Ballista Only Win. Secrets Unveiled!! Rogue Tower (hashtag pogchamp)

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[Music] good afternoon i'm almost certainly real and i am going to be going for a another attempt at the ballista run we might be resetting if we get a bad load out and we get a bad map it is tough i think my strategy is gonna be to pray for some universities and i think i think i do need to build more towers because of because of the regeneration um you should actually place down all these houses gotta love that not really the best opening but uh we'll deal with that i like the way that the uh the maps looking so far okay enchanted bolts i like that i like that uh let's get broadhead though that's kind of more of our issue right now we'll pick up the quantity over quality a bit later and uh we are going to need a um are definitely going to need a anti-armor guy soon i see banditry i pick banditry all day so this is definitely a pretty tough challenge i think my main problem has been that my um sorry i'm just gonna upgrade this to armor damage what do we want to get here frostbolts yeah sure um we'll do that my main problem that i've been having is i think the regeneration i don't think that i have enough towers to keep the to keep these sort of damage over time effects up and then uh the the enemies end up regenerating i was looking at there is a bit of an encyclopedia thing um that you can look at at the in the game menu and uh yeah some of the ones i'm having problem with definitely have quite a lot of regeneration uh heavy shafts sure i do want to pick up universities fairly early on um they are they're nice to get a little bit of upgrades before they show up and the other thing is they open up some cards i want to pick anyways and you got to be a little bit concerned if you notice we're getting a lot of things that i definitely don't want to pick on a ballista only run and you can kind of if you get forced to unlock a tower it can really hurt you because then that adds even more cards that you don't want into your pool so we're uh we're definitely looking for for things that we want yeah we're gonna get bleed first okay whoops we're selling that guy we are building a ballista here i do like the looks of this map so far i am liking it [Music] build another anti-armor guy i guess let's build let's build up these houses get them going we've got what is this guy up to he's up to 319 that's good so we're definitely going for i think a more of a spamming build want to have enough enough towers that we can keep those dots up on all those units that are that are coming out um heavy shafts let's get the one range that's just very convenient ooh that is not the worst split in the world it's not the worst split in the world it's not the best either we're gonna we're gonna keep going with this because i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and wrap this path here around if i can get this path to come around again potentially we can work with that so yeah i'm just going to keep playing this one out i think i just not sure that that is the right choice yeah we'll get burn i want to pick up all those all those different kind of sources of uh yeah this guy's going to get a little bit more range i'm just going to give him a little bit of armor damage help us out with that definitely getting a little bit of uh the units with quite a lot of armor there we got ourselves the most health progress most health that sounds good to me um okay uh the quantity over quality we definitely want to get that at some point um so we might as well get it now let's get our other ballista down on this house here we've got another house location over here open okay 25 bleed sure we'll go for that maybe actually i might open up the poison just because that unlocks a couple things and i just gives me more things to uh just the range on that um i'm not going to build the other one this one will still end up shooting into here once we get i think we got two more range upgrades i'm gonna maybe make one of these guys most armor here just to try and get that armor off a little bit earlier before we get into get into our other units because the armor um is not uh the best thing in the world let's go let's go longbows that's just gonna help me with my positioning if i can kind of think about that a little bit more like i think i i think i end up getting this guy because we're gonna get one more you can sell them but he's gonna get a lot of levels like he's gonna get a lot of levels um yeah we'll we'll get that and i'm not going to want to sell them because of that oh it's interesting these guys are able to fire now so yeah i would love to see it kind of wrap around if at all possible if we could get this guy to come around but that's all right that's all right um let's go for i think the i think the slow yeah i don't think that it super matters for us right now but i think i'm going to start bringing out some of these other lanes now i'm just trying to think that like if this lane's here and i can keep it as a s no i hm yeah i'm going to start working on these bringing out these other lines now i almost wouldn't mind a split here and have more stuff come down the side because this stuff in here is going to get to attack a lot like if i build up this area let's see trail of blood bleeding enemies bile consumption poison enemies um i'm going to start working on the enchanted bolts because i want to get towards the crit there i think i'm going to do that a little bit preferentially we're on level 14. this guy is an armor guy you can take just a little bit more of an upgrade there help clean up that armor for us i think we're doing pretty okay though i'm gonna slap on a least health guy and just give him a little bit of juice there [Music] this probably just gonna give a little bit of anything everything but i think he's gonna eventually become a most shields most health most armor type of guy and then we're gonna go and mostly go shields on him that's gonna help uh help us i'm already thinking about wave 40 to be honest because that's the only thing that really matters um extra crit against bleeding enemies i do like the sound of that i do like the sound of that all about that crit chance it's not very valuable right now if i'm to be honest but it gets gets to be pretty pretty damn good uh this is our boss round i had slightly forgotten about that the classic oogie there i don't want to over invest in armor but we do we are going to need some for um i mean for the for level 40 we need a bit we're also going to need some for the dressing i'm going to put him on you know i'm going to put my most armor on is i'm also going to put them on these shields because i don't want him attacking stuff even if has the most armor i don't want him attacking stuff that has uh yeah i gotta i gotta think about these priorities too maybe a little bit better is another thing okay i have 3 000 gold i really should be spending my gold i'm sitting here saying oh i only care about level 40 but then i'll just like end up dying because i have 3 000 gold saved up um yeah plus one is shields i guess it's useful for now and that's kind of gets us towards a 10 grit bleed so we only got one chest there i think you can get between one and four so we don't we don't love that but it's not the end of the world and i'm gonna get another most shields here and get you a bit of shield damage and we're gonna go lease hal at least armor least shields least armor most health i guess and give you some health damage and then yeah this is good for most shields i think another most shields guy so we are seeing seeing a little bit of shield stuff coming through and we're definitely going to need quite a bit of shield damage up front and these guys will level themselves up pretty well these ones up in the front because they're going to get quite a lot of experience got a reasonable amount of plus threes and plus twos i'd like to see that really um [Music] really hoping to see some good universities i think that that is something that i did not get amazing luck on last time and yeah it would be nice to get some amazing luck on universities i think i dragged this lane out too far i was really hoping it was it would come back around i'm just trying to think about like i actually kind of want this one to show up first i think or do i want it to show up very last now if it shows up first that's better that's a lot you know i think we have we've we have the room to do that we have the room to do that i think what do we got we got another plus two there plus one maybe a little bit of shields back a bit you need a a healthy mix most shields um yeah so we i think we pick up the university now just instead of an abundance of caution we definitely want to have it there by level 26 because that's going to be important is is getting reasonably good university luck we can maybe maybe you can win without it but i think i think you got to get you got to get at least a little bit of uh juice out of your universities you're going to have a pretty hard time yeah you know what no maybe we don't do at least how uh leash armor these shields give you a bit of health damage there um and most shield and i want to go least armor on that all towers again a 5 crit yeah we like that i mean the range i like as well we'll get the range eventually so so most shields sure so i want to go maybe least shields most armor give you a bit of armor damage what do we want to do let's just do another near death which is gonna be health i guess most shields most armor most health i guess and give you some shield damage a touch of health damage there's a range on this guy like okay he can shoot a decent amount into this into this back line if i build something like here yeah that's pretty pog uh banditry three yeah i think that's what we do because that getting gold is basically a permanent bonus to us um and i've got to move this one out a lot too to get it to get it so this this top one's the first one for us do i necessarily need it to be the first one no what i need is by the time units get to here into this area this top area has passed through here right which yeah i think i do want it to be first basically speaking there's a little bit of timing type stuff but the waves end up becoming very long um so we're going to do a most health oh no most shield i think most armor most health and give you some shield damage all right let's keep going oh we've got to wait a little bit um at least health sure mo shield sure so there is some guys we do want to kill that that have a lot of shields so after we do most shield most health most armor we want some ones that do least shield that's the most health okay but i want most arm release shield progress or most health okay that makes sense to me um 25 poison damage didn't realize they didn't have that yet but that's nice to get [Music] yeah i'm starting to wonder about about the splits if this isn't fine because by the time these guys get down like by the time they get through to here these guys are gonna be past that area i might just start dragging this wave up top out what i'm thinking about is building towers in this area here like this one here these guys is they can shoot while it's coming through here and then they're going to be able to shoot again as stuff comes back around there and just the timing on that of the waves so i'm going to keep dragging this out we'll think about it um and i think i want to have i want to have towers that are targeting most armor leased shields most health in here get some armor upgrade get those guys get those guys upgrading then as we come back through here we definitely want to have some most health most shields uh universities five percent or three percent i'm gonna take that we're close enough to 26 that you know that can really pay off if you get some early shrines down most health least shield i guess sure um so i shouldn't get armor damage on that guy so that's a pretty good difference between these guys oh um okay never mind i thought that that um ouch okay you know i i don't mind getting universities getting the two percent bonus as long as we get enough shrines we are are definitely going to want to get some shrines so i'm feeling i'm feeling good about this run so far you know this is another one of these kind of i'm gonna go most shields here oh okay there's some patch notes out i will go over that looks like there's some cool fixes oh some huge boost to mana bolts that's there's some interesting looking patch notes there we will go over them after this run and what was i doing i was doing a most shield guy over here this guy also can fire kind of a double time type situation we'll put you maybe on a most health type situation least shields i think i think that's important maybe that i haven't been doing is uh making that distinction of saying hey if i'm gonna put something on on most health um i should put it on these shields as well [Music] am i fine i'm trying to figure out now well one i'm not sure what's going to happen with this top lane i think we there's some chance we're going to get portaled up there um all towers gain a 5 crits um yeah there's just so much here that i want um i'm gonna go with heavy shafts just because it keeps more stuff in my pool so what i'm gonna be doing now when i pick stuff is oh i didn't actually even mean to expand that one yeah this is going to be a portal i think yeah it has to be interesting um so what i'm going to be picking the way i'm going to be picking is not necessarily the best tower for me it's going to be towers that keep things that i want in my um in my pool so there's certain towers like if you get plus one to shield damage you can get that three times where there are other upgrades where if i get it once it doesn't unlock anything i want and so it reduces the total number of cards that i want to sort of pick in my deck and that's important for the level 25 and level less so for the level 35 boss i mean we got very unlucky there on the first boss only getting one chest but hopefully we'll get more chests on the 25 boss and you only get three chests so or so you only get three picks from a chest you can get i think one to four chests so i'm very it's very like um fairly high odds that you get forced to picking something you don't want in a treasure chest so keeping the maximum number of things we want is i think very much worth it oh okay that was stupid um i was making a shield guy and then i upgraded health um and in that respect we are going to continue to take this enchanted bolts because that unlocks a crit so that was the last so let's do this yeah we get the portal there okay um that's an interesting situation interesting i think i'm gonna have to get make use of fastest actually just to create some additional targeting i think that's going to be important for making sure that everything gets slowed down or everything is getting hit sorry and in terms of keeping those keeping those damage over time effects up so the enemy can't be can't be healing and fastest okay i'll give you some health touch armor damage there how zombie oogie he's getting it pretty up there let's go for a straight fastest on some of these maybe some degree it's not perfect because different enemies have different move speeds and some of them are naturally going to just be very fast um yeah we just have to take the bleed there because we definitely don't want a tower because a tower will unlock even more cards than just the tower it'll hey how's it going there uh hqm y27 that's cool yeah i'm uh trying again trying again hoping for some better university luck look at that so actually i think this happened last time where i got a university on the very first possibility and then i got no more after that um so health i think i care about shields i think i care about i don't know that i care about investing in armor i do need some [Music] i'll maybe go uh shields here and armor we'll invest a little bit definitely invest a little bit in armor here and there but we're mostly gonna focus on our uh our shield damage our shield and health i should say because i think that's definitely what uh what's gonna cause issues for me as i say that i'm actually gonna go for a lease shield most armor most health here and give him a little bit of armor damage because we are eventually going to want some for the for the portal spawner guys and we do we do want some for level kind of 30. i think we've got one more range upgrade which i am pretty actually excited for we'll get creeping cough yeah i mean all those are basically equivalent and i think i have to watch these two lanes now that the spawn timings on them i think i think i'm going to be dragging this guy out this one out to make this my longest lane [Music] i wish i could shorten this lane but that's not really an option this portal is it's a very early portal [Music] yeah these guys these i i didn't i don't think i thought about the slow as much um oh look at that i was missing a house there [Music] yeah quality over quantity is too good and we still got one more level in that that we can get [Music] [Music] i feel like we have pretty good coverage in terms of different things getting targeted i think fastest is actually going to be kind of useful for us in terms of keeping keeping stuff targeted and keeping those dots on and making sure they can't regenerate let's go for a most shields most armor most health give him some shield damage uh 10 crit that finishes something out universities three i'll pick up if i have to i don't i don't know that the one percent is good enough unless you have a lot of universities which we're not doing bad we just got we just got another one and that is a lot better than i did last time last time i had i think three universities in total over the entire course of the game i don't love the the way that my lanes are spread out though beast armory shield uh five percent crit i believe so i'm actually gonna get the range just it's convenient for me in terms of okay we got some discoveries this is like in total i feel like that's the total number of discoveries i had last time i played at level at 40. so i'm feeling good about the universities i think actually i meant to upgrade these a little bit yeah oops whatever noops we'll deal with that though and i'm gonna go health mana yeah and we'll just cross our fingers on these universities oh shield progress for fastest yeah let's go fastest do i need to invest any more into armor i don't think so maybe a touch i definitely want to make sure there are units with the the first spawners do have armor so let's go with you least shield most armor will give you a bit extra gold [Music] um [Music] plus one a health plus one health for sure that leaves us with another thing in our pool okay okay i am feeling a lot better about this run than i was um you know say at level 20 25 so we've gotten a good number of universities and that is just it's pretty hard to pass up that kind of like scaling when you have so many buildings right or yeah yeah if we can get if we can get some good rng on those those universities i think that we have a good shot at winning this i would definitely want to i would love to do this before the patch so there's a patch that's going to come out i i think today or tomorrow type of a thing hmm armor least shield and then fastest and i'm not gonna give him a crazy amount of upgrades because he he's gonna upgrade himself i'm gonna probably be spending more upgrades on these guys in the back let's go with a most shield guy here upgrade shield damage he can just be a flat mo shield so we'll give a good number of upgrades to someone like that and then something like this is on say most shield and fastest be spreading that damage out did i just upgrade i think i might have just upgraded health on that guy i will take a look at that again universities do i go for the extra one percent it's tempting to pick up what would that give me right now uh one two three four five six seven eight oh i shouldn't be spending i gotta spend gold at my universities that's bad um [Music] i'm gonna get it because i think i'm gonna basically get everything else i want um and let's go 20 40 20 40 20 40. uh 60 60 and that's all we can do there okay let me spend because there's a reasonable chance i will forget again and you know what we'll leave armor at uh [Music] we'll leave armor just at its natural we get six percent you know off of every single one anyways so we do not really need it we've got another another spot for another university so i am liking it i'm liking it we've got a lot of levels left we've got eight levels left we can get quite a few quite a few more points then it's just just a matter of spamming ballistas now level 35 we're gonna hope hope to get some good good stuff out of that i i do really want to see the next level in level times crit let's go with uh shield and let's say fastest okay actually you know what i'm going to stop spending my money because i want to be over here doing this monster health magic don't want to spend too much money but definitely like kind of into the kind of the 200 cost range is that where i've been putting these guys 200 yeah i think that that's that's a good place to go damage wise [Music] we can start to think about moving this one out like going a one by one soon it's interesting this this spawns basically at the same length as this spawn um so i think we're gonna do a one by one actually i'm gonna take this one out one more and then we'll go one by one does that work for the number of levels left i think roughly um and yeah here so yeah we'll take we'll take the burn there uh universities yeah let's just take them up a little bit um let's do that [Music] and let's see we got four two one four three two not bad not bad we're getting there go with a least hell uh least shields most health and fastest that sounds like a reasonable combo to have give it a bit of health damage all right let's see what we got coming through so we still see still see these guys with armor working their way through i am i mean we do need some we do need some armor damage you know to kill the sort of the first the first guys do have sure i'm gonna do that i'm going to do another so is that kind of fastest with the i'm going to go so most health they're going to have a lot of health most armor then progress sure oh no i want to do most uh you know what i i found out that the order doesn't matter here actually so we're gonna do just a mix of those on that guy it's a little uh unfortunate i guess doing lee shields is worth doing but we'll do progress i guess um am i getting the crit or the poison i guess the cr i know i want to get that poison because that it's really important important that poison doesn't come off uh four through three i think we just got do we just get one armor damage not the best of luck um we didn't get another university no we didn't all right you can see this this line is starting to be a reasonable conga line this yeah this guy ends up just showing up this is actually quite a bit slower than this one yeah my spacing is really not great like this one has to come out like four and then that means this one has to come out four and we don't have we don't have the levels for that so let me think about this i think my best bet is almost to take this out one more what can i do something with this lane i'm not sure that i can do something with this lane here because me taking it out further just puts it puts it in a worse position so i'm not i'm not hyped about that i actually weirdly think i do need some more armor damage up front i'm trying to think if level 40 has armor units as well i know i'm never looking at the front at 40 because i'm always like building in the back line uh there it is yeah we like that we want to get that and the other thing we want to do is get that other 10 crit um i i think i'm more or less i think i just got a lot of research yeah i did i think yeah i think we're just more or less going to drag this line out almost in hopes that i get a split out this way in terms of spawning more units because this does reliably end up coming in after everything else i think so i think that pulling this out for and hoping for a split out this back one is kind of my best option all right let's start using these uh something like a plus three we should definitely have let's go for a uh most shield by um fastest i guess should spread that around upgrade that guy plus one here okay yeah that does shoot over into there as well so let's go most shield fastest again we're definitely gonna have to have some most health like fastest i think and least shield i think i got to put my most health on lee's shield i'm going to assume that we're going to be killing everything with armor before it gets through here and then we're going to go for some near death give it a bit of health damage you can be near death and fastest give you a bit of health damage let's go with a fastest most shields sure okay let's check these chests tower no okay so we like to see all towers gain five percent grit we'll take that okay awesome awesome awesome that was great um at level 35 there's definitely a decent chance that you can get forced into picking up a tower so that's really nice for us that we didn't get that there heavy shafts i think so because that gives us access to a 10 crit which is very nice okay seven four six that's decent it's a lot better than i had last time fastest least health most shields and those health most shields sure and then fastest i don't i'm curious how fast this will get calculated in that hey that's up on the ones up high i should be investing a little bit more into so they get a little bit of extra base damage they'll scale up a little bit in better with my investment i don't know that i love how i'm doing it's all right so this plus two how does that shoot yeah we'll mess with that let's go for most shield most armor most health and give you some shield damage work on targeting down those those big boys that's what i'll do with my plus threes i guess is given that kind of a little bit of that targeting there both shields most armor poison enemies yup take an extra bit of damage like to see that okay we got a split which i think is good in terms of increasing the total number of entrances less is going to come out of these other ones that are a little bit tight together i mean the problem with that is this one's a little tight together i don't just given the number openings and i'm not going to actually count because i'm too lazy i think i can only build maybe one or two more actually but i'm not positive and i think that that's almost always going to be targeting high shield stuff i shouldn't have put points into other stuff there yeah so level 17 sure we'll take you up a little bit more um near death you're always going to be on that just go with the fastest and maybe most armor and just give you a little bit that's a little bit of juice i want to be filling in all these plus ones for sure go for a fastest most health i guess maybe a little bit of unique targeting there frankly i don't know how many i've just left on progress progress progress so whatever drop one on there go for fastest and maybe most health as well with a least shield actually i should always do that at least shield on these more health ones anyone i have on more most health should also have least shield i think uh oh these guys a lot of these original guys i dropped down are actually on um i'm going to switch these almost all over to fastest so i feel like that it gives them a pretty good chance of attacking different things [Music] go for a little bit of near death as well i mean some of these we do want on progress towards the end i think five percent crit yeah i think we take that and let's keep going here we'll try to drag one of these lanes out we have not gotten not gotten any more universities we i think we did a well overall eight five ten i think i think i'm not in any position to complain about that fastest most shield and let's go shield shield shield least shields most health fastest i don't wanna i don't have too many on fastest but it does seem like an efficient way to distribute damage and i do think up here i'm gonna needs i don't know that i have okay yeah let's go change the targeting on these guys fastest most shields fastest sure that sounds good most health least health that does not seem like the best targeting in the world we can leave one just on most shield the most shield in progress most health let's go least shield on these guys level nine near death progress so yeah health damage level 16 level 12 near death fastest i like that what do we got we got a ballista here let's go with most health at least shield sorry least shield and then i'm never going to get mana bolts because i'm not i'm not getting the i don't think it's worth the cost of all the mana banks you have to get most healthy shield and then fastest i think on this guy and then give you a bit of health damage fastest uh oh god yeah these bad battering rams really take their probably take their sweet time uh they're 10 crit beautiful love to see that all right we're getting close we've got 12 shield damage which is pretty pog um not gonna lie i am uh pleased with that fastest bit of shield damage touch of health fastest probably shield damage is going to be what's going to be the fastest stuff for the most part but that did really early on upgrades are super cheap so we might as well grab a little bit of them all right the next level is it basically everything we've done doesn't matter because that's trivial and the next level is the test shields we'll see this is the first time i've tried going wide like this i normally i normally build build sort of stronger towers and i think those are more cost effective for damage but i think the issue with that is you get a lot of units that don't get hit and the regeneration is what kills you and i think a combination of using like the fastest and lots of different targeting types is you keep your dots up and i think that that's actually kind of super important um oh that's a mine there kind of ruining we'll see i always feel i always feel like decent going into level 40 and i've done this a couple times now and i always lose i to be fair this is the first time i've gotten this good of university stuff but i don't love the split on my lanes this portal kind of messed up my plan i was hoping to drag this one this one lane out super far and i originally had this one short um but i think i think there's a good chance i think this i think that what was actually killing me before was the the lack of spam because i had and they were just like getting um and a bit of that bit of that sorry and they were just uh regenerating which is a kind of a huge problem okay what did we get uh crits do 10 percent of the current bleed is extra bleed the plus one shields um i'll go with this i guess i think that that's good yeah because they're gonna be a lot of bleed stack because of bleed is the last thing all righty guys here we go actually you know what i want my things targeting fastest over here just gonna keep spending my gold soon as we can your death you can take some health damage police shield okay let's put you on lee's shield as well i should have gone through and checked all my targeting but that is a little boring to be honest okay i don't hate it so far i don't hate it so far at least only i i want to go mo shield shield damage it's a little i feel like i have to be upgrading but i also kind of want to watch um most shields i do feel like i'm doing better than i have in the past by a fairly significant margin if i'm to be honest i do think that the dots were actually causing me a lot of issues um because from a raw dps perspective i do think that the near death so you get health damage least shield you get health damage i think i should have some more shield damages actually i think i'm a little bit light on that so i'm looking around for some shield guys let's get some more shield damage in there they're getting farther but not not that much farther we got some towers that aren't even attacking back here so that's it bodes well it boats well this is um yeah the dots actually completely stop regeneration like if you're doing one dot damage a second it will stop an infinite amount of regeneration it's not even like that they you add them together or something it completely negates it i go to between 200 and 300 is usually what i do for universities okay so it is definitely if you want to do the ballista only run go wide with lots of targeting it is definitely i think the dots that were causing the issues before because i think overall damage maybe i was doing the math wrong because i just i don't know a lot of times i'll just quickly try to calculate in my head what is the most efficient um what is the most efficient like upgrade to get it always seems like upgrading upgrading towers that are are already strong feels better especially up to the four times crit max but maybe maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm wrong all right i i feel good about my chances but i don't want to get complacent and i think i was lacking a little bit in the most shields fastest let's get some shield plus one damage to armor um oh okay i'm missing a 10 grit damn uh there's a 10 crit after that health one holy crap i would not have guessed i would not guess okay we're to the point where we're getting pure portals um let's see here progress progress fastest most shield yeah let's give you a bit more damage what i think i want to do here least health most shield so we do get we do we still get some armor guys i mean it's just not it's not super relevant overall at least health uh that seems like a weird targeting uh this should obviously be on most health um at least oops where was that one most health least shields least armor and lease shield okay that was a bit weird you get some extra shield damage let's build some more towers let's build some more towers i don't want to get overrun here i'm looking for good spots to build but i don't see them so let's go oh shield fastest let's go mostly at least health in a weird combo just to mix up our targeting keep that stuff most shield fastest oh shield damage shield damage shield damage how's that going it's going all right oh shields most shields most shields i almost wanna okay most health oops because we do we i do see some health coming through now i do do you want to make sure we're killing stuff i'm a little nervous just because like i've d i've made it this is the first time i made it past 40 and if i lose now i'll just be like at least medium enraged if not more so and i don't love how much these guys are making it through fastest uh probably shield damage with the mix of health yeah i might be getting enraged here soon progress that was closer than i liked that was closer than i liked by a pretty pretty significant margin so um i think i have to think about killing the so most healthy shields no i want yeah i want some i want some shield i want these guys to get a little bit i want to i think i want to kill stuff the the bigger stuff i want to get that stuff dead a little bit earlier um that's a weird targeting on this what are you doing okay no that's fine most armor least health so you should be at least shields i don't know what's up with the targeting on this stuff go with fastest and i'm going to dump you a little bit yeah i sort of tried to do that with some of these like i guess they're not crazy high level but they're a bit higher level the sort of the more most shields guys up here um i guess make them suffer i weirdly think that make them suffers may be bad for me in the sense that it can cause me to lose the dots um i care more about not losing the dots then i actually care about actually doing the dots is sort of my my thought like the dot damage is nice but if i lose the dot and they start regenerating then that's like not not ideal so i'm gonna go fastest uh most shield most health and give that a bit of shield damage yeah there is a lot of enemies though that you're probably right but it makes makes me a little nervous and i don't think uh the last two rounds we haven't done as well off the universities not that i'm in a place to complain and i think i want a bit more health damage in here this little zone the so there's two sets of spawners and the second set of spawners we're making it a little bit far for me um i want to get them killed plus 100 global damage really off of universities that's kind of crazy did he just like level them up a huge amount maybe i think i actually probably should have put more gold into that um to like 30 yeah i think i actually should have put a little bit more in let's see so what's coming through just trying to watch and see like what's actually going to cause me problems there's no point upgrading stuff that's like just not gonna do stuff for me um [Music] yeah um levels levels will increase your base damage and like the multiplier whatever multiplier you put it in if you're leveling it up manually type of thing so i am seeing yeah i'm seeing kind of these guys make it through the sort of secondary spawners which means i want a little bit more health damage here okay let's spend some gold let's spend some gold um most shields fastest oh shield let's give him that let's get some near-death ones going as well i think your death give you a little bit of health damage work in a couple more near deaths a little bit of health damage okay that round uh felt felt a lot better actually i think maybe that that upgrade that gave me it is it is a decent amount of extra damage from the dots i think i'm i'm definitely overly nervous about losing dots because i think that is what was killing me before but i just had i had like a quarter of the towers or something like that um oh shields most health uh where is most health come on come on come on there we go most armor i'm gonna get another one of the kind of big guy killers up front most are i think i want to go most armor most health least shields there we go and give you a bit of armor damage just help kill those okay okay i am feeling pretty happy about that we do still have the oogie we do still have the oogie yeah um oh my gosh an extra 10 crit that's insane yeah i actually i didn't realize i still had that upgrade sitting out there i thought i had gotten them all that's like an insane damage boost i think we're i think we're i think we're good to get like 10 crit i don't think like the difficulty of the level scales such that uh and i think i'm actually going to weirdly take this off health yeah you get you get kind of nutty bread i think i think like the optimal level you because the upgrades start out really cheap too so i can always dump like it's only like 10 golds and i go up to like four i get like three yeah i get three percent credit level so you can just like even if you get them up to level five now they're already getting like those x3 crits um what are you gonna do i think fastest is just a good targeting to have with with different stuff what do we do give you a bit of health damage is it naturally as things gain get hit they get slowed down and so like your your targeting is constantly switching up which is nice to have go here fastest and then most out most armor and i'm um in the hope that that just does a little bit of slow down on those the bigger guys okay let's not get complacent though i don't love to see stuff coming through here like that no shield damage fastest okay all right yeah we i mean we still got these towers that are kind of like they get to shoot twice almost and in that respect we will give you sort of a mo shield most health there we go and fastest and we will upgrade shield damage yeah we got a lot of money there probably do with some near-death slash fastest as well which is a unique targeting i don't think i've got very much of that yeah i think we could use a little bit in low health um guys here least health least shields at least arm early shields and then just give them a bunch of health damage um i guess we get the uh do we get the bleed or we get the damage to shield i think i'm gonna get the i haven't been paying attention to see how much actual bleed is on them but i think i'm gonna get that the uh could steal additional 10 of the targets bleed is extra bleed damage plus windshield is tempting okay we definitely yeah we definitely got some more more of our universities there and we just got i think one health and one armor and we can go ahead and go near death give you a bit of health damage let's get some near death going up front too near death give you health damage then maybe a near-death and fastest oh look at that we got near death fastest i think actually i i could do with a little bit more stuff targeting fastest up in this this front area yeah it's nice it's nice that we have this this like these towers all get to attack this wave coming down here and like they couldn't there they won't be able to attack this stuff until it comes through so they really get to do a lot of work for us there these ones here i maybe should invest a little bit more into but celebi let's go with near death and give you just a little bit of investment and a near-death and fastest i guess and give you just a little bit of investment that'll help us not waste shots i guess as if we're able to take that stuff down let's go with a fastest and maybe like least um armor leashed shields maybe a bunch of health damage do another one of those least armor at least shields and most health give you a bit of health damage help us chunk stuff down there okay it it almost gets easier after 40 just because like the relative economy you get versus the difficulty scaling i feel like 41 was a little maybe a little bite my nails a little bit but uh most health most armor most shields give you a bit of i don't know everything who knows so we got quite we got quite a lot of stuff sitting here in this back line to uh take care of stuff as long as it's just these eyeball guys coming through here i'm trying to make sure that we're killing the the other ones though i actually think it's important to have i think i've built a couple of these but some least healthy shield guys maybe maybe that just counts as near death what do we got tower tower tower monster studies i like it 44 okay we're on to the last level guys this is this is pretty pog um yeah whatever let's uh just see where oogie's coming from yeah it comes from the last one unless you place the tile so that makes sense i think we're fine with that that's a pretty good distance i'm away go with a near-death fastest give you a bit of health damage let me just dump in a little bit of these uh jump into my health damage up in here because i think i think i'm doing a good job of killing the first the first splitters the second splitters are making it maybe a little bit farther than i'd like but i think still still okay thank you thank you this is better than i've ever felt well i've never actually gotten past 40 so um you know it's definitely quite an improvements most health least shields uh armored life sorry i'm losing my mind here i want to get uh health okay okay i think we're doing it i think we're doing it because the rest of these are more spread out than those two these these guys kind of come in all at once now now that we've killed that i think this is a little bit more spread out overall is it uh you know what maybe not maybe not actually there's a lot of portals there close together i think i'm wrong on that i think these guys are a little bit more together so most shield in progress sure let's give you that let's go ahead and hit this with just a good old classic most shield we'll do that but i think this is looking pretty good i think this is looking pretty good it is definitely so if you want to do this you gotta spam you gotta spam and spread out your targeting types i think is the key thing here um i think i could actually i don't know if i could reliably win but i think i could win like fairly often um oh i wanted to do a most healthy shield guy most health and then at least shields dump some gold in most shields sure fastest most shield most health i don't know whatever oh shield fastest build another guy over here released health uh let's go near death actually yep okay we got the oogie still but i don't foresee him being a problem we do potentially maybe not have very much in the way of armor damage um nah i think we're fine yeah he just he really has very very little life you know yeah i'm like yeah every time i like worry about the boss i'm just immediately like um i'm immediately reminded that they just have like almost no life and that's good game all right i am happy about that i am going to take a screenshot yeah so if you want to beat this it is definitely uh spam ballistas and mix up their targeting so that you get you get a good spread of those of those dots getting applied because i still think the overall if you're just going for max dps going like going up till you get like that times four crit can i still spend my money um oh yeah i can huh like you can see here you can get like times four crit and that's like kind of super valuable and even like the damage the way the base damage and the health damage both go up and they multiply together um yeah but i think just the dot and the slow making sure that that gets applied to everything i think that yeah spamming towers is for sure the way to go
Channel: AlmostCertainlyReal
Views: 103,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hp6uhhEIGjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 22sec (5362 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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