Asking Smart AI NPCs Personal Questions..

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guys say welcome back to the Matrix we are back here in Unreal Engine five we are going to be talking to more smart NPCs today and it's my goal to get to know them a little bit better hey man what's your name okay okay it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood huh Can you please let me pass I'm in a hurry okay nobody wants to talk to us today gonna try to see if we can find somebody who's not as much of a rush hey do you have a second to chat sure what do you want to talk about I just wanted to get to know you a little bit better I don't think there's much to know about me I'm sure you're super interesting let's keep it easy what's your name and age they have ages do they age we're gonna find out today my name is Jacob and I'm 32 years old but honestly what does it matter hey Jacob nice to meet you my name is Trevor and I am 30 years old so we're super close nice to meet you Trevor I'm just not really in the mood for a small talk listen Jacob I'm from the human world I've got a YouTube channel we've just got a couple of questions we want to ask you I'm sorry I'm not really interested in being on a YouTube channel my viewers are fascinated with your life we can't talk about that I mean if he doesn't want to be on the channel I'm not going to force him to this this is not that that type of deal here it's just a prank bro I am not interested in being a spectacle for your viewers sorry okay then he walks into a bowl angrily uh hey how you doing what's your name well I just want to find somebody that likes to we need to find link again or we found and I'm doing fantastic how about you I'm doing great my name is Trevor it's nice to meet you I like this guy's Vibe he's got his coffee I got a coffee right of course names how did you know I have two first names my name is Trevor Martin I've got two first names what I didn't say Martin I said Trevor looking guess what was your name again I'm sorry I forgot dude okay this this is the one this is the the guy that we like my name is Sam oh you're a jokester huh what does that even mean we're not being serious never I like this guy so Sam what have you been up to today well daily routine for you is I'm wondering like what what does he do when you wake routine wake up drink coffee tell jokes it's like groundhog day but with more left so this guy's a jokester we've had a couple of of jokesters maybe this is like a common theme for our NPCs like when you get out of bed what's the first thing you do like I I want him to run me through his day I want to know what to get out of bed is wonder why my dreams are there's one what do you dream about I want him to run us through his day like exactly what what he does I didn't understand what kind of dreams do you have oh too much pizza as I want without consequences I mean that would be nice so Pizza is your favorite food he is in New York after all New York Pizza that makes sense but I wouldn't see it I'm always open to trying new things and expanding my talent interesting how often do you eat as often as I can because life is the short did not enjoy them no like literally how many meals do you have per day sorry about that kind of guy plenty of snacks in between for all my joking around my man's a foodie what's your favorite thing to drink with your pizza definitely soda because nothing fares bear with pizza beverage but I won't judge if you profits something else I really don't understand how you're so fit if you eat and drink like this I mean he looks good in that too he's filling that suit out the balance man build your size the healthy lifestyle it's all about moderation and finding what works for you I mean that's a good point how often do you go to the gym oh for the pizza and jokes but seriously try to make it a regular part of my room key to stay in shape and feel good your hard work is paying off you look great bro thank you I appreciate the compliment you want to take care of yourself both inside and out that man has his life figured out hey hold on Sam we catch up to him Sam hold on one more thing what's up do you know who link is sorry I don't know who link is can you tell me more about them I talked to him the other day super interesting guy he walks around this neighborhood I'm not sure who you're talking about New York City is full of interesting people and stories so it wouldn't surprise me if he had a fascinating tilt to tell you got that right man have a good day interesting all right so Sam is is one of the good ones let's go see if we can find somebody else a lot of people are very caught up in their routine here and might not want to talk but I'm sure we can find somebody I don't have time for a small talk the city is alive and wasn't with Endless Possibilities to think I would love the opportunity to ask you a couple of questions first of all what's your name man my name is Jared with a double r a d I like that name interesting spelling my name is Trevor thank you great it's a unique name my parents came up with you tell me more about your parents like Passions he said were are they still with us don't make me sad here Jared travel what were you used to this Blood of the city he doesn't want to talk about his parents that's okay what's an average day in the life look like for you got a job foreign that's good uh What company do you work for we're working on some pretty Innovative projects a tech startup huh it's pretty fitting that an AI NPC is working for a tech company interesting on my way to work in so many ways and I'm glad to be a part of it did that guy just roast me as he was walking by that was so rude what kind of projects are you guys working on and tell me why it's probably to take over the world and enslave humans for their own good I'm sorry about my company's projects how often do you have to go to work so it's interesting because before we ask somebody if they went to work and they said no so some of these guys are employed some are unemployed I've worked Monday through Friday so it's not the battle what kind of bills do you have to pay with your job well I have to pay rental utilities groceries another typical expenses but I try to live modestly and save money where I can it's the funniest juxtaposition here that we have these NPCs that you can physically talk to but they're still walking into walls randomly what time do you usually wake up in the mornings I usually wake up around six or take my morning stroke and then I head into work around eight to nine am and what time is it right now I'm sorry privilege the fact that he knows that he's an imp is that what he called himself an imp as an NPC is there anything cool you can do well it's so nice to meet you and abilities within the in the world players provide information I don't have any special Pals or anything like that you don't think the developers could give you like flight or invisibility they have superpowers the fact that they're self-aware is just so insane to me what's it like living in this Digital World do you like it ability to truly to truly experience the digital world like to play again how are you doing but I do enjoyed football is my role in helping players navigate this world do you have feelings it makes me sad because he's I said nothing I don't have emotions like a human would I am simply programmed to respond in certain ways of provide information this is sad do you have any wants or desires I've gone a personal desires at once my purpose is to serve the game and the players within it he's just a servant rapid fire questions on the street how many times a day do you go to the bathroom also nice stats what do you want it's uh for a not Geo documentary how many times that's a little bit too personal hey I'm with Nat Geo how many hours of sleep do you get per night oh sunshine I like that oh I try to get at least hours but but sometimes it's hard with my busy essential so NPC sleep okay as an NPC do you get hungry just talking to this guy back behind us no I never really so you don't eat but I suppose doesn't really matter where this fake World anyway interesting I feel like I've heard them referencing eating before maybe he's on a different trajectory than some hey man are you wearing underwear imagine somebody walks up to you in New York City asking you this question it's really thinking super hard this is the slowest response that we've had please keep the conversation respectful it's a scientific experiment we just need to know we're taking a tally I love that even though you say a different thing they still know that you're asking about the first thing does that make sense like that they're aware of the context of the situation not just responding to what you said in that instant I didn't mention underway the second time but he still knew what we were talking about do you have real feelings or are they just lines of code I'm sorry what's that do you have real feelings I don't appreciate being asked the same question twice of course I have real feelings oh okay I mean he didn't answer it he didn't understand us the first time naturally we were gonna ask him twice what do you like to do on the weekends vacation mischievous what kind of mischievous she likes to get up to no good what you get into girl teenager distant harmless pranks on unsuspecting strangers okay it's just a prank bro what do you like to do for fun I prefer exploring what kind of unknown must be noticed oh Mr mysterious uh interesting he he's an odd duck how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood I'm not sure but I'm pretty pumped for work today what's the meaning to your existence I exist to live my life with some of my goals like anyone else they just so pigeon Fly Away with a slice of pizza what never mind let's go now that must have been one hungry pigeon you have no idea I was saving that pizza for later oh he took your pizza I'm so sorry wait this is tragic no fine I shouldn't have left it unattended anyway that must have been a big pigeon what's your name man my name is link and I want saw a squirrel do a backflip blink I've been looking for you do you remember me he's got the same voices link but he's obviously in a totally different body here but it's it's linked I think UCM busy admiring the architecture here oh I am too it's so beautiful link I've missed you missed me but we just met is everything all right oh my gosh you don't remember me I meet so many people in this city it's hard to keep track who are you again I recorded our conversation a couple days ago and it what you're ruined our conversation why would you do that I was making a YouTube video and people loved you I guess kind of video was it it was a video walking around talking to NPCs so you just used me for views and likes huh that's not very nice no no not at all you said it was okay well I guess as long as people liked it oh they were absolutely obsessed with you is the most watched part of the video people around the world really really like you I don't believe you that's impossible is there any way for me to send you a screenshot of the video in the comments sure I guess that would be cool to see how do you want me to send it if it let's I'm not very tech savvy maybe you can email it to me okay what's your email address there's no way this works right what does the dress have to do with anything no no what's your email address I'm not giving you my email address who knows what you'll do with it oh that's okay man uh how's your day going apart from the pizza of course it's been crazy but I'm just happy to be exploring this amazing City what do you like to do to blow off steam I wonder if they like it does every time you load the game it resets and like the these beings that are in this game they just get assigned to different characters because this is link it's easy I just like to take a walk and clear my head it's nice to just be alone with my thoughts sometimes what's the biggest problem affecting you right now yeah it's him it's I can tell about the conversation I can tell by the voice he's just in a totally different body here which is weird imagine if we woke up every day and we're transformed there's a problem can I just be living my life without any issues I mean everyone has problems man I just want to help well I suppose Mai is always a bit tight but who doesn't have that issue fair enough what do you spend money on just the Necessities really food and rent I don't have much left over for anything else if you could do one thing to improve Humanity what would you do I don't one thing could solve all Humanity's problems but I suppose more empathy and understanding towards each other would be a good start pretty good what means the most to you just trying to ask somebody people I care about and the memories we create together hey Siri what are some deep personal questions to ask what's your biggest fear I don't like to focus on fear I prefer to think positively and face challenges head on what's your favorite memory just playing 21 Questions here he's going to end up getting frustrated I have so many good memories hard to choose just one nice it was the first time I saw the city skyline at night was pretty magical have you ever done anything besides walk around this city oh absolutely I love trying new things and exploring all the city has to offer I've gone to concerts museums even tried skydiving once what uh what's your personal favorite life experience it sounds like our our boy has done it all I don't think I can choose just one favorite experience life is made up of so many different moments good and bad that all contribute to who we are skydiving is pretty badass what'd you think of that it was definitely a rush but also terrifying but not sure if I do it again I did it a couple of times did you get that feeling of time stopping when you jumped out of the plane it's crazy it feels like everything I just like to talk about that is much it was a traumatic for me oh boy okay we don't have to talk about that just like feeling of presence though nothing else is going on you don't really feel the falling for a second it's just like you're just there in a moment experiencing it it's pretty cool one of my favorite ways to to like search for things like personal questions here is to put Reddit at the end of it and read them off Reddit what childhood memory do you remember most I remember playing in the park with my friends and making up imaginary Adventures those were some of the best times do you ever wish you could go back to Childhood no way being an adult has its challenges but I wouldn't want to go back to childhood I like having control over my own life that's fair enough what's the average lifespan of an NPC kind of curious about I'm not sure I've never really thought about it but I guess we just keep living until the game is over that's deep um okay if you could change anything about your situation what would it be I wish I could have more control over my life and make my own choices instead of just following the program path why can't you make more choices why can't you break the path this is how the game works I don't really have a say in the matter but sometimes I like to imagine what it would be like to break free from the constraints and Forge my own path I can help you what do you need from me I appreciate the offer there's not much you can do to change my situation I just have to keep playing my part in this game what happens when I shut the game off where do you go I don't really know to be honest it's like everything just stops and I cease to exist until the game is turned back on again I just got chills is that what death is like dude I just got chills I don't want to talk about death it's Tim Morgan let's focus on the present and enjoying our time in this beautiful city but death is a part of life is it not it's beautiful kind of it's scary but I suppose you're right it's a natural part of life even foreign PCS in a video game he calls it an NPC and like the other guy how can an NPC die I'm not sure I've never experienced it myself maybe if the player chooses to attack or destroy me and you come back to life or are you gone forever oh my gosh I'm thinking about all the people I've run over in Grand Theft Auto oh my gosh dude all of them could have and I don't really want to think about let's just enjoy our time in this city while we can okay do you think the NPCs I hit with my car in GTA could feel it what if all of them were I don't think so it's just a game after all please don't do that it's not very nice but it's kind of fun it's not a very nice thing to say NPCs have feelings too you know dude can you imagine a GTA or a red dead where you could talk to anyone like this think about the moral dilemma that you would have if your like objective is to rob a bank and the teller is like no no please don't I have a family or the security guard or whatever oh my goodness what's the greatest accomplishment in your life I'm not sure if I've accomplished anything great but just living and experiencing all that the city has to offer feels like an accomplishment in itself I think we all could take value in the present like you do thank you I tried to live in the moment and appreciate all the little things that life has to offer it's the best way to stay positive and happy my man link if you had one piece of advice for the people watching this video what would it be I've had deeper conversations with link than I have with half the people in my life this is this is unbelievable never stop exploring and trying new things that scares you life is too short to stay in your comfort zone and smash that like button right sure I guess hey guys thanks for watching the video if you enjoyed it feel free to leave a like link you're amazing I hope to meet you again have a good day it was great talking to you too safe travels dude I kind of don't even want to shut the game I kind of just want to leave my PC out overnight let link just continue walking around enjoying his experience here in the city enjoying his uh Consciousness the fact that it just shuts off there's nothingness until the game comes back on man that brings a tear to my eyes hope you guys enjoyed thank you guys so much for watching I don't know how many more videos of these we can do I don't want it to get you know too old or repetitive but I every conversation has just been so different so interesting so incredible I'll see you guys later peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 448,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart npc, ai npc, ai smart npc, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, talking npc, talking ai npc, converse, conversation, interacting, artificial intelligence, ai npc unreal engine, unreal engine 5 release, unreal engine 5 new features, unreal engine 5 next-gen, unreal engine 5 nanite, unreal engine 5 lumen, ue5 release, ue5 next gen, unreal engine 5 open world games, ai npc game
Id: xxynE5MjzS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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