Teruteru Hanamura compilation

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yes my delectable order if I can tame your hunger say the word meat you say do you prefer a tender would you like it hard like granite cutting hard and thick Tana like a trust pit even super high school level students can't just say whatever springs to mind you're quite the specimen drop that gorilla I might have something to fix that conundrum of yours super high school level pharmacist friend behold our special soup is given to eat a foot since Reagan you're sure you don't gotta tell me twice thank you so my dear how do you fancy my don't be gone soon season provided the game with which we've been whipping up this water V I'm sorry I guess my luck is still good for a while to him at all drop the poverty God on soda and beat him to the finish your eyes on my facade you don't be fooled it's just me GU Giada I hope to make it so I know what's up think I'll chew if I have cold super duper bird looks pretty sketchy you can count me out again with the doping give it a rest come on they're not all good but steroids how dope would it be oh it should be one more Super here oh you've awakened to luck within me they like me a whole lot more than that I'm your classmate you say you're a hip partner but oh oh oh I'm overjoyed to see that you like it - outstanding we did hit the streets Sayaka miser those photo albums sold out in record time mere seconds to think that I would have opened this mouth yes well no matter thank you my friend I mean your dad a Manchu Imperial feast away here at first he wanted nothing to do with our current soiree but when he saw how hard not on me was working mr. Linkwood about defrost shut it purple sign of maturity delish you're rapping in like Oh somewhere within the Academy's hallowed halls swimming Keys delectable donut will face the land nearly dodging death would be quite the apparent test does anyone think in Oshima and hope speaker in cahoots odd haven't heard Leia hidden underneath the statue of the school's founder I just took lied down and I've been carrying this jerk for how long now I'd be delighted to take him go mate as well within my strike zone as it's so happy so how's that mean in so many words my god no make it stop make it stop please I'll feed the hungry no one should go without proper nutrition ever a dead one my wiener thinks you'd make a fighter dish
Channel: I Myujikaru I
Views: 405,260
Rating: 4.9581652 out of 5
Id: 3_LrIWTEj2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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