Terraria $3,000 Race, But Enemies Drop Random Items..

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I gave my friends the chance to win three thousand dollars but they'll have to compete for the money against me here's how it works for the next month or so we will face off in different randomizers to see who can defeat the moonlord first whichever teams wins the best of five gets the money we'll be starting with a pretty classic randomizer random drops the way random drops works is that by defeating an enemy you will get one random item now let's talk about the rules rule number one is set the scenes and the moonlord weapon drops are banned this does not include weapons you get from pillars or the armor you get with luminite rule number two is that you cannot open a treasure bag from a boss you haven't defeated for this specific race statues have been banned because doing this is boring there's no sponsor for this video so I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a like it really helps out the channel enjoy the video good luck guys they're on their own now anything you kill drops random stuff there's three of them one of me so it's it's like they having a bit of an advantage but I'm gonna be honest this is just up to luck do we start start killing start killing things I'm sure Mega is a really good player I'm sure he can help them these Critters can also drop random items so it's good to kill them chain Guillotines wait that's a weapon that's really good okay so this world's probably pretty good because I found it I found a temple so Mars probably has a flying carpet so the only way to get the mechanical blast ones is gonna be to literally just get them from a random enemy that's how we're gonna do everything so we're gonna hold off going hard mode where they're just gonna Farm weapons we've gotta harm gear and then we can go hard mode and just rush to the entire game but with a weapon we should be in a really good position to just kinda do whatever we want begun I kind of want Mobility accessories any of that stuff whoa okay I'm getting mauled by the birds appreciate it no I'm getting mulled by the birds you gotta stand with me more loafy is anyone I have to leave now get a little one kill that one kill it come here kill it come here where's he going hey don't leave him he's got my gold uh no actually I have your gold and I also have a blade of grass he's coming back if he drops a weapon I want it I call the weapon he drops you drop the baby to your clubs give it no it's my son this is literally it's my radically [ __ ] up son that has everything not a question I need it I have a Tungsten broadsword for whoever would like it me I also have an anchor for anyone who would like me Lo-Fi you're running away give me that that anchor here did you forget like severely buffed I got meteor leggings it does 70 damage oh my gosh okay never mind the evil biomes have more spawn right hey guys I am I'm already in harmony you're cheater no you're not I got really good no no you didn't no no you're not in hard mode that's not that's not what's happening okay [Music] go off again so we gotta shoot my mess that's not bad I have no life Shenanigans uh here you go it's for you happy Valentine's Day I gotta go to the cave now I gotta go oh shoot I got some legs oh my gosh wait are you have Beetle leggings yeah oh my God oh I got a Vortex beater holy I got a boyfriend text oh I need the Arms Dealer right here right now statue ended I got the true Excalibur hang Shield uh garbage garbage garbage garbage Hollow repeater it's not bad oh I'm a bit nervous because they are like more than me uh guys by the way if you get if you get a boss spawn bag treasure bag don't open it okay no just that means you got a treasure bag huh so hold on I do want to reiterate Mars let's say I got somewhat lucky right and I got I got a killer Weapon It's not postmort can I use it yeah okay yeah just the similar things then me and my Vortex beater are gonna be very happy together good luck thank you he's not in hard mode tripler wait is this good kind actually kind of oh my god oh I'm so sad I got celebration mark two oh oh I just got a nebula Blaze you can use that wait that's real you can you can use that yeah you can absolutely use that you can't use that where are we accessories wise I have rocket boots and a magma skull and a flying carpet oh Greaves okay okay nice now we're starting to get the fence oh frostwork okay that's the jump in the fence that we definitely needed get I got frost wings I got the tartar sauce I got the laser drill I want that I want that you want that what do you yes great I love this game wait wait wait let's fight the brain I'm going to summon the brain well don't summon it yeah no okay I'm summoning the brain go for it you go girl die okay Mega can you get up here oh oh that's right I don't have health is he dropping good stuff I don't know I can't see anything I do see a unicorn mask you can complete your look look what can I say about taking damage I'm sorry I'm working on that loafy what did I say I don't think I can use this the buggy statue you know this oh yeah no you can't use that we're gonna throw it away stuff oh Raven staff that ain't bad Adam and tight helmet I'll load helmet um silly sunflower pants oh this will be good for um Eris oh yeah go for that and also Raven staff oh winks okay we can just teleport now and make houses so I can get the Nerds I use this for torture I guess I can use that I'm not gonna be able to find torches I'm gonna need a pickaxe uh uh that's pillars right yeah pillows is good curse [Music] all right again Dash oh my God I gotta be more careful no thank you bye uh okay yeah I just found the water candle and then I can get a better pickaxe okay I'll torches finally someone needs to go to the dungeon and kill Skeletron I can do that actually I got rotten eggs yo let's go wait that's op I got the inbox waiver what the yo [Music] yo I know which way the dungeon is but it's not even close to night I am going to give you this and uh uh nothing else that I have is like useful to you I guess oh yeah I have something that could be useful to you what do you got Luffy tell me to go to hell this is very good thank you it's sundial oh that's Enchanted Thunder you got it no way oh um I need that no start I got Stardust Dragon staff oh oh it's in hell in lava that's okay no I just dropped all my gold what oh [ __ ] I got the uh I got the Cyber scope do you want this oh yes please ten percent of whispering damage I have a weapon and I'll have a summon waiting for night time so I can get to hard mode solar flare breastplate oh my that's good Mark specifically said that we can use the armor there we go more spawn race please uh not what I was hoping for I got a Vortex drill dude I'm gaming right now okay if you're not using them use them um that was fast oh I'm actually gonna die for you damn hey guys I got another one of these oh holy [ __ ] holy hell I have so much Mobility there's no point in going into harmony right now because I'm I I'm gonna have to farm more I I need a pickaxe I'm gonna waste a lot of time trying to get to hell I I can't afford that yeah are you in hard mode Maybe that's so awesome thank you the uncertainty in your voice really adds on to the fact that you're lying what's happening what does hard mode smell like then rainbows and unicorns he's got the secret passcode he's in hard mode Let's Go we're still in pretty hard mode no we're actually we're not really really far better we are late hard mode right now literally yeah we already beam online that's a really weird way to say late hard mode what did you call it again I think your accent kind of like gets through that one a little bit Hitler's stuff Harris is ready to open an Ikea and I got a letter I got the number seven I think I think yeah I got the number seven are you guys still farming for items a little bit uh to an extent yeah you see I don't like that I don't like your words what do you mean no that's sick Oh I thought it would actually be something useful no it's just quirky God forbid I get something useful why don't you answer I'll give you something they have I if you will be giving you a lot of new things yo all right uh I'm gonna give you a choice of things do you want the scourge of corrupter here you can have that uh here's a fish hook uh from Fish Hooks here's the tactical shotgun um there's that here's a banana which does a lot of damage too banana ring um and I have this for you that is the only like other armor piece that I've gotten though never mind I have this oh do you want this do you want this yeah yeah who would like the turtle's scale mail hurdle scale mail that'd be useful for me unless someone else wants it is this really all I'm doing bloody spine sure oh no way I thought they didn't drop I guess I was thinking of a different mod convenient and maybe I can't get in there but oh gee buddy I can teleport eventually you're gonna pick it like this ah there it is literally the best pickaxe you can get everything else can just kind of oh my God I had the Kaleidoscope I had the nightmare I didn't even notice all the stuff I had okay let's go to hell don't care about anything yourself well there might be some day care about thank you you having a good time down there looks like no um I spawned where the hollow it is so I'm gonna Farm the souls here okay uh then I guess I'll find the Crimson we need to get a strong hammer to break the altars oh wait you didn't get it he didn't drop a bag no oh shoot should I ask marks if they're supposed to I'll post the question straight up just like sup G he's here uh our boss is supposed to drop their bag uh I don't think so we we don't actually need it you don't I was just wondering because we killed a boss yeah I just realized we don't actually dropping their bags what boss are you guys trying to get uh moonlord yeah Moon Lord bag is not dropping from the Moon Lord yeah okay I'm sorry you're gonna have to beat the rest of the game without it wouldn't bother you guys another question another question another question if we kill a boss and then we get the bag can we open it sure okay seems fair right yeah trying to get the Crimson art the like the little heart from wall of flesh yeah no we haven't made it oh that's right we are actually still pre-bossed we just got yeah you're you're pretty boss but you're like opening a treasure bag yeah no the treasure pack dropped from the Slime it was not the king's slime but it was a really sizable individual so we got a battle mode that's gonna be really helpful we're trying to get the mechanical spots because we don't need to go hard mode yet we could I don't need to the item just despawned oh they're going in my bag also does anybody specifically want another accessory um it would be handy for me but it's like if you have something that you want to add to it tell me uh I have sniper skills I could add to my build right now but you're gonna start us helmet yeah keep that okay and I'm going to throw you the Raven steps so how are you guys doing huh um we are still pretty boss I doubt it I doubt it we've never fought a boss before also ever did you guys know I had the Kaleidoscope just chilling in the void back so I didn't know I had it oh assuming no how do we know that delighted oh yeah it's awesome though yeah just you should just asked you're I'm sorry hey do you have the Kaleidoscope showing in a void bag yeah and they never saw it so I never used it that's actually wild dude that's not like I really want to use it can I can I use the demon honey why do you have so many questions just use them I want to make sure you didn't even hurt that's totally legal but if you're using a bad weapon maybe I love people like hey stop using that yo what do you get what who is whose wings are they um a wall remember we haven't called wall yet wait what oh he did more you awesome you guys killed the plan we didn't we weren't supposed to let him know we beat the game we were just gonna wait for him okay I'm just gonna definitely they beat the Wall that's fine I don't care he doesn't buy it but I sure am selling anyways no two more minutes of battle potion we only got one mechanical boss that's really unfortunate hey demon heart use your accessory do more damage you want the piggy mask no I got the I got the piggy mask all right fine be that way I'll just keep it I didn't I didn't want to like give it to anybody anyway he's whatever man sure fine okay come here Loki I'm talking about boots as in like like I think we could summon twins uh yeah we can probably do twins I don't feel very healthy health-wise in the health department I don't either but I think we just kind of have to go for it here's the thing you just don't get hit yeah I agree with that statement let's go not get hit but I have some more for the twins anytime is it you're nice well uh well will we have time no no we don't I use my wrath Potion No we don't oh wait a minute um beds beds beds oh yeah you're right beds but we have a spider bed we had one more bed right uh let me guess no don't guess I don't want to hear it oh let's just pretend like it didn't happen and find another bed oh this is this oh this is one one might say this is Bed full this is not Dreadful we don't have a bed also I see one thing is that Mars like didn't we asked him if we could do that and then he didn't know so I don't think he had to kill the boss yet I think he was doing pretty hard that's a bold statement let's just play the game like he is uh about to fight the moon Lord right now well then I'm just gonna sit and enjoy my God I need help yeah I hope you do we all could use a little bit but uh yeah there's probably a bed somewhere in here one okay that's a huge table time bloody tears gonna be kind of useful which are you guys doing uh uh or sleeping I'm sleeping I'm still asexual and the game is progressing I think Mac passes already what the hell you guys are so fast what the hell no we're just sleeping so fast I'm just sleeping these are so I'm gonna be guys stop it's tired stop oh my God why am I sleeping that's so weird Mars what what progression are you at we'll tell you hours if you tell us yours I haven't beaten a single boss okay yeah okay that's good because we we haven't beaten a single boss yet I actually have not been a single father are you what I tried to fight my boss at work but it wasn't legal [Laughter] I just made laughs at work that doesn't make sense wait a minute wouldn't have a job what is he gonna wear suits this guy does not get stuck in traffic I'd come home to his loving wife something tells me this guy oh I get it what part of my boss is facing too all right Mars get out of here okay okay you're the only man you're the only man here all right let's do it all right no are we ready no um three two Sophie lofi if you do not summon the eye of Cthulhu right I don't care you're probably doing Mech lofi if you do not summon the eye of Cthulhu right now I'm gonna be really I I summoned I yeah I got hit that is tentatively what causes them yeah I know it's not awesome it could be more awesome at least hello Mario Mars is not gonna be happy when he realizes I still have the hello Mario pack on we got the moon Lord painting we beat the game how do we get the other uh we have to farm for the yep how now how is that was just a lucky drop that I got like earlier 30 bones right we can't get wait material we've already beat the moon lord it's okay is this okay but it's all right question I want to ask but I also don't want to let him know we're at the progressive I think he already knows though should we ask Mars about like the other Megs uh probably does Max seem like a pretty big choke point honestly honestly yeah what I mean if you want it so how do we take care of those I'll just find more good spotter how do we get the spawner enemies yeah they don't drop like the it's like very rare though the spawn item we're just gonna Farm every enemy drops every weapon I think I haven't got into hard mode you what yeah it's like don't believe that we we can reasonably farm for them I guess it's just going to be like an inconsistent amount of time because we can't because I was thinking like we could get bones and then bam we can give sales a problem but we can't Farm bones yeah that was kind of a realization like oh yeah we can't Farm you guys you'll get it we have to form like so many items I mean like hypothetically yeah we will get it they like Souls drop it's just that we can't craft anything yeah Souls draw but we can't do anything with the souls yeah you just gotta kind of farm for it there's another way sorry what I didn't say anything oh trigger back all right later stinkers oh dare you did they just realize also I'm kind of kind of bored of going to Harvard oh never mind basically this whole race comes down to who gets Mech summons first it might be something for you you no it can't get over here it's on that Taco Bell [Laughter] he got over there I'm gonna put the guy here just kidding it's using a light source I pranked you all don't die there's nothing oh I mean there's lava now and but we're gonna hit their hard mode whenever we want whoa actually that's kind of cool EXO I'm gonna do the Prismatic leg swing no you shouldn't be around but it'll be funny okay let us know what item you get watch me get like a Celestial sigil how could it no I don't know if I had the celestial you're not allowed to get anything good I forgot what I was doing oh yeah I'm supposed to be farming that's right what am I doing what were you doing just standing I was at Taco Bell solely eruptions holy frick holy frick holy frick holy frick I got solar energy so I could I just found two Life Crystals like they're sitting next to each other all right all right now do we just sleep I think that could be a viable strategy and like that that will happen right with a bus with a boss's spot they have a 10 chance to spawn I'm down to just sleep unless we want to get more HP first I would like more HP okay um especially considering I just got a Spelunky okay okay uh sure three four five six all right perfect we're done let's go to Harmony now and maybe by the time we're like fighting the bosses we like run into the mechanical drop this guy needs to move some hey the blood moon that's convenient okay we're in hard mode uh we can now use this and get this here's a worm to our phone off oh they're there is see I knew that would work that always works why all right we got a lot of stuff what was that okay only one more boss the edge of the world and we found one oh my goodness gracious it would appear I have obtained the solar pickaxe yeah you too yeah now we all have it we all have the solar flare pickaxe oh the nurse is that okay the nurse goes up here and I go down there I don't know the proper way to make the house so that's like my best I can do uh what are they doing oh yeah sleep and then oh good one don't get moon time the more I kill the more they spawn work for me work for you oh my God what's going on he's in the hell is teleport whoa I didn't see you buddy isn't Sundial just hold it oh my God hey we can actually get some loot from this yeah this is not beneficial to us no this is they might drop a boss is it oh there's just gonna be a lot of guys just here I want a peace candle I want the opposite I want war there are so many items now this was definitely the right idea that's whatever that's what I say to like that is i that's a that's a thing no dikes well I'm out of ideas oh convenient already well I'm out of ideas I just had another idea guys once we get past the mix it's just we're so Destroyer Destroyer holy sh keep sleeping you have a watch oh wait I have a cell phone I have a sofa we both got it if we get Destroyer hold on if we get Skeletron Prime right here it's big let's do it okay I just wanted to see if we were going to get like anything okay here we go oh I probably could have killed him instantly with the freaking it's okay from now you got the cafe by a harpy feather yeah I'm sorry excuse me when where did that thing come from good morning he dropped a trophy okay we got we have to keep sleeping guys we just we have to keep sleeping oh wait I can just do this too Massacre in case you're wondering why don't just do this the game will let you okay the Pumpkin Moon I could probably do this and then the Pumpkin Moon come on the final spawner please it's ridiculous how long this has gone on for eign thank you what what oh he's like oh he said go did they say go yeah he said three two one go by look at us he distracted me [Applause] she's fighting me so he's really fast all of a sudden yes because I am really fast and he is targeting me okay we had this up and then because wow this guy was not funny for either of us so I don't know if it's a bug or something like that I really doubt it but that seems really weird we're literally at the exact same point we're at a cell mate there's just boring content I'm going to cut out all the farming there's no there's nothing interesting going on mean all right time to sleep here's what I'm thinking we kill Skeletron and then do we sleep so then Plantera bulbs spawn faster because I know where Golem is I don't yeah I mean I guess sleep for like three nights and then just not three nights no no no no all right go to sleep sleep there's literally just a rush to the end now because we have everything ready it's just this one guy was not spawning that's just not going to happen for us Ain't Nothing Gonna Break My Stride oh I found the bulb that's mine straight down here and see if I find it do we want to fight the plant in this in this box I think so I think we have to we gotta make a play let's go in a circle what the [ __ ] all right ow okay we gotta go let's go let's go okay let's go let's go ready go okay we're fighting the Golem now all right all right let's go to the spring dungeon is that it oh my God it is this should be good enough to dodge uh please don't kill me please don't kill me that's only you kill me right you might kill me okay good do we just go for it I think I think we just gotta go for it we literally nothing to it but to do it like oh he's gonna be with this blast I don't like it oh my God I don't dare Golem oh just hit him just hit him just kill him kill him kill him we got him he's dead if you guys want to start going left I'll just start going right okay I'm already to uh the first one to the left and it's one vortex oh [Laughter] I get two tries before I have to actually go into it myself properly here we go oh damn it oh boy I'm very floaty there he goes one eye like I got a teleport uh after he does this big attack oh my God don't die now all right guys we are one this year it's done you won hit yeah damn damn where you guys at peeler we're at pillars I see I got two Celestial serials because I did so much farming what oh you didn't do like any of the pillars the score is not one to zero in my favor be sure to subscribe to know when the next race comes out I'll see you next week
Channel: Mars
Views: 256,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria race, terraria challenge, terraria randomizer, terraria random, speedrun race, mars terraria, terraria random drops, randomizer, terraria master mode, terraria random drop, random items, terraria but, terraria randomizer mod, terraria random mobs, terraria random items, mars race, random, terraria but random, terraria but randomized, tmodloader, adrian randomizer, race terraria, 2v2 terraria, terraria, 1v3, mars
Id: ZaNkcZgkuRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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