Hire a P.I. to follow your boyfriend - what to know

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so you know there are times in your life when you just need really solid advice and you really just need a source of wisdom and you know I've been having a hard time recently and so I referred to the one and only source not my friends not my husband not my family but the one true source of wisdom that I will always feel comforted by because it's so stupid that it makes me feel like a genius okay cosmopolitan if you've been here for a while you know I clown on them every so often just because how does a publication like that still exist first of all you think you've seen it all with being apologists for incest apologists for cheating apologists for a bunch of things that I just Dima moral but anyway this one might even take the cake in terms of I didn't even expect this one six things to know before hiring a pie to snoop on your partner I don't know what that was because we've all been in that situation where you know you just can't trust the person you're with so you gotta hire a private investigator now I have to say I have thought about hiring private investigators but that's only when I had a suspicion that someone was a murderer it's a long story but that's the only situation which I've ever considered hiring a private investigator well a popular reason that people hire private investigators is to snoop on their partners or to catch them cheating that's certainly not all P is do Lisa Ribicoff a licensed private investigator based in New York City explains that oftentimes insurance companies will use pis to determine whether or not someone as truly as hurt or injured from an accident as they claim parents will also hire investigators to look into their children's significant others or to check their social media online to ensure they look clean for college applications I've only ever seen anyone hire private investigators for their significant others and trashy movies I've never actually heard of someone genuinely doing that and if you have to do that maybe ask yourself why you can't just have a conversation or if you can't have a conversation because you can't communicate try therapy or the alternative of dumping them and finding someone else it's so funny to me that here they're telling you how to hire a private investigator for your relationship but they're like oh yeah usually they use it for like insurance and like actually serious things that you need a private investigator for that you can't just confront someone about regardless of why you're hiring a PI here are some things to consider if you're thinking about it hiring a PI has definite benefits over the DIY approach while you might think you know your partner best and could therefore sleuth the best professional pis do have certain advantages as professionals they're emotionally removed and objective and can keep calm during investigations we have the ability to think first then Act says Ryabkov she adds people try the DIY method and without the training and knowledge of the laws such as stalking harassment vehicle and traffic laws an individual can get themselves into hot water and legal action could be a final result sounds like everything you don't want in this situation so it's almost like you should hire professionals to do their jobs because they're professionals and have been trained to do the job and you haven't been now that is something I didn't think about you know I could actually go see a doctor instead of googling all my symptoms and thinking I have some terrible life-threatening disease I could have just seen a doctor in all this time I just googled it myself because I didn't realize that I'm not as qualified as them not a hand it to Cosmo this one really did change my life P I licensing varies from state to state each state holds their own licensing accreditation and has their own requirements as Reba cough when hiring an investigator you'll want to make sure they are licensed according to whatever state you're in and that you've never had a history of reports or complaints with the Secretary of State or labor board it can also be a plus if the agency has former law enforcement professionals like FBI agents on staff what in this article is brand new information and most of this is just the basics to pee eyes it doesn't sound like this is related to relationship so I don't know if they're being clickbait t yet but so far these are relatively obvious things yes laws are different in different places okay thanks it can get pricey while prices vary from agency to agency Reba cough explains that most tend to bill an hourly rate because it can be difficult to tell exactly how long an investigation will take this means that most firms will bill for several hours at a time Reba cough says that a background investigation turning up any criminal history or pending litigation can start at 150 at the low end and a thousand on the high end at minimum of four hour surveillance that includes travel time mileage and expenses would cost around a thousand dollars again a quick side note you can get background checks online for next to nothing this is by far one of the dumbest points wait for it you can choose a female or male pi Wow not like pretty much every single profession has men and women and most the time you can pick which one you are most comfortable with I've never heard of that ever this is a common misconception explains Ryabkov in some ways being a female p is harder and easier than being a male pi it's easier for a woman to blend into a restaurant or a nightclub when surveilling at these locations and it can be easier for women to make conversation with a bartender or in line in the bathroom yeah I've never seen one single man at a club or at a restaurant so I would definitely know that man there who's eating that sandwich is definitely a pie because restaurants they don't let men in about everyone knew that male bi asking too many questions might seem suspicious in those settings agencies can also employ men and women on different surveillance missions if the person being surveilled is a woman who goes to a nail salon regularly it makes sense to send a female investigator to also go in and surveil if it's a guy who regularly goes to a strip club it'd make more sense to send a male investigator it's almost like depending on the investigation it could be better to have a male or a female also ground-breaking your pee I should not interact with a person they're investigating Ariba cough says that for her firm the investigators are trained to not engage with a person they're investigating I thought that was like a normal thing that they should never interact because then they could really easily give themselves away isn't the point of a PI to be private and secretive should any attempted interaction occur on the part of the subject our operatives are trained to play dumb do not answer any questions and to immediately walk away and get out of sight she explains you've got to be okay with possibly not getting the answer you're looking for again a really nuanced point made by cosmopolitan there are times them the investigation was a waste of time because it didn't turn up that the subject was engaging in any behavior of the clients so strongly believed was happening other times as Reba cough says they will report and confirm negative behavior but the client will regret that they ever looked into the matter in which they didn't know this article essentially like I said did not really talk about couples as much as it give you the basics about pee eyes and what to expect and prepare yourself for which I thought were all pretty obvious so I don't know that the article needed to be written but anyway it's kind of funny though because I feel like this article the implication is that it's common enough of a practice that they can write an article and it's relatable enough to people you know what I mean because there's no point of writing an article about oh the feeling you get when your significant other loses a sock and your tooth hurts you know like who would really relate to that at any given point not many people so the fact that they wrote this the implication is that oh yeah a lot of people will relate to this which i think is concerning because I don't know anyone who would relate I've never heard of anyone hiring a pie for their significant other but really and we've established this before the bigger underlying problem is that Cosmo does reinforce really just negative and honestly sometimes toxic traits that should not be a reinforce but should rather be condemned or worked through so even just the implication that you know it's a quote unquote regular or at least common enough thing to hire a PI on your significant other to me is questionable at best however I think that there's a second irony to this because while I was reading the article there was another recommended article to read related article and it's called how to catch a cheater right so I just quickly skimmed through this because I really didn't want to lose more brain cells than I have and legitimately the second point is do not invade their privacy what is hiring a PI really you're getting someone to be followed around you're getting background checks like you're already invading their privacy just cuz it's not you going through their phone or just cuz you're not physically doing anything yourself third numbers talk to them wow wow wow I'm like why wasn't this but in the other article like hey before hiring up I maybe have a conversation you know maybe don't go like weird trashy movie immediately I don't know I just thought that was pretty funny but would you guys hire a PI for your significant other I really hope you wouldn't but if you have ever hired a PI let me know in the comments cuz I think that it'd be really interesting anyways guys thank you so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 136,808
Rating: 4.9570551 out of 5
Keywords: Cosmopolitan, relationship, love, couples, social commentary
Id: eOItszFNen0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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