Temporary tattoos are racist - MY TAKE ON IT

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be discussing are these temporary tattoos racist anyways before you get into that let's look at today's fan art so this is today's fan art thank you so much for sending it to me I love the little bubble that says what the is wrong with you and the shirt that says dead those are both very me I love the eyes too and the braids so thank you so much for sending this to me I loved it so much I will credit the artist in the description per usual and let's get on with the video so I was made aware of this video because it was sent to me in the DNS where everything good goes down so I will credit them in the description - thank you so much for bringing this to my attention this is some white nonsense white nonesense everybody right here I like tattoos I got this one which is essentially just my name in another language I have this one on my hand which doesn't look great but oh that's fine and I have this one which is new and healing so it looks gross I'm not a huge fan of fake tattoos but I mean some people don't want real ones but still wanna you know differ ate themselves and I found these which are metallic and shiny which I enjoy and they're basically just jewelry and rose gold is trending right now but instead of just buying a bunch of rose gold random items to clutter up our homes let's bow our bodies first I'm gonna try these they are from a company called tribe tats which I have many thoughts on the first being that is racist so my first note is a zero 27 she says differ eight instead of I guess it was like dimmer Frenchy I don't even know what kind of word that was supposed to be but differ eight does not exist sign of all tribal can refer to many different kinds of tribes however let's look at the definition of tribe for a second tribe a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social economic religious or blood ties with a common culture and dialect typically having a recognized leader indigenous Indian tribes the Celtic tribes of so if tribes can be Celtic or Slavic or indigenous tribes then it would be racist against who exactly we don't know unless it's specifically saying like hey we're imitating the tribes of but I digress we have diamond diamond diamond barcode why I feel like the barcode is worldly out of place with the rest of this pack oh there's more in here there's a second we've got armbands made entirely of leaves gonna put that on me somewhere for sure and then up here we just got the supposed snake snake skin what to put on first you know a cool thing about fake tattoos is that they are a great way to test out where you want to put a real one instead of just diving in and slapping it on your body maybe you could prep a little bit and test out and find the perfect placement so you don't regret anything not that I regret anything we're going to apply firm pressure like when I explain to my mom that my tattoos do not mean I'm possessed by Satan she's always like your body is a temple yes mom it is a temple crumbling rotting and most likely possessed by demons anyway so yes I am possessed by Satan I take it back it might just be because I'm tired but I don't find any of this funny on the contrary I find it cringy and exhausting to listen to I understand the wanting to be relatable but it's not reading as relatable to me um yeah it's just not yeah I actually really like that so this feels like pretty good I don't feel it on my hand like really at all like I the way I'm moving it it's not pulling on it at all it almost was like it's not there I can feel it but it almost feels like it's not there and now that I see something there I'm like okay maybe I'll get something there I wish it could be shiny like this one here's a hack from Courtney these last longer if you put hairspray on them so I'm gonna be covering my body and hair strip this pack by tribal tats is for mildly racist white women who are very very excited to get married see it as their only accomplishment will do nothing after that possibly go to spin class once a week and then eat like a poptart and say I earned this does that hurt your feelings Ted that escalated quickly I did not see my thing whatsoever so why are they racist is it because they're using these tribe tats because that's the name of the brand and the tattoos that you showed with them say say like betch or like have diamonds I can't see because they're backwards right now but those don't seem racist to me they're not putting on those tribal themed tattoos and even if they were we don't even know what they're trying a minute they seemed kind of like a stereotype kind of tribe which isn't in the best taste but at the same time it's not like they're trying to make fun of some specific tribe it's just like what people think of when they think of tribal I'm assuming I don't know I'm not into that whole tattoo aesthetic anyways though the thing I'm saying oh yeah the only thing they're gonna do is get married and then do nothing else like what where is this coming from except from bitterness please let me know in this pack include bride's yes spelled with an e brides bench I do crew because all we aspire to is marriage and future trophy wife Rihanna names a product after that it's not a bridal tattoo because that's all me it's better to be brides that are taking care of my husband's new I'm a trophy waiter on the Doudna being you know best thing on here are the Diamonds don't offend anyone aren't stupid the rest of these are really stupid hey you're entitled to think that they're completely stupid but just because someone it gets a temporary tattoo that says I do crew it doesn't mean that that's the only thing they aspire to the same way that when I got married I got one of like those snapchat filters with my name and Jacobs name it doesn't mean that I only aspire to marriage and that's the end of it they're temporary tattoos so clearly it's a temporary kind of like festive thing I don't see why it's a problem on the contrary I think it'd be kind of cute if you and your bridesmaids or whatever the hell have these like diamonds or betch whatever like I'm not a huge fan myself but I don't want to judge someone based on temporary tattoos that they get I mean no getting a temporary tattoo does not mean they equate to whatever that temporary tattoo says or displays so there's that bright red Oh bright red we got penis hats and we're all wearing them to the local pub this is the most important night of our lives and if any of you mess this up because I am the MOH maid of honor I will personally shun you for the rest of eternity does that sound like an overreaction it's not this is all I have to live for this wedding for a marriage that will last for at max two years so hold on a second this videos titled are these temporary tattoos racist cultural appropriation and yet for the most part of this video the only thing she's done is make fun of marriage and Trust I have been there I've done that never this obnoxiously I might say but it just seems like the joke has been running for too long it was never funny in the first place but you know when you get to that point where someone keeps making the joke and you're just like stop this has become awkward uncomfortable cringy we reach that point like 10 years ago we were at that point already so it just comes off this bitter and weird of to continue be like oh yeah your marriage in the last two years ha ha ha like what what kind of weird hang-up is that even I I don't get it I really don't these people exist Thanks thank bling they look pretty cool all right no not all right tribe tats but these do look cool ok here we have metallic tattoos and it's from npw ooh these are bigger okay so this one who literally has a necklace on it I don't know if I would do that there's some cute ones on here though there's some little boobies feathers more Chevron's but obviously I'm going with the floral daisy chain we got over here yes that's fun I like it it doesn't go all the way around my arm but that's like a real arm cuff I can never find one that actually fits me I can feel it a little bit when I touch it I can feel this one more this is a little bit stickier and I feel like I could like scrape this off this one I feel it but it's not sticky it's just there all right guys so clearly overall npw best rose gold tattoos tribal tats not so into it very cute like this one of my thumb it's great but it's not as good quality in general I am pretty into this like rose gold tattoo thing I think they look great especially on my skin tone I think they're very complimentary to my brown skin I would use these and probably put way more on like here here here hey everywhere thank you for so what the did I just watch they didn't even answer the question I don't know unless they meant the question to be for the comment section but it doesn't seem like it since this this host was very opinionated about white people's marriages which is the first time I've seen someone be so angry about people getting married but hey to each their own I don't know I'm gonna look at the comments section now see if there's anything to kind of explain what the hell is going on but it's fun that this video was posted earlier today because I got the message at least four hours ago I think and they have a thousand six hundred and thirty five views when the channel has over three hundred thousand subscribers so who does this remind us of maybe think tank perhaps yes think tank that's seventy comments huh so hissy fit the channel this is from pin two comments saying what do you think about these tattoos edit Monica is just poking fun at the wedding industry chill guys funnily enough there was no there was only white women mentioned but hey that's the wedding industry there is no person of other color that gets married ever huh someone commented this is such a reach what the and then someone said isn't this a little counterproductive a the tattoos you're calling racist putting on yourself be accusing things of being racist and proceeding to make generalizations about white women yeah so a lot of people are commenting saying you need to relax people are unsubscribing it's actually surprising that a lot of these are very level-headed comments they're not just hating they're saying hey why do you think this way why is this why are you so angry marrying people isn't a bad thing inherently I don't know it just doesn't make sense I don't understand what this video was trying to accomplish apart from being really overdramatic but I digress once more anyways guys let me know what you think about all this what you think about these metallic type of temporary tattoos and I'll see you next time [Music]
Views: 217,489
Rating: 4.9250598 out of 5
Keywords: racism, tattoos
Id: F2_PkFHahNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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