B'reisheet | Erev Shabbat Broadcast

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shabbat shalom my name is ephraim judah with line and land ministries and thank you for joining us for our air shabbat broadcast here on banishelom.tv in all the ways that you might be watching whether that's facebook live or mobile app any one of our television apps we issue a hearty shabbat shalom and welcome to the broadcast it is october 16th and we have now completed the feast of tabernacles and we have begun anew here at lion and lamb as we will start over the torah cycle with vera sheet this week and as always who if you've been a part of this broadcast for a number of years or just joining us for the first time if at any point in time the lord is stirs in your heart and you're blessed by the things we do here at lion and lamb you can make a donation at llgiv.com there's many different ways that you can donate as we here at line of lamb have a heart to continue to bless the brethren to serve the lord serve his kingdom and so if the lord would stir in your heart to make a donation we are do our best to be good stewards of the lord lord's resources in everything that we do so once again thank you for joining us making us a part of your weekly routine now let us set apart this sabbath from the rest of the week with the kiddush and the family blessings [Music] [Music] am blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who has sanctified us by his commandments and has commanded us to be a light unto the nations and has given us yeshua the messiah the light of the world amen now kiddish blessing over the cup [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine amen [Music] we give thanks to god for bread our voices rise in song together as our joyful prairie said [Music] blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who brings forth bread from out of the earth amen shalom please join us for the bahu the call to worship bless the lord who is to be praised blessed be the lord who is praised for all eternity amen and now the mikha moka mihame who is like you o lord among the gods who is like you lord there is none you are awesome in praise doing wonders o lord who is you oh lord amen and now the blessing of messiah baruch yeshua altogether blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who has given us the way of salvation in messiah yeshua amen and now the visham ru altogether the children of israel shall keep the sabbath and observe the sabbath throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever for in six days the lord made heaven and earth and on the seventh day he ceased from work and was refreshed amen and now the shema if you would all turn and face east toward jerusalem for the watchword of our faith [Music] is [Music] my [Music] hear o israel the lord is our god the lord is one blessed be his name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever yeshua the messiah he is lord amen with and you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might and these words which i command you this day shall be upon your heart and you shall teach them diligently to your children and shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates amen [Music] [Music] yes [Music] lift up your name with our hearts full of [Music] glory glory glory to the king of kings glory glory glory to the king of kings [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] god we lift up your name with our hearts full of praise [Music] hosanna in the heart [Music] may the lord answer you in the day of trouble may the name of the god of jacob defend you may he send you help from the sanctuary and strengthen you out of zion may he remember all of your offerings and accept your burnt sacrifice may he grant you according to your heart's desire and fulfill all your purpose we will rejoice in your salvation and in the name of our god we will set up our banners may the lord fulfill all your petitions now i know that the lord saves his anointed he will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember the name of the lord our god they have bowed down and fallen but we have risen and stand upright save lord may the king answer us when we call amen [Music] so he's showering over all the earth he's showering over all the earth he's showering over [Music] [Music] the spirit of god will rest upon him the spirit of wisdom is true he's showering over all the earth shall reign over all the earth he's towering over all the earth he's showering over all the earth we shall not judge with the sight of his eyes or decide with the hearing of his ears but with righteousness judge the poor and decide with fairness for them he showering over all the earth he shall reign over all the earth he's showering over all the earth reign over all the earth he shall gather the outcasts of israel the dispersed of judah from all the earth he shall stand as an and sign for his people and his resting place shall be glory showering over all the earth [Music] come and rain over all the earth come and rain over all the air come and rain over all the you shall you stop over all the earth you shall reign over all the earth you showering over all the [Applause] [Music] all the earth you shall reign over all the earth you showering over all the earth you shall reign over all the earth you showering over all the [Music] curves [Music] come now is the time to work now is the time to give your heart come just as you are in a world come just as you are before [Music] one day every time i confess you are god one day every day will bow to the greatest treasure remains foreign [Music] you i got [Music] still the greatest treasure remains for those who god lead [Music] now is the time to [Music] now is the time to get [Music] just as you are in worst [Applause] [Music] just as you are before your god won't you come [Music] one day every time we'll confess you are god one day every knee will bow still the greatest treasure remains for those who one day every time we'll confess you i got one day every knee will bow still this great treasure remains foreign [Music] now is the time to work now is the time to give your [Music] let all the earth rejoice let all the earth rejoice he wraps he wraps himself in light in darkness tries too high it trembles out his voice it trembles at his voice how great how great is our god sing me our grace is our god you know we'll see how great how great is our god [Music] h2h he stands and time is in his hands beginning near the end beginning and the end our god there [Music] [Music] [Music] is our god and all we'll see how great how great is our god [Applause] [Music] you are worthy of our praise [Music] and my heart will sing how great is our god [Music] [Applause] [Music] our praise and my heart will seek [Applause] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are worthy of our brains and my heart will see how great is our god how great is our god how great [Music] see is great how great [Music] is lord i come to you [Music] [Music] [Music] from my deepest parts god a mercy comes an urge in prayer that my heart's desire is do you draw near i give myself to you i give myself to you on the altar there spirit come and film so that i can more follow at nobody [Music] to to you let your life or shine in this wounded heart clean and purify so that you can more of [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and make [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] and make me owe me on to you clear god my humble prayer and me oh be gone to you condorce our doorstep hear this heartburn [Music] keep [Music] um [Music] is shabbat shalom if you would please turn in your bibles to genesis chapter 1 page 1 of your scriptures and as you are opening the word of the lord let us turn this time over to the lord and let me do the blessing before the torah baruch blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who has chosen us from among all peoples and has given us your torah blessed are you o lord giver of the torah amane as i said this week we are beginning the torah cycle anew with the portion of bear sheet i love the opportunity that it is always to teach the word of the lord to teach the torah each and every week that i have the opportunity to do so the torah is the word of god it is the words of the covenant between us and our heavenly father the creator and these words i hope that will i can bring alive each and every week that will minister to you and encourage you in your most holy faith and so it is a wonderful blessing as we go on the journey that it is uh for the torah cycle this year i'm going to do something a little bit different instead of starting in genesis 1 i'm actually going to start in isaiah chapter 46 beginning at verse 8 where the words say this remember this and show yourselves men recall to mind oh you transgressors remember the former things of old for i am god and there is no other i am god and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and i will do all my pleasure calling a bird of prey from the east the man who executes my council from a far country indeed i have spoken it i will also bring it to pass i have purposed it and i will also do it there is no one like the god the creator of heaven and earth that we serve in our modern times our human brains are always trying to create and entertain ourselves with stories of fanciful things things and beings that are greater and more powerful than we that's why we're so compelled by stories of fantasy and magic and that's why in throughout the history of time men have created stories of mythology and even modern times we create superheroes because we long after the knowledge or the understanding of beings that are greater and more powerful than we we have no further to look than the heaven than the scripture the word of god that we have given to us because there is no god like the creator who has made us and who has created the heavens and the earth he is powerful he's performed miracles and great things and our body our minds are always trying to create god when god from the very beginning has always been there and all we have to do is to seek after him the one who made us and the one who created us we must show ourselves as the scripture says here show ourselves men ones that stand upright before our creator before the creator of heaven and earth who worship him and honor him as our heavenly father who made all things to seek after anything else is of course an affront to the lord we need to seek after him for in for all things whenever we are looking for miracles in in the heavens and and we're compelled by stories of magic and and all manner of things when we have the god who has given us and who has created all things of him and through him and for him one of the things that i like to always say and one of the things that i believe is that god did not make the world from nothing that is a mistake that some people make that even creationists will say god made the world from nothing but i don't believe that to be the case and i don't think the laws of physics even prove that to be the case because we know that matter can has to always change can change form but it's neither created nor destroyed it is always changing i believe god created the laws of physics and he even obeys the laws of physics even though our modern science just hasn't caught up to all the miracles he's performed in the heavens and on this earth i don't believe god made the world from nothing i believe god made the world from the only something that existed before the heavens and the earth and that was himself as it says in the new testament where it says that in first corinthians 8 6 also colossians 1 16 that all things were created of him through him and for him now thou believe that to be god also in the new testament it is referencing yeshua the messiah who is one part of god who is one of the manifestations of god and i was all will always stand firm on the fact that yeshua is god that he is a part of god we think that he might be separate or less than god the father when he said in the new testament of course that he and the father are one we simply don't understand how they can be a unified one at all times but all things were created through him and of him that's one of the proofs that encourages me that from every living thing from every tree to plant to every animal every human being we are made of the divine nature of god that he created and put and imparted a part of himself into everything we can we can see and know that god exists by simply looking at the complexity and the beauty of nature that that is what god and that's how how god made the world to be and that's how that it because god is is beautiful and powerful just like everything that we see around us is the same there's of course people who have sought after god and tried to create god out of something else whether it's people that worship mother nature when really what they're seeking after is they're seeking after the creator they're simply not looking far enough beyond simply what they see with their eyes but to think where did it come from in the first place truly where god has imparted himself into the creation and we should be following after him every tree every plant exists for the glory of god every star in the heavens praises the lord with its very being and if the trees could talk they would say don't worship me worship the god who created me that's what that's what the trees would say and so in all things we are seeking after our heavenly father and that are we we long to have that covenant relationship with the lord and that's what i believe the lord and and all of scripture and especially the torah itself is a sign and the words of the covenant that we have with our creator the passage that i read in isaiah also spoke the power of god that he can declare the ends from the beginning and from ancient times things that have not yet happened and that of course causes us to look at the beginning as the very first words of the scripture says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth where can we find the evidence and the signs of the end of time or where can we see the power of god in those words well many people have done this study we've looked into the words and the instruction and even from the very first word of the torah bear a sheet we can tell a story of what god is intending to do with all of creation barashi the hebrew word that that consists of a bet a resh an aleph a sheen a yod and a tav and you can move those letters around and you can spell all kinds of other words that mean things in scripture first that very first letter bet which is written enlarged represents a house and that we know that when god created the world he's creating a place that can be dwelt in a place for him to dwell and for his creation to dwell and god is building and establishing his house we also have the word of which is the aleph and the bet and that is the father the heavenly father who is the creator of the house we also have the aramaic word bar which means son and that that is that god is planning to have be a father he's going to have a son who's going to then be the head of the house and in fact that uh hebrew word rosh beth is a head of house is can be made from those same hebrew letters of the first word bereshit and that there is a great plan and purpose to all in all things that or we can find simply in the first word some of the letters that we can also see there is an aleph and a tav now we've heard many times before and you might have heard if you've been in any messianic torah study before that the aleph and the tav is a very unique set of letters it creates a hebrew word which shows itself here in this first verse but we also connect that of course to the scripture in revelation where it says that god and yeshua is the alpha and the omega the first and the last and also in isaiah 44 at verse 6 god says i am the first and the last. and that when the hebrew god is speaking and showing his revelation to john he wasn't speaking greek and said alpha and omega he would have said i am the aleph and the tav and that those two letters are are a mystery to us in some cases that is it at a sign of yeshua is that a sign of god inside the scripture many people have dismissed this of course if you know anything about the hebrew language the hebrew word et which appears in our first verse of the bible which reads in the hebrew it reads barashit bara elohim et hashemayim that that hebrew word which is not translated into the english simply points to the noun that the verb is acting upon the verb is bara which means created and that is and so it's not that elohim was created but it's the heavens and the earth the et hashemi just simply points to the noun that the verb is acting upon simple preposition that exists inside the written hebrew language so and some people might say oh it's a hidden sign hidden in the hebrew language of yeshua well no there's a simple explanation to it but this inspired scripture of god says that god is the first and the last that yeshua is the aleph and the tav and so if we see it maybe we should take note of it maybe we should look into that and in fact i find it interesting the very first verb in all of scripture is barack created that god created the world and remember what i said that everything was created of him and for him well after the very first verb of scripture every noun everything that was created says et and then what was created and then everything light was created and everything was great and so that hebrew word even though it simply is pointing to nouns that are being acted upon by a verb is an aleph and a tav that should that points to the creation and if everything was created in in and of god then that is a fitting way for that to be the case now some people might argue back and forth that you know that it's supposed to be some supernatural sign look god god is the one who's smarter than all of us god is the one who created the written language and created these things and so we can simply see the power of god in the words that we see there's also a creator story and a greater teaching that comes from the first verse of scripture where the fact that there are seven hebrew words that are before us and we also believe that there is a 7 000 year plan of god through all of creation there's a rabbinic tradition that the messiah will come in the year 6000 and that we have approximately give or take or take a little bit off of 6 000 years of recorded history and that there is a sign that we believe yeshua came approximately at the end of the fourth millennia at the end of the first four thousand years of history and that he will also come again at the end of the six thousand the six thousand year history and the sixth millennia and that the fact that in the first hebrew verse that alephtav once again appears not only in as the fourth word of the verse but also in the sixth word va'et which precedes hashimaim the heavens the earth and that that aleph tav appears twice in that verse in the fourth word and the sixth word and is that a sign that points to the coming of the messiah in the fourth millennia and the sixth of course we don't know that until that might be proven to be true but again it shows the power of god to declare the ends from the beginning these things can be encouraging to us strengthening of our faith can we prove them beyond a shadow of a doubt to some analytical mind who wants to you know argue the circumstances maybe not it takes the spirit of god to stir inside one's heart and one's mind to believe these things to move to to get up every single day to stand up rightly before the creator of heaven and earth and to know and to believe and to be in awe and in fear of the power of god and this is what the teaching of the scripture can do for us there's many things we can continue to dig in we can start digging in into the each day of creation but one of the things that i want to focus on with our message for this year is truly pointing to the messiah in everything that we do in torah as believers of messiah it is the one thing that we cannot lose as messianic believers though we follow torah in scripture and his commandments we must never lose focus on yeshua many of us especially who are a part of line of land ministries here have come out of the church they're not jewish by heritage and many people have come into faith in the god of israel the god of abraham isaac and jacob by believing first in yeshua as his as our messiah we learn these things sitting in a pew on sunday morning and that is how we've come into faith into this belief and into this walk and we can never lose sight of that when the messiah said that no one goes to the father except through him we cannot lose our first love and the messiah that has fur that has pointed us to the father unfortunately some people have dug so far into scripture into history into jewish tradition into the commandments into the words into in into hebrew word and and letter and picture picture hebrew picture words and the the verses and gematria and all different kinds of things and we lose sight simply of the love and testimony that we have in yeshua and that is something that i want to endeavor that we never do that we never lose sight of finding yeshua the messiah in the scripture there's many things that we can study that are interesting and fascinating and encouraging and fill us full of knowledge but what we truly need to ask the lord is to always show us and give us the spirit of wisdom to see the words and to find the messiah in the words and to find the lord and to have our relationship with god be built up by the words and by the scripture we have been created so what an honor it is that we've been created by god created to be the image of god as it specifically says if we go to verse 26 of genesis 1 then god said let us make man in our image of course god's saying let us there is a plural nature and a plurality to god which i already stated before believing him to be the father the son and the holy spirit at least those three that he has manifested himself as and he says let us make man in our image according to our likeness let them have dominion over the fish in the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all of the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth so god created man in his own image in the image of god he created him male and female he created them then god blessed them and god said to them be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves over the earth this is the first commandment and instruction that is given to us by our heavenly father to tell us to be fruitful to multiply and to have dominion over these things and god has given us man and woman the honor of watching over all of his creation i love paralleling that verse with psalm chapter 8. psalm 8 speaks specifically to the glory of the lord in the creation where it says this o lord our lord how excellent is your name in all of the earth who has set your glory above the heavens out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have ordained strength because of your enemies and you may silence the enemy and the avenger when i consider your heavens the works of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have ordained what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you visit him for you have made him a little lower than the angels and you have crowned him with glory and honor you have made him to have dominion over the works of your hands you have put all things under his feet all sheep and oxen even the beasts of the field the birds of the air and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the sea o lord our lord how excellent is your name in all of the earth and that's the praise that we should have when we see the creation we should never worship the things of creation and that's why we're instructed to never make a graven image or any image of things that are in the heavens above or the earth beneath because those things aren't god god is god he's the god of the heavens and the earth and all that he created and all of those things point to god and that is what we must always remember but we have a responsibility to watch over the creation to take care of creation it's not that i am an environmentalist or anything along those lines but truly we should do good to that which god has created have kindness toward animals and to not you know you know destroy the creation to for our own means we do have dominion over it and so we have that power but again everything should be done because of our fear and awe of the lord and always led by his spirit in everything that we do one of the amazing signs that the lord has laid on my heart to teach in a great number of things it finds itself in many different passages of scripture and the lord's really laid on my heart to understand truly what it is to be in covenant with him and to be in covenant with one another when we enter into covenant with our friends with our family members and the covenant that we have with god we need to understand all the actions and things that we take that create that covenant relationship we have a covenant relationship with creation we do in fact one of the acts of covenant as i like to call them and i'll probably mention that many times throughout the teaching of scripture not only in this torah portion but in many to come one of the acts of covenant that we did that man did when adam was created he was brought before him every living creature was brought before him and adam named every uh every animal and every creature when it says let me go ahead and we'll jump ahead to genesis chapter 2. beginning at verse 18 it says this the lord god said it is not good that man should be alone and i would make him a helper comparable to him out of the ground of the lord out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to adam to see what he would call them and whatever adam called each living creature that was its name so adam gave names to all the cattle to the birds of the air and every beast of the field but at but for adam there was no there was not found a helper comparable to him the giving of a name in the the uh when something is being named it establishes dominion over the thing that is being named it's how you create a covenant relationship this applies to intellectual property this applies for every uh parent that has named a child or somebody who has named a piece of land for the first time it enacts dominion over the thing that is being named a family pet does not become of the belonging the the property of the family until what until you give it a name this establishes this covenant that we have with all of creation do we have dominion over it yes we do god has given it to us and the scripture says that we have it and we truly are the ones who name every part of creation but that establishes a covenant that we have with the rest of creation that is one of many things that i was that i will be pointing out throughout this tour cycle for this year in ways that we have covenant with one another when certain people enter into a covenant with another and also when we enter into covenant with god by various acts that we perform with one another one of the things one of the other acts of covenant that i believe to be the case is the giving of life and god has truly given us man and woman for the creation he has given us life and he entered into covenant with us first of course it was god that named adam if we go back to uh chapter uh verse seven of chapter two it says this and uh and says and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into him his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being this establishment of life that was being brought forth god took a part of his creation and estab and and built us again we were formed from something else from the ground from the dust of the earth and he called man adam oh this is another one of those instances in which the hebrew language brings something to life that is amazing beautiful and even profound and that when it says the dust of the ground the hebrew word there is adama which is an aleph a dalit a mem and a hay and that adamah might sound familiar because if you take that hey off the end of the word that hey which actually means the letter means behold and you take that hay off and said behold you then have adam man aleph dalet and mem so out of the ground behold man has come you can even take it another step further and that in adam an aleph adalet and amem if you take the aleph off of adam which the aleph means strength what you have left the hebrew word dom means blood if you take the strength out of the man or the strength of the man is in the blood and so even in the hebrew language you can see man being formed and created with this with an intelligent design that's one of the things that i love about there are those that are in the scientific community that are starting to have revelations and starting to truly see that we in creation have this design to us that we are not just some cosmic accident that brought us that formed us with all the cells and they all came together to form a a creature or or a creation and then our um then where did our intellect come from where did ideas come from where did thoughts and emotions where did those things come from and you cannot deny the fact that there is an intelligence to the to the mechanism of creation and that's why there are some in the scientific community though they haven't completely subscribed to the idea of god as it's presented in the bible or god as it is presented by those that believe in creation versus evolution or any other origin theory but there are people that are starting to see truly the complexity of ourselves and things and to know there is an intelligent designer there is a plan and a purpose we serve a god of order not one of chaos we serve a god that um that controls things and and does not um is not by accident just like it said in the first scripture that i read that whatever god has brought to pass he has purposed it and he will execute it and he will do it he's not he's not like a man that just thinks on a whim and does whatever for whatever feeling but god has an intelligence to him and a plan and a purpose to all of these things and that's what we can see in the scripture here and it's one of our goals in all things for us to learn what that plan is to learn the knowledge and the wisdom that god has and we can see those things in his word one of the things that i love pointing out that i love encouraging young men with is this entire lesson about adam when he was first created that he was created and then he was placed in a garden the garden of eden where god planted all the different uh trees and fruit and all anything that you could possibly want or imagine in this beautiful place that eden means pleasure and it's the presence of god that was in that place excuse me and adam was placed there and given the task and the job to tend to the creation as i said before we have we have a covenant relationship with creation adam's first job was to tend to it to keep it to protect it and that's the call that god has put upon us as a job for us to do to take care of the creation and he did all of these things and god gave him a word gave him commandments to follow gave him instructions he gave him a do some do's and don'ts in fact because we also he gave us the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but not for us to eat but he put that in the garden and that was the one word that one instruction that was given to adam for him to obey and so god gave adam all of these things he gave him a word a command to follow order a job all of these things all were given to adam before woman was formed that's a good lesson of course for all of the young men who are always seeking to have a spouse to to get married to live their life well there's a couple of things that even according to the pattern of creation and according to the pattern of genesis that a man should have before he has a wife he should have a job he should be obedient to any instruction or authority that might have over him he should have those things in place before a woman could should be brought into his life it is not good for that man to be alone one that works one that obeys one that follows the lord one that walks in the presence of the lord if a man doesn't do any of those things then it might be okay for that man to be alone but if he does follow the word of the lord if he does tend to the creation if he does if he's obedient if he has a job it is not good for that man to be alone and then a man is ready to be given a wife one of the beautiful things when the woman was created like i said before we looked through all of creation and we and adam talked to all the animals and gave them all names i wonder if the animals actually talked back because the next chapter we have a talking snake so i'm kind of curious if any of the other animals spoke at that time but in that process adam could not find any suitable mate or helper to truly be a companion to him so god created the woman created the woman out of man and when he when he did this he took one of his ribs and he formed the female and the female then when he when adam awoke when he fell on a deep under a deep sleep adam said this when he saw the woman that was created he said this is now bone of my bone flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man now is that a sign that adam had dominion over the woman because like i said before he did give her a name he called her woman however listen to that declaration as he said as he spoke he spoke a vow in the process listen to it again this is now bone of my bones flesh of my flesh he declared her in the naming and in the giving of this oath in this declaration that she would be equal to him equal heirs and to the the tending of the garden and to be equal to him in the creation and that's the way it was originally intended to be and that's how that declaration was made and this was the beauty of the garden now many people once again have spoken and speculated did this any of these things really actually happen was there really a man and a woman one woman one man created by god who lived in a garden one of these things that we have to do is when it comes to any of these stories we have to believe that this might be a story that is simply supposed to instruct us or to teach us something and maybe it didn't actually happen we also can believe that it did actually happen can you prove it one way or the other you cannot in fact science like i said is sometimes trying to catch up science has proven that all human beings did descend from one particular female that resided somewhere in africa or the middle east science has actually said that you can look that up and now is that a sign that we did all come from some woman who originated some the original woman eve that dwelt somewhere in the middle east is that proof possibly it also possible that that could have been the uh the wife of noah because when we get into next week's story we'll learn that we of course are all also descendants of noah as well and so in all of these things again we must learn and seek after god's wisdom what is he trying to teach us in these words and also where is the messiah in this story where is the sign of yeshua that is pointing us of course to the only way the only vessel by which we will get to the presence of the father and truly be in covenant with him now let's go to genesis chapter three obviously the number three has interesting meanings in all of scripture and the number three will often have something to do with the messiah the messiah or the unity of god as god manifests himself in three parts we also see the number three many times in the story of the messiah as he was dead put in the ground for three days three nights and rose again the number three has some significance now going into genesis chapter three we have the very interesting story of the talking serpent who spoke to the woman and the of course this is the story of the original sin it says this now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the lord had made and he said to the woman has god indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said to the serpent we may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god has said you shall not eat it nor shall you touch it lest you die then the serpent said to the woman you will not surely die for god knows that in the day that you eat it eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like god knowing good and evil let me stop there verse four first of all we see this interaction taking place now when it says that the serpent was more cunning than any other beast of the field was that common knowledge was this serpent already known for its cunning we already had adam interact with all the different beasts of the field in the previous uh chapter so was that already well known that the serpent was really the used car salesman of creation that was sly that was deceptive that was cunning probably would have been wise to not be speaking to someone like that in the first place but of course this is the conversation that takes place we also see the woman recount the commandment of the lord that to not eat of the fruit but she added something to it she's also said to the serpent nor shall you touch it lest you die if you go back to chapter 2 nowhere did god command adam to not touch it he said not to eat of it now one of the fascinating questions is did god give the commandment to the woman the answer is no god gave the commandment to adam so there's a very interesting question or mystery here to learn and because the scripture is not detailed enough this might be one that might never be answered and there might be a reason why it's not answered did she add to the commandment of scripture because adam did not teach it appropriately and adam added the extra word and the extra layer to the commandment did the woman add the extra layer to the commandment did adam even speak it truly to her or did she retain the word from god while she was still in adam and when she was then taken out of adam she had received the commandment there's many different things that we can't understand but because the scripture is vague you know what it allows us to do it allows us to not place blame on any one particular gender because if it was specific that uh that the blame was pointed to adam that adam added to the word and he mistaught it well then it's men that screwed it all up or women if she's the one that added to it then there would create this enmity between between the genders that part of the scripture is ambiguous and i think there's a very good reason for it for the reason i just stated so that we truly can understand it is mankind that committed the sin not just man not just woman but it is mankind it is a sin that we all must take responsibility for the serpent as cunning as it was obviously caught on to the mistake that the woman had stated i've always loved the the the picture and the idea that when uh the woman said that you shall not touch it i can picture the serpent touching the fruit and saying see i'm not dying see what i can do you see you can touch it and you won't die and that that's part of the deception it's like oh well if that's not true then maybe we can eat it of course god never said that you couldn't touch it they could touch it they could look it they could look at it they could see it just don't eat it the serpent knew this the serpent was cunning in this way and the serpent deceived the woman verse 6 it says that when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise she took its fruit and ate she also gave it to her husband with her and he ate it then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings immediately this was the sin this was the mistake and the description that we see there i always wonder how can we decipher or how was the woman able to decipher what she saw that the fruit was desirable to make one wise how is that possible wisdom is not something that you can be given by somebody else you can't read a book and gain wisdom you can read a book and gain knowledge you can be told information and gain more knowledge wisdom is a spirit that is bestowed upon somebody by the lord himself that is something that is a mistake that we even make to this day to where we have this desiring to be wise yet its knowledge is the only thing that we can truly gather for ourselves it's only the lord and his power that truly can make us wise and that's something we try to take upon ourselves and that is one of those instances that i like to think that we the we repeat the original sin this original mistake that we make that we wish that sin didn't exist in the world and we might look back and say and and be frustrated with adam and the woman and say why did you sin so that then all the rest of us had to suffer when in truth of fact we are all very spiritually mature had we been in the garden we would have made the same mistake because we do it today when the desiring to be wise in the in the obstinate disobedience that we do for the word of the word of god that we just we don't believe in him and we don't follow him and we don't do what he says we would have made the same mistake had we been in the garden ourselves what happens next is this god comes walking in the garden that's obviously a fascinating idea because if god is walking in the garden god already at that point in time manifested himself to be like a man walking in the garden if you were to were to picture it here you you would think we don't know if this was the first day after creation or if this was many days after it was created that adam and god may have walked in the garden many times before this walking that god came about and just saw about the the nature of his creation and was a friend to adam to man to the woman to that god already was has been in the garden before walking in the cool of the day and god comes walking looking for adam one of the other things i love picturing if you've ever pictured this scene and this event playing out is this god walking in the garden would have appeared identical to adam they would have looked the same adam was made in god's image if god was going to manifest himself as a man he and adam would look the same i'm sure there could have been some glory or this glowing light in the presence of of god that would have been the difference between adam and god but at the same time in the physical appearance they would have looked the same i always want to think about that as as the story goes and as it progresses and i'll come back to that here in a little bit adam or i should say god comes looking for adam and he calls to adam and he says where are you and he and adam says i heard your voice in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself and god says who told you that you were naked have you eaten from the tree which i commanded you that you should not eat and the man said the woman whom you gave to me she gave me of the tree and i ate and the lord god said to the woman what is this that you have done and the woman said the serpent deceived me and i ate and immediately after they got caught they immediately did what every child does every time they get in trouble with their parent they immediately start passing blame to whose fault it is adam said it was the woman's fault and the woman said it's the serpent's fault and all it is is is god the parent coming and saying who broke the vase and nobody will fess up to it they always want to put point to someone else and once again that's another mistake that we make as human beings all the time we look to blen we play the blame game to try and blame somebody else for anything that ever goes wrong rather than standing up for and admitting to the mistakes that we make all the time each and every day and that's something that we need to learn that when we see it even here that we should be encouraged look we don't want to make this same mistake so we too need to learn to not always be looking for someone else to blame if you ever if somebody ever comes to you and says that you did something uh that hurt them or was wrong or or you committed some sin it should not be the first thing out of your mouth that you're immediately talking about somebody else or justifying why you acted a certain way but just respond to the affirmative and say i'm i'm sorry you're right you're right i did that because by passing that blame we prove ourselves to be no better and no more spiritually mature than the first man and first woman what happens after this is god curses parts of his creation he curses the serpent which the serpent of course is the uh is the manifestation and the symbolism of evil of hassatan the adversary the devil as sometimes we call it and that when god puts this judgment upon the serpent there's a greater prophetic implication that is spoken into it where it says god says in verse 15 i will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed and he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel when i read that in my english translation the he and the his are capitalized and that gives a sign and of course points to the seed of the woman the seed of the of mankind to be the prophetic picture of the messiah and that there will be a war and there will be enmity between the messiah the seed of the woman and the adversary hasatan the serpent and that there's of course when you read that and i see those those capital letters clearly pointing to the messiah and the greater battle and the greater war that is fought in the spiritual realm between the messiah and the devil verse 16 there's a judgment that's put upon the woman where it says i will greatly multiply your sorrow and your and your conception and in pain you shall bring forth children your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you and that's the judgment that is put upon the woman excuse me one of the things that's immediately fascinating to me that i love pointing out is this what comes in the next three verses is the judgment that comes upon adam the man but in verse 20 after the judgments come the very first thing that happens after god is done speaking it says and adam called his wife's name eve because she was the mother of all living remember what i said earlier about the giving of a name and what that does in the covenant relationship between two parties when the name is given it enacts dominion over the person being named and the fact that the judgment comes and that's the next action that mankind takes it is the fulfillment of that judgment and it changes the nature of the covenant between the man and the woman when he changed her name to eve it was not originally meant to be that way but that is the judgment that has then caused women and and the woman to be under the dominion and the control of man if in all cases and all the actions that we take as believers we are all um we're all trying to get back to the garden we all want to act as if the kingdom was truly here and as god originally intended us to be and if that truly is the case then we should look at the the the weaker vessel when we're talk about men versus women and we should exalt them raise them up truly to be co-heirs to all of man in the kingdom that's the way it will be in the kingdom that's the way it was supposed to be in the garden and that that's not something that should be lorded over females unfortunately whether it's in religion or politics or in in social situations that of course we are still feeling the judgments of the original sin when we see the disparity between men and women but of course in the kingdom of god that was never meant to be the case the sin that the or i should say the curse that comes upon man upon adam is that it it says this curse it is the ground for your sake and in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life the ground itself is cursed i always thought that was a little unfair because what did the ground what did the earth do because man sinned well man and the ground were of course intimately involved because adam was formed from the dust of the earth we mankind are carbon-based life-forms formed from the the natural organic creation of earth all are contained carbon and that's one of those scientific evidences that we were formed from the dust of the earth and when we die and when he says at the end of the curse it says that you till you return to the ground for out of it you are taken for dust you are and dust you shall return and that's the sign and the relationship that we have with the ground when we die we go into the ground we decompose and we go back to the dust and the dirt and the carbon from which we came but the ground itself was cursed and from that point on no longer was it a garden that freely gave its fruit and its food created by god but now we must work to grow wheat and grain and bread and we we have to we have to tend to gardens and to the ground to cultivate and to eat of the earth and that is the judgment that of course came upon man it's beautiful that a later apar later in other parts of scripture that very much god has a covenant relationship with the rest of his creation and with the ground that has been cursed that god himself when when we repent of our sins that have separated us from god that god in turn remembers our covenant that we have with him and he remembers the covenant that he has with the earth where it says in second chronicles 7 14 where it says that god if my people will pray and and repent then i will heal their land as if the land is hurt and cursed because of our sin god will heal it if we repent and pray and also in leviticus 26 when we if we confess our iniquities of our forefathers and and the sin of the covenant that has come before us that god will remember the land where we came from and the promised land where we're intended to live all of this if we can repent of the sins and the mistakes that we've made god will remember the ground remember the land which was cursed for our sake which was cursed because we sinned and we made the mistake because of adam we have inherited death if you would turn with me to romans chapter 5. in romans chapter 5 beginning at verse 12 it says this therefore just as through one man sin entered the world and death through sin and thus death spread to all men because all sinned for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law nevertheless death reigned from adam to moses even over those who had not sinned according to his to the likeness of the transgression of adam who is a type of him who was to come but the free gift is not like the offense for if by the one man's offense many died and much more the grace of god and the gift by the grace of the one man yeshua the messiah abounded to many and the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned for the judgment which came from the one from the one offense resulted in condemnation but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification for if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one yeshua the messiah that again this is now where we are pointing to the messiah yes sin and death has come into the world because adam ate of that fruit and he was told in the day that you eat of that fruit you will die there was no plan for death to exist in the creation but the eating of the fruit brought death into the creation and so that requires then for us we need something we we need salvation from that death because now because of adam because of the sin all men will face death and of course now we point to yeshua as being the payment the substitute for that sin i believe the sacrifice of yeshua paid for the sin of adam paid for the original sin we worship a god that exists outside of time and so not only do i believe that that the sacrifice of yeshua paid for any sin that took place before him it also pays for the sin that anything that took place after him even though chronologically we're 2000 years after the messiah when we sin we believe in a god who exists outside of time that sent his son and that has made substitutionary sacrifice for that sin that as far as god is concerned relative to him that sacrifice still comes after our sin and that is why god why the messiah is likened unto and called the second adam first corinthians chapter 15 tells us all about that to where yeshua was the second adam i have actually a pretty wild theory in all of that i believe like i said before that adam and god when he walked in the garden would have looked very similar they were created in his image they would have looked like twin brothers when the messiah came approximately 4 000 years later and he walked the earth as the son of god would it surprise you to to speculate that yeshua had the same or similar physical appearance to adam the very first man if we get to the kingdom and we get to meet all of our uh all of the characters of the bible and get to see abraham and moses and caleb and joshua and king david and we get to be in the kingdom with all of our ancestors and if we happen to physically see the messiah yeshua and physically see the father of all men adam would it surprise us if they looked identical as if they were twin brothers i don't believe that it would i don't believe that it should now if that is the case then when yeshua the messiah when he hung on that tree and he will for the sins of mankind were put upon him and he died for our sins then if you were physically there what you would have seen is you would have seen adam hanging on a tree that's what would it would have looked like would have which would have made yeshua the perfect substitute for the sin of adam because when adam sinned he should have died our human brain thinks that because of that sin what he should have done is he should have taken a bite of that fruit and he should have fallen over and died the second that he ate of it but he didn't do that in fact god showed a great amount of mercy and grace in fact this is the first manifestation of god's mercy that adam lived for over 900 years even after this sin took place why didn't god strike him dead right there i don't know for sure but it's possible that god could have reasoned with himself and god could have decided and said i will send a substitute the acceptable sacrifice will come god i god will provide the sacrifice and god did when he sent his son to die on the crucifixion state and to die for our sins not to mention the fact that i also believe that yeshua when he cursed the fig tree on the mount of olives on the journey from bethany to jerusalem that he was preparing his own execution stake not to mention the fact that when crucifix roman crucifixion happened it always happened on a road in a public display so that travelers would fear roman imperialism and if they went to the mount of olives and found a a withered cursed fig tree with all of its branches already fallen off it would have made a perfect execution stake and that the messiah himself may have hung on a fig tree which also would have been the same tree as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil since it says they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves immediately after they ate of the fruit is it possible that yeshua the messiah returned to the place of the breach the place where the mistake happened at a fig tree where man sinned for the very first time and god sent his son and put him on the exact same tree in the exact same place potentially where the garden of eden was and where that sacrifice atoned and was the substitution for the original sin i believe it's very possible i believe in god's infinite wisdom that could been his exact plan on how to enact mercy upon creation and how to make a way for man to be delivered from the sin from death which we deserve because of our sin and to then give us eternal life and eternal salvation because god has taken the place of our sin and taken the punishment of what we have committed i believe that to be the case i do believe the crucifixion that it covers the original sin and if it covers the original sin which all other sins that have ever been committed by mankind all stem from it all they all stem from the nature of the original sin if god can cover the first one his sacrifice can cover all of the rest that has come after and what an amazing blessing that is for believers of yeshua followers of his commandments and his instruction and that god has paid that price and through that sacrifice we have salvation and eternal life what a blessing that is i pray that this teaching for to begin this torah cycle was a blessing to you encouraging you strengthening you in your faith and that from week to week that we will continue to dig in and read the word of the lord and may we be blessed every sabbath as we allow the bread of life to feed us and nourish us spiritually each and every week amen let us pray heavenly father we thank you lord for this time this time of teaching this time of instruction we thank you lord for your word and father i pray that you would make the torah come alive to us in new ways as we begin anew with the torah cycle father i pray that you would show us things that we haven't seen before that we would hear things that we've never heard before lord that we can continue to grow in our knowledge of you the knowledge of your word and father may you impart your wisdom and your spirit upon us guide our eyes our hearts our minds in everything that we do when we study your word and we worship you in your name father we pray your kingdom come very soon and your will be done in all things we give you all honor all glory all praise in this place it's in your son yeshua that we pray amen now let us do the blessing after the torah eloheinu blessed are you a lord our god king of the universe who has given us the torah of truth and has planted everlasting life in our midst blessed are you o lord giver of the torah amen shabbat shalom [Music] yay [Music] [Music] the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you be gracious to you the lord lit up its countenance upon you and give you peace shalom [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Lion and Lamb Ministries
Views: 3,227
Rating: 4.8865247 out of 5
Keywords: Monte Judah, Bnai shalom, Lion lamb, Yeshua, Torah, messiah, messianic
Id: Pqz_TdluaaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 58sec (5338 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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