right now we wouldn't want to be distracted crash and die and go to hell oh okay let's just enjoy the ride then yeah of course what a beautiful night sky yeah it sure is wrong you seem down i'm just gonna be cliche and say nothing nothing's wrong from studying cliches i know that if i keep pressing you you'll say what's wrong so there must be something wrong i'm moving on what say it again i said i'm moving on from what your iphone i can break the news to her if you want me to no it's from you ha ha nice one i'm serious if you read my newest email you can see that i'm picking up a new car tomorrow let's see a model 3 from tesla never heard of them neither at first but somehow i got immediately sucked in i know that you don't even like driving me that much so why would you want another car this one's just different oh please unless it's a super car which i know you can't afford then i doubt it everything i've read about it online says otherwise it may even make me love driving you know what when you receive it i wanna see just how great it is if it can make someone like you like driving ah sounds good now let's get out of here i'm pretty sure that lady riding on an electric shopping cart while drinking wine from a pringles can is getting closer to us yep let's book it from this dump [Applause] okay this is it is it broken it's not making any noise and no smoke is coming out of the end that's because it's a fully electric car oh you've turned into one of those people why didn't you get a mercedes benz like your parents i've had bad experiences with mercedes before driving them technically yeah turn turn turn turn god damn it and i've always wanted to fully electric car to be honest come on why how can you not resist a nice and loud engine and how could you not like the sweet smell of gasoline now that's american you're gonna miss all of this in your oversized rc car if i want my eardrums blown i would just watch an ear rape video and don't people kill themselves with that stuff yeah what a great smell wait where's all the buttons and knobs how do you control all of the [ __ ] in there oh with the touchscreen of course i've already got used to it on the drive back here that is the dumbest thing ever people need physical knobs and buttons you're right without those things how else would i interact with my blackberry oh wait no one has a phone with a hundred buttons anymore because they all got used to interacting with everything on a single touch screen wait that app you said was the official t-series app has the same logo as that car why you always lying i'm sorry i wasn't ready to tell you yet at the time what does that app even do for one thing it's the keys to the car i just have to open it with my phone nearby and it unlocks but what if your phone dies or is lost or stolen then i'll just use the key card it comes with that's the key what is this a hotel yep the tesla's a four-star hilton and you're a two-star days inn [ __ ] off what else can that app do oh it can control almost every single aspect of the car big deal i have an app that does some of those things too but not that i checked and it says you have to pay 150 a year for your app features tesla's app features are free so wait you also never paid for my sos emergency assistance feature you're very brave i guess i am but i've always had my phone and my apple watch near me so i really don't need that feature uh maybe i should have upgraded this watch instead of you i'm still not convinced that new car is better than me then if you excuse me i'm just gonna do some gaming now on that game console nope okay i'll admit that car is way better than me in every way i knew you would finally come around so what are you gonna do with me i'm probably gonna trade you into carfax is it because you like their mascot uh no well whatever you decide to do with me i'm happy as long as someone's gonna drive me unlike you yeah i'll find a new owner for you like i do with all the technology i upgrade from can we go for one last drive around the neighborhood at least ah nah i just drove three hours from the closest tesla dealership and i'm tired come on please all right fine just once around the neighborhood hold that thought hello mom i already told you that buying a car when i already have a car is a great financial decision hey you will die soon give me a second please okay uh-huh uh-huh yeah i will go to hell i wonder if king would still like his new car if it had a giant dent in it dammit why do asian drivers always choose that option yeah it is who are you why is he obsessed with electricity nice to meet you but aren't you afraid his new electric car will completely replace you that's good what do you mean by that but he said that he would find me a new owner and again i don't care mom so you ready to go out for our final drive yeah sure let's get this over with isn't this driving a gas car nicer than your tesla huh did you say something are you looking up my trade in value on carfax no i'm texting and driving all my friends need to know i have a tesla now disclaimer texting and driving is gay i'll look up your treading value when i feel like it i said isn't this drive nice can we hurry this up i'm kind of in the mood to destroy something for my youtube channel please just answer my question well it's kind of boring because my tesla has instant torque and you don't don't say i'm boring try flooring me all right see i can be powerful too that's it we are going home oh oh is the drive over already what a shame is there even anything you'll miss about me yeah the free car washes at the subaru dealership is that really young no i guess i'll miss going to the gas station and getting harassed by the homeless for money i guess you've got a point i wouldn't want to buy gas for myself either now oh yeah that reminds me i need you to move out of the garage into the driveway so i can charge my tesla in here then will you look up my trade in value again i said i'll do it when i feel like it now i'm gonna go get the tesla charger and by the time i get back you better be out of this garage okay what does she want now ignore hey you left some change in my cup holder oh muddy i don't see any coins in here wait why'd you lock the door and why can't i unlock it why did you close the garage door and why can't i open it again why did you roll the windows down slightly and why can't i close them and why did you start your engine and how did you do that without the key this isn't funny anymore i'm busting out of here okay like i said i'm busting out of here why did i choose that feature okay i'll just let the police deal with this where's my phone no yes my apple watch is still connected come on come on come on come on come on no i can't believe my life is in the hands of my killer now please god if you're real let this work you're not currently subscribed to subaru starlink please visit to upgrade your service hey y'all what does it smell so bad in here help me i go filming another stupid youtube god maybe he can buy a third car then what can i help you with hey siri help me i'm not helping you after the way you threw me down [ __ ] i knew i should have switched to android king king where are you he's dead hi king sister looks like i'm your hand-me-down car now i get the tesla oh come on
Channel: Plainrock124
Views: 7,873,865
Rating: 4.7842798 out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Tesla model 3, model 3, Tesla model s, model s, Tesla model x, model x, Tesla model y, model y, Elon Musk, car, Automobile, cars, upgrade, replace, moving on..., moving on, plainrock124, plainrockvlogs, Subaru, Subaru Impreza, impreza, roadster, tesla roadster, sedan, change, exchange, tech, technology, skit, comedy, ev, electric vehicle, Vehicle, iphone, apple, siri
Id: t7uBTsv-g8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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