Terrifying Footage of the Minecraft Player that Vanished (TheNick56)

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it's January 6th 2023 and the video is posted on YouTube by an account called the Nick 56 it's a relatively innocuous let's play of Minecraft Beta 1.5 but unpronounced to anyone watching at the time this channel would spiral into one of the most complex and horrifying Minecraft Mysteries on YouTube but to understand the true horror of this YouTube channel we have to start at the beginning this video is actually a sequel to my previous video on the Nick 56 and I really strongly recommend watching that one first and then coming back here if you haven't seen it as it'll make everything in this video make way more sense but if you need a refresher here it is the first few videos posted by the Nick 56 account seem relatively innocent they're just ordinary Let's Plays from 2011 however a Nick's third video he runs into some unnatural Black Blocks that after touching them the video cuts to static a secret message in this static was part of a YouTube url to an unlisted video called hours and watching it showcases this eerie Dimension consumed by the Black Blocks and filled with a bunch of black players also named ours in chat we introduced to Vil one a character that seems to be in total shock that Nick is here claiming that it some entity was able to capture all the others but for some reason not capture Nick it's unclear what exactly this means and whether Nick is actually experiencing this Dimension though because he seems very calm and doesn't talk to V one in chat in the following video a new Minecraft launcher appears on Nick desktop for a version of Minecraft that doesn't exist the launcher is full of strange and creepy messages and the game itself is far worse despite these videos being from 2011 Nick's game has features from future versions of Minecraft some that wouldn't even be added for 10 years not to mention the mechanics and sometimes the videos themselves are highly corrupted throughout all of this there are messages to a console in Nick's description and comments comments that don't seem to be from Nick himself the final video on the account which translates to data leak reveals a conversation between the mysterious figures it and Vil one or vilicus they reveal that these corrupted Minecraft versions are called manifestations that eventually fall apart indicated by the presence of the Black Blocks their goal is to convert Nick into an hours player like the one we saw before for some malicious reason but we don't know exactly why just yet but that's where the story abruptly ended we were left with this data leak video and a cold Trail with many questions about it and Vil one that were left unanswered who are they what are they how do they capture Nick and what are the hours players for these questions were unanswered until now because since I uploaded my video Nick's channel has not only rebranded the profile picture to the infamous console but more importantly has released several new videos that Advance this already horrifying mystery even further into darkness the first video begins on Nick's desktop and we can see that it was recorded May 9th 2011 the last time we saw a date on Nick's computer it was April 29th 2011 so this video isn't too far into the future Nick goes to open a file readme.txt in a folder for mind game beta 1.54 the namesake of this video what's immediately concerning however is that this version of Minecraft well mind game doesn't exist although this is nothing new for the versions in Nick's videos we know from data leak 01 that this manifestation of Minecraft beta 1504 was being created by Vil one so it makes sense that it's shown up here now what's more interesting though is the file that's right above it it's a jar file for this version which isn't that weird on its own but notice the date that it was created May 11th 2011 that's a whole 2 days into the future that shouldn't be possible how does this file exist but Nick gives us no time to speculate before he opens the read me hello the Nick 56 new update to cave game it has noticed that it has been some time since your last play session please come play more it's a brief text and the message is clear come play more at the bottom are two console messages console. message and console. sl/ tile equals read me we don't have to speculate too much about what these commands mean they essentially spell it out for us but notice the message says it has noticed that it has been some time not it has been noticed this sentence is treating the it here as if it were a person likely in reference to the creepy it entity that we know is pulling the strings of this whole operation Nick closes the read me clearly unfazed and opens his own file log.txt inside our entry summarizing what we've seen in previous videos the first anomaly on the ice in buron no access to Mojang forums and a mysterious Minecraft version the fact that Minecraft is apparently blacklisted in his web browser confirms that whoever it is they have access to Nick's whole computer able to Blacklist certain words and as we've seen before edit messages into Nick's videos this one line though is extremely concerning Apparently after touching the Black Blocks for the first time Nick blacked out in real life how is that possible it's as if encountering these black blocks can actually steal someone's soul in real life implying that that's what really happened to all those other hours players we've seen before it also means that the hours video was not from Nick's perspective if he was blacked out on the floor then who are we watching in the null Dimension there's honestly too many questions to answer immediately so our only choice is to keep watching Nick logs today's anomaly and opens the jar file in the folder the screen cuts to static and when it ends we're met with a launcher the launcher is very creepy it has emitted characters and ominous messages telling Nick not to try to mess around with older versions the official links are almost comically Rewritten in and the login button is extremely direct no need to log in Nick you're stuck here it seems that Vil one or it or whoever is Behind These launchers has gotten far more impatient and far less subtle in their messages to Nick Nick logs in regardless and after another flash of static he's met with a main menu and a new world immediately we see a chest surrounded by Redstone torches obviously not natural but Nick seems more drawn to the donkey in the distance though this makes sense given that donkeys will only be added to Minecraft a year from when this video was recorded in August of 2012 Nick has of course never seen this mob before he goes back to open the chest which is called cave game container inside is some paper and wooden tools but all is not as it seems if you assign dots to all the single papers and dashes to the lines of two paper you get a secret message in Morse code r u n run this is a warning however Nick clearly can't read Morse code or just doesn't care and instead calmly walks through the fields encountering a house in the distance we don't know if Nick built this or not though given this is his first time opening the launcher and his inventory is empty we can pretty safely assume that some other entity constructed this in the world before Nick though as Nick approaches we notice something terrifying did you see it in the far left of the screen inside a cave we can make out the silhouette of a black player watching Nick from afar if you recall a very similar incident occurred in one of Nick's last videos where we saw a black figure watching him from the distance only to learn that it was Vil one is this the same Vil one we can't tell for sure as Nick picks up an egg he unlocks new crafting recipe something that won't be added to the game for several years Nick enters the house to find a bed and as he leaves the video cuts to static and ends but not before we see a message in the chat for a singular frame before the video ends we can see the words Vil one has left the game confirming that the silhouette we saw in the cave was yet again V one there's also a comment from Nick's account on the video console. an illusion of er conceals orchestrated design not evades notice the Observer and the one above remain Vigilant catching every subtlety console.log out given that vilicus Vil one's true name translates from Latin to overseer we can infer that this line about the Observer and the one above refers to Vil one and it the first sentence is more cryptic however an illusion of error conceals orchestrated design is the error the Black Blocks we see in Nick's world the out ofpl features and corrupted features if so this line would imply that these errors are the product of some sophisticated system but what what on Earth are they talking about and who even left this comment it seems unlikely that Nick would have typed out anything like this but given the comment starts and ends with a console command it's likely that this comment is from Vil one himself something which we've seen him do in the past though knowing that doesn't really clear up any of our questions as to what it means but what the attentive among you may have noticed was a series of secret codes hidden in the static interruptions in Nick's video three short strings of text on their own these codes don't mean anything special but arrange them in this order and Tack on a YouTube prefix and you get a link to a secret unlisted video on Nick's account console. playback 321 541 the video begins with some static and following that we see some footage heavily corrupted by RGB scan lines as the player leaves their house we noticed it's the exact same house that Nick found in the last video but that's about where the similarities end the hot bars are totally different the location is completely different and the textures are also indicative of a far newer version of Minecraft we get some orange static and then the player in the video does this he swaps into his offand this is modern Minecraft nothing like the beta we've seen Nick play in the past so if this isn't Nick then who are we watching here 15 seconds in we can catch a glimpse of something floating in the left of the player screen though it's too blurry for me to discern what it actually is we quickly get interrupted by now white static and the footage cuts to a cave from the change in XP and inventory it's evident that some time has passed the video continues to corrupt with more and more static but as the player arrives at a lava lake we can catch a glimpse of a giant patch of null blocks this is yet another manifestation and when our protagonist takes notice we get this horrifying scene he attempts to mine the blocks but when he does the video cuts to static and we canar hear a harrowing human scream get cut off this text then types itself out at the [Music] end what we just witnessed was the horror of a successful collection a reaping by it of a player named deis X another victim of the manifestations this video confirms that Nick was not the only target of this operation all those hours players we've seen before were real people who suffered the same fate as deis X that's what was meant to happen to Nick yet for some reason he was an exception makes you wonder why this name was chosen for our new character here there's one more thing to mention about this video though that being the description it's short and sweet it knows not of their constructs the line is a bit handwavy who doesn't know of whose constructs are the constructs in question the manifestations and in that case are they talking about the players who don't know of them though why would they be referring to the players as it and obviously it goes without saying but this likely isn't a message from Nick regardless the addition of another victim adds a lot more questions to this mystery when did this collection happen compared to Nick's collection was there anyone else whose Soul was also taken by it if not why Nick and deis X in particular well to answer all that we need to revisit something you might remember if you watch the last video like I told you to you probably remember the ending there was one major loose end I just wasn't able to solve a code that appeared at the end of one of Nick's videos a code that upon release of my video remained unsolved that is until today Discord user some by girl noticed that one of the res scrambling that I jokingly put in my video was a Tumblr link this link leads nowhere but she found that if you swap the order of the words around to this you would be met with the database of consol logs from Vil one and it that's right I was this close the page contains four screenshots of conversations between Vil one and it as well as an image with some encoded text let's start off with the logs V one data log there's honestly a lot to take in here so take a look and scan it over while I hide the most important parts this log is an interaction between Vil one and the console he logs in as vilicus and inputs one of the single-handedly most important and intriguing lines of this whole mystery generate. mimic minecraft. date. Earth April 29th 2011 the implication of this line is clear as it is Sinister Vil one has some sort of system in place that allows him to create fake versions of the game based off of any date he wants in this case April 29th 2011 this addresses one of the biggest mysteries of the series so far what's with all the new and yet Tobe added features appearing in Minecraft Beta well if all of this is really taking place in 2024 and Vil one is creating a simulation of Minecraft Alpha it makes sense that this system might bug out at times and add features not meant to be there this gets rid of any time travel theories and perfectly explains the anomalies but still leaves two crucial questions uned for one consider the capture of De X we saw just minutes ago that one was clearly not in Minecraft Beta if Vil one has the power to create manifestations of modern version why even bother trying to craft up beta Minecraft for Nick it seems far easier to just never have any anomalies that may alert Nick of Something Fishy but this itself brings us to point number two the biggest flaw in this Theory what on Earth is Nick thinking when this happens to him I mean think about it if these videos really occur in 2024 and Vil one is simulating beta Minecraft how on Earth is Nick buying it does he think that he's stuck in 2011 surely not right the date on his computer can be changed but you can't just fool a guy that's been living in 2024 that all of a sudden he's 13 years in the past if Nick was living in 20124 he'd be so confused why he was playing beta Minecraft it just doesn't make sense as a result the only plausible hypothesis is that these videos either must somehow really occur in 2011 and have access to all these new features or if we discount time travel then the only possible explanation is that for some terrifying reason Nick must think that he's living 13 years in the past in 2011 but there's still more of the tumblr post to read according to the console there isn't enough data to create stable manifestations Vil one tries to override this and proceed anyway but gets another error so instead he types this console. sl/ subscribe subscribe well he's not wrong if you're enjoying the video so far then please consider subscribing I want to try and reach 2 million subscribers by the end of the year and if only one % of you guys watching this video subscribe will already be so much closer subscribing also lets me know that you enjoy these ARG videos and want to see more so if that's the case and you want more of this type of video then please do consider subscribing but thank you so much and let's session terminated in an effort to generate the manifestation Vil one actually types this D use users silly Serena y 12 Vortex skill de X there's a familiar face de X though we've never heard heard of any of them before in this series we can assume that these are all ours players and Vil One is using their consumed data to create a manifestation for Nick given that the next line says this data was used to create beta 1503 the first instance of weird versions we see in Nick's old videos we now know that the Dex incident occurred before everything we see on Nick's Channel but who are these other players we have yet to encounter any of these names though luckily this isn't where the logs end data log O2 begins with an update beta 1503 has experienced corruption null blocks have emerged we get an estimate for the full corruption time May 1st 2011 3:52 p.m. despite this Vil 1 decides to proceed with a simulation anyway and logs out data log 03 is the final of the console logs once again we see Vil one attempt to generate a new manifestation and again there is an error when he tries to create it from scratch so he resorts to the same method using data from other users he's captured though this time the names are different we get four unique usernames and beta 1.54 is generated successfully the final log is actually titled Vil one chat and it reads as follows it has been done it has just as instructed I'm receiving errors they are not like us they can s when things are not as they seem the manifestation will not hold for much longer before it collaps a permanent solution is required the Deviant must be built with what do you suggest we use him it's the only way this can continue to exist it's almost certain that the obfuscated question marks are meant to be it the Deviant here is definitely Nick he was unable to be captured by their initial plans but the they in question might be referencing us the viewers we can tell that things are wrong that these versions are not as they seem its solution to dealing with the viewer is even more interesting though using Nick maybe he's implying that they use Nick to keep us distracted from their true plots or maybe they need Nick to keep their system alive we don't have enough information to be sure of anything just yet but there's still one more post on this Tumblr a picture brightening up the background reveals some weird imagery but nothing that's necessarily informative the text is obviously a cipher and shifting all the characters by 15 with a basic Caesar gives us this message you can take a second read it and pause the video if you want but the breach they're describing could likely be what we saw in the data leak video being leaked though one part of this is of Interest domain 5 cave game Locus 1 32542 312 421 2 31514 the locus of something is its particular position its location domain 5 Locus 132 Etc seems to imply that this is the name the description of the location of wherever this breach is and no notice that this isn't the first time we've seen numbers in this form remember the unlisted video from earlier playback 321 541 this is also a locust number and given that this footage is of De X maybe each six-digit code corresponds to a given player's manifestation regardless given this new information it's very easy to start creating conspiracy theories I mean maybe Vil one and it are aliens why else would they specify that the date belongs to Earth wouldn't it just be the date and you know what that would actually explain how they have access to technology that can capture your soul from Minecraft and make you black out in real life if they're alien no well maybe but theorizing can wait because there are still two videos left to watch this is beta 1.54 2 out of four in the first few seconds of the video we already get two strange anomalies a long line of null blocks on the far left and weirdly a chicken laying an egg six blocks away from itself it seems we're back to Nick here and as he's walking back to his house some strange music begins to [Music] play also note that for some reason the screen has been stretched downwards to hide as HW bar as Nick turns his head towards the corruption we see that it's far worse than what we previously saw spreading to an entire half of a giant tree this manifestation is clearly collapsing Nick goes inside and right as he turns towards a chest just static flashes on screen with some suspiciously enchanting table looking characters though given that this video from a totally different Channel contains the same glitches used in Nick's video and with these symbols included it's likely these are meaningless artifacts that Nick didn't include himself Nick unloads his items goes back outside and punches a spider eye at the wall a few times before the video ends if you think Nick's behavior is weird or eerily calm the description somewhat clears it up I haven't slept in days it's interesting that this sentence is in quotes though I mean it must come from Nick but in that case why quote himself is there someone else runting these descriptions that's quoting Nick for us below there's also a string of characters on their own these characters do nothing but if you look back at the static we saw earlier there's a hidden code inside some of the RGB flashes resc scrambling this whole message gives us an imer prefix and tacking on the code in the description takes us to this image the black hand in the bottom right and the conversation with the console tells us this image was captured by Vil one himself though the timing of the screenshot doesn't necessarily add up to what we were watching notice how you can almost make out glass windows in the front half of Nick's house something we don't see at all from his perspective but more interestingly hidden in the top left is a media fire link and following it leads us to a download which in turns downloads a folder with two flows inside of it red hands. Ogg and the jar file for beta Minecraft 1.54 check the properties of both files reveals they were created back in 2011 and playing redh hands. OGG In Mp3 form gives us the song we heard in the past video but if we plug it into a spectrogram there are a few more sections of static that contain this hidden text console. slw warning this manifestation is unstable please decompile following the instructions and decompiling the jar file which is really just a renamed zip file we get this message public class main public static void new security exception you are not him this gate is only for him and will only propagate for him whoever made this file is definitely protecting it from spying eyes our eyes it seems that this quote unquote gate will only activate for him whether that be Nick or it or V one is a bit ambiguous but we assume it's probably Nick though that's about where this lead terminates these files are cool but they seem to be a dead end but luckily there is one more video left to analyze beta 1.544 out of 4 the footage is interestingly now stretched to the right though this audity hardly compares to what we're about to see Nick enters a new Hut a chest makes a door sound and then this happens for the first time on Nick's channel the two main characters are finally interacting Nick is aware of vill one's presence their conversation proceeds as follows hello this has never happened of the many taken you are different what do you mean who are you hello for the first time since my conception I feel fear this is one of the most momentous videos we've seen yet the conversation doesn't really tell us anything we don't already know well if nothing else it tells us that Vil one is terrified of Nick's resistance to the corruption Nick also confirms to us in the description that he is just as confused as we would assume him to be but this isn't all if you look into the comments there's a message from the console console. sl/ message a step forward often requires many steps back and deeper in the description we can find a three-letter string in fact going back like the comment advises we find that planted in the description of older videos are more of these weird codes brute forcing the possible Arrangements of characters Discord user skiz was able to find the unscrambled to a URL to one final unlisted video on Nick's Channel 1 ocular data 01 and this video is absolutely insane the video is recorded in the same position we saw in the imer screenshot this and the black and white hand make it pretty clear that this is Vil one's perspective and in the top left of the screen the version reveals that this is a special console edition of the game hilarious I know in front of us we can see Nick building the structure we saw him standing in in the last video placing this video before what we just watched and notably something interesting in that granted makes sense is that Vil one appears to be in Creative but obviously the elephant in the room in the top right we can see a giant black box the console this is what all those mentions have been referring to we watch as while Nick builds his little storage Silo Vil one communicates with it migus your failure to contain him is most concerning we cannot spare the data to create another manifestation if this collapses he will be free to wrong this could be enough to destroy everything get a hold of this or there will be punishment I am watching him now watching him isn't enough I am going to try to take him again migus this is highly unsafe There are rules to collecting data and you know that if you fail and we are revealed this is it for us there will be consequences vus console. logout and the video ends it's likely that right after this interaction Vil one tried to capture Nick as he said but failed and we got the interaction in the last public video in their conversation it seems kind of concerned about quote using more data to create another manifestation and with that line the pieces are finally falling into place the reason that we saw Vil was trying so hard to create the manifestations without any data in the tumblr post the reason the system didn't let him and the reason they need to actually capture more players in the first place their whole system runs on player data every time they use the information of an hours player they can't just reuse that data is limited meaning they have to capture the souls of more and more players to keep their system running this also explains one of the cryptic quotes from it that we saw earlier they need Nick's data for their system to exist their system must somehow run or depend on the data from collecting Nick that's why they need to capture him so badly it seems frantic begging Vil one to take Nick quickly otherwise he'll find a way to communicate with us the viewers and shed light on the whole scheme so Vil one decides to try and hours corrupt Nick again despite its warnings and as it feared Vil one was revealed to Nick one more detail I want to point out that I didn't show is the background audio of this video at 26 seconds 28 seconds 50 seconds and 53 seconds we hear the noise of a cat a sheep a sheep and a cat in that order cats or ocelots would have no reason to ever spawn outside a village or Jungle which we are pretty confident is no near to Nick's house which means that for some reason or another these animal sounds are edited in but why what's really going on here well from all the new information we've gathered across the new videos we can draw a much clearer picture of what's happening to Nick he's not the only victim of this corruption some malevolent entity known as it with his right-hand man Vil one are using a sophisticated system and console to create simulated versions of Minecraft and capturing the Souls of real people to use his data to power their simulations these manifestations can't last forever though and eventually collapse as evidenced by the presence of no blocks in the world from what we've seen they've captured at least seven players but when they try to capture Nick it fails over and over they fail to get Nick for some unknown reason he is an exception to their corruption it is desperate to collect him they need Nick for their scheme but what's the end goal here well I think I might have Sol it what if what we're watching here is some sort of Matrix or simulation I that might seem unsatisfying but hear me out here if you really think about it for a second the ability to capture the souls of players through the screen and turn them into Data should not be possible Nick blacks out when he touches the null blocks Dex screams in real life and gets corrupted this technology should not be possible it shouldn't exist it's either alien or it's simulated if you've ever watched The Matrix you know and spoiler alert if you haven't that while millions of people think they're experiencing a normal life their bodies are stuck inside pods that are hooked up to tubes artificially stimulating their brains into imagining that what they see is actually real and the kicker here these people are all being used for electricity to power an evil artificial intelligence known as the machine what if this a sort of Matrix is what Nick is actually living in all these players that we see including Nick are in some sort of simulated reality and it is an evil artificial intelligence that wants to feed off the power of their minds with access to the system it would have the ability to jack their brains and could make them think they're in 2011 2024 or whatever it wants and it uses Minecraft and these manifestations to capture their Consciousness and use them as energy to keep growing it would also make sense why all these manifestations are stored as files a detail from the Tumblr posts I never really elaborated on it seemed odd to me that seemingly Nicks and entire existence was stored in a single file but this would make sense if his Consciousness was a simulation it's all a digital world and finally Vil one is its Helper but he's also a human he types like a human he speaks like one and that's why he's helping us and I'm not just pulling that out of nowhere Vil one gave Nick the secret message to run away in Mor's code and then later he directly refused its orders and tried to capture Nick probably knowing it wouldn't work and trying to delay turn him into ours Vil one is pretending to be its right-hand man but he's leaking to us the viewers game files images videos and secret messages to help stop its evil schemes because think about it how would he possibly get access to Vil one's POV if he wasn't trying to share it with us it's because Vil one can't bear to see these lives being taken and corrupted for any longer and the reason he doesn't just refuse to help well maybe then it will take and corrupt his data as well he has no choice except to pretend to cooperate but one more thing that the attentive among you may have noticed is that something is actually a Miss video three out of four is missing it goes 1 out of four 2 out of four four out of four there's no three out of four where is this video over the course of collecting Clues we've reached a few dead ends dead ends that I believe are the key to finding this hidden video and solving this mystery for one what are the Locust numbers are they some sort of Cipher two are the captured players names just random or is there something more to this collection of seven names sure they look normal but there could be more to them than meets the eye and three the files yes we got this cool jar file but it doesn't take us anywhere or Advance the story what gives there and there's the weird animal sounds in v1's video I'm convinced that's somewhere hidden among all these Clues is a way to get the URL of video 3 out of four some way to progress further and uncover its true motive and stop him for good before he can carry out his evil schemes and that's where I ask you for help I can't solve this mystery on my own so if you've watched this far and you want to help solve the ARG then join the Discord in the description click into the Nick 56 thread read the pins and get digging to find the missing video thank you to all the amazing members of the Discord that helped with the investigation this far and a special thank you to skizzik gather and Highlander Steve for organizing the majority of the effort only together with your guys help can we actually crack this mystery and save Nick once and for all but thank you so much for watching peace out have a a good one I'll see you next time
Channel: Wifies
Views: 568,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream
Id: hFspcEWAf-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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