Undertale Genocide, But It's Multiplayer

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I got my friends together to force them to play undertow with me using a multiplayer mod I found with 4 players there was four times more fun to be had except I didn't invite these guys so they could have fun quite the opposite I thought it would be a really good idea to do the genocide run first and boy was I right this was a mistake also this isn't what I usually post so I really appreciate it if you could leave a like And subscribe to let me know if you like this content thank you and enjoy the video we're just kicking right into it you can just leave players behind I think oh yeah that's right there's no way he could shoot all of us at once you want some love don't you you could I don't all right okay I have a real question is the health client or is it fair oh I might be shared because we have 80 instead of 20. it's definitely sure oh no it's definitely shared oh no let's kill or be killed no no no no no no no no he's been in the big text no don't get hit what do you do no [Applause] yes no no no no no no oh hang on wait did somebody save yeah can somebody save real quick allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins it was nobody stop someone hit okay does someone hit oh we didn't kill him self do we have to reset oh no we gotta restart no that's disgusting it doesn't die are you maybe sure that this is necessary I don't think it is this might be this might be the one thing you don't have to kill true you don't have to you don't have to be good play undertale oh [Music] guys get away get up all right how many can we take oh three all of them look at what you've done good all right I'm pretty sure okay I'm blue I thought they could hit guys first one they get to hit public execution I gotcha where's soda and carpool rail at all that was just lowering my tree because I didn't want to be rude sorry you should lower it more yeah restart restart oh yeah the the bakery what's happening smell yeah no no nice text Bro smell worse smell what a smell okay perfect smell sounds smell kill you okay the creature oh what what is this this is the optimal way to do the genocide route we're just sitting in the corner going up and down straight against wall all right and stop don't go stop it go stop we're moving down all right nothing's showing up which color is the red describe it oh that I gotta get away from you yeah yeah what does that say before time to wake up and smell the pain perfect what do you got there yeah yeah yeah perfect we need to keep spamming spare we could literally just keep spamming enter yes well I think that for a while you actually start to spare her we should probably uh be careful well it only spares her when she gives up wait don't move [Laughter] yeah I thought you couldn't actually die to her and then she reacts to it yeah she like covers her mouth or something like that yeah she covers her mouth and her face is in shock I'm so sorry just wait until it's like we start slowing down and then wait until it's like yellow yeah and then we kill her what thank you no what all right I am flat out just not moving holy we killed that guys we gotta restart all right we got our new house it's really fun oh finally hold you we have so much HP never mind oh now we're getting encounters oh wow oh I took control of the camera now you're gonna get us caught another one nope yeah stranger danger Buddies he's just walking past us he's so rude it's me Sid's undertale I'm glad we always quiet for this oh please don't be there [Music] oh what I forgot genocide [Music] oh welcome back guys we spawned in babe oh my God that's texture not normally gonna see like ever four players take Sans into custody [Laughter] dad potentially going for stealing his goddamn head please just beat him up oh my God you didn't ask you all right write up on the comments now monsters oh yeah I was gonna say it couldn't get worse than this but no we're actually torturing too so like yeah but then we're killing them no no no no torturing and then killing does not make it better I don't think I think you're missing a middle ground but I don't want to kill them after torturing them but I have to we're gonna try and torture toys planning on torturing toriel as well it makes me laugh it brings a smile to my face I'm gonna be honest I don't think we're ever going to die without much health the only thing we could die on is definitely Sans what about like undyne or something else that's supposed to be really hard oh gosh how does undyne work oh don't do it oh wow how did you do that should not get hit oh no I don't like him to me oh okay he's done wait wait oh my God oh you're such a you're such a meanie dude what the heck excuse me all right I knew I should have put a pipe bomb inside spaghetti just dial up sounds I don't speak French [Music] hey guys any help no no no look at our health bar we're almost also dying oh he's right do we have to kill the no oh dear thing that's down there let's go we can we're gonna keep putting presents on it oh okay oh yeah I know I think it's just visuals no I'm just trying I'm trying to catch Sans yes but that's right oh yeah you're right oh it's just perfect for you to not see him we need to go down there have someone be right next to Sans and then we go off screen and then activate him see if he talks oh he's there hey what's up talk to the other Sans get next to their sins haha they're stealing what don't know oh there we go are you lost that's ironic all right guys you guys want something from the store so my piece I think it's like one of the best healing items so he just wasted one oh it's a man you know it was it was to send a message see you guys all this child we can murder Survivor Survivor Survivor everyone ran away from four murderers wait we could just write a murder him I forgot yeah yeah no well that's not what I expected but still I believe in you yeah this time I won't miss [Laughter] his head as a soccer ball yeah you're right free stuff come on all right have fun I'm like the corner of the wall wait come back you missed me hey welcome back I love this room this room is like so beautiful it is pretty oh wait we're gonna run into someone here are we yep hello oh then let's let's make her sing together in front of an audience of all her fans why no no no no don't leave don't leave don't leave zombies only three don't leave it don't leave don't leave no no I smiled to the audience they all liked it I'm not even on screen I've seen you in a million years come back [Music] but wait can you play for this part you know what Mega just keep playing I'll be here for the funnies okay no no [Music] no no no no no no no undyne was wouldn't hesitate stabbing a child she's currently doing she doesn't have fun I had like three uh enemies left to kill oh no no no no crash no don't tell me that blocked whoa yeah we disappeared oh I consumed you guys scary oh wait yeah we don't fight this no yes we do what you stab him he's the gland dummy and then he dies oh my God I won uh oh here it comes guys oh my God here it comes oh my God I can't believe we're here oh no leave while she's disintegrated We're not gonna have a good time run the music wait ah you guys don't hear what I do oh my God pain you're gonna have a bad time oh my God we were getting individual one oh we all have to do it that's nothing ow holy and announce it so that nobody else takes that direction three times why are we still stuck on this your job is to go right now don't worry about it you're going left now look we're good and that we're good just keep on going the direction oh my God hey you think there's a few projectiles down there no at least one ah I'm gonna die just attack why I don't know I don't know if that was the best move we just got to do the damage man I did say that might have not been the best idea we had two hits or nothing we took two heads oh my gosh Santa's gonna be a first try I think Santa's easier than this I know I know Santa's much easier than this okay we're not taking the ill we're gonna win oh no no I'll try to create I'll try and create I'll try and create okay this will kill if you crit no yeah we're gonna have one more attack I guarantee it yes one more we did it oh my God good job guys how many attempts was that we've been here for like 40 minutes oh my god really that could be worse oh hello I'm good at credits now he's gone 39 left I could fall in love in the new car Jesus God yeah it's a plane crash how many times do we have to reject This Plane oh hey last two people they're still here shirtless oh my gosh now we can see the lower his defense man yeah that was definitely why we did that it's time where are you guys wait where am I what wait where's everyone else we have to kill him right we forgot to put the food whatever one shoulder but I spam so we like but like if if we bring the the food he tries to spare us and then we can be mean about it that's horrible eat the spider guys we should read something wrong with our kids because that's genocide run yeah genocide route you one shot like everything except for undyne and Sans oh no we one shot Sans guys do we get to talk to snazz no are you gonna go on a date with Sans in the genocide Road no I would love to I think you can right no oh I should have named myself Sans lover again what's your name right now I wonder how we're gonna do sounds I probably gotta take us like an hour longer than that although I have actually done the sales show time robots can love and have feelings oh my God it's time yo are you guys playing undertale no way oh I want to join let's go [Music] do you think even the worst person can change that everyone can be a good person if they just try no sorry I hope you guys are ready this is why I never make I'm never ready on days like these kids like you jump right away jump right away so bad and side to side always wonder what people never use their shoes first oh God this is gonna be impossible you guys are doing great I'm not jumping right left and right starting and stopping who am I oh I'm blue why am I blue now because you're blue Papyrus went last right before that no what are you floating guys I don't think this is gonna be dude for funny business stop floating now let's oh my God that's so bad again okay it's so bad to be all right this is impossible no no no no no no no where are we everyone else falls to the platform except for dude we just get teleported to Mars [Music] that part like teleport behind me that's why [Music] no why that's why that's fine that's fine it's fine it was easy stop uh hey buddy you you know like the heal button we should have done that but no we're good oh jumping into the ball on this one you have to go in a circle or this one right now is what the guy said um it's what the undertale man said this card is genuinely impossible no no no we did it we did it fine you know what happens once 104. so if summer vacation and school comes upon just to end it and the annual problem with our oh man I forgot it I like how we can all just take a chill pill for this attack unless Mars screws up yeah that's pretty much it pretty much on your platform attack you just like sit down and wait except for this this is horrible and I dislike it a lot more hers I'm trying well that one was yeah relatively better Phone Zone no way we survived holy was that the first time we made it past that I think I think so Whack Him just Whack Him we just gotta attack him his movements are growing slower if we can make it past we can just consume all of our healing items there's not many attacks left that's the thing look at it we're closer to halfway there uh I'm believing I think we need to do no heal and then just consume all our healing items and then go for phase two okay we can do that that's basically just get two full health bars but we have to go through it without dying I think that's our only way we can manage it um then we can heal oh holy oh this is the first you've gotten let's spare him yes I want to hurt the bone man just eat just eat everything you sure that's a good idea yes I think I think we can do this and then eat the noodles and then we yeah we're pretty much good yeah we're fine here that's fine eat the other legendary here because our HP bar goes past okay we're ready this is it this is it you guys are ready it's gonna get harder from here right it is gonna get way harder I don't believe it that's not bad oh it's not that bad it's not that bad it's pretty bad oh this attack is gonna be a nightmare oh my God we're getting closer but it's so difficult there is progress being made Marston butcher the attack no way that's crazy I'm not a goat s all right let's bear him let's spare him let's do it I know how hard it must be to make them to go back on everything run I want to know if someone let me go away despite all my rage it's still just a rat in the cage I'm really glad that I brought water for this because my Google genius out I'm actually feeling my heart racing oh no do we have any food left yeah oh my gosh oh no oh God oh God oh God okay oh actually that wasn't for that we don't have anything impossible to delay we're so close we're so close somebody oh my God we got it die wait wait make an apple make an l oh my God somebody go to the side yes yes oh my God we should do it in the Middle come up oh my God all right that's it all right this is it like here goes nothing here's nothing oh yeah true oh [Laughter] my God I can't believe that word another item darn it he knows my type you'll never give up even upstairs absolutely no what up all right what are you saying get in front of it stand in front of it I can I can't move oh you can't move edit easy easy edit easy edit uh oh where'd our HP go and our HP is crashed oh oh my goodness let's go see Dad let's go see that let's go see Dad you must be the one that flower just warned me about oh okay wow oh wait we are not oh kill him before you lay his eggs kill him kill him now settle this over a nice cup of tea I actually really like tea oh my god well now you're not getting any gel shampoo why you why are you little oh you little I never wanted you ever saw the Trixie I'll cakes after all I just be your best friend and why is he talking about himself who is he I think he he I think no he I think he talks I can help I can just stop it [Laughter] he's looking to Mars hey guys hello it's not me that's me that's my character without the shades greetings that's Mars sunglasses off oh I really did take them off I am books so they can call me anytime thank you yes you the player subscribe you need to subscribe your power awaken me from death my human soul my determination my subscription box find the Bell icon the notific turn notifications on our plan had failed hadn't it why was I brought back to my life to subscribe together we are eradicated the enemy And subscribe every time a number increase when someone hit that funny red button we could get more gold there is nothing left for us here let us erase this pointless [Music] move on to the next channel the third Channel don't do not I don't think it matters either way I don't think so if you do a race either way there's no way out of it if we press do not we just get Merc anyways we get murdered either way yeah okay since when were you the one in control he knows the quote spoilers in the corner
Channel: Mars
Views: 2,025,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undertale, undertale genocide, 4 player undertale, multiplayer, multiplayer undertale, reaction, deltarune, first time playing undertale, sans, undyne, chara, frisk, flowey, toriel, mettaton, undertale but, undertale mod, mod, 4 player pacifist, 4 player genocide, sans undertale
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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