Tesla Semi & Roadster Unveil

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Edited with different music and some things clipped out. I understand it was licensing, but damn Sabotage was so perfect when the roadster came out of the truck. Shame they couldn't use it. Also at the end, when Elon was shouting something like "to hell with the barriers, just jump over the barriers!" is cut out, which was also an amazing moment. The barriers were too big to just jump over, but they were pushed/pulled out of the way.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/rabidchinchilla 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/inspron2 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

after watching this again and noting the 620mile range for the roadster... i have to wonder how much range is enough?

if the model S v2.0 in 2025 had 1000mile range, is that enough? do we need 2kmile range? recharge once a year?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/xXx_burgerking69_xXx 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

when did this happen? great news!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wooomp 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

He keeps burping lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2017 🗫︎ replies
over five should never bad dejeuner traverser mondo [Music] bonsoir je m'appelle Shivangi em I'm the leader of the truck program here Tesla and it's my great pleasure to welcome you here in Los Angeles [Applause] all of you all of you I've played a very important role in making this event possible and ensuring the success of Tesla many of you here have given lots of referrals for their cells thank you very much many of you over there have helped us on the trek program have given us feedback and begin us a lot of advice and have placed a lot of reservations for the truck so thank you very much for your support and finally I want to thank all of our employees here in Los Angeles in the Bay Area and at the gigafactory for all the hard work for something we make a lot of sacrifices but I think you will agree with me that it's worth it when you see those beautiful products I'm personally personally very passionate about trucks I've been lucky to work in that industry for a long time and I'm proud to say that we have the best trucks ever are you ready to see them bring them on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but we're gonna put again the trucks the moment goes trucks the moment alright alright welcome welcome welcome to the to the welcome to the Tesla semi truck event I hope you like what you see I'm going to tell you about everything that this this truck can do it blows my mind I think it'll blow yours starting with performance so ever an acronym we came up with that I think really really describes performance well so SEC technical term but let's show you what that means in in acceleration so one thing that care about Tesla is we were looking about performance we want we want a vehicle that feels incredible that accelerates like nothing else let's show what the truck what it's like to be in a Tesla truck this is real time [Applause] okay so that's but the Tesla the Tesla semi on will go zero to 60 in five seconds that that's by itself or with a trailer now at eighty thousand pounds max gross vehicle weight but that's the most amount of weight you can carry on a US Highway this is the real-time acceleration otezla semi that on the left the thing that looks like it's not moving is a diesel truck give it a moment I sorry to bore you I apologize boring I know especially it'll get there alright even with 80,000 pounds pulling max gross getting 60 miles an hour in 20 seconds that's what it can do now what about up a hill okay the the best diesel trucks can only do 45 miles an hour up a five percent grade Tesla Sam I can do 65 miles an hour for 5% grade that's 65 miles an hour continuous at max gross but what this means is that if you've got if you're pulling a load over the Rockies or some mountainous terrain up a hill you're earning per mile you're earning fifty percent more per mile than you are in a diesel truck that's a gigantic difference so now one of the biggest questions we've been asked about electric trucks is well how far can they go because well let's find out so 500 mile range but [Applause] but what is a 500 mile range mean and by the way it's 500 miles at maximum weight at highway speed suturing like 60 miles an hour that's a worst-case scenario but what it means is that to speak because the vast majority of routes because the vast majority aren't are under 250 miles it means that you can go to your destination and back even if that your destination has no charging you can you can go there and back go there at home with without recharging so you could you could deliver a load out to the middle of nowhere and come back [Applause] now how do we achieve this one of the ways we do this is we design the Tesla truck to be like a bullet so whereas a normal diesel truck is designed more like a barn wall this is a bullet you can see this in the drag coefficient so the Tesla semi has a point three six drag refers to the wave this is a really good number as by way of comparison of a bugatti chiron which is a 2 million-dollar supercar has a point three eight drag coefficient this is got a better drag coefficient than a supercar and by the way we yeah all the way you can see that in the design the weather we achieve that is with the bold shaped nose we also have side flaps that map to the whatever trail you're pulling well it's a new trailer of old trailer but the side flaps will map to whatever trail you're pulling and close the gap so this this makes a huge difference to the drag coefficient the the bottom of the truck is also completely flat so air can flow straight through these are things that you don't see on any other trucks and it gives us incredible highway range or the key factors we also have four independent motors aren't to visit the motor on each of the rear wheels and an independent front suspension so it's incredibly comfortable to to drive this truck yeah [Applause] and then we just or we're interesting we created a pickup truck version of the Tesla semi it's a pickup truck that can carry a pickup truck [Applause] by the way this is you can legally drive that and it shouldn't be legal but you will actually be able to legally drive that with a normal driver's license it's kind of wrong but no I get now I'll go to the driver experience what does it feel like to drive this truck it's amazing because this truck has no beers it's there's no you're not constantly shifting gears it has one one gear so it's it's smooth it's like driving it's like driving a Tesla it's as though you're driving a Model S or model act so model 3 it's just big it's so really it's super easy to drive and it feels incredibly responsive unlike any truck that you've ever driven um and and the point of view that you have is also incredible we put the driver in the center so the driver is actually in the center of the truck you're positioned like you're in a race car you have complete visibility of the road and all the surroundings [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's a beautiful spacious interior you can stand up inside it's got redundant screens and it's it just feels incredible drivers it's one of the best feelings it's it's so it's incomparably better than another than any other truck on the road you really have to drive it to understand just how good that feels like I can drive this thing and I have no idea how to drive a semi so take a few look take three more shots of the interior just gives you a sense by the way will sound like [Music] also there's a little there's a little trunk in the front all right let's throw it in there well it's compared to I don't want to hurt your eyes but that's what a diesel truck looks like today it's a clutter of third party devices it's very difficult to use it requires integration installation these things don't talk to each other it's it's a it's a pain in the neck it has significant app so giving it add-on costs whereas the Tesla semi all this is included it's included in every in every truck everything just works the moment you get the truck it's got everything and it'll seamlessly integrate with with all the fleet systems the things that are really important to the trucking industry so what about you know fueling today with your feeling a diesel truck you've got fumes wells toxic environment prices changed all the time and what a lot of people don't realize is it actually it takes up to 15 minutes or more to actually fill up a truck get to sit there for 15 minutes well the tank gets built as compared to charging a Tesla truck you can charge at your arts and or destination so while you're unloading your cargo you can charge [Music] [Applause] so the reason the reason the reason 400 miles is important is because you have you you have to trach take a break eventually so so if you drive for if you drive for 5 or 6 hours which is a that's about as much as you want to be driving continuously you have to stop for bathroom break good get a bite to eat in fact you're legally required to stop for 30 minutes so but you if 400 miles is like 6 plus a 6 to 7 hours of driving which means that what this means in practice is that by the time you are you're done with your break that the truck is ready to go you will not be waiting for your truck to charge it's a big deal [Applause] and because of the Tesla mega charges that will be installing well that just like we've got super charges installed worldwide if you've seen the super charge of math it started off was just a few super with just a few charges in California now we have super charges I don't know throughout the world you be able to go anywhere in with a Tesla consumer vehicle the same will be true of the Tesla semi you'll be able to travel area anywhere in the world on the Tesla mega charger Network and and that means we can guarantee the electricity rates because these will be solar powered mega charges that charge to Tesla power pad is 24/7 guaranteed low electricity [Applause] and because this is mega charge is a solar-powered your truck is running on sunlight okay what about safety now when I say safety I'm talking about the the driver safety I'm also talking about other cars on the road and Tory have pedestrians safety for everyone if you've got 80,000 pounds moving at 60 miles an hour that's it's a very dangerous thing every truck we sell will have enhanced autopilot as standard okay [Applause] but the truck will automatically brake alright good yeah you can read it too or it'll automatically break but it will actually automatically Lane keep as well so even if even if even if you're in the truck and you have a medical emergency the truck will stay in lane and gradually come to a halt and put on the Emergencies if it doesn't hear a response from you will actually call emergency services and get an ambulance it's gonna take care of you is going to take care of other cars you can take care of pedestrians this is a massive increase in safety [Applause] a few other things about safety it's go with that central position you're in a very safe position even if you were to collide with with another semi you have a low center of gravity that gives you really good handling means the probability of a rollover is massively reduced because the battery pack is in the floor pan and and rollover risk is reduced and perhaps most importantly jackknifing is is usually the worst nightmare of a trucker how do you stop your vehicle from from jackknifing and if you're in difficult conditions the truck will automatically stop jackknifing because it's got independent motors on each wheel and it'll dynamically adjust the torque on each wheel so that Jeff jackknifing is impossible [Applause] your worst nightmare is gone with this truck gone never have to worry about it [Applause] this miserable job reliability reliability is incredibly important at the truck is is your life it's your business truck breaks down you disappointing your customers it's a it's a horrible day to be a horrible week it could break down the middle of nowhere it's the safety issues reliability is incredibly important we're putting massive attention it's make this truck incredibly reliable and that's why we are guaranteeing that this truck will not break down for a million miles [Applause] we're guaranteeing it won't break down for a million miles because it has four independent motors you can lose two of those four motors and the truck will still keep going in fact even if you only have two of the four motors active it'll still be a diesel truck it's not fair really so then what it has a few other benefits as well brakes brakes are a big deal for trucks you got to stop 80,000 pounds it's not easy that's a lot of break for a lot of brake wear but because the with an electric motor you can turn the breaks into generators so every time you break that kinetic energy of braking goes right straight back into the battery pack instead of heat instead of wearing down a brake pad it's the brake pads basically last forever but you'd ever need to replace brake pads ever ever so yeah no Brad no brake pad changes ever never worry about transmission there's no transmission transmission can't break there are no emissions no scrubbers and their differentials and and this is the feature I like best thermonuclear explosions improve class [Applause] close means close so standard glass now why is this important cuz baby look nothing survived to nuclear explosion that's incredible so the actually what's important here is by nuclear survives a nuclear explosion or you get a full refund for refund the the reason this is important is because truck windshields are huge and they crack about once a year and if the truck windshield is cracked you're not allowed to drive it so it actually it's truck offroad if you have a pract windshield and that and that means lost driving you disappointed customers it's a terrible it's a terrible day and you if you're stuck in a middle of nowhere take ages to get out to get a new windshield so actually this this this detail this detail matters a lot to to someone who really understands trucking it's it's small but very important then we have in terms of connectivity to your truck understanding what's going on we have the Tesla app that gives you full information about your truck this is sort of normal it's like we take it for granted with if you've got a Model S or more leches like that but this is not normal actually for trucks you have full access to all your truck information you got remote diagnostics you can you can see what's going on preventive maintenance the truck will actually anticipate when it needs to be made when it needs maintenance and and inform you ahead of time and it connects with the fleet so if you've got to try to manage a fleet of thousands of trucks it's also incredibly important all this data is coming in you know exactly what's going on it's going to really help you manage your trucking now having said all this you're probably wondering how much is it going to cost because Tesla stuff is expensive but we realize that trucking the economics of trucking matter tremendously if if you have a truck if your classroom while is too high it doesn't make economic sense you can't make it work so we've really thought about slide and when you take everything into account take the least cost the insurance cost maintenance all of the factors the fully accounted for true cost of trucking a diesel truck will be 20% more expensive than then it says a semi per mile on retail this is from day one it from day one having a Tesla semi will beat a diesel truck on economics day one and this is at this is a worst-case scenario so it gets better than this this is the this is the work this is worst-case in our comparison this is taking max vehicle gross it's going at sixty miles an hour and it's assuming to $50 gasoline price we're guaranteeing a seven cent kilowatt wholesale price what I'm clear about that this is real these are real numbers and it only gets better than this this is a worst case scenario now one truck one otezla truck considered by itself beats other diesel trucks but what if you have a convoy so what if you have trucks two trucks following so your country you're more like a train train driver in fact but the convoy technology the tracking technology this is something that we have confident we could do today ten times safer than a human driver so this is I wanna be clear this is something we can do now and work that plane they go now if you look at the economics of a truck convoy it gets way better now a diesel truck is twice as expensive as it has a semi the business so it's what this means is it's not just economic suicide to use one diesel truck its economic suicide for rail this beats rail [Applause] so and that's that's I think really quite quite profound we're confident that this is a product that is better in every way from a future standpoint that wins on economics against diesel trucks in a worst case scenario and that defeats rail in a convoy scenario and production begins 2019 so if you order now get part the truck in two years [Applause] right so that's the the Tesla but Tesla Sam I hope you guys enjoyed what you saw our guys take away thank you Thanks [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so turns out there was some cargo in the truck there's some cargo in the truck we threw it bring it out we started Tesla we start Tesla with a sports car Tesla Roadster that's that that baby got us going it's it's the it was the foundation the whole company was - Tesla Roadster a few have asked us for a long time when are you gonna make a new roadster we are making it now [Applause] and you know this energy watch Spaceballs movie but this there's only thing there's only one thing that's beyond ludicrous which is plaid [Music] so that the Tesla but the new Tesla Roadster will be the fastest car production car ever made period [Applause] and this is the base this is the base model okay this is good base model we're going to talk about things beyond base maybe next year sometime this is the base model base model will do 0 to 60 in 1.9 seconds okay it'll bet if that is the fastest this is we the first time that any car has broken 2 seconds at 0-60 it'll be it'll be the fastest to a hundred miles an hour 4.2 seconds to 100 miles an hour [Music] beep absolute passion on that jet over there it'll do the quarter-mile in eight point nine seconds this will be the first time that any car has broke in nine seconds any production cars broke in nine seconds and a quarter-mile these are these are all these are all world records okay this is what we're achieving in the prototype I would say what the actual top speed is but it's above 250 miles an hour the range this is going to have a 200 kilowatt hour battery pack [Applause] so 606 this is these number sound not even for their real 600 620 mile range that's not a thousand kilometer range this be the first time in electric vehicle brakes a thousand kilometres a production electric vehicle will travel more than a thousand kilometres and single charts at highway speed [Applause] but you'll be able to travel from LA to San Cisco and back at highway speed without recharging the point of doing this is to just give the hard-core smackdown to gasoline cars [Applause] drive driving a gasoline sports car is gonna feel like a steam engine with a side of quiche this thing will have three motors so it's all-wheel drive one motor in the front turn two on the rear I'll do torque steering I said turning coming out load our battery pack ten thousand Newton meters of torque if you know what that means it's stupid it's also a four-seater yeah so it's a two plus two two plus two okay you can't put giant people in the in the rear seat but you will to put okay a giant person is squashed or a small small person fit in the bed so but it's a four-seater it's not like if this is four seats it's convertible so it's a Ruvo roof it's and it has tons of storage so you like actually travel somewhere bring bring luggage bring whatever you want and have plenty of storage carry for people like it's a real car it's not just crammed in so it has all that functionality with four seats [Applause] and available expected this to be available in 2020 so yeah exactly so would you like to come up would you like to come up and going up come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Tesla
Views: 6,947,544
Rating: 4.8970017 out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model s, model x, model 3, powerwall, electric car, elon musk, ludicrous, battery
Id: 5RRmepp7i5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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