1v1 Arabia | Khmer vs Japanese | vs Barles

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i'm gonna do okay so i'm gonna do a german championship i've been offered by the sponsor of the guy who was behind escape aoe etc etc he is german and he offered me and asked me if i wanted to host or run a german i was like yeah sure let's discuss it so i'm gonna run a german championship it's gonna be roughly the top 20 german players taking part and i will i will have debbie as a co-caster for one of the sets for sure it's going to happen in february so it will happen it will happen i would say first weekend of february i think is the right right time camera against japanese against barles barrels had a good run in the qualifiers but in the end he was not able to make it get another put his gl status on the line also what kind of format uh it will be like so top four players based on elo will be invited actually finalize things today top four will be invited based on elo and then there's gonna be four qualifier spots where the 16 next players on based on yellow will will be competing in a qualifier in a bracket to get one of the spots to be qualified for so to say aaron told us in november that you would do a tournament remember era told us in november that i would do a tournament i don't know what you're referring to snake meant his dog think every three months unique you need to bust vipey let's see uh how the game plays out yeah i would love to play scorpion and ballist or scorpion ballista elephant combination but braz is not a bad player i will be quite risky and a team can torment the head well there is that supposedly 100k chinese tournament right but no one is really hearing anymore about that since it was talked about i haven't asked either those that's awesome my hand don't play troll serious don't troll play serious since rb will load tomorrow i don't see i could play serious a serious attempt at getting the list elephants going it's still serious do i even see my second boar i don't right oopsie that's a bit of a blooper on my end and i cannot go out with my sheep because this scout is there oh boy well i could do like farm scouting this is so stupid that this is possible yeah we couldn't find it there i've had an idle build for a while but yeah it's near the deer why would you tell me if that's the case or you're just guessing if you know where it is you shouldn't be telling me sir it's backseat cheating what it's called you see jordan beat mbl beat them bill as well oh i still have a there oh there it is i saw he beat um leery i saw he beat leary and yo yesterday pretty awesome obviously i've not seen him play against nbl we had a game against max today as well which was insane oh idle tc this has not been a good dark age i almost didn't release any time it's first game of day guys come on relax be nice max resigned with top score it happens sometimes being top scorer doesn't necessarily mean anything because often the guy defending will take more cost effective trades and therefore he will have can i prepare a masterpiece there okay guys let's see always have a house nearby eskemer to hide in just have to hide the rubble so he doesn't know i'm planning to build something there risk it for the biscuit i'm inside oh oh oh no oh for the villager i have a villager there what am i doing with my life why am i wasting time on this it seems well it didn't work he didn't actually dive inside plan was that he would dive inside but he didn't do it so what can you do i'm not sure why it's bothering taking out that house i mean i'm guessing it's an archer slash scorm follower for him here so i might have to add some scouts as soon as the situation calls for it i mean if there's one step that is fine without the berries it is kimmer to be fair i'm not really overly concerned james chess for bits i was trying to scout earlier it was stupid not sure where the rest of his army went i think they went to the side here you delete them afterwards right so you don't actually lose the wood those farms aren't wasted wood in that regard the deer are moving he's incoming not sure what he has though [Music] live wipe you rock doesn't take much oh actually i missed i did wrong oh i lost two wheels to this my micro who am i my jordan he did wrong i did wrong all right we're fine we're fine it's looking good for our our uh approach so far lost two hills but you know could be worse that was poor micro by me your hair is great today but that's words i haven't heard in years i haven't heard that since i was 18 man but thank you you microphone jordan o'leary i don't even know myself [Music] i will get one more kill yes got him your mustache is looking so good though thank you i can thank you as long as there's he's going out forward why would he do that journalism can ever beat anybody too yes he has a bad actually danny boy against jordan is starting to become like a rivalry right because uh danny beat him and king of the desert and in the qualifiers now for the for the red bull which way is he going not a rivalry if daniel wins every time that is true let's go cast on face yeah we'll see about that yo wood paladin thank you very much for eight months happy new year and best of luck for revolut3 thank you what i'm not a pretty pc but it will work it'll do the work what was the upgrade it's it's cavalry upgrades right oh there's more coming that was not part of the plan is he gonna come back in for the lowest p ones he's trying oh you're being too greedy mr balls discovery with siege yep i don't need army yet i thought i might have to drop a stable and build something but we're fine for now i'll probably go with a cedar shopping scorpion right i should collect relics as well probably makes sense you have to counter mess helps in skirmish in early imperial age for and helps fail straight forward it shouldn't be a hard composition to counter in theory go to tonic knights that would also work pretty smooth game so i mean my parts and parts of my dark age and early village was sloppy but we're in a very comfortable position for crossbow oh what ballistics yeah probably you shouldn't be fighting there but guys let me know about sound sound stuff i try to connect wireless headphones the other day and it's completely messed up the way my sound works my pc now my obs volume changes with the volume i put in my windows sound which never used to be the case so everything i'm not i'm very conscious about my sound at the moment just stupid houses elephant arches right um if i was indians maybe it's gonna be hard to go elephant arches with khmer mostly because they don't have the unit otherwise i would try you sound you sounds like somebody poured honey into my ear and licked it off is that a good is that is that good honey is good but why would getting the honey licked off be good i don't i don't get that part right where are his crossbows this monk is living dangerously dodge i can't touch the ballistics we have three relics as well possibly four how's the banana cover going i'm pretty solid can't complain yeah this hill there is ugly i'm not sure if i can justify going for a castle on the hill just oh oh oh well hello that's not part of the plan well he's converting my mangano uh my scorpion no stop converting my man nobody likes a converter don't get your first out castle up build the second one you hear that boys are you learning we've seen a couple of villages here oh i have so many scorps on this side with them i would obviously be fine here hmm at what point are the losses gonna be too many is the real question now still winnable oh i absolutely believe so i just need to get my castle up castles correction we're getting there slow and steady guys all good all good i was never worried you were worried [Music] good this area might be stop converting my man get him get them get the monk shoo shoot another one oh my god stop converting my stuff is he dropping a castle there no not yet all right oh you cannot get the first castle up make a second castle that one doesn't go up just make a fourth it's a process guys you have to understand oh no he's gonna convert me again i'm so tired of being converted it's my life right now getting converted i love making military units but i do have a have scorpions right they do classify as military units oh my god it's all good i'm relaxed how can i even click this well i cannot shift click this relic behind the castle okay okay um let's prepare them he just clicked no there's a chance that he should be up earlier so there we go because i did lose a lot of villagers this double castle oh he's japanese right this might be risky i might have to make a tech switch here away from from this unit potentially [Music] just saying it won't be my wish but i might have to this cast is most likely gone no matter what maybe up already you have four relics though but they're also on the front which isn't pretty come on come out already get him get him i do [Music] yeah i'm gonna lose that castle as well it's not pretty i don't think i can go for [Music] for this unit anymore feels bad man the dream is dream is gone i'm gonna get super mega housed just make more castles at one point stone does run that it out an issue yeah what do i make all right backtracking backtracking backpedaling or whatever they used to have three traps [Music] moonfall or mooney the most talented age of empires players the world has ever seen how's it going moonfall i hope you had a good stream thank goodness for the host we're in the process of being masterpieced here by barles or rather have our own masterpiece attempt to fail and it backfiring immensely that's what's actually happening i think we're still fine though i'm just losing all my four castles forward which is a little bit unfortunate i mean what can you do right you can't win them all well you can but [Music] stop killing my stuff i'm not producing because i have a villager in my control group [Music] [Music] why is this trebuchet there still want to go for scorps we are setting up for that to happen your double crossbow gonna need siege engineers why does he have so many outposts everywhere what is this [Music] actually we didn't lose that monastery [Music] there would be a reasonable explanation for it or rather the only one what was it being a watchtower there oh it's gold there he's switching to our blessed himself it looks with what upgrades elite samurai oh boy oh boy i didn't expect delete samurai i did lose a castle there as well still looking pretty pretty promising i must say scorps eat samurai you would imagine so right oh we built a castle there cheeky there is a significant lack of town centers for me in my base i think his eco is just too weak or too all over the place at the moment let's say all right boys party's starting is equal to weak rollo 23 thank you for the seven months twice tour think about the prime still have two uh trebuchets there i don't have a meal so i cannot actually missing a meal so i cannot put auto resetting on feels bad man these are 10 months tallyhoo with eight months so close to viper twitch baby oh boy this ain't pretty sure the viper from rubley are you asking if i am the viper from bloobly i was a couple years ago or a year ago i guess get one shot before i die can i now make a switch to this elephants with one castle is that a thing [Music] yeah i'm not the viper from google i play on the e okay fine i can put auto seating all right ultimate arm composition let's go from yahoo that's me follow me boys yeah the viper was a pretty good player right he's not a silver boy like me how can i even be compared to him oh this is a pretty army i did elite ballista with even what a waste what a waste they even get hard counted by samurai because samurai are a special attack against unique units would you believe it [Music] let's go let's go yeah this is what my game is about now getting the juicy shots keep converting my man let's be part of my stuff all day are you sure the game volume isn't too loud by the way in this when we get to this game isn't the game volume getting volume a little bit too loud no no no no no it's good it's good it's fine okay cool gotcha it's quite suicidal the way i do things here with just booming without eco but yeah without army especially when he gets the hill right i think if he takes the hill and plays a little bit more arena style than he did and puts pressure even faster i might be in trouble but yeah it's fine even a bit low really ace john 65 thanks for 31 months are you the wifey from starcraft oh that i am yes jon's pawns thanks for 100 bits first fry slang with the three months priming it up you look for red bull willow 3 this weekend by the way is it possible to get sneak now if you are from europe it should be possible again for iceland i think they have that on let me check actually quickly i'll check after i've gone through the stats here i'll check um did i miss anything here up the structure of things for two months paulie third and thirty seven thinking for seventeen months zora zillik think about six illusions with the 22 months i sue tall with the three months viper still wears thongs with 17. just a reminder that this community is so lucky to have such a genuine entertaining personality as yours hope this new is filled with unpredictable joy for you um thank you very much barbara stilwear's thongs um i'm blessed to have a community like you so it's um it's both ways all right oh danny boy what's up danny boy i heard you you've been talking some smack to about how you're gonna smack lyria
Channel: TheViper
Views: 24,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: X6fQuBP6jLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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