Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu compilation

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[Music] what the hell kind of bait-and-switch are you pull in here these occur as our homeroom teacher help me out no one ever said I have to be friends with you sons of [ __ ] look at you big woman with the blade is that it can it teach you don't got the stones oh I was wrong do you got the biggest pair in the room crystal clear in fact lead the way man hey whatever it is it's definitely getting closer hey teach how the hell do you know about the harm ya can get yourself - oh man that wasn't a compliment dimwit this guy hang on no choice I guess let's just get it over with yeah music as this is guess we got to stop him so much for that and so the world failed you we're not going this I did have the soda trains damn it all drop the poverty God on soda and beat him to the finish quit yo man it's our destiny not that I care but sure my sister's been crazy since the day they brought her home no telling what she might try to pull stop being a dumbass how many times do I gotta say it geez the gang retired you Peck Aoyama I brought it up so I could tell you not to do anything crazy in half [ __ ] like every other damn time go ahead you guys just act like I'm not even here I'm outta here you two have fun [Music] having said that I'm sure you'll be amazing don't lose heart we're all in this together even our little Yakuza came to the party I was already here at first he wanted nothing to do with our current soiree but when he saw how hard not on me was working mr. Linkwood about deep throat shut it / faker pick that up for me will ya of course what about the rest of it I don't know let's come I ate a step so what up my personal effects alone thank you very much wait now I got him uncle t office moving your things it's kind of weird I'm hanging out all the time they can call it a book fair for all I care it's messed up either way what happened - pika how come she looks all beat to hell coward hell's that about writing us up before we even try no he's right I don't care how scary this chick is no one smacks you around like geez I wanted a riddle I'd eat a fortune cookie running as fast as we can here save your breath for the [ __ ] hang on what the hell happened to Nanami great I bet it's lame with Pako I'm legitimizing the gang no more racketeering petty larceny I gotta say the bamboo suits you better than a real sword quit sulking and get on board yo analyst at security do kanata nickel oh man you you me oh no no ko ko ko' giggity Omega Nico Carrboro no yamete OMG dos Tara ke ko mu stroking air engineer Adina diode okay its document and ro yagura dhanananda engineer ah I know I can't get it Phil's not a grown man for me how many were equal to you know me she'll say no matter what hey girl a chicken hey bow Miki Matsu are you yeah Oh Mira screw you kid so that's not my idea I piety cozy no no recorder it's not a sign Oh Johnny Anoka [Music] so denied chorus illiteracy ah he they are a ricotta doctoral C so to a degree at a known disease kima tender honey oat schemata arendale alright so we know dr. Khurana Oh me odo sorry ma moodini - are you our new 3d Korean Erica tennis year second locus sign on your protective toe Amanda stand behind the terrorist attack again I ditched Agra
Channel: I Myujikaru I
Views: 242,574
Rating: 4.9886317 out of 5
Id: UX008lMcDj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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