Vortex Rocket Engine V3 (3D Printed)

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How this man has not ended up causing a structure fire or getting a face full of shrapnel remains one of life's great mysteries.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ThatTupperKid 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Inetzga is awesome

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/s4m3350 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
the idea was simple i would 3d print the rocket engine and protect these walls using vortex cooling this worked pretty well with air in propane but once i added oxygen it became really unstable and hard to control to make my life easier i decided to 3d print the entire engine in ceramic resin that can withstand up to 1500 degrees celsius but easy was not on the menu it's not easy to 3d print ceramic parts and i quickly discovered that they lick this video was brought to you by kiwiko [Music] okay so i just 3d printed the three main parts that make up the rocket and because i know you guys are a little bit tired of watching me remove support material from the parts i'm gonna use some editing magic this time [Music] what i'm not that king anyway i removed the support material from the parts and now i need to find a way to seal them you know so the engine doesn't leak again um i'm gonna use your ideas you suggested a 10 of them but i think there's two that are really cool and promising the first one is glazing the parts which is the traditional process to steal ceramic parts but there's a little problem with that idea glaze is basically a thin sheet of glass around the part and glass shatters so instead of glaze i'm going to use a ceramic slip the second idea is really cool it's electroplating the parts which is a very cool process in which you add a thin sheet of metal around the part using electric current i always wanted to use this process but i never really had a practical excuse now i have i started off by trying the ceramic sleep idea slip is basically a very fine ceramic powder that is used in pottery to cast ceramic parts i mixed it with water and i dipped the parts for about 10 seconds in the first inspection you can see that a thin layer of sleep was formed around the parts which is promising i used my kiln to cook the parts for about seven hours to center the slip and make it temperature resistant okay so the parts are finished sintering and just by touching the parts i can tell they are more dense like i can't see any cracks or pores so that's nice but anyway the only way for me to know for sure is to assemble the engine and test it so let's do that on my other videos i fixed the rocket engines in my vise but that doesn't really give me much information about their performance a cool thing to do would be to put the rocket on a rail like a linear guide so if there's any kind of thrust well the rocket will be pushed forward the problem is that for me to order a linear guide right now it would take me at least a week to get here so instead i decided to use my just a second my 3d printer it has a linear guide on it high quality actually i'll put it back together again don't worry a few moments later look at that so smooth no freakshow after getting the spoils from the dead carcass of my 3d printer i 3d printed some limiters in red pla so the rocket doesn't shoot out and starts flying around my shop i assembled the engine and gave it a go where exactly i don't know well let's check the slow motion footage then the engine seems to be leaking primarily through the nozzle but once i increase the chamber pressure it starts leaking through other places it's definitely not leaking as much as the other engines and that means the slip dip actually helped the engine didn't really move though so i gave it another go this time full throttle [Applause] okay so i burned the hole in my table but the engine moved which is pretty awesome if i play my cards well i might just get a fully working rocket engine so i decided to go all in and what i mean by that is why not slip deep the parts and then electroplate them that should give me the best result right so i 3d printed two vortex engines and i dipped all the parts in ceramic slip while they were on the kiln getting sintered i moved on to the electroplating part of affairs electroplating is a very interesting process in which you deposit metallic ions onto a part surface to do that you need electrical current a solution with metal ions and of course a part with a conductive surface and right here you see where things go south for me because if there's one thing that my ceramic parts aren't is electrically conductive but as always there's a way to fix that graphite it's the crystalline form of the element carbon and because of that if you heat it and compress it enough it becomes a diamond it's also a very good lubricant it's used in pencils it's resistant to high temperatures and it's an excellent electrical conductor and because of that i'm gonna use it to try and make conductive paint yep and try i did i mix some graphite powder with acrylic paint and i use water to thin it out i tried some different proportions of the aforementioned ingredients and settled on a paint that was easy to apply and also had a low resistance i painted some ceramic parts so i could later cover them in metal in this case the metal i chose was nickel because it's supposedly easy to play as a silvery finished look and can withstand up to 1500 degrees celsius i got myself some nickel strips to use in the process but i still needed a liquid full of nickel ions and to get such a liquid which bears the name of electrolyte i got myself some white vinegar i say that word slowly because i have an accent and that's a tricky word white vinegar which is basically acetic acid and what i did with it was pour it into a flask then i added a little bit of salt to increase the electrical conductivity of the solution so the irons can flow freely and without restraint in the white vinegar after that i added two strips of nickel on each side of the flask and force some electrical current through the solution this starts a reaction called electrolysis that releases hydrogen in the gaseous form and also produces nickel ions after some hours i should get a concentrated solution filled with nickel ions which should have a clear green color like this but that was not what i got so i failed miserably trying to create a nickel acetate which would be the electrolyte to perform nickel electroplating i don't know exactly why it's supposed to be like a clear green color but it's not it's just this this looks like sewer water so i don't know what's going wrong uh i'm gonna try something easier copper plating because i can use copper sulfate which i don't need to create i can just buy and i'll try it that way i will not have that silver finished look but it's still metal it should work its melting point is a little bit lower but yeah let's try that sponsor time kids they are very innocent cute and energetic but also very stupid don't trust me hello [Music] as intellectually superior beings it's our job to jam important information into their tiny heads like for example the pythagoras theorem the laws of physics and of course the fact that tomatoes are disgusting to help us in this mission we can use the educational tools provided by this video's sponsor kiwiko kiwico creates super cool hands-on projects that expose kids to science technology engineering heart and man steam every crate comes with everything you need so your kid can focus on the project and not turning off my printer that was sprinting for 10 hours straight right luana guilty kiwico believes that small lessons today can mean big world changing ideas tomorrow and let's face it it's time someone invents the warp drive and the teleporting machine the problem is that that someone is probably a kid right now so let's give him a little nudge to support the invasion of the warp drive you can get your kids some crates using the link www.kiwico.com50 that is in the description down below if you use my link in the description down below you will get 50 discount on your first month and also you're supporting my channel and to that i say arigato back to the video so i bought some copper sulfate that has a beautiful blue collar that reminds me of alexander d'addario's eyes look at that so hypnotizing i would eat a tomato if she asked me to i mean it anyway i poured some alexander dario into a flask and i mixed it with water until i got a very concentrated solution the water needs to be distilled so you don't contaminate the dario sulfate i placed the chunk of copper on one side to be connected to the positive pole of the power supply and i used some chop sticks to dangle my parts into the diario sulfate i did a test with a screw and that didn't work so i tried a washer and that didn't work as well the copper was all coming out i did some research and i found out that it's really hard to copper plate steel so i gave a try to the part that i painted with my homemade graphite paint and guess what it didn't work as well i ended up trying the only other metal i had home the nickel strips and that worked the copper bonded pretty well and was not coming off okay so i can plate nickel strips with copper so what that doesn't really help me i want to plate my part and the graphite paint was a dead end in texas it baffles me how many people subscribe to your channel you are one of the worst engineers i ever had the displeasure of meeting oh yeah you're not even the worst tomato i ever met your father was much worse oh my feelings i could almost cry you're only saying that because my moronic father would accidentally make people like your videos and subscribe to your channel even worse it would give you epiphanies that would solve your problems you're not getting that with me on the picture with me there's no silver lining for you yeah no no ideas you're just annoying actually silver lining is a horrible analogy for a happy ending i used to have a silver crown and what i got were silver lightnings in my head oh yeah that's because silver is the most conductive metal on earth oh that's it oh so these were the moments my father used to complain about i miss papa so i found this silver paint on the internet that actually contains real silver on it i painted the ceramic aerospike nozzle i had laying around with the most expensive paint i ever bought and dipped it into the diario sauce and it worked the copper was sticking itself to the surface of the part it's just weird science sometimes looks like witchcraft i painted all the parts with the magic paint that i had to sell my car to buy and i plated the crap out of them when i said i painted them i mean my sister katarina painted the part i'm not good with crafts [Music] another one is finished my sister is watching gilmore girls it's kind of an okay show well now she's not watching she just got very timid yeah this part is done one [Music] look at it so pretty [Music] nozzle now [Music] [Music] once i was finished plating the parts i filled some potential licking spots with refractory glue and i assembled the engines [Music] okay so me and katrina are about to test the engines and in the name of safety i bought these these are flashback arrester valves that don't allow the combustion to go back to the tank and explode my house this was actually a suggestion from someone in my discord his name should be appearing here on this topic i also bought this [Music] this is well everyone knows what this is and everyone knows why i bought it it's pretty obvious i'm testing rockets on my attic but also because well spring just arrived and with spring and flowers and with flowers can bees and my attic is full of them they have been attacking me and katrina since we started building the rockets so if they decide to make an appearance while we're testing them well you know [Music] i don't know yeah this is the monstrosity that i built on the last video i just wanna just test the thrust let's do that okay we are ready we are ready okay let's do this ignition okay uh i think we can test it again even though it's all mushy okay [Music] fire extinguisher [Music] [Laughter] oh god [Music] are we recording yes are we yes okay this is the first test with the frozen gold rocket yeah elon musk do you have rules and gold rockets i don't think so okay ignition [Music] wow we blew up the rocket that was loud yeah zero licks no licks i love it it's the liquid it's the copper sulfate it's totally working we need to do it again [Music] why [Music] not again okay so i blew up i think two or three engines and i threw it into the back lead again and basically i'm reusing this engine to see if everything goes right this time i think i know which is the problem i think it's the ignition because the spark plug is uh very tangential on the engine i don't think the mixture of oxygen and propane is getting to it so when it finally gets to it there's a big accumulation of uh basically propellant on the combustion chamber and uh detonation occurs so if that's the problem i solved it because i'm using two copper nails that goes right straight into the center of the combustion chamber that should solve the problem let's try it be careful now katrina and it's gone so close but yeah i think i'm right i think it's the ignition do you see that completely blew off the lid what a power okay let's try the other one [Music] the ignition is still working there's a v on the camera where oh where's the fire mistake for sure [Music] the moment okay do you have the fire extinguisher the bee's there can you see it look at her look at her katrina hit it [Music] yeah for the rescue oh jesus christ we just froze on our ceiling and it's gone okay so i blew a lot of rockets and i didn't really want the war on the wasps but one of the rockets worked pretty well and the wasps weren't really able to sting neither me or katarina which i guess it's a one battle anyway i think i can finally say that i built a working electroplated 3d printed liquid-fueled vortex cool ceramic rocket engine [Music] jesus i can't believe i said all of that in one breath i'm still not satisfied though because i really want a rocket that produces thrust and doesn't blow up 4 out of 5 times i make it run well i have built solid rocket engines and liquid field rocket engines so maybe it's time i tackled in between what do you guys think i'm well aware that not everyone watching my videos has a 3d printer at home to replicate this project and that's the reason why on my last video i gave away a 3d printer to the most liked comments suggesting a theme for a future video the winner was stefan lozing and he suggested that i could build either a pottery wheel or a cmc machine i don't think i see the overall idea there if you also want to win a 3d printer all you need to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will receive a brand new 3d printer well i guess this is everything for today thank you so much for watching and remember wait which printer is that [Music] don't forget tomatoes are disgusting
Channel: Integza
Views: 438,612
Rating: 4.9383669 out of 5
Id: _Fw4CbsqCcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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