Terraria Race, But All Weapons Do Random Damage (w/ Adrian, Mars, and Therm)

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I modded Terraria so that it randomizes the damage of every single weapon in the game meaning that weapons that are normally weak can do massive damage and weapons that are normally strong can barely make a dent into a slime I decided to grab my friend therm and challenge two of terraria's best speed racers Mars and Adrian to a race all the way to the Moon Lord Adrian and Mars have done tons of these types of challenges across their channels so you might say it was absolutely insane of me to challenge them but I knew that the bond me and therm had created made us an Unstoppable force that could overcome any obstacle damn it I'm not having fun oh my God the Run starts out with me and therm heading in opposite directions to begin looking for caves we devise a plan to accumulate as many resources as we possibly can and then check them all at the guy once we find the most broken weapon we possibly can we can just zoom through the rest of the game this means that our strategy relies heavily on a long early game to secure a shorter end game with this strategy in mind we both begin searching throughout our world I go down inside the cave and peer through a couple of chests I don't find anything too exciting other than a wooden boomerang that does 43 damage which is more than a knight's Edge does in normal game of Terraria me and therm continues searching in the caves for a bit before uh since we're both forcefully returned back to spawn we decide to check in with a guide to see if there's anything that's worth crafting after scrolling through a bunch of mostly uninteresting options we realized that flaming arrows do 44 damage for reference luminite arrows and unmonitory do 15 damage so we're working with almost triple the power just a couple minutes in me and therm decide to go all in on the Flaming Arrow Strat since they are not only absurdly powerful but also very easy to buy in massive amounts once we get the merchant to move in now our only goal is to find a powerful bow that we could use these flame arrows in and we'd be set we go through all the bows we have materials for and none of them prove fruitful copper bow iron bow Silver Bow hell we're even checking the Palm wood bow and yet none of these have been gifted the blessing of insane damage oh you want to join the same purple team purple team it literally says in the bottom left team purple for life it's at this point I get the idea to go to the jungle as I thought it'd be a great opportunity to gather a bunch of new materials to check for bows we'd also be able to grab a bunch of Life Crystals fast which could prove crucial at this stage in the Run therm however was slightly resistant to this plan you know maybe we should just go to the Jungle that seems like a terrible idea let's go together come on therm to the Jungle we got this there's no purpose every weapon in the game has an equal chance of having Dan why would we go to the most perilous possible area because it'll be quicker it won't because we'll die and make no progress I won't die two seconds later no clearly I was wrong I craft my wooden boomerang into an enchanted boomerang that does an insane 56 damage which I switched to be my primary weapon for now with that we plunged into the jungle together me and therm go through the jungle and continue gearing up grabbing some Life Crystals accessories and I even grabbed the staff of regrowth which would normally mean I'm just stacking a fat stack of 50 silver but in this mod it's an 85 damage Auto swing weapon never thought that the staff of regrowth would be integral to my success and yet here I am turning my foes into flowers after a good long while of gearing up Thurman makes the gigantic discovery that we've been waiting for the gold bow unlike all of the other pitiful bows in this mod the gold bow has been kissed by the gods as it now does a whopping 70 damage which would make it the strongest bow in the entire game I take this time to buy way too many torches and way too many arrows leaving me set for a while of course unless we would discover a different ranged weapon that's even more insane stain but can't use flaming arrows unless that was to happen in like 20 minutes then we'll be set and this won't all be just a waste of money using the resources we acquired while in Jungle we were able to equip each one of us with a gold bow and just like that we officially had momentum with that I go to summon our very first boss the Eye of Cthulhu I'm gonna summon in the eye okay I'm really nervous I'm not nervous at all I'm horrified we got like a 70 power bow we'll be fine Sean it does not matter that's what that's what I'm telling you doesn't matter how quickly we get it to the last phase once it hits the last phase it will kill us in probably one or two hits even though I think we'll most likely be fine I decided to respect my teammates wishes and continue gearing up this leads to me and therm just generally putzing about for like 20 minutes I tried using a teleportation potion but I didn't find anything then I go to find some skylines using a gravitation potion I had and that didn't go so well either in my confused efforts on how exactly to proceed I start building a elevator with my silver pickaxe for some some reason doesn't matter after all that putzing around my incessant nagging finally wears on therm and decides to take on the Eye of Cthulhu with me we got this all right was that distract him when he goes into that other face okay look at this intense damage we're actually kind of holy we're underestimating ourselves so much yay oh my God yeah we were greatly underestimating the power of having a 70 power weapon that shoots out 40 power ammo we fight the eye like six times because uh it seemed important at the time for some reason but at least the extra money we get from it will be great for making the rest of this run a breeze as we're able to buy anything we need after equipping Our Sick new eye Shields and looking at a bunch of underwhelming crimtane weapons we head over to the Crimson we also decide to check in with Adrian and Mars to track their progress this whole time we had just been so insanely afraid that they were surpassing us and that we were just falling so far behind so this check-in had me so scared yeah you guys doing good uh we just beat our first boss where are you guys at our second boss oh okay I thought we okay that makes me feel better I thought we were way far behind turns out they were also about to take on their second boss of the run more or less placing us around the same point this was a huge weight off of me and therm shoulders I think we had both been feeling a lot of pressure to mess up nothing as we knew Adrian and Mars would be leagues ahead of us but knowing the we're basically at the same point invigorated us so that we felt like we could actually beat them here we rushed down into the crimson and start bombing open the hearts and as we're prepping the arena they're mistakingly summons the boss however it isn't really a big deal since we don't technically need to kill it we're just here for the shadow scales we clear the first phase except death and then return on home now there was actually a huge tip that Adrian Mars had given us on our last call with them um no okay guns do a lot of damage the bullets yeah oh really after checking we realized that silver bullets do 100 damage each and we thought flaming arrows were insane with therm having picked up the Undertaker from the Crimson the Arms Dealer moves in it's at this point that we realize that the mini shark does a whopping 51 damage which is nearly double the damage of the mega shark so with that we've secured our weapon for the rest of pre-hard mode if not the rest of the run good night sweet flaming arrow I bid you farewell now I have stacks of you for nothing but this change allowed us to do a lot of things very quickly oh we want to take on the brain of Cthulhu again to get his accessory boom done oh we gotta get to Hell let's just go through the jungle nothing can stand in our way now after that little embarrassing moment I start making my way back to the Jungle however then this happens but I I feel like I'm a pretty good cook I don't doubt that you have a good cooking vibes awesome after a while I realized that it wasn't my conversational skills that were bad no it wasn't that at all in fact I'm actually one of the best conversationalists in the world and everyone will tell you that it's true no one had actually happened is that I disconnected from therm several minutes ago I ran up the stairs and furiously shook my router three times and to my surprise that somehow actually worked I jumped back into the world with therm but that means we gotta go all the way back to where we were yay also if you see the timer messed up for the rest of the Run that's why during all this time Adrian Mars had paused for us but they hadn't like lost any progress unlike us therefore we just lost a huge swing in our momentum which will lead to us falling way behind and seeing as we're already at a disadvantage things couldn't be looking worse for us we're gonna need to make it all the way down to Hell somehow and quick so in a moment of pure desperation stupidity or some might even say genius I decided to go for a Hail Mary play with two teleportation potions that I had picked up from chests and therm Wormhole to me and now we're in business with a pathway to Hell cleared we start building the hell bridge to take on the wall of flesh and here's our fight with him when oh oh my God this is so easy yeah all right nice yeah because of the overpowered nature of our weapons bosses have become relatively easy for me and therm to handle but with that we did it the first half of the game completed and now it was time for hard mode and oh boy was it hard if you thought we were struggling in pre-hard mode oh my God I I I can't watch after beating the Wall of Flesh me and therm both immediately teleported back to spawn which you know and hindsight was definitely not our best idea but I'll get into why later for now it's time to unpack our wall flesh treasure bags and through a series of extremely Unfortunate Events I accidentally steal therm's demon heart I guess he accidentally opened his treasure bag with his inventory basically filled and the demon heart was tossed to me confused I attempt to give him the demon heart back only for me to realize there is no throwing a demon heart there is only using it and oh demon heart you will be used after taking therm's demon heart I feel pretty awful so I decide to give him mine instead only problem is that if you open up a wall of flesh treasure bag after already using a demon heart you will no longer get one no demon heart for therm this was the first of May many things that start to go wrong here as are run rapidly falls off the rails and I mean rapidly here's the thing about Terraria pretty hard mode is pretty much open-ended the only thing you have to do to progress is to kill the Wall of Flesh there's no other boss you really have to kill no roadblock to you killing the Wall besides your own gear health and ability to get a guide Voodoo doll in hard mode this is not the case hard mode has tons of little tiny things that you must do in order to keep progressing like Anvil upgrades furnace upgrades required boss orders required boss summoning items while me and therm were in pre-hard mode it was really easy for us to forget about little things like the goblin army or queen bee but in a hard mode each one of these progression steps we forget becomes a huge time loss and we forget a lot of steps Upon returning home we immediately realize our first mistake we did not kill the queen bee in pretty hard mode because of this we never got the witch doctor to spawn in and thusly cannot go and buy Leaf Wings we could go and try to find the hive but seeing as the jungle is now completely infested with extremely difficult hard mode enemies that seems very non-optimal and for two fools like me and therm probably impossible we've already died a lot to these hardwood enemies and despite the fact that we have very strong weapons they are no longer so overpowered that the game's a joke they're just like pretty good weapons everything becomes a slog as worth nearly one shot by every single enemy and we're tied down to the ground and this makes us very frustrated I've been out here struggling oh no whoa damn it I'm not having fun oh my God what the this is terrible oh the acre sticker we've only been in hard moon for like 20 minutes and it's already kicking our ass to combat this issue we decided that we should just try and rush for the Destroyer that way we'll be able to get a bunch of hollowed bars and then with our new shiny armor we'll be able to lend our attention to the 87 000 things you have to do in hard mode so for now we just start grinding out the materials we need to summon these mechanical bosses the arm goes to the hollow and I go to the crimson and we start picking up Souls like it's nobody's business and by that I mean helplessly flop around continuously die and I get souls at a really really slow pace after a good amount of grinding and even gooder amount of dying I have a whole seven Souls of Night which would be just enough to summon the destroyer I teleport home filled with Glee that we finally be able to put this horrible slog to arrest soon we'll be energized with new armor that allows us to fight on for more than just 10 seconds each respawn I gather up all the materials and Halloween unit or calcum anvil oh oh no sir we bungled it is it obvious yet there were a little bit out of our element here this was a huge hit to our progress and set us back monumentally after spending way too long building a hellevator which we probably should have done in the first place we had finally made it back to Hell Thera starts mining the hellstone while I focus on obsidian and after a good long while we finally get enough for our first Molten Pickaxe so I start going to look for Palladium it's at this point that we decided to check in with Adrian and Mars and see what their progress is like we are updating you guys yeah okay we are waiting for a Plantera bulb on the good side it could take them a very long time for them to find a Plantera bulb so that's our shot to spring forward in this meanwhile I've died like 5 000 times like in the same two spots for this stupid orange or oh my God I hate this part of the game so much we're in desperate need for a new weapon while the mini shark is powerful it's awful for handling crowd control in the caverns down below then everything changed when the Goblin Army attacked I go underground to continue looking for the ore while thurm defends the home base from these wretched goblins and while he fights them off he happens to pick our single Saving Grace in all this the shadow flame knife uh the shadow flame knife yeah uh does 365. oh my God so oh my God I'll be using that this refills me and therm with hope we had found an obscure busted weapon that we doubt Adrian Mars had found our hearts fluttered in Glee as we may have just found the key into catapulting ahead of our competitors after so many more trips to the underground I finally get an of Palladium for the pickaxe which means I can easily grab enough mithril to craft the Anvil and now we can summon the destroyer while I generally consider the Destroyer to be the easiest mechanical boss you must remember that we still don't have wings in fact I don't even have a double jump and unlike therm I was not one of the Chosen Few to be graced with the shadow flame knife so therm's gonna be carrying us for a little while however we just narrowly make it through riding off the backs of the Shadow flame knife and successfully kill the stupid worm we had killed our first mechanical boss the confidence was flowing through my veins I felt incredible in fact so incredible that I just said screw it let's just fight the twins right now too I bet you can guess how that went and with that it's like those two eyes had smashed me and therm's Compass because we became completely directionless we needed Wings we needed armor we needed lenses and oh my God we needed bones I forgot about the bones for the Skeletron Prime summoning item just throw it on the ever expanding list of things we forgotten I guess at this point morale was very low I don't think there was any way we could have felt worse oh my God okay there was one way we could feel worse dejected embarrassed defeated we're all but ready to throw in the towel until I make the discovery of a lifetime thank you confirm they have the jet pack yeah filled with hopes and dreams we decide it's time to put pedal to the metal maybe we couldn't win at this point but we were gonna get as close to them as possible to avoid embarrassment because that's what matters most in this world are dignity I enter the dungeon while thurm grinds out some lenses and somehow through a grace of God we're able to craft another mechanical eye and skull we are flying high on the wings of Glory we summon the twins and with our new Wings combined with therm's completely busted Shadow flame knives we easily smash those eyes back to Hell after waiting for the next night we fight Skeletron Prime as well and he uh Hebrews a little bit more difficult I die a lot in fact I don't think I've been helpful in this partnership at all since we beat the Wall of Flesh it's just been therm dragging my dead weight past every single obstacle but once again his busted butter knife led us to Victory each dagger bouncing from limb to limb and with that all the mechanical bosses had been defeated and it only took us three hours and we couldn't be further behind oh god well In fairness thoughts we've gone past the brunt of the labor in hard mode now all we had to do was hop the jungle kill Pantera kill the Golem and boom we at least be on the lunar events giving us a chance for an epic comeback except that I forgot one thing the Plantera bulb finding the Plantera bulb is a frustrating part of any Terraria playthrough but especially a speedrun you can get insanely lucky and one could spawn right by the entrance or you could spend eons and eons running around the dreaded jungle only to never find it but me and thurim had an ace of Our Sleeve and that Ace was taken a nap we were gonna lie there for days hours on end until that bulb spawned the entire time carefully thinking out our strategy to take on Plantera would you rather noodles for arms or snakes for feet our minds were churning at absurd rates as we thought about the fastest way to build Arenas uh sneaks for feet how we could avoid damage but they're like alive and they can bite people we even thought of a secret plan that would guarantee us Victory that's okay I'll just wrap my feet up real tight with the snakes in there and after in-game days of theorizing oh the snakes can bite right through we finally headed to the jungle and after searching for several minutes we find a bulb this was our moment if we could get this we would redeem ourselves make everyone forget all about those embarrassing moments prove to the world that we were good at this game and just because we played cozy games that doesn't mean time yeah we got destroyed all right
Channel: Seanie Dew
Views: 273,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e2OeWqf_s10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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