How Many Tesla Cybertrucks Can You Order?

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(needle scratching on record) (funky techno music) - Welcome back to "What's Inside? Family" where today I am going to do something very interesting. I am going to see how many Tesla Cybertrucks I can order. Now, I don't know what the limit is on the system, but it's a $100 deposit in order to get one. And supposedly, it's refundable. So, hopefully I can get some of my money back, because I think I'm about to spend a lot. Let's see what happens to the Tesla website and then hopefully I can get them refunded otherwise I'm just going to have a fleet of Tesla Cybertrucks. A lot of you had asked me am I going to order a Tesla Cybertruck? I did order one. It's in my account. I ordered one Tesla Cybertruck. Not sure if I wanted to take delivery or not but the more I look at it, since that opening night, (audience screaming) He's bringing it out, right now, what the freak? What?! Oh my gosh! (intense rock music) - [Man In Audience] No way! - The more I really, really like it. I mean, I even bought a Cybertruck shirt, so I guess that's fitting. And then, as a side note, we have our new water bottles, the first-ever merch that we've ever done, and we have our website, I'm on the Tesla website, I'm gonna have the actual screenshot of what I'm doing right here. We are in our brand-new studio, this is just the editing room. Let's do this, let's get into it. So, all right. Cybertruck. I'm gonna have to blur-out my credit card details somehow here. There she is, "Better utility than a truck "with more performance than a sports car, order now." Exoskeleton. That is super-interesting, looking at this thing. The back is something that, now that we've been moving into our house, that I really, really think is cool and has a lot of application. Like to be able to lower the back and you can just carry stuff into it, or push a button and the metal thing goes over and it protects the stuff, like right there, there it is. ATV. Man, that thing looks cool driving down the road. Okay, there's all the stats, we've seen 'em. "Order Now." Let's get into this. The ones that are coming the soonest are the tri-motor all-wheel-drive ones so let's choose that one. "Buy Now." Plug in my info, it's already pretty much saved, my credit card, I just need to put the last three in. Bam, bam, bam. And confirm. Credit card is confirmed. Place order. "Your order is complete." I just ordered a Cybertruck. (laughing) Okay? All right? If you go over to my account, you can see that I've got a few, all I have right now in my account is the Model X and the Cybertruck that I'd already ordered. Tesla account, refresh. Their website is not the fastest, I must admit. (chuckling) There we go, we have two Cybertrucks! Well, what's better than two? (electronic video game music) How about three? Let's go for it. "Buy it now." Bam, enter info, enter credit card. How fast can we actually do this? I would imagine at some point it's gonna say like, (computer beeping) "You've hit the limit." Oh, there's the email, got another one. And when's my credit card company gonna call me and be like, "We've detected unusual activity "on your credit card." I'm gonna have an entire fleet, how many of these can we order? Okay, let's go back into my account and let's refresh. Last time, we had one Model X and two Cybertrucks. All right, we have one, two, three, four, five, (computer beeping) six, seven, eight. We need more of these. Which one's gonna crash first, the Tesla website, or the Tesla service saying, "This guy is ordering too many"? Or my credit card company calling me? I have other credit cards here. Uh-oh! "There is a problem processing your payment." I think we just hit a max. One credit card down, I've got more where that came from. All right, let's see how long the American Express will last. I'm pretty sure we just ordered one. (computer beeping) Yep, there it goes. I think what they're doing is they are going to have a huge event with Battery Day that's coming up in April. And the Battery Day I think can be the biggest thing to Tesla in years. I know the Model Y is coming out, I know the Cybertruck has come out, but the tech that they should be releasing (computer beeping) on these new battery packs are probably gonna be pretty amazing. Okay, let's see how many we've done. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. We have 20 Cybertucks! That's pretty cool. (cash register bell dings) Oh! And when you hear that dinging noise, somebody just bought a water bottle, one of these water bottles, from our website. And Shopify makes like a cash register noise every time. It makes it the coolest app. Like, I never have my noise on on my phone, I never really have, until yesterday (computer beeping) when all of these orders started coming in. Thank you, guys, thank you for buying our water bottles. I'd like another 10 Cybertrucks, please. (melodic electronic keyboard music) Oh, no! (hands clapping) It stopped. Credit card number two is down. Okay, we're switching to credit card number three. I would imagine that I'm about to hold the record for the most Cybertrucks purchased by any individual. If I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong. Show me the proof that I'm wrong. Oh wait, somebody's coming. (electronic beeping) See, they're putting the code into the studio. Who's it gonna be? ♪ Who's it gonna be now ♪ Who is it? - [Claire] It's Claire. - Claire! Say "Hi" to everybody. - Hi, sorry, I didn't know you were in here. - That's okay, we're filming a video in here. I'm buying Cybertrucks. (computer beeping) Do you like the Cybertruck? - You're buying one? - How many do you think I've bought so far? - Actual cars? - Yeah. (computer beeping) - Twenty? - Twenty? (laughing) That's a good guess. - I see a lot of them on your screen already. - Let's count 'em up. (Dan jabbers) Twenty-six, 27, I bought 27 Cybertrucks. - You what? Why? - Now I'm doing another one. - Why? (upbeat techno music) - Guinness World Records, right here, most Cybertrucks ordered by one person. (needle scratching on record) Oh, no! It stopped. Third credit card has stopped. How many do we have? - What? - How many have we done? Twenty-eight, 29, 30, 31, 31. I already have one in my account. And then every 10 with the credit card, it stops me. (upbeat techno music) Okay, how many Cybertrucks do you think I just bought? - I'm hoping less than single family double digits. - Okay. - How much is it? - Watch this. Wee! Look at all the Cybertrucks we have in our account! - How many did you order? - Thirty-three. So $3300 in Cybertrucks. - Why are we having so many? - Look how many we have. Think how cool that'd look in front of our house to have that many Cybertrucks. - (chuckling) I don't think this is necessary at all. (upbeat techno music) I don't even know if I want one. I'm okay with maybe one 'cause we do need a truck so if you think it can hold a bunch of stuff. - It's a pretty big truck. - Yeah. - Come on in, Nick. We're filming live. - Yeah. - Scoot in further. - How are we live? - Look at all these, this is our Tesla account. (laughing) Thirty-three! - Thirty-three? My credit cards all stopped. Okay, let's see if it lets us buy one off Leslie's credit card. - [Family] Yay! - Okay, we're buying more, we're back in business, everybody. - But I do need to be buying stuff on my credit card this month for stuff so it's not-- (cash register bell rings) - Oh, cha-ching! - Oh, it just made money, cha-ching. - That's my favorite sound. - Sixty-nine dollars from Shopify. Thank you to somebody for ordering two. All our credit card companies are gonna be so confused today. There we go, we're still ordering. (cash register bell dings) Oh, somebody bought one! - Cha-ching! - Yay! - Somebody bought one. - Jennifer. - From Massachusets. This credit card's good. I think it's gonna stop us at 10, though. If it doesn't though, I'm gonna be here all day. What if we went overdrawn because of Cybertrucks? - That would be embarrassing. - That would be not a very wise financial decision. Oh! We hit a wall. (hand thumping) Another credit card down. I need more credit cards, apparently. Hi, doing good, I, on my credit card, I'm trying to make multiple $100 purchases and my credit card I think might've hit a limit 'cause it stopped at, like, 10 purchases. - [Customer Service Rep] There's nothing fraudulent, no flags or anything on here. - Okay, so nothing fraudulent on the bank's side of it, it's just the Tesla website that's probably limiting me. And stopping me from making all these purchases. - [Customer Service Rep] Yeah, I don't see any flags on any of your cards. (computer beeping) - Perfect. All right, well thanks for your help. How many have we done, everybody? Forty, 41, 42, 43, 43, so, it's like 10. One thousand. Ten purchases, a thousand. Oh my gosh. - Hey, London. - [London] London's here. - How's it going? I bought some presents. Do you like the Cybertrucks? - I would never want to drive to school inside one of those. - Look at that, look at the trunk. - Okay, that's pretty cool. - Look at it as it closes. (computer beeping) And that's a solar panel. - Why are you looking at it? - Look at that. I bought some. How many do you think I bought? - Ten? Wait. - I bought all these. - Why? What are you gonna do with them? - I don't know, I'm just seeing how many I can buy. (upbeat techno music) (cash register bell dings) Oh, somebody just bought a water bottle. Becky from Louisville, Colorado. That means a lot. (cash register bell dings) Okay, there's another one. Todd from Port Huron, Michigan. Okay, it's still working on the debit card somehow. We're gonna keep going with this. How many do you think it'll let me go? Dang it, that's the end of that card. (snickering) This is so dumb. Somebody is gonna have to recreate this video and see if they can beat me. I think for now, I'm gonna count 'em up. (Dan jabbers) Fifty-one! (hands clapping) We ordered 50 Cybertrucks today. If we bought all of them, it would cost us $3.5 million. Did you hear that, Leslie? That's a fleet, 51, that is a lot. - That is a fleet. - Every 10, the website stops. Maybe they think that certain bots will come in and like, (machine revving) just take all the orders. - All right, I love you. - So there's my random activity for the day is to buy 51 Cybertrucks. All of these Cybertrucks are now officially in my account, you're seeing it, the screenshot, right here. There's something in place on their website that stops bots from being able to order too many. And so with five credit cards, I was able to order 50. Five thousand dollars, I spent $5000 today on Cybertrucks. And here's my surfboard that got cut in half. Tesla surfboard. This was actually surfed, there's still the wax on it. (hollow tapping) Tesla Cybertruck video, that was fun. See ya, guys. - Oh my gosh. - Why are we having so many? - You, what? Why? - Why? - (chuckling) I don't think this is necessary at all.
Views: 1,920,169
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Keywords: How Many Tesla Cybertrucks Can You Order?, tesla cybertruck, tesla, cybertruck, elon musk, tesla truck, new tesla, tesla pickup, tesla pickup truck, pickup truck, tesla news, elon musk tesla, cybertruck tesla, tech, cyber truck, truck, technology, ev, cars, electric truck, electric, electric car, electric cars, tesla event, new tesla car, tesla cybertruck unveiling, electric pickup, tesla cyber truck, electric vehicle, tesla cybertruck order, what's inside, what's inside family
Id: ilfhEtE8_cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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