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there's something magical about revisiting old Minecraft worlds worlds that you and even your friends used to play on that are now completely abandoned exactly like the last person to L off left it as the feeling of nostalgia you get from seeing a couple of blocks stacked onto one another is so strange and at the same time relieving going back to those memories of you dying to a creeper while building making a piston door trading items with your friends it's an awesome feeling after forgetting about those memories for months or even years Al through Minecraft world that was once active he suddenly becomes a relic to those who play it in the future hi I'm 31 and today I wanted to tell a story a story I found while looking for something to watch online and quickly became incredibly invested in a story about Andrew and his friends so let's set up the [Music] mud and enjoy the video before starting I highly and I mean highly recommend you to watch the original videos and give the Creator the support he deserves that's Andrew gaming 67 on YouTube check it out it all started a year ago August 14th 2022 when a channel by the name Andrew gaming 67 posted its first video old Minecraft world showcase part one with the following description this this video series is dedicated to Grace I miss you buddy uh hello welcome to a showcase this right here is a world that I used to play on with one of my buddies uh my buddy my buddy uh Chris he uh Chris and I we we we used to play on this world all the time in the video we see Andrew walking around and in the the world the same world that he and his friend Chris used to play on till Chris went offline with no explanation in fact I even have some of the graphical settings turned down to sort of mimic the old days but I mean this wasn't the first world we did but I remember we we got pretty far in this one uh after some time the video cuts to the night as Andre explains that he's going to plant a potato he got from a zombie earlier but unbeknown to Andrew he was being watched hey guys uh I just wanted to make another update uh sorry if my audio sounds weird at all I uh I took out my headphones um I'm not I'm not using any anymore um and I don't know if that mic whatever it doesn't matter um earlier when I killed that zombie the zombies that came out of the cave up up there um in fact I think this one sees me right now uh I didn't realize but I actually dropped a a potato people in the comments quickly start asking questions about that shadow something is going on here so let's move on to the second video of the series called Minecraft world showcase part two Andre goes on to show a new discovery of his a second house made out of jungle wood and mossy cobblestone this right here this was Chris's first house on this world even if I wasn't 100% sure that this was Chris's house this is literally he uses this Mossy Cobble design in so many of his builds it's I don't know it's sort of like a a design Choice he adopted into a lot of things you know like a Callin card I guess um and uh yeah this was his his first house as you can see Chris's house inside enre finds no items but a singular bone in the furnace there's a bone he leaves the bone in the furnace and continues to show his findings as the night begins to spawn mobs so he decides to go back home and sleep to look for more buildings in the morning I just woke up and it's morning I think this whole this whole thing is going to be a lot of remembering where everything is you I I I remember this this one base I think it was a little Cliffside cave base sort of thing I can't remember if that's close but uh yeah I guess I guess I'll go figure it out uh right now oh no way okay I got a story for this right here this right here is actually something Chris used to build a lot in the worlds uh I think it started on one of our older ones or something uh he would just build I guess he started building unnecessary objects and structures and he uh you know sort of in random places I don't know he he he always thought it contextualized the world a bit better you know give it a little more character uh but he used to build these all over the place in fact I think it's this world that he built so many of them on he would build these brick Wells and I I always say cuzz I like to build with brick i' always ask him how he got so much clay and I don't know he always have so much clay for these uh and ref findes a brick well as we come to know that Chris used to build random structures in random places in order to texize the world but just like in the first video the video cuts and endry is in his garden being watched once again seeds right you know going around getting seed in the third episode of the series Andro decides to put on a new texture pack uh I had the bright idea to download a texture pack as you can see here that sort of mimics the uh classic look and feel of Minecraft um back in the day uh whenever I'd want to do something with a mod or Texture Pack it would always be uh uh always be Chris Chris was always the one to figure that out for me uh he was quite the little Tech wizard um so you know in the spirit of that I figured might as well figure it out for once myself um why did I say that backwards might as well figure it out myself for once is what I meant to say as en approaches a cave nearby he sees a zombie pig and coming closer something hits him from behind and he dies from falling so he responds and gets all his items back before returning back home and ending the episode but at the very end of the episode Ander noticed while editing that one of the items he dropped was mossy cobblestone which never had any to begin with so let's recap Andrew decides to create a YouTube channel and record some videos exploring his old old world used to play with a friend Chris who 3 months prior had mysteriously vanished from the internet we later come to know that Chris used to build a lot with mossy cobblestone and now Ander notices the presence of mossy cobblestone among his items mossy cobblestone that he never had all the while from time to time we see unexplainable shadows in the distance and now let's move on to the fourth episode of the series Andrew starts by addressing the mossy cobblestone saying that it must have been from the texture pack which doesn't make much sense since he still has it on but the mossy cobblestone is not in his inventory anymore he proceeds to explore further into the world I don't know how long ago we made this world but I guess it couldn't have been that long because a lot of this generation looks somewhat new looks like we're going the right way um yeah oh wow Birch up here oh what did I tell you what did I tell you oh see look Chris must have built part of this at least not far from the well we saw in the second episode Andre finds a house also detail with mossy cobblestone well I guess I'll just go in here then cuz wow okay oh wow dirt wait is that there's something like as ER was about to leave the house he notices a block of mossy cobblestone in the floor standing out from the rest of the wood floor which after breaking it revealed a secret passageway so he jumped in we used to make these little surprises for each other inside of builds that was not a pleasant sound hi Andrew you found my secret room LOL maybe this one was a bit obvious Chris wow okay in the secret room were two signs dedicated to Andrew and the chest with a bone inside that Andrew decides to take and after leaving through a leather hatch oh how did I not notice that a second well is s another well what do you know huh this is a strange place to put a well I don't think there's anything inside any of these Wells i' check but I really don't want to break any of his stuff or anything it's getting dark I I better head back um am I going the right way I honestly don't know oh here we go oh I am going the right way um thank you guys for your continued support in this series um well you know for the few of you that are watching got like a couple likes on the first one not too shabby if I say so myself um and just like in the first two episodes not noticing and I I wanted to thank you guys for letting me really dig deep into Andrew glances past the dark figure standing right outside his window it's good to mention that till now Andrew has been active with the community and aware of all the strange things happening in the videos but since the first four episodes of the series were pre-recorded Andro didn't really see anything strange but the M cobone he had when he died in the cave that was about to change hey guys I I just wanted to start off today by um showing you this right here I just wanted you to know that my game is not running multiplayer and even then when I do have multiplayer on typically I keep invite only on and yeah I I don't have any add-ons I just have these texture packs on this is the newer one I downloaded this one I actually probably don't even need I wanted to talk about some stuff with you guys because you guys seem to have a lot of theories going on about some strange dark creature and I actually haven't been on the World to check any of this out yet um a few dark creatures have been pointed out to me and I saw them I actually went and saw them in the video and I'm not even going to lie they sort of freaked me out a little bit um but honestly it the videos were rendered in like 480p so I couldn't really tell Andrew starts the episode by showing that the world is said to single player and that he only has the classic vanilla texture pack on but after Andrew finalized the video sorry for the boring episode but thanks for sticking around guys it really means a lot to me uh see you later it didn't end and more questions were about to be raised hey guys this is Andrew here I was going through the editing process for this video video because you know I have to edit these clips together that I record and I came across something in my files in my documents folder I don't really know what to make of it it's it's kind of spooking me and honestly putting me off about playing in the World um I'll leave a link in the description I I'll upload the video separately it's just a video file that I found on my on my laptop called hello hello a mp4 file showing Andrew walking pass a well from apparently another person's perspective appeared in Andrew's documents folder and by all the evidence we have our best guess is that the shadow we've been seeing in the videos is behind that now how and why we don't know but we're going to find out the video starts with Andrew addressing the strange video we showed in the last episode mentioning a fan-made video overlapping both instances of Andre walking past the well which were in the second and fourth episode and in the morning Andre goes on to explore the world further passing by the well one more time I believe it's like right right here yep if they were right here wow they must have been sitting there a long time they must have been really confident that I wouldn't see them whoever whatever was here I don't know it it could be a multitude of things I mean I remember Chris back in the day we he wanted to try out a couple mod packs maybe I'm trying not to see what's actually going on here but regardless of what it is it's not good it's it's not anything that I like um is that a torch getting closer to the perspective of the strange video Andre notices some torches forming a path which led him to a tunnel in a mountain Andrew goes through the tunnel and finds a stone brick structure on the other side what in specific specific leads too wow we were real subtle with this tree cutting here it doesn't really look like there's anything oh oh my God I remember this Chris was uh he was building this Castle uh he had a name for it here it's right here fera de Chris well let's head inside then well actually hold on he has this little Supply chest I'm assuming yeah stuff to build with and some coal and another singular bone inside the furnace in the place that Chris used to be Andrew takes it and starts making his way back home but upon entering the tunnel he notices that something was different that's just about all there is [Music] um did I that wasn't there was it I feel like I would have recognized that door being there I I didn't see that on my way down oh wow perfect timing cave noise I actually don't know if I want to go in there I don't I really don't know why he built all these Wells I don't know he just likeed the architecture of it all did I say architecture I meant to say architecture sorry I'm a little freaked out because last time I was at well let me see someone watching me I I guess I'll check out this up here um oh I saw it coming the recurring nightmare a dark damp tomb never to be found I I don't know what that is I really don't um this is weird I don't I don't like this the video abruptly ends enre finds a mysterious spru door where once was Cobblestone so he opened it to find another break well and approaching a second door in the other side of the room he finds these two signs before turning back around and realizing that the door vanished it has gone from slightly making itself visible in the distance to directly approaching enin changing the environment around him and resists that the world is in single player and that shads are disabled so no Comon block can be interfering that leaves us with no real explanation as to why all these things are happening to his world and together with all the support from his YouTube channel he decides to keep going and find out what is doing all of [Music] this hey guys Andrew starts by going to Chris's house and take the bone that was in a furnace reasoning that Chris left him there for a reason so they could be helpful in the future yeah I wanted to collect the bones because CU quite frankly I think they will be helpful in some way you know I I mean he clearly left them there for a reason there it's it's it seems to be deliberate at least in my humble opinion there's the other bones right there fact I'll move them so I know that they're the Cris bones I know a lot of you guys were worried about me last episode and I really I appreciate your your um I guess uh what do you call call it your concern I really do you you guys are the best I I you guys are really what's keeping me doing this other than my own begging question of what the hell is going on you guys are what's keeping me going and I wanted to say thank you for supporting me throughout all this yeah I mean we got a shield now we're all ready for battle so if anything weird wait a second and suddenly notices some trees with no leaves forming a path and upon following the trees he finds another building oh okay then this is um I don't know this is this is really close to my house how how have I never seen this before maybe Chris built this maybe I I don't know I genuinely have I genuinely don't I I've never seen this before you know I don't really know if I'm up this right now but I mean I did say I want to get to the bottom of this and I do I really I do want to get to the bottom of this um you know what I don't I don't see reason not to it's dark in here iron door boarded up for who knows what reason I don't like those grass sounds outside I really don't um it's probably just a zombie or something something huh oh there's redstone on the floor and a switch Andrew steps in and realizes the building is completely dark strange steps can be heard from the outside that one will say is from a player but it can be reaching the top floor Andrew finds a seemingly somewhat barricaded iron door and decides to open it okay well whoever set up the Redstone knows how to make a simple thing okay okay nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope NOP NOP NOP nope nope nope nope nope uhuh I don't I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand did you guys see that I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to run back through that footage there was something in the corner there I don't know if I can play on this world anymore guys I I don't think I can now Andrew is certain that Chris is not only involved in this but this is also something he has been planning for a while as some sort of prank on Andrew Andrew started playing on this world and documenting his experience as a means to capture the Nostalgia he will feel finding something he built with a friend who hasn't been online in more than 3 months instead he's getting this night marriage experience making him think that his friend stood offline for that long for a joke so reasonably Andrew takes a break and 18 days later he comes back different hey guys this is Andrew here um I want to apologize first and foremost for my lack of uploads Andrew is very skeptical all throughout the video looking behind him saying that he felt like he was being watched and refraining from breaking the wells in order to not provoke whatever is causing this and the video quickly ends at 5 minutes and putting Andrew's Behavior to the side something isn't right in the video itself the title is completely different from the rest of the videos the description is completely empty as in his other videos he'll always add a little note or question and also none of the comments in the video got any reply from enro which again it's strange coming from him the next episode is simply named Towers we can see at the very front of the house a another portal which andry explains that he had to go to the Nether and get blaze rods to make a brain stand andry is focused and decides to go fishing to try and get a puffer fish in order to brew a potion of water breathing and finally enter one of the wells oh well there we go um I guess I just put that in there wow so okay yeah awkward potion actually think I only need one so the other blaze rods I got are kind of obsolete but yeah there we go potion of water breathing that's uh that's fantastic he stores all of his items bringing only the potion with him and makes his way into what he called the whale housee he makes his way to the very top and gets ready to jump yep door's still open redstone's still running I guess uh I guess I should have brought a pickaxe I'm just going to have to move this oh my God please thank you wow that goes all the way down that's probably where all the other doors lead this is like the tallest one the other ones go down this deep I wonder um and away we go I guess well without wasting any more time um I guess this is it and reaches the bottom of the well and when he makes his way back up he realizes he has changed places he's now on top of a brick Tower so tally can see the floor beneath if there even is one in a world seemingly empty and isolated moving forward Andrew sees a bridge connecting one Tower to another behind him he sees an empty room and finally when he goes back around he gets on top and opens a chest with a singular bone inside the video ends here with once again no replies to any comments in the video and I know we have a lot to go over but I promise everything will make more sense if I show you what's next images of towers. MP [Music] before being the shortest and the most different from the rest images of towers. MP4 is exactly what it seems images of towers being displayed with a calm music in the background until at the very end the Music Stops the atmosphere gets heavier and the nearer image of a whale is displayed so from what we know so far towers and Wells are really important aspects of what's going on here Towers being referred to as safe heavens and Wells and its surroundings could be interpreted as evil or dangerous somehow all these coming from the last video but what about the rest well let's recap Andro decides to record in a world used to play on with his friend Chris who went offline 3 months ago and posted on YouTube as the episodes go on Andre finds buildings he and Chris built and explores them finding weird and out of place bones and multiple Wells not only that but unbeknown to Andrew a dark figure would randomly show up in the background as the events became less subtle and more targeted directly to Andrew the last show was in the seventh episode where Andrew after following a path of leafless trees and finding a whole another building saw the dark figure standing right in front of him Andrew figured something was obviously going on and in order to obtain his answer ERS he jumped into one of the wells and arrived in a void filled with brick Towers let's organize the information we have firstly Chris we know that Chris builds a lot with mossy cobblestone and the ho in the ground in the mountain house was of mossy cobblestone as well which was confirmed to be Chris's and one thing those two places had in common was the bones the only items Andrew ever found in either of those places were these two bones it's safe to assume that this is Chris is doing so is's in the forest and the chest on the tower whatever Andrew just found going through the well Chris already knew about it and even seemed to leave traces of himself being there which could only mean that Chris wants Andrew to look for him to follow his steps and maybe find him in whatever that Dimension is or wherever he is at with that in mind let's focus our attention to another detail the dark figure although Andro is playing in a single player world a strange dark figure can be seen all throughout the series making its first appearance in the second episode and becoming more and more open with its approach to the point of standing right beside enre not trying to hide its presence I see two different ways of seeing this dark figure the first is that the dark figure is Chris who's doing everything in his power to make Andrew look after him whether by creating paths for him to follow and find the clues he left behind or by creating skepticism and fear by being the background with no further explanation or the second option in which the dark figure is in chis but someone trying to either help or sabotage Andrew by helping it would essentially be the same reasoning behind it being Chris by trying to make Andrew find and help Chris whatever he is but if that isn't the case what if the dark figure is just trying to make Andrew find something he would regret what if the dark figure knows what happened to Chris and took the opportunity to make Andrew fall for wherever Chris fell for 6 months ago we know it has the power to place change and break blocks what if that isn't an effort to make Andrew enter the well and go after Chris sure we don't have enough information to think that but we're about to continuing straight from the video Towers andry staring at bone in the chest as he being watched once again by the dark figure and as soon as Andrew closes the chest the figure can be seen walking down the stairs Andrew doesn't seem to notice but goes to the stairs either way and opens the door Andrew ERS to be met with empty rooms and doors that lead nowhere while Andrew is looking around the dark figure can be seen flying off the edge on the other side of the corridor Andrew goes further in and finds a lunch with two paintings Andrew keeps going as the corridor gets progressively darker and at the very end he finds another completely empty room he makes his way back and finds a sign placed at the very center of the corridor telling him to leave as he notices every single door that he made sure to close opened Andrew complies and returns to the top as he sees the dark figure crossing the bridge to the next Tower no replies to any comments as well with this in mind let's try and break down what exactly the dark figure wants from Andrew let's consider that the figure is Chris trying to lead Andrew somewhere to find the truth about what happened to him even the tower could be interpreted as different Paths of life if you will the majority of the rooms are lit up and normal and the one the figure L us to was the one that was completely dark and separated from the rest and then it told Andrew to leave to continue the journey unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case the title of the video is just the start of a sentence leave or stay for eternity the sign was warning Andrew not to continue a journey but to stop doing what he's doing but if that's the case what are the dark figure intentions for as long as the ser has been going the dark figure has always tried to reach Andrew to tell Andrew that something is wrong to make him question what's going on and look for answers the dark figure essentially planted the seed that made Andrew enter the well in the first place and now he's telling him to live before trying to lead him further in which makes the question are these different entities Al together one being able to change the environment and another as the dark figure or even are there more than one dark figure more questions with little to no answers Garden in the sky starts exactly where leave ends Andrew decides to keep going as he gets closer to the other Tower he's able to see some sort of Garden on top of a different Tower ahead seeing No Way Around Andrew opens the door nearby revealing an Ender Chest a trapo and a sign which says pit of purification Andrew takes this opportunity to go to the other Tower take the bone and leave it in the under chest in order to not lose his items after jumping inside the trapo and falling in a pit with lava Andre then respawns spawning in the other side of the fences and keeps going passing by a sign saying no going back Andre gets to the other side and crosses the bridge that leads to the set Garden stepping in we notice the garden contains three sort of decorations the wooden poles the parrots tied to them and the flower pots I'll scatter around the whole garden as Andrew walks his way through it after a while Andrew finds a totem looking structure made out of mossy cobblestone and the single only flower pot with a withered Rose at the very front of it Andrew continues to explore and eventually finds a well in a dead end with no really other way to go Andre jumps in and instead of arriving somewhere else he notices an opening in the bottom of the well a tight Corridor with a door at the very end which Andre decides to walk to and open as the video abruptly ends for as much questions this video raises it also gives us one answer Chris is most likely the totem Ander is made out of mossy cobblestone the Block C used in all these buildings and reading the description of the video we can support that and this wasn't the only time that idea has been brought up if we go back to the towers episode and read the description it hints to someone who may have died in a well and three more episodes before that in Old Minecraft world showcase part six right at the end enes two signs also mentioning the same thing and that makes the question what exactly did enre see in that well cuz given the descriptions that have been given to us could this be the well it is referring to let's move on to the next episode and see what an really saw inside that well in leth protocol the MP4 Andrew is not present instead we are placed in the perspective of the dark figure there's no audio but the sound of a no projector in the background but it doesn't mean there's no dialogue I'm running it of course I'm running it he's gone too far already he's just going to make the same mistake I did I'll run the protocol wipe his save data his memory it won't solve this but it might buy sometime eventually he'll remember just like I did just pronging inevitable God I have to do this here it goes let's summarize what happened and then talk about what exactly is going on the dark figure enters some sort of facility and proceeds to go to the room 11 and eras the memory of subject 136 all the while given the context we have talking about enro so who exactly are we spectating I found myself thinking about this for a while until I realized something everything tells us that we are spectating Chris by the way he talks about Andrew and his own past experience by saying he's going to make this same mistake I did and eventually he will remember just like I did but then I noticed something in his phrasing you won solve this but it might bias some time as whoever we're watching is not alone which made me think whoever is trying to stop Andrew could simply be another person who happened to remember who's to say they could very much be past subjects from one of the sectors in the dark Corridor I suppose we can't know for sure until I noticed something else this video wasn't recorded by enre although this is an obvious statement and isn't the first video to be posted by a third party this video is different Hello the file Andrew found in his documents folder its gameplay footage Andrew didn't record we can't really insinuate anything other than someone was talking Andrew the key difference between both of the videos is the presence of the HUD in Le protocol which we can see that whoever is playing uses the same texture pack as andro and if you remember Andrew didn't manage the texture pack Chris did whenever I'd want to do something with the mod or Texture Pack it would always be uh uh always be Chris Chris was always the one to figure that out for me he was quite the little Tech wizard all of this to say that yes this is Chris 97% sure at least but now going back to the US situation if Chris and the rest were trying to help Andrew why will they interfere in the first place if Chris said is true and Andrew does not want to know what's going on the best present solution was to run the Protocol no doubt but why hint that something is going on from the very start why leave all those bones behind why build a well in the world used to play with Andrew knowing that he could simply jump in at any time why even believe in what he's saying maybe Andrew wants to rest in the garden or what PA let's take a step back and lay what we have on the table we have the entities who we have now confirmed that not only is Chris one of them but that there are more than one and we have a well which when Andrew jumped into took him to the land of towers Andrew eventually found another well and instead of leading him somewhere Andrew went through a hole in the wall and entered a room after that we see is running the protocol the leth protocol wa let's see what that is in Greek mythology Le was one of the Five Rivers infernal River leth the river of forgetfulness what what did Chris say I'll run the protocol wipe his safe data his memory it won't solve this but it might buy sometime what does he mean by that hey guys my name is Andrew um I don't know if any of you really know me other than a few personal friends but uh the other day I was checking my channel my YouTube channel the one you're watching this video on and I saw that I had a random influx of subscribers uh I think around the time of recording it's around two almost almost 2,500 which is just insane to me considering the fact that I don't have any videos I don't know if someone boted my account um regardless I'm here now and I think I'm going to start making some videos just you know see what you guys like see if there's anything you guys want from me uh to make because you know if I can be a YouTuber someone who you watch and you enjoy I would love to be that for you basically what I'm getting at here is I'm going to make a Minecraft let's play uh series I know very original um oh this is just a I'm off to a great start already I I wanted to film some uh exploration videos of my old worlds but they seem to have gone entirely missing um just deleted I guess something happened maybe when I was doing some file transfer or something uh but one thing did remain and that's the texture pack I'm using so yeah I'm thinking what we'll do here at least for the start is build a nice house I remember my first night in Minecraft uh I saw a creeper and I thought it was a zombie oh my God this is really bad so I thought it was a zombie well I built the walls how I planned them um I like some glass windows but there's not really any sand around here so that might not be possible we need a bit more wood we need whatever I'll just cut down another tree I'm not going to take my time and calculate it um what well I I guess uh um I'll see you guys next time well I guess he wasn't kidding not only did Andrew lost the old world files but he doesn't seem to remember any anything regarding his YouTube channel we know that Chris can send files to Andrew's computer that he can stalk Andrew in the single player world but capable of wiping his memory that is a whole another level what I get from this video is that this is only a way to confirm what we watched in leth protocol Andrew starts the second episode by explaining that he has lost some footage thus being the reason for having more items than the video before and goes on with the video basically I went mining got some iron which is great got some torches got some glass down from the uh the river down there so by uh someone's sub uh suggestion and um I got a sheep the sign that was outside of my house when I got on to record the video the first time was mysteriously gone I have no reason no idea as to why it's it it disappeared but it did I don't understand at all but you know what I I don't know how it got there I don't know where it went I don't know what happened for those of you asked um I can promise you my world is not on multiplayer I have it set to single player I'm just going to brush it off as a mod because quite frankly Minecraft creeped me the hell out as a kid I would like to refrain from giving into that fear and I'd like to just accept that the game is a little quirky sometimes I personally find mining stone to be both tedious but also almost therape cutic I remember one time I dug a huge tunnel with my buddy we dug it through this mountain it was really really a lot of work but it was really fun and I will be calling it right here so uh thanks for watching I really just did the YouTuber Minecraft Youtuber punching the the camera to talk thing I can't believe I just did that so uh I'll see you guys uh see you guys in the next one thanks a lot for watching throughout the video nothing suspicious happens but going down to this description we see that most likely Chris left something in there hey guys uh this is Andrew here again for the third episode Andrew decided to get some things done prior to recording in order to make the video more straightforward and the objective of today's video is by popular demand to build a brick well so a comment I was reading earlier was talking about how annoying Clay is to find and um that reminded me that if if I need bricks I'm going to need clay so I was thinking we could go down to the river somewhere over there is it a hold on are those like okay I got to check this out there's like a bunch of huge holes in the ice over there what the hell is that about Andrew notices strange holes in the ice and despite some of them looking like the result of a cripper explosion others don't well the these these make sense there's sea grass growing in them but these don't have like sear grass or kelp I don't understand there's another one right here this one looks like it was dug out of land comment down below if you've seen anything like this I don't know what this is all about at all this is really weird and Clay uh let's swim to the uh is that oh hold on and was unable to find any clay but this singular piece of clay located in a hole where more clay clearly used to be is there any more don't they usually spawn in like big chunks it looks like there was Clay here like I'm really confused I don't know how anyone builds with brick in modern Minecraft I mean it was probably way worse in in like old Minecraft what the what the what just what just happened what is this is this my heart's actually beating so fast right now extinguished campfire a bed a chest but I didn't think these this could spawn here well I I guess that solves our clay issue I don't know at all what's going on right now if I had to guess maybe maybe uh some sort of mod or uh a new generation update added to the game I really I really really I don't have any explanation for this at all I'm really really confused and I'm really just I don't know I mean now I have to to mine out of here I guess there's no way out of here I mean I guess maybe this is like a okay mossy cobblestone weird I've seen that's the second time I found random mossy cobblestone in this world oh and this is oh perfect perfect access to the to the river do I have my bucket I don't have my bucket you know what it doesn't matter I don't need a bucket I'm just going to make sure that holds his I'll leave that one there just in case I think I'm going to stop the video thanks for watching uh this has been Andrew gaming I'm going to I'm going to go do something else well I guess there's no way to ignore it now Andro found Chris's secret Shelter by mistake and Chris took not of this hey guys zandrew here I know it's been a little bit now and I apologize for my repeated absence and uh really after the last video I haven't had much desire to come on here because it was so off pudding but I also realized that I can't leave this channel dormant you guys are interested and I don't want to leave you guys all by yourself I don't want to just never make a video again I promise I that will not happen as long as I am still I don't know capable of making videos I think while we wait for those uh bricks to smell as you can see I've already turned some of them into brick blocks that's the plan is I believe you guys wanted me to make a well and I actually have now the materials that I would like to make the well with but I also am very low on things like iron and whatnot and I'm thinking now is a better time than ever to head into this cave here stretching to over 24 minutes in the fourth episode Andrew builds the well he was planning to build on episode 3 building it by Chris's secret base and even though Chris hasn't been appearing on the video he has been watching Andrew nonetheless exploring my old Minecraft realm one of the things Andrew talked about throughout the last video was about an old realm he still had where he used to play with his friends and how he was planning to make a video on it I discovered that my realm that I used to play on sometime last year I had some friends on there I found that that world since it was saved to the cloud did not get deleted so I have a downloaded copy of it and if anyone's interested in seeing me explore some of my old builds on there I would not mind at all making a video on that if that's what you guys are interested in seeing hey guys um this is Andrew uh this is my realm that I played on with a bunch of friends for a while so I'm going to be sort of exploring this world in a classic texture pack sort of look you know give it the classic look look um and show you guys some of the stuff I built so right here as you can see this uh this whole Fort the video is very straightforward en walks around showing every building home item and so on until 20 minutes later ener notices something this is a bridge it's quite nice um leads to the lighthouse up here wait hold on is there an Enderman up there I don't know what's going on I guess there was an Enderman up here that was kind of weird I didn't think it was that tall kind of looked like a shorter Enderman but whatever uh here's our nether portal hey guys Andrew here I know I just uploaded a video and you're probably wondering what exactly is going on something a little strange happened in the latest video I didn't notice until after it was uploaded but at the part where I go up into the lighthouse and I'm looking around I I noticed something I didn't see it while I was recording or while I was editing it sort of Blended in with the glass I'll freeze frame it right here so you can see but there's a glass bottle that you can see that it looks like maybe someone's holding I don't know maybe there's an invisible armor stand that someone puts there and but I don't think that's the case it looks like there's an invisible player holding this bottle I don't know why this sort of thing is happening a lot but I obviously I would like for it to stop I it's not going to stop unless I stop playing I I I just have this weird feeling somewhere I can't really explain it it's just I'm going to come back with a Survival Let's Play video next uh thanks thanks for for watching thanks thanks for listening as Andrew explained in the last episode he just wants to play so he proceeds to do so for 22 minutes doing his outro at 22 minutes and 51 seconds but the video didn't end I have been Andrew gaming and this has been episode five of the let's play series and uh I will see you guys in the next one where hopefully we will make some uh some real progress I feel like we are getting somewhere now that's all I have to say that is all um yeah okay um I know I said that was the end of the video but I was going to go back down into the mine to try and find some more diamonds so I can make a new diamond pickaxe so I can then get more obsidian and I come over here I didn't take too much of a close look but something happened to the well uh and it doesn't look like a Creeper explosion at least from what I've seen I don't I don't really know how to explain this other than Enderman griefing I mean seriously that I don't there that's not Enderman griefing something is not right in this world I don't know what it is and I I've been ignoring it for too long I mean look there's snowballs on the ground this happened recently and now now I guess I have to repair my well something doesn't like it I guess Creeper Enderman Herobrine I don't I don't know dude I don't know that's about all I have to say for now I'm going to take a break still going to focus on the goals in this world and uh play the game because I'm entitled to play the game just like anyone else who bought it is I'm not going to let whatever this this this broken mod or whatever this is in my game that's been messing with me I'm not gonna let it get in my way I'm not it's not gonna happen I'm Andrew gaming and this thank you see you next time hey guys this is Andrew coming back with another video I've been quite busy playing off camera as I uh didn't want to do a lot of the dirty work on screen been exploring I just went and got as you can see these ender pearls most the things I need to uh go fight the Ender Dragon as well as the other goal I wanted to achieve which was to uh make an Ender Chest but uh as you can see I got six or so not or so actually just six I don't know why I said that I want to try and find a stronghold in this episode that's that's what I'd like to do at least haven't really wanted anything to do with this well since uh I'm sure you guys remember at the end of the last video um came back to it being in this state but uh yeah I already crafted some of the blaze rods that we got last episode into blaze powder but I figure we will make uh six Eyes of Ender all six because we need one for the Ender Chest so get the ender chest and five should be enough at least I hope so I don't actually know why I'm going on a walk I want to place down the Ender Chest first I got to find a good place I guess right next to my bed I kind of like doing next to the bed because I don't know the way I place objects in the room like I I like them in a certain way to kind of make sense with you know if I were to live here in real life this is what I do uh what are you doing why are you sticking your face in the wall so you're going to come with me and we're going to go take a look for that stronghold yeah I guess we're going to go find this stronghold maybe not go to the end yet but we might as well go find the stronghold at the very least oh boy where are we going now this way still oh you know what put the ender chest down but I forgot to put my stuff inside of it I still have 12 diamonds on me okay well I'm going to go back with this stuff just got to make sure I'm not lost cuz I actually kind of wasn't watching where I was going I'm pretty sure if I just run along this River I guess I'll probably find it yeah here we are back at the strange holes I do have a couple brick blocks oh that's what I was going to say people were talking about they were telling me to repair the well I do have some brick blocks uh in my in my house still so I could potentially fix the uh the well pretty soon which a lot of you guys seem to want anyways um let's put this in here wait what what what are these doing in here what is going on with my world today there's like what why is why why would I have put a bone and a glass bottle in a That's So Random I'm going to take them out um I don't know sorry just got this weird like that's trippy why I not mean to do that that is really trippy why was it not empty aren't ender chests supposed to be empty when you first get them that seems so strange to me I was about to put carrots in there let me look this up real quick unless it carries from like other worlds but I haven't ever put like what made my stuff disappear in Ender Chest place a chest directly on the obsidian platform what is that so everyone else has the opposite problem that all their stuff is gone I my problem is there is a glass bottle and a bone in there there that's really weird I'm like every time I think about it it's like you know when like you do something when you're like really young in Minecraft or like a video game and then you play that game again and like there's a certain specific thing that you see that kind of like triggers your brain I I I want to say deja vu but it's not even really that it's like more than Deja Vu it's like stronger sorry I don't mean to like freak out or anything on on camera or like over dramat I know it's just Minecraft but that doesn't usually happen [Music] it's like I don't know I everything sort of just like come back to me I need to fix the well it doesn't want me to fix it it doesn't want me to I guess now we [Music] [Music] wait guess that's it then if I don't do it now I won't ever do it Andrew opens the chest to find the items he stored before his memory was wiped and while questioning every single time something was out of place the clay the shelter the well suddenly everything came back to him and he jumped in the well searching for answers Andrew just wanted to play his game showing an old world he used to play with an online friend before he vanished and since then he has been dealing with strange appearances stalking blocks changing unknown new structures hacking having his memory temporarily wiped and probably manipulation why did Andre never show the map in the first world despite all heaving on him what is this painting and why is chce reaching out to Andrew the these are the three questions this series left me with once I finished all the episodes Andrew in this first world always carry the three level map a huge map that doesn't just spawn naturally why did Andrew wander around the world looking for structures when he could have supposedly just used the map and that's not all Andrew always placed the map in weird places in his inventory like in the first episode it was in a middle row separated from the rest of the items or in Towers when it was separated from rest of the items again but in a chest begging to be looked at what is this painting this left me looking into Old vanilla paintings and classic vanilla texture packs going back the whole series looking for a structure a building seemingly close to that and even looking into Casper David fredr the man who painted Warner above the Sea of fog the original painting to which Warner was based on which is the one painting that consistently appeared near this painting but I found nothing so if you know what this is let me know in the comments below and lastly why is CH reaching out to Andrew if Chris didn't want Andrew to seek for what's going on why would he build four Wells appeared in his videos Place files in Andrew's computer and change blocks near him which led him to more places for him to question for me it can only be two things either there is another third party trying to contact Andrew and trying to let him to the land of towers for some reason does the reason for Chris to directly intervene and directly tell him to not continue what he's doing or Chris has different reasons to do all of this maybe the intention is just to make Andrew more suspicious of the world around him and make him go after what's causing this just to find out that he was just a pawn in Chris's game but whatever the reasons are for whoever is doing this to Andrew in the end subject 136 is just being used thanks for watching I wanted to take this time to thank you in September 23rd we reached 1,000 subscribers for as little as the number can look it's something I never thought I'll reach ever I've been on YouTube for about 10 years I grew up watching Minecraft game plays and I've been interested in video editing since then so reaching 1,000 subscribers after years in this platform form is a huge accomplishment and I'm so glad that you're here watching this video but anyway I'm 31 U and I hope to see you next time I upload [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: 31ue
Views: 953,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARG, Minecraft, AndrewGaming67
Id: Y_MAly39ffo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 30sec (3630 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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