God Has Purposed You for Greatness | Pastor Donnie McClurkin

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[Music] it's going to get better [Applause] god made a promise and it will be so so one more time put your hands together and give god praise um i want to go to the book of jeremiah i want to go to the book of jeremiah it is um it is not a problem for me to reiterate what's been preached before if i think that it needs to be reinforced it is not a problem to me to go back into the verses that i've depicted once before in another service because i want you to get the message i want for you to get the message god expects us to succeed god expects us to succeed amen god is looking for us to rise up in total confidence in him total trust and faith in him and to succeed lord god help me when you get a chance give me joshua 1 and 9 as well after this i i i want you to know god expects success for us god has an expectation for our lives god has an expectation for our lives hello cut the reverb down on this god has an expectation for our lives god expects us to go far god expects us god expects us to drop the past god expects us to rise up over the dysfunction god expects us to be able to go through successfully god has already crafted out all things that are necessary for us to succeed he's put things and people in place for us to succeed god has orchestrated this thing for our benefit hello god has orchestrated this thing for our benefit there are people that have been strategically put in place throughout the years and the years to come that they are there waiting and ready to to to help push us forward amen because god's ultimate concern is our success for there's a lot that that hinges on our success his hinges his reputation is already encrypted it's it's his name and his purpose his heart his will his love it's hinged on our obedience we can give god a bad name to many people's life even though it doesn't sully his character his credibility his integrity but we can live this thing so sloppily so low that it causes people not to want our god amen so congrats people not to want our god there's much more attached to our obedience to god than just us number two it can give people it can it can uh hurt our our possibility of reaching other people our life is supposed to be that domino that the domino effect that causes others to hear others to believe others to receive simply by us being in our place at the right time the domino effect is when one domino hits another domino it causes the whole of the domino pattern to be impacted amen so your life is supposed to impact so many other people simply by you being who you're supposed to be god has an expectation god expects us to be this to become who he's called us to be and in order to do what he's called us to do we must become who he's called us to be in order to do what he's called us to do god spoke to jeremiah and he said tell the people that are in captivity those that have not really realized who i am and have not obeyed my word and they've had to go into captivity because of their disobedience tell them that i have not forgotten them even though they've got to build cities in babylon even though they've got to build homes in babylon because what the false prophet told them false prophets told them was that they would only be there for a couple of years and god said no no no go back and dispel that falsity you've got to be careful of people that speak swelling things god god is saying he's going to bless you god is going to do we know that but i want to know what god is dealing with in this situation i want to know where i am because the truth is you keep promising me blessings but i know i'm jacking this thing up and while you're promising me pretty things god's got to deal with my messed up things and as long as you keep trying to make me happy you hinder me from really dealing with the real situations that are hindering me don't tell me i'm good if i'm bad [Applause] hello don't tell me that i'm blessed if i'm living disobediently help me out correct me let me know the truth so i can get myself together [Music] amen and so these false prophets kept telling the children of israel that were in bondage that they were only at about a two or three year stint and god said no no no they're speaking false words to them and they're going to cause them to be disappointed because even though they are they're there punitively as a punishment for their disobedience i still have their best interest at heart and i don't want them broken i want to chasten them without breaking them when god chastens us he's not trying to destroy us he's not trying to leave us totally without hope he is not trying to make us depressed he's trying to correct us but in the correction he still has a purpose for us his purpose hasn't changed when he's trying to correct us his purpose hasn't changed when he's rebuking us and reproving us his purpose has not changed when he's chastening us and he doesn't lose love his love is not altered when he's chasing us for being wrong he's not like us he's not like us where somebody does us wrong and our love starts to vacillate that's not god and even while they're there he's telling them to build houses to marry there to prepare their have children and have your children marry here and let your children's children marry you because you're not going to get out for 70 years my my my time schedule has you on a 70-year a 70-year course that will teach you how to obey me and god's thing is i don't know look i'm going to lose because 70 years is just a drop in the bucket 70 years means a lot to you but if you did rightly you could become who i called you to be without having to go through these ordeals and then after he after he sanctions them and after he puts them into exile in a country that doesn't respect jehovah god led by nebuchadnezzar [Music] the same nebuchadnezzar that daniel had to deal with the same nebuchadnezzar that shadrach meshach and abednego had to deal with it they're put in exile in babylon under nebuchadnezzar oh good god help me and they're told to live for the next three generations here but at the end of that god says i'm still in love with you and i still have a purpose for you and you're still a great people and i would not punish you past the point that you're able to deal with i would not put more of a punishment on you that you can handle i'm not trying to destroy you i'm trying to correct you i'm not trying to hurt you i'm trying to help you punishment punishment is not because i'm angry with you punishment is because i want to correct you so you'll do this thing rightly and punishment is not it doesn't come just because it's a mean god it comes because we've done wrongly not him it comes because we've done wrongly [Applause] don't don't be fooled god's not just a vicious god that's up there just wanting us to suffer the only time that we go to this kind of suffering is when we've done something wrongly or when god wants to be seen in a situation amen and remember that he never puts any more on you than you can bear paul told the corinthian church he said no no he's not going to ever put more on you than you can handle hallelujah this temptation every temptation you're going through such as is common to man every test that you're going through is such as is common to every man but god is faithful and will not suffer you to be tested or tried above the level that you are able but will with the test with the trial make a way of escape so that you'll be able to bear it do i have anybody here i don't hear you here so that you'll be able to bear it so even in chastening he's not going to chasing you past the point of your endurance of your ability to bear but he wants you to learn the lesson so even after he tells him that they'll be there for 70 years he turns around and says jeremiah go tell them that i know my thoughts toward you my thoughts are not to keep you in this condition my thoughts are not to have you on on a perpetual timeout my thoughts are not to make you hurt and to destroy you but the thoughts i have for you i know the thoughts that i think towards you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil thoughts that will give you an expected end are you reading that come on you got to have your bibles with you you got to have your bibles never come to church without your body thoughts that will give you an expected end an end that god expects an end that god prescribed an end that is victorious an end that is absolutely triumphant an end that causes you to know that you are the head and not the tail an end that causes you to walk in the promises of god and not to suffer any major loss that he will not turn around and repay god wants you to understand his expectation is for you to win he put gifts in you expecting you to master those gifts for you to multiply those gifts he's put talent in you for you to maximize that talent so that you can utilize that talent for his good he's put faith in you he's given you opportunity he set things in place for you because he wants you to succeed i told you all before i told you in another service god is our greatest cheerleader god is our greatest cheerleader god the bible said in the book of zechariah i'm sorry zephaniah he said that god rejoices over us god celebrates at the thought of us and then he said god sings over us so no matter how jacked up we are there's still something in god that sees us in a greater sense i'm not hearing anybody here no matter how jacked up we are there's still something in god that sees us in a greater form and he's still singing over us broken he's still singing over us flawed he's still rejoicing over us messed up he's still helping us because his job is to get us to our victory he wants to see us succeed he went he created us to succeed his name is written on us hallelujah and he's looking for us to put ourselves into this thing and to really put our effort our sweat our heart into this thing called life amen he's looking for us to become so absolutely convinced that he has our future already mapped out that we move we remove everything that stands in the way of us getting there remember we've got to do that he's already he's already instituted our victory our our end he already has set up our our our promise he's already made it all presentable it's all waiting on us but he said what you've got to do is you've got to lay aside the weight that hinders you from running you got to lay aside the weight and the sin that death so easily beset you and you've got to run you've got to run with patience run patiently the race that is set before you looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despise the shame so you even got to lay aside that weight we got to be free from that sin because we've got a race to run we've got a race to run and i told you before we cannot run that race with our feet moving forward but our hands tied behind us to our past when you're prepared to run and you're still holding on to your past you're prepared to run and you're still tied and bound to what happened yesterday you you you want to move but you can't so you got to make some decisions and you've got to lay aside some stuff and you've got to let somebody help you cut the ties i said you got to let somebody help you cut the ties you cannot move forward still having people holding you hostage to your yesterday you got to tell people let you go loose me let me go for i'm not the fella that i was before i'm a new creation i'm not the fellow i was before i am a new creation that i bought and i got to be free from my yesterday i got to be free from what happened in my in my history my history cannot prevent my destiny did you hear what i said i don't care what happened in your yesterday that's history and that story cannot stop your destiny hallelujah no matter who rehearses my story no matter who holds on to my story no matter who regurgitates my story no matter who remembers my story that was yesterday [Applause] that was yesterday and if you're going to remember what happened in my yesterday then you stay in that graveyard and you keep digging up those bones but i'm moving forward because i've got an appointment with success i've got an appointment with my future got an appointment with my destiny and i will not be denied i was slowed up because i didn't realize who i was but now that i know who i am i will not be denied now that i had become and not just simply doing but now that i have become i will not be denied i will pick up the promise that i dropped and i will brush it off and i will run with this thing and i will see it come to pass in my life and it will affect everybody connected to me i don't hear anybody here it will affect everyone connected to me he said i know the thoughts that i have towards you say the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil thoughts to give you an expected end thoughts that word in the hebrew that word thoughts means imagination it means purpose hallelujah the thoughts that i have what i've imagined of you the image of me in you imagine image hallelujah imagination is not fantasy imagination not sitting back and just crossing your fingers oh i see no no it is not something that's ethereal imagination is based on the image that has been set are y'all with me are you with me i am in the image that god imagined i am in the image and the likeness of god hallelujah for this is what went through him in his contemplations in his creation he imagined and i am god imagined and we are god purposed and we became god created and we now exist hallelujah for the mind of god is past finding out his ways are greater than our ways his thoughts are greater than our thoughts his imagination is greater than our imagination we cannot begin to imagine what goes through the mind of god his thoughts are so great and so vast that i i i have not seen and ears have not heard neither has it entered into the hearts of men the things that god has prepared for those who love him are you all hearing me [Applause] god has got to reveal his will to us in increments because we can't fathom how god thinks he's got to show it to us by bit piece by piece for he cannot give us the whole picture that's the reason why when he gives us vision he gives us the end result of what's going to happen he doesn't give us start to finish he shows us the finality a vision is the final process of the promise hallelujah when god showed joseph the sun moon and stars bowing to him that was the end of the story but he didn't show joseph what he had to go through to get there the twelve sheets of wheat bowen that was impressive that was exciting but he didn't show him that it had to start with the betrayal of his brothers the young moshe for the very ones that he's depicting this vision to are the very saboteurs that are going to start this ball to rolling sitting at a dinner table telling his mother father and brothers and they become jealous-hearted not knowing that it's all playing a part in his purpose for he cannot be who he's called to be unless he goes through what he must go through you're not hearing me you're looking at what you're going through and not looking at who you're supposed to be joseph he denied himself the the torment of lamenting over his situation he denied himself that torment for he never paid attention to the problems he just made sure he was excellent in everything he had to go through because when you know who you are your problems don't change you you change your problems you missed it over here when you know who you are your problems don't change you you change your problems when you know who you are it doesn't mean that you're not going to get into a problematic situation but you in that problem is going to cause something to shift because your faith is going to bring god into this situation [Applause] i don't hear anybody here it's more than a handcraft you got to believe this thing your faith causes that problem to shift where you can sit back and see purpose in the problem so joe is betrayed and betrayed by his brothers joseph is betrayed by his brothers put into a pit his father is told that he is dead and an animal mauled him he's sold by his brothers for 30 pieces of silver sold by his brothers how what kind of heart does his brothers have i can't judge them for in in truth they were following the will of god i know you didn't want to clap over that one they had to do what they did to get him away from where he was to put him to where he's supposed to be he would have never gone through that and he would have never made it to egypt if his brothers did not do what they did and god didn't stop them god turn that down in here god didn't stop them you wonder why people did you wrongly is because they were pushing you out of your comfort zone and making you stronger because you would have never moved and god saw that you weren't moving so he had to stir things up god had to stir some things up had to allow some things to go wrongly because you would have never moved you got too comfortable so god had to trouble your health god had to trouble your family or god had to trouble your friends and god had to use these elements to stir you up to get you to the point of moving forward in pain but moving disgusted but moving hurt but move finger and god said you'll understand it better i feel like a preacher now you're understanding better than i am but i don't mind you crying for just a little while as long as you keep on moving god doesn't mind you hurting him for just a little while as long as you keep on moving god doesn't mind have broken relationships as long as you keep on moving i don't hear anybody here whatever it takes to get you to your place of purpose whatever it takes to give you to your place of purpose they sell their brother joseph to some wandering ishmaelites but god has dealt with joseph and this teenage boy is still strong in his faith although he's bound up by cards and and led behind the horses and donkeys he's still walking erect he's not bowing he's not bending because his father taught him who he was when your father shows you who you are you don't bend at the will of another person you keep your standing you keep your strength you live unapologetically i may be going through but i'm not going under i know who i am somebody say i know who i am because god has an expected end for me and what i saw in the vision did not end like this so god must have something in store i'm trying to talk to y'all if god showed you your end and it did not end like this then god's got something more in store so i'm going to walk through this to get there but i will get there in the mighty name of jesus you lead me to a man by the name of potiphar an egyptian nobleman an african nobleman he takes me he buys me i've never been a slave before but he binds me and he puts me to work in his household y'all don't hear what i'm saying and i don't get in there and complain i don't get in there and form a union i get in there and do the best work i've ever done because my father showed me who i am and i can work in this situation and still be who i am y'all are missing this i can work in this bad situation still have my shoulders squared still have my head held up high and still be who i am good god i'm preaching to myself and still not lose who i am and still not kowtow and still not bow and still not surrender my strength i can be who i am because i know that this is just for a moment because i've already seen the finality of the vision and until i get there god will keep me until i get to what god showed me god will strengthen me until i get to where god promised me god will continue to give me all that i need he works for potiphar he works so well that part of it pays attention says out of all my servants you're the most faithful you're the most committed so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put you second in charge the only one that's going to be over you is me i want you to get the pattern because this is the making of a number two man just because you're number two doesn't mean that you're any less you just gotta you got you gotta know who you are this is the making of a number two man potiphar says i'm number one you're gonna be the number two man in my house every servant is subject to you because you keep this house in order the one thing that you do when you know who you are is you keep order you keep god's order i'm preaching to myself here jesus until he got into a difficulty with part of his wife and then she lied on him she lied and put this young boy in prison he's in prison and you don't read anywhere in the scriptures where joseph bends to this he breaks or buckles under this no no no there's something about when you know who you are i hear you shadrach there's something about when you know who you are i hear you meshach there's something about when you know who you are i hear you about to go there's something about when you know who you are that you will not bend and you will not surrender and you will not give up and you will not compromise you stand i hear you daniel no matter how many lions are in the den i hear you daniel i'm not going to give up and i'm not going to stop praying because i know who i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] he goes into the prison and he goes right to work he does everything excellently this is not just a prison this is a dungeon where there are no lights there's no sewerage hallelujah there's no bed there's no comfort [Music] onl and even in that horrible heinous condition still erect by candlelight still erect the swill of human waste still erect the lack of food still erect living in this squalor still erect with no light coming through still erect and not bowing to the situation for he knows that he saw that the sheaves bowed to him so he's not going to bow to this mystic when you know that the situations are supposed to bow to you you don't in turn bow to it [Applause] until the warden of the jail comes and says joe there's something excellent about you you do more than the rest of the prisoners and everybody respects you i'm sorry i feel preachy today everybody respects you so what i'm gonna do is i'll make you a number two man he doesn't know that this happened in part of his house but there's a pattern that's being established i'm going to make you second in command the only one over you is me because i trust you because you show integrity you've got to drive you've got fortitude you've got tenacity you've got determination and nothing seems to slow you up nothing seems to knock the wind out of you nothing seems to deter you you are keeping up with a pace that i don't see in anybody else you've got to live so that it's noticeable hello you've got to live so that it's noticeable i need another congregation right now you you got to live so that it's noticeable live on purpose if you cry at all cry in private but when you come out into the open market place live live loud on purpose let them see christ in you the hope of glory let them see that no matter what i'm going through i'm still not down because what i'm going through i'm going through i'm not getting stuck in the mire of where i am i'm going through i'm not being paralyzed i'm going through i'm not going to allow myself to be marginalized i'm going [Music] he works there until one day the butler or the valet to the pharaoh and the baker are thrown in prison they know that they are going the king that the pharaoh threw him in prison and that they were scheduled to die and they find joseph and they find something specifically special in this young man for he's not only just a good worker but he is absolutely an oracle from god god deals with him god talks with him and and they have a dream and they bring it to him they ask him what is god saying what's going to happen to us he says let me go and talk to god and i'll come back to you and i'll give you an answer he comes back and says i got an answer but it's not too much good news for one it's good news for another you valet you going back into the palace pharaoh's gonna bring you back but you but you you you baker uh send a letter to your family because you're going to die and not live surely they killed the baker the butler goes back to the palace and joseph says when you get to the pharaoh just mention me speak on my behalf but joseph had to find out the hard way that you can't shorten your tour that didn't get much of a response at all because people don't want to hear that you can't shorten your tour of duty you got to go through what you must go through because there's a lesson in it and if you don't go through it all you're going to miss the lesson you don't hear me oh my god oh my god the reason why you're going through that financial dilemma is not to stay there but it's just so that you can see god move in it the reason why you're going through that problem in a relationship is not so that you can be broken but so that you can be strengthened and that you can see how god works in these situations there are situations that go on in our lives that are geared to prove god not to destroy you you're going through emotional problems mental problems it's not to destroy you you're going to see god deliver you out of this stuff so you can talk to other people about it amen because god's not going to put any more on you than you can bear am i talking to anybody and the and the butler goes back into the palace and forgets job because god said no it's for an appointed time and joseph never stopped working never got disappointed joseph never became in despair joseph never lost hope he just kept working knowing that god showed me the end and i cannot die until i get to what he showed me are y'all hearing me vanish i cannot die you cannot die until you get to what god ultimately showed you and while other people are sitting back saying well i i thought i heard from god i thought it was supposed to be another way they lost faith they let their situations blind them help me they let their situations blind them but joseph kept the faith joseph stayed on course time goes by and god has a troubled pharaoh to get to joseph you don't know who god is dealing with to make sure you succeed you don't know what's going on that god is doing to get you to where you've got to go there are people in place good bad and ugly that are working on behalf of your future friends and enemies working on behalf of y'all not hearing me friends and enemies working on behalf of your future oh god help me today every enemy is not an enemy there are some enemies that god puts in your life to push you i know that didn't sit well with you pharaoh in moses's time was an enemy and every time he decided to let the children of israel go god would harden his heart because i need you to still stay ferocious in order for them to see ten miracles i kept hardening pharaoh's heart god said so that i could work my show i could show them my power no take all of the take everything you got leave here just leave the children here nope we can't leave without everybody and then god will turn around and hide and feel his heart nobody leaves good because i want to show you 10 plagues and it's going to hit all throughout egypt but not in goshen it's going to strike and it's going to it's going to impact all of egypt but it's not going to touch that city called goshen in the middle of egypt i just want you to see only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked good god help my soul you don't know who he's got in place to help you out it could be a widow woman who has nothing but a little bit of cornmeal and a small little drops of oil you have no clue who god has put in place for you to be impacted by and for you to impact that's going to help you in your in your drive in your in your future in your ministry in your life are y'all hearing me [Applause] good god help my soul and so god has a troubled pharaoh why because i need you pharaoh even though you serve other gods i need you even though you serve saturn and ra and isis uh uh uh osiris you serve all of these gods and you believe yourself to be a god you are the sun moon you are you you are a god man but i trouble you because although you think you have everything let me show you the true and living god i will trouble your dreams show you something in your dreams that your that your deities cannot help you with and all of your magicians and all of your wise men come together and they can't tell you your dream because they aren't called for this hallelujah god will make it so that you're you are you are seen in an area that you don't even think you qualify for because you were called for this god will open up doors and give you favor just because you are who he's called you to be i am not taking too long god will give you favor just because you are you become who he's called you to be he will cause people to favor you to give you to make way for you to open doors for you and you're sitting back and say how do you know me i don't know you but there's something about you anybody anybody ever had that happening you walk in a place and they say there's something about you and all the people that walk through there no there's something about you yes there is and there's something called purpose you are the wise men you are the magicians you're the nobleman tell me what my dream is and i'm not even going to tell you what it is and the butler says you know there was a guy that interpreted our dreams when we were in prison when you put us in prison no offense but when you incarcerated me praise the lord there was a guy there that kind of helped me get through that because i was so nervous that she was going to kill me not that you're so mean i love you but he told me that i would be reinstated he he's got the spirit of a god he's got the spirit of a god bring him here let me tell you my dream and let me and you interpret my dream joe comes back and he gives him the interpretation of his dream of the seven fat cows and the seven emaciated cows that eat up the seven fat cows he tells them what the dream means that that egypt is going to go through seven years of bounty of plenty seven years of prosperity seven years of manifestation seven years of productivity seven great years but then at the end of those seven years is going to be seven years the seven emaciated cows eat the seven fat cows it means that there's going to be seven years of famine like egypt has never seen and the region has never seen and it will destroy all of the good that we had oh my goodness what shall i do or i also have the remedy because god's not going to give the prophecy without the remedy y'all are so dead right now jesus help me god gives the prophet also the word of wisdom that will give and the word of knowledge that will give the the the give the answer to the situation i'll tell you what we're going to do pharaoh what we're going to do is we're going for the seven years we're going to stockpile all of the wheat and we're going to stockpile so much of the oats we're going to stockpile all of our produce and we're going to put it in silos throughout the whole of egypt and we're going to make sure that we have ample ample supply for the seven years and more they build silos they build barns they build housing storages and they stockpile food wheat grain oats and when the seven years of a famine comes egypt is the only place i got something because there's another there's a man in place and pharaoh says because of this i'm gonna make you second in command well he's used to it by now because god already put him through the boot camp nobody gets this lord god help me and he's satisfied in the position that he's called because where he is is who god called him to be so he's not trying to get the first seat he's not trying to get the top seat he's not trying to go to the top ladder he's not trying to get the number one position he knows who he is and you can be number one in the number two position you can be a number one in the number two position you can be the best number two that there's ever been [Music] so i put you to the right of me you're at my right hand and i teach you egyptian and i give you an egyptian garb and give you an egyptian name and i make you a nobleman and a ruler your second pharaoh vice pharaoh this hebrew this monotheistic man let me teach you all the ways of egypt you can teach it to me and i'll respect it but i'm not giving up who i am you can teach it to me and i will respect him but i'm never going to bow my knee to osiris or to raw or to set or to isis i'm never gonna bow my knee because i serve one god and one god only i don't hear you here you can give me whatever position you want but i'm not gonna let that position dull my mind and cause me to forget who i am i am son i am daughter of the most high god somebody scream in this room [Applause] [Music] let me end the end let me end real quickly you've got to understand god's will for your life god has purposed you minister booker god has purposed you for greatness now god has purposed you for greatness william god has purposed you for greatness he not only wants to bring you to an expected end but he expects you to succeed his expectation is your success he's put all these things and people in place to push you into your success he tells joshua this in joshua 1 9. he says have i not commanded you be strong and have a good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the lord thy god will be with you with us so ever you go it's but if you go back to the eighth verse the eighth verse gives you a little more clarity god help me joshua 1 8 says this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but shall but you shall meditate on this law on what god has said you will meditate on his law day and night why that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein and then you shall make your way prosperous by agreeing with god you shall make your way prosperous and you shall have what not just success good success god expects us to have good success god expressed expects us to obey his word so that our way is made prosperous you're not supposed to stay in the same condition that he found you when he saved you [Music] no no you're not supposed to stay there you're supposed to get so involved with god that you get busy laying aside all the things that hinder you judging all the people that are in your life to see that which is productive and that which is counterproductive and if you are in my life and you're counterproductive and you're going to hinder my progress i got to make a decision i got to make a decision it's not that i hate you but right now i can't be with you because i got a i got a purpose i've got a purpose that i've gotta fulfill and i'll be back after i get there and if you're smart you'll get about your business and you'll meet me at your purpose [Music] i'm not gonna let anybody slow me down anymore well man i think you changed yes i did change i have to change because where i'm going i can't stay the same i'm i'm too long right now are we understanding this you got to work you got to put yourself into it you got to you got to exert your energies into becoming amen inspiration is not good enough without perspiration the inspiration is not good enough without perspiration if god inspires you and you get happy about it but don't do anything that inspiration dies my brothers and sisters it's time for us to become workers to become involved in our own success to become involved in our own destiny god has already prepared it now we must work toward it are you hearing me it's not an easy thing greatness is never easy greatness is never easy greatness is never easy if you want ease then you're lazy but you've got to work hard for everything that is great and then you will appreciate your life more i'm finished everybody stand up because i can go on forever everyone's standing understanding god is important in becoming who he has for you to be and although his ways of press are finding out but that which is that which is available the knowledge that is available is enough to change our lives forever forever if you get into the heart and the mind of god it will change your life for the better forever so for those of you that are watching or anybody in this room that may not be living and serving god with your true passion with your true strength you need to give the lord every bit of you every bit of your heart and for those of you that are ready to accept the lord as your savior and you've been watching this and this has pierced you and convicted you then let's do so now because he's waiting on you he is so in love with you you have no clue he is so in love with you and all he wants you to do is fall in love with him falling in love with jesus falling in love with jesus falling in love with jesus y'all is the best thing you could ever ever do so no matter who you are no matter who you are i want you to get your heart together and allow jesus christ to come into your heart and change you we've done it and it's the best thing we've ever done so right now if you're ready to give your heart to the lord no matter who you are no matter what country you are you're in no matter what culture you're from this great god loves you so i pray in the name of jesus christ for everyone that's watching that that's prepared yearning to give their life to the lord that the conviction of the holy spirit is prick them and they're prepared for the transformation that can only come by the love the mercy and the grace of god [Music] lord wash away every sin let your blood be applied and wash away every single sin even as we all pray together i pray lord jesus that you transformed them by the renewing of their mind that they would not be conformed to the things of the past things of sin but everything would be totally brand new and they would be regenerated the satanic grip over their lives be destroyed i command it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every demonic power and every strategy every stronghold be destroyed over their lives now and that they be free to live this loving wonderful christian life that can only come to accepting jesus christ so god i thank you for a new day i thank you lord god for a newness and a righteousness i thank you lord god for those hearts that have turned toward you and they beseech you to change them and you do so willingly thank you lord god for salvation that only you can give my life has changed because of you jesus so are all those that pray in earnest right now they are new creations as we pray together so let it be in your name jesus amen now to every one of you that prayed that prayer listen every one of you that come joined in that prayer with me and you know that god has changed your life simply type those four words that you see on the screen i prayed that prayer type it in don't type anything else don't any emojis nothing four words and four words only i prayed that prayer and it will alert us and we will be able to send you a correspondence and to stay in touch with you please do so now i'm telling you it is our joy and our pleasure myself and pastor wes it is our joy and pleasure to reach back out to you and let you know that we are we're connected with you and we will help you in any way that we possibly can spiritually in the mighty name of jesus christ amen i love every one of you i've been up a little longer than i should have been but i want to get this message across to you and thank you for being with us on this sunday we praise god for you please join us again we are more than happy to call you our satellite members god bless every one of you we'll be back on wednesday working in the kingdoms uh again in the kingdom's agenda passing out food and sustenance to people that come making them feel like kings and queens showing them the love of jesus christ keep us in your prayers as we do so i pray this in jesus name and until the next time you walk in the favor of god god bless every single one of you god bless you e flat minor you know where i'm going god bless you keep us in prayer you
Channel: Perfecting Faith Church
Views: 20,787
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: Perfecting Faith Church, Perfecting Faith, Perfecting Faith Church sermon, Donnie McClurkin, Donnie McClurkin message, Donnie McClurkin inspirational message, PFC, God, God’s purpose, success, destiny
Id: EPRmvECq-N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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