Tender, Juicy "Fall Off The Bone" Ribs

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'm doing fall off the bone ribs y'all coming from a comp background I don't normally cook fall off the bone ribs that is guaranteed to get me last place in a contest but everybody asks for them that way that's the way restaurants sell them so today I'm going to show you how I do fall off the bone ribs let's get to cooking all right y'all for these fall off the bone ribs today I'm using St Louis cut spare ribs you could use loin bags baby backs whatever you want to use I just like the meatiness of that spare rib y'all can see these are some nice big ribs pretty straight bones that'd be good for some competition cooking but we're going to make them fall off the bone today I do have three racks so I'm probably gonna cook one the way I like to do it for a comp to give them a little comparison so I'm just keeping it simple on the seasoning on this fall off the bone ribs you could use whatever seasoning you like first thing I got that salt pepper garlic y'all know it that AP seasoning I'm just putting a good coat on the back of these ribs no binder I'm just going to let the meats make it stick now I'm coming back with some of the barbecue rub use whatever kind of rub you want man this is your ribs this is my favorite way though just AP and barbecue rub don't get any more easier than that all right we're ready to flip these ribs and work on the meaty side do the same thing we're hit up with that AP first and we're going to come back hit it with that barbecue rub even coat all the way down I'm just kind of patting the edges making sure we got some seasoning all the way around these ribs you can already tell that rub's starting to work into the meat starting to get that pretty red color going on the seasons are kind of melting the sugars the herbs the spices all that goodness is going to add here right to the surface of that rib today I'm firing up my patio Outlaw stick burner I'm going to start with a good bed of Royal Oak lump coals once those coals get going and burn down some we're going to start adding splits of hickory wood to give us that smoke flavor give us those good BTUs now I want to run the pit at 275 today that's going to render that fat in these ribs and that's what's going to help us get them tender it's time to get these ribs on the pit y'all can tell how they're already starting to sweat you can see the seasoning starting to blend into a that's what you want now we're just going to get them right on the grate I like to put them going to Crossways like this because that's the way the smoke kind of flows through the pit we're just going to lay them right on the rack put them on there kind of straight and then space them out a little bit just so air can flow all right so the ribs are on the outlaw it's time to add stick a hickory wood to the fire we're going to let these dudes smoke till they get a pretty color so we're about hour and 45 minutes in I just want to take a peek at these ribs and see what my color is looking like you can see we're still running 275 I've been holding the pit right there we're starting to get some good color on these ribs they're not quite where I want them you still see some moisture on top when I touch them there's a little season that does want to come off but it's starting to hear pretty good to it so we're looking good at this point they're starting to get that color I want but we want to let them go a little bit farther in the smoke before we wrap them up and we start making them get ready to jump off them bones all right y'all it's been about two hours and 45 minutes I I bought these ribs and that's as dark as I want them to get look at that color we got going the rubs cooked this kind of getting that mahogany look to it that's where you want your ribs when you get ready to get them tender starting to get some of that fat to render down now but we're really fixing to get them fall off the bone once we put them in the wrap so in my wrap I like to have three things you got to have some richness so we're getting that for some butter so all I did was take a stick of butter and cut it in half we're going to lay that right on bottom then we need that sweet element to go with the ribs I've got some honey you could use agave nectar pretty much brown sugar anything you like to get that sweet element and then we need some acidity instead of just using just like a straight juice or vinegar or something like that I'm using my vinegar sauce because it has some heat and it's going to give us a little bit of spice element to go with it these three things are going to produce a liquid inside this wrap and it's going to help break these ribs down get them tender add some richness add some sweet flavor to it and we're going to flip the ribs over and this is where I look at the back side of them if there's anything I want to pull off that's kind of cooked out I go ahead and grab it off the end of the bones also hit them with just a little bit of rub on that back side just to reinforce those barbecue flavors that we're getting from the spices and then I'm going to put just a little bit of vinegar on the back side too now we just want to wrap them up it's real easy bring your foil up over and then tuck them in real nice on the edge all right y'all this is where we're going to get these ribs tender they're going back on the pit we're keeping it at 275 but we're going to break these ribs down now so we're just going to set them right back on the pit kind of the same location we want to get the heat to them we want to get that fat rendering we want to get those bones letting go it's going to take a little while we're going to be patient with them we're going to watch them we'll come back and check on them and see how we're progressing so these ribs have been wrapped for about an hour and a half I want to get one slab off and check them you know when I'm cooking a contest rib or a rib that I want to be more Integrity to it they on the bone this is about where I pull them off I'm thinking this rack's going to be done all right y'all it's been total of two hours in the wrap now that slab of ribs that we had resting I went ahead and bolted it up got it back on here with a little bit of glaze on it but now we got to check these ribs these are going to be our fall off the bones when you pick them up and they're starting to bend like that that's my first indicator that we got some well done ribs gotta get them over to the board and I am going to put them back on and glaze them just a little bit too so let me show you how we do that over here on the cutting board so this is the first rack of the fall off the bone ribs with the whole two hours in the smoke when you pick it up that dude's trying to break on me right there it really needs to cool off just a little bit but to stop it from cooking I'm going to get it out of all this hot goodness we got it in that's what's been breaking it down and you run a risk of it falling apart on you at this stage but I'm going to try to carefully flip it out and put it over here on a flat rack you know you talk about sticking a knife in hot butter this ain't even this is softer than that I do want to get a little more flavor on these you could eat them just like this they would be fine but I like them you know put a little rub on them set that a little bit give us some more flavor on the outside this just cleans up any imperfections on them that that wrap might have washed off these held up really good in there I'm just going to put these ribs on the sheet pan so I don't have to move them I don't want to break them set that pan and all right back in the middle I'm gonna go ahead and grab this rack because this glazed up looking like some candy apple ribs that mahogany color got that glisten going you know that's a good rack of ribs I might win a trophy right there let's close it down let that dry rub set a little bit on our fall off the bone ribs all right it's been about five minutes for this dry rub to settle these ribs just pull these out a little bit you can see how it kind of changes the color of them get something mahogany look back after they come out of that wrap and all I do is drizzle on a little of your favorite barbecue sauce y'all know I got the barbecue sauce you got a favorite one by all means go for it then we're just going to kind of brush it around on the edges on the ends we'll make sure we get our bones I hadn't added any more wood we're just letting the smoker temper down so it's not hitting it hard but you can see them hot coals off in there let that sauce sit it's going to take about five ten minutes are you ready to eat a rib bone or two all right y'all that sauce looks like it's set to me after about five minutes it just tacks up that's all you want it to do but them ribs are fixing to pop out I can tell by the way they bending I ain't gonna have to cut much on them all right y'all so just looking at these ribs you can't even tell which ones are the fall off the bone or which one's the control this one was that first rack it's not fall off the bone it's tender I guarantee you we're gonna cut into it in a minute but I can pick this rack out up Jiggle It Around do all kinds of stuff with it the bones are staying in I can't do that to these y'all I got to be more careful with them I don't even need a knife for it all you do is take them and break them you see how easy that rib broke check this out you want to talk about fall out the bone the bone pops out that meat just comes right off that's way too tender for a competition to win a trophy but when it comes to eating y'all that fall off the bone don't play hmm oh yeah it's like rib meat butter I mean just look at that you can see the smoke ring that one fell out all of them go fall out look at this if you don't like to eat ribs like that something's wrong with you because I know when I serve these to my friends and family that's how they want them this is melting your mouth texture hey if you want to cook them follow up the bone just cook them a little bit longer in the wrap it took an extra 30 minutes to get them up there like 210 212. and that's right where you want them so cook them the way you like but to Make Them Fall Out the Bone just keep cooking them hey appreciate y'all hanging out with us here at how to barbecue right if y'all like what we're doing subscribe to the channel you can find us on Facebook Instagram Tick Tock even Twitter and shell and I are going to talk about these fall off the bone ribs on our weekly podcast y'all give that a listen too we'll see you next time people have Smoke Fall Out the Bone is where it's at I don't need no trophies foreign
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 935,640
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Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, fall off the bone ribs, how to cook fall off the bone ribs, bbq ribs, fall off the bone, 321 ribs, 3-2-1 ribs, smoked ribs, spare ribs, best smoked ribs, smoked ribs recipe, 3 2 1 method, Barbecue Ribs, tender ribs, Smoked BBQ Ribs, Fall off the bone spare ribs
Id: tG2ro7UZOUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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