Gundam tanaka compilation

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haha speak the name of evil and it shall appear you gaze upon Tanaka the forbidden one my four dog Davis of Destruction served me at every turn mark my words one day I will stand astride this corrupted planet unleash your chaos might Davis that we make that is quite the presumption so long as one focuses on their talent I heard we were free to skip classes we can excel at anything behold my 12 zodiac generals alas even they could find no discernible trace Hades mood mayhap she was devoured the gates of purgatory hunger for wayward souls yeah we get it you're saying something ominous big help there hmm at last the time to use my eldritch powers is not courage fate has guided us here their souls are forfeit I am known to man as Tanaka the forbidden one my soul fighter will blast you beyond the six realms punish them my twelve zodiac generals do you proud a fairy be an odd princess prisoner will only lose his her side rage against a demon many levels higher than him karma perverts [Music] [Music] this fallen world well if this is to be our fate that let it come feel weaker I'll have you know that is a sacred operator the Fallen Angels at ni al you are not worthy to change the lining of that cage remove like impure hands let's do Corrin calamity let the record show that she was adequately warned there there little bun-bun oh no my friends our mentor has returned unto us this truly is a day for revelry with a toast to the Lords of the nine circles of hell intriguing was he exposed to my astral pressure tis a very simple maze barrier child's play for need I and me unfettered from the seven chains we are in your density think yes of course but where is she hope this time you were my true friend not really sure what you're supposed to say about all the with the seal upon my true name is broken the Rising Sun will scorch the multiverse to ash prepare thyself it shall be the last thing you hear the Toretto is upon us he well he have this war my day [Music] those who join the path find the lorda for quite loyal no
Channel: I Myujikaru I
Views: 589,355
Rating: 4.9854465 out of 5
Id: vlUaswdIFHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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