Can Teens & Parents Guess Inappropriate Noises? | Challenge Chalice

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- You're hitting your leg? You're... - You're... - (loud slapping) - What's going on YouTube? Welcome back to another episode of Challenge Chalice! We have Tyler. We have Tyler's daughter, Delaney. We have Jayka. We have Jayka's mom, Kay. We have Roxanne, who's Carson's mom. And then we have Carson, too! We invited him. - Yeah, thank you! - We were gonna invite your mom only, but then we were like, "We should take Carson, too." - I was hoping. - Today's episode is sponsored by Mattel and their awesome game, Noisy Neighbors. If you guys don't know what Noisy Neighbors, it's kinda like Charades, except completely different. Charades you do with your eyes, and Noisy Neighbors, you use your ears. So, how good's your hearing? - Huh? - (all laugh) - ♪ Shut it down when I'm pullin' up ♪ - So, how the challenge is going to work, each parent-teen team is going to be given five clue cards. You're gonna get 30 seconds per clue card to try to guess whatever's on it. Say everyone guesses it and gets it correct, then the team that gets it the fastest gets the point. So, you wanna go as quick as you can. We're going to have all four of the people that aren't playing outside the room while they're trying to guess, so you guys don't have any advantages or anything like that. So, the punishment today comes from qamarkahn1 on Instagram. And that is the losing pair, parent and teen, they have to tell each other what the biggest lie they ever told each other was. - (Jayka sucks in breath) - (Tom) So, you have to admit. You gotta own up. All right. You guys ready to get into it? - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - We're gonna do this a little bit different. We're not gonna use this wall. Guys, can we fly in the actual wall? ♪ (playful music) ♪ Kay, you're gonna be making the first sound. So, I gave you that card. You have 30 seconds to try to get Jayka to guess it. - This is gonna be a rough start. - I'm sorry in advance, Jayka. - Hop on that side. We're gonna get this started. - All right. All right, 30 seconds on the clock. (countdown beeping) - (Kay groaning) - Headache. Stomach pain. - She has [inaudible]. - Oh my gosh. She-- - Stubbed her toe? - She stubbed-- she's hurt. She's sick. She has a stomach ache. - She's turning into the zombie that you have to kill. - She's crying. She's getting-- what?! I'm scared! She's crying. - Sounds like she's in pain. - I know. She's in pain, obviously. - (laughs) Just trying to help. (buzzer) (countdown beeping) - (Tyler breathes rapidly) (yelling) (loud, painful whimpering) - What's going on? - Blowing-- blow-- no. Blowing-- baby crying? - (Tyler whimpering loudly) - Uh... You're in labor. You're having a baby. - (Jack) Got it. - (Tyler) YES! - I got it right? (ding) - (Tom) Whoa! (in slow-mo) Whoa! (countdown beeping) - (Roxanne screaming) - Screaming! Death! - (Roxanne panting heavily) - Pregnant! Labor! In labor! (ding) - Wa! You guys are so good at this game! - (parents groaning) (s beeping) - Oh, no. - That doesn't sound good. - (Jayka gagging) - Dying? Heart attack? - (Jayka) This is so weird. - (laughs) Oh, gosh. - (Jayka gagging and coughing) - Cough? - What do you think? - Sick? Illness? - Is she hopping up and down? I don't know. I can't see. There's a giant wall in the way. - (Jayka) This is so awkward. - (laughs) - Are you throwing up? - Sounds like it. - I know. She does-- - (Jayka) This is so hard. (gags) - Are you choking? - (Jayka squeals) - Can you breathe? (buzzer) (countdown beeping) - (whispers) Silence. - (Delaney gags) - Jumping. Bouncing. Leaping. Throwing up. Puking. Heaving. - Heave ho, like a pirate. - Jumping. Bouncing. - (Delaney) Huh! - Huh? (gags) Huh. Scaring. Falling. Flailing. We're gonna lose! (buzzer) (countdown beeping) - (Carson grunts and gags) - Throwing up? Heaving. Vomit. Vomiting. Choking. - Doesn't sound ni-- - Heimlich! Heimlich! - (Carson) Yup. - Whoa! (ding) Have you ever done the Heimlich? - I've done it on him twice. - Really?! So, Carson knows the sound! He's like, "This is the sound I make." How do you choke on spaghetti?! - In a restaurant. - Well, I don't know, just the noddles get stuck, and then you inhale it. - (giggles) Okay. - And then you're like, (gags in slow-mo) - (all gagging) (countdown beeping) - Oh! - (Kay's lips smacking) - Kissing. (ding) - Wow! That was so easy! (countdown beeping) - (Tyler puckering up) - Kiss? (ding) (countdown beeping) - (Roxanne's lips smacking) - Kissing! (ding) - That was-- - How do you know that sound? - Nothing. - WHOA! - (laughs) - Biggest lie he's ever told: "I don't know what that sound is." - (parents' lips smacking) (countdown beeping) - (Jayka) Ahhh. Pa-chew. - Oh my gosh. - What is that? - (Jayka) Owww! Pa-chew. - Even the sound guy was like, "What is that?" - Are you dying again? - (Jayka) Pa-chew. - Maybe the Heimlich. - What's pa-chew? - Heimlich. - What is pa-chew? - (Jayka laughing) Boom! - Is it a bomb? - (Jayka groaning) - Uhh... vacuum? - (Jayka) Pa-chew! - Sounds like a baby got caught in a vacuum cleaner. - I know. Uh... - (Jayka) Pa-chew! Pa-chew! - Are you fighting someone? - (Jayka groaning) (buzzer) (countdown beeping) - (Delaney grunting) - Punching. Um... getting hit. Clearing throat. - (Delaney) Brains... - (Jack) Can't say that. - Can't say words! (buzzer) (countdown beeping) - (Carson groaning) Ch-ch. Pew! (groaning) Ch-ch. Pew! - Wow. Spaghetti. - Hunting? - The Heimlich. - Shotgun? - (Carson groaning) - Bazooka. Cannon. - (Carson groaning) - Backfire of a car. - (Carson) Pew! - Uh... - (Carson) Ch-ch. Pew! - (chuckles) - (Carson) Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh! - What? I-- - Machine gun! - Whoa! - (Carson groaning) - Machine gun. Cannon. - He's having a whole war back there. - Tank! - (Carson groaning) - Tank. Shooting. Guns. Big guns. (buzzer) - These are so specific! - Like Star Wars? - It was fighting a zombie! - And then I got the shotgun! - I know. That was good. - There was guns and the, like... - I should've done the pounding on the wall. - (teens groaning) - Last card. - Oh my gosh. - Wow. - We're going. Here it is. - Okay. Jayka! You gotta get this. - I know. - Okay. - This is your last hope, guys. - I know. (countdown beeping) - (loud slapping) - Hitting? - (chuckles) Wha? - Slapping? - That's a knee-slapper. Yee! - Uh... what?! Hitting, slapping, knocking. - What is happening behind that wall? - I know! Hitting your knee, your stomach. - Kinda sounds inappropriate. - Your face. (chuckles) Okay, no. It's just slapping. Hitting. High-fiving! (buzzer) (countdown beeping) - (loud slap) - Clap. - That scared me. - Smack? Slap. - (slapping) - Um, fly swatting? - Wh-- that's a good guess. (giggles) What's going on? What do you think? What... - You're hitting something. You're hitting your leg. You're... - You're... - Um... um-- (buzzer) - Oh. (chuckles) (countdown beeping) - (loud slap) - Slap. Clap. Spanking! (ding) - You know that sound, too! - Yeah, I do! - (Tom laughs) - (loud slapping) ♪ (playful music) ♪ - Okay, time to reveal who has to do the punishment. The team that won, had the most most points... Carson and Roxanne. - Ohh! - Yeah! - Woo! - I won something! - (all laugh) - Now is the real issue. - Oh, no. - The team that has to do the punishment... Jayka and Kay! - Ahhh! - Oh, no. - So, our punishment, submitted by qamarkahn1 on Instagram, you have to tell either your parent or your teen... your biggest lie that you've ever told them. - Last year, when you-- (chuckles) when you found out I failed math. - Oh, no. - I kinda knew already that I failed math. It's just that I knew already, but I just didn't tell you that I failed math. - Okay. Did you have any other failures this semester? - No. But I just knew. - That was the lie right there. - Or every time you're like, "How are you grades?" I'm like, "Great." - Yeah, she never-- Really?! Ah! - You know how you loved Chuck E. Cheese? - Yeah, of course. - And I told you that someone died in the-- a little girl died in the horse ride... - Horse ride. - ...and after that, you never wanted to go back again? That was it. (laughs) No one actually died. I just hated Chuck E. Cheese. - Whoa! - I like Chuck E. Cheese, and I'm going back to that horse right now! - (all laugh) - She's like, "I'm going back right now!" A huge thank you for Mattel and Noisy Neighbors for sponsoring this video and making this all possible. That was so much fun. And guys, we actually have a giveaway that we're doing. We are giving away a copy of Noisy Neighbors to qamarkahn1 for helping suggesting that comment. - Woo! - (all clap) - Let's go! - Thanks for that. (chuckles) - Hey, guys! I'm Jack! - I'm Madeline. - And we're the producers of this show. Thank you so much to Mattel for supporting FBE. And thanks to you guys for watching. - How did you guys do? Let us know in the comments below. And if you guys want Noisy Neighbors for yourself, be sure to click the link in the description. - Bye! - Bye!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 1,694,946
Rating: 4.9022102 out of 5
Keywords: Can Teens & Parents Guess Inappropriate Noises? | Challenge Chalice, Challenge Chalice, Noisy Neighbors, Mattel Noisy Neighbors, ASMR Game, ASMR Charades, Sound Charades, What's That Sound, Guess The Sound, What's That Noise, Guess The Noise, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, react gaming, staff reacts, poker face, the 10s, guess that
Id: e0-aWwrfXdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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