Teens React To MrBeast

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- This guy has a lot of money. - Crazy how much money he gets and gives away instead of using it for himself. It's really selfless and I really like that. ♪ (rock intro) ♪ - (FBE) Today, we are gonna be showing you what may be one of the largest rising YouTube channels right now. - Largest rising YouTube channels, I can't think of any off the top of my head. - First person I think of when it comes to popular YouTubers right now is MrBeast. - (FBE) So, we're gonna be talking about MrBeast today. - Never heard of that person. - That sounds familiar, but we'll see. - Okay, I've heard of him with the whole PewDiePie thing. - Oh my God, I love him. I watch all his videos. He's the best YouTuber. - I love MrBeast. Every video he makes goes stupid viral. - (FBE) We thought the best way to showcase MrBeast due to his huge view counts that he's been getting was to show you his top five most viewed videos of all time. Let's jump into it with number five. - Okay. That seems pretty cool. - (MrBeast) All right, Jake Paulers. Raise your right hand. - I've seen this. You have to hold your hand on the Lambo as long as you can. - (MrBeast) Rules are simple. Last one of your right hands, his left hand, to leave the car keeps it. - (Chris) This car? - Yeah, this isn't my type of content. - This is a good idea to do in real life, especially with a Lambo. - (MrBeast) Last rule that we didn't mention. You have to be standing. If you're sitting, you're out. - I could never. - I feel like I've seen this on TV shows and I've always wanted to do it, but there's no way I could. - (Garret) I'm definitely winning this. - (MrBeast) Yep. - (Garret) Look at that. - I feel like this is just a way to show off their car, right? - These are my favorite kinds of videos where he just gives away giant amounts of stuff to all his friends. - They're two and a half hours in? - Jeez, it's a long time. (buzzer) - I would not let go of that. - This is so random. Why? - (MrBeast) It can do tricks. - Oh. - Ooh, that is evil. - Does that count? There's no way. I would be so pissed. - I feel bad for Chandler. Oh my goodness. - Just doesn't even realize it. - (MrBeast) No one else is touching the car but Chris, which means Chris is the winner. - Chris won. I do like Chris. Chris and Chandler are definitely my favorite out of the group. - (Chris) So, instead of getting the Lamborghini, I wanted to take the 20 grand and split it between the other guys in the video. - What a good guy. - I would not do that. I would keep the Lamborghini. - (Chris) We're a family here. We look after each other. - Aw, what a nice guy. - I love big budget ridiculous videos like that we're they're just like, "Let's put some crazy amount of money into this video and do something stupid." - He's generous. From a lot of the money that he gets, he just gives it back to all his friends and other people. - When people get sponsorships, most of the time, they'll take the money, they'll keep it and then shoutout the brand, but what he does is he'll get all the money from the sponsorship and just use all of it in the video. - Crazy how much money he gets and gives away instead of using it for himself. It's really selfless and I really like that. - (FBE) So, that was number five and has over 33 million views as of the release of this episode. - What, what? I never heard of this. - He has crazy ideas. I've never seen anyone else do that. The circle challenge, he started that and that was a huge challenge for a little bit. - (MrBeast) This is the circle. Before your torture begins, let's go over the rules. - This is one of my favorite videos. - Oh, yeah. The leave the circle challenge. - (MrBeast) This white line is the outside of the circle. You can step one foot out, but if both feet leave, you're out. - Oh, do they just have to stay in the circle as long as they can? - (MrBeast) If both feet leave, you're out. You do not win the ten grand. - Oh my God. Ten grand? - This guy has a lot of money. - Where are they getting the money? - (Chris) We all officially made it through the first night. - It feels like it wouldn't be that bad, then you actually have to do it and it's that bad. - (cameraman) It's 1:16. Garret's trying to sleep. - This was a good video. I remember watching this. - (cameraman) So, word on the street is, you're trying to quit, Chris. - (Chris) So Tyler said that he thinks that I'm his biggest competitor so he said he would give me $1000 if I walked away now. - Oh boy. - (cameraman) Chris, are you sure you wanna do this? Once both feet cross, you can't win ten grand. All right, no ten grand for Chris. - Oh. - Why step over it? It's not that hard to stay inside. Just do it. - (Garret) I'm super tired right now. I'm just chilling in Chris' tent. Now look at me. Now look down here. This is how you exit the circle. - Ew, I don't like feet. Ew. - (Garret) I'm a loser. - I don't know how hard-- it shouldn't be that hard to do it. - I could not leave that circle if I knew that I was gonna get ten thousand dollars. - (Chandler) All right, guys, it's about 11:40 at night. I'm getting really tired of being here. - (cameraman) Are you sure? If you step over that line, you can't win ten grand. - Oh. - (cameraman) All right, Tyler. There's your ten grand. - The easiest ten grand ever. - I'm disappointed that someone has just $10,000 to give away just for staying inside of a circle. You couldn't put that money to better use? - (FBE) So, that was number four and has over 37 million views as of the release of this episode. - Jesus. - These are more like challenges which are more fun than just going to say, a Paul video and they're just like, "Here's our crazy amount of cars." This is an actual incentive, the challenge, a game. - (MrBeast) As you can see on my screen, Ninja is currently-- - Oh, so that's what he looks like. - (MrBeast) Ninja is currently doing a charity livestream. - Oh, is this the-- okay, I've never actually seen this clip. - This is the one where he donates $50,000 to Ninja. - (MrBeast) We're gonna start out light with a $10,000 donation. - Wow. - He must have good sponsors. - Donating $10,000 in general, it's crazy. People don't even make that much money. - (MrBeast) I am going to do everything in my power to make you lose this game. - Yeah, I was like, you donate this much, you have to drop all your materials, drop your guns. - (MrBeast) Yeah, I think he's reading it. - (Ninja) Legend. I am going to do everything in my power to make you lose this game. - Jesus. - (Ninja) Let's go! - Challenge accepted. Ninja's such a good sport. - (MrBeast) If we donate $1000, he can't heal. - What a cool concept, kind of, if you donate a certain amount, you get to impact the game. - (Ninja) I'm winning this game. - (MrBeast) You are not winning this game. - This is actually kinda cool. - (Ninja) MrBeast donates 1000 says, "No healing." Okay, so we are already moving on, - No healing. Oh my God, no way. - (MrBeast) You are not winning this game, Ninja. I don't care if I go broke. Nope, he has another gun. Get ready. Do another gun. - (Ninja) He said "drop gun." He didn't say which gun. - (MrBeast) No gun. He's about to pick up meds. Do no meds. - I was never-- I'm not really a fan of Ninja, but this is still interesting to watch. - (Ninja) Yes! - Damn. He's so excited. - (Ninja) In your face, Beast! Whoo! - I kinda love that. He's just like, "I'm just gonna throw money at people" and that just seems to be the theme of his channel. - I feel his pain there at the end, but he was doing a good thing, so it's all right. That was funny. - In the end, he's giving the money to a good cause and they were having fun with it, which was really funny to watch. - (FBE) So, that was number three and has over 40 million views as of the release of this episode. - Just racking up views constantly. - He's mentioned he doesn't really buy a lot of extravagant things for himself. He really puts all his money back into YouTube and makes his content better. - I saw a video where he recently gave a homeless person-- he bought them a house. It's videos like these that I like because they're entertaining, but they put a smile on my face. - (MrBeast) This is 100 million Orbeez. - (cameraman) Are you sure? - I love Orbeez. This'll be good. - I definitely remember this. - Oh my God. MrBeast is just a ten year old with a bunch of money and a YouTube channel. - (MrBeast) And now we're gonna take these 100 million Orbeez. - Oh my goodness. - (MrBeast) Put them on the tarps back here in the backyard. - How do you even order that many Orbeez at once? - (MrBeast) It's about ten hours later and the whole backyard is covered in Orbeez. - I would watch this. - (MrBeast) What is that? - (off screen) Orbeez. - With all the Orbeez, it just looks kinda murky and weird. It doesn't look good. - I don't even know whose backyard that was, but who lets someone do that to them? - (MrBeast) See this pool, the outside? First one to do two laps gets $1000. - Always wanted to do that. - Those things are getting in between your fingers and your toes. Those are definitely all in his jacket for sure. - That must feel so satisfying. - That's a lot. - It just works like a ball pit. That's ridiculous. - It's so dumb, but I love it so much. - They're having so much fun. It makes you happy. - One of my favorite things about MrBeast is just how genuine I feel like he is because it's just him, all of his best friends, and they just make content, crush the YouTube game right now. He's not in any controversies, he's not negative in any way, he's just-- I mean, he's perfect. - (FBE) So, that was number two and has over 50 million views. - 50 million. I mean, Orbeez are pretty popular. I would click on that video. - That's something you'd be like, "That has to be clickbait." Like what? And then he actually did it. Impressive. - (FBE) So next is the most viewed video on MrBeast's channel. - Is it the PewDiePie one? Let's see it. - I think it's Can 20,000 Magnets Stop a Bullet Mid-Air? Or something like that. - (MrBeast) So we have a wall covered in-- - I was right. What do you know? - (MrBeast) 20,000 toy magnets. - Whoa. - Can magnets pull a bullet? All right. - (MrBeast) We're gonna see if they can stop a bullet mid-air. - The mom in me is like, this isn't a good idea. I don't-- but the other part of me is like, this is really creative. - (MrBeast) I wanna show you how powerful these magnets really are. - Oh wow, that's a magnet? - Looks like there's a ghost holding the chain or something. - Whoa. - Oh, that was a funny noise. - Oh my goodness. - (MrBeast) The bullet landed right there, so it obviously can't stop an AK bullet, but we're gonna try a BB gun, because it shoots a little bit slower. - That's cool. - It's pretty crazy. - That was nice. It stuck. - (MrBeast) So 20,000 magnets and three of the strongest magnets you can buy on all the internet can stop a BB gun. - Okay, okay. - If I had to give it one word, I'd say it's unique. If I had to go out and try and find this somewhere else on YouTube, I don't think I could. - (FBE) So, that was number one and has over 58 million views as of the release of this episode. Why do you think this is number one? - I really don't know. Magnets, who cares? - Out of all the concepts he's done, for a general audience, that sounds like the most interesting. - It's a concept that's really out of the box and that's what sets you apart as a creator is coming up with out of the box ideas. I'm actually really impressed and very interested to see more from him. - (FBE) So, MrBeast is arguably one of the biggest YouTubers out there right now and his rise happened really, really fast. - So, I first knew about MrBeast through just the stream donations that he did for Ninja. - I think it was the Logan Paul video where he said Logan Paul a 100000 times or whatever. That's what made me subscribe, 'cause I saw the number one and then I saw that one, I was like, dude, this guy's crazy and then the Uber one came out. That was his biggest for a long time and then tipping the pizza drivers. I mean, he just tops himself every new video. - (FBE) Just from January 2018 to January 2019, he went from roughly 2 million subscribers to nearly 16 million subscribers. - Wait, what? - Holy [bleep]. That's huge. - It's gotta be so crazy what a year can do for you. - (FBE) Why do you think his content over time has grown so fast? - They're random. Random is great. Everyone likes to see people giving money away to a good cause. - It's kind of doing the impossible in a way. It's kind of like these thoughts, "What if I sat here and did something pointless for a really long time?" - I'm not ever gonna do that. Someone actually took the time to sit down and do that? I'm gonna click on it and be like, why? - When he does something really crazy, which is pretty much every video at this point, people would wanna click on it and people who don't-- people who don't watch him, it catches your eye. - (FBE) As you saw today, MrBeast gets big views on big stunts, but he also has earned the reputation as being YouTube's biggest philanthropist. For example, he has given away tens of thousands of dollars to his subscribers, gave a homeless man $10,000 and so much more. So what do you think when creators do this kind of thing on YouTube? - I don't know. It does come from a genuine standpoint, too, just based on seeing who he's been benefiting. He hasn't just been giving away money for himself and for his friends. He's been actually helping out other people. - I don't find anything wrong with even doing it for views because at the end, you're still helping someone. - It can be genuine. There's some heart there for you to go out there and sacrifice what you have to help someone else, but I do think, if you're broadcasting it and filming it, there is an attention grasp there that you wanna fulfill. - Anyone in their right mind who knows how to do YouTube and who's a big YouTuber who wants to be even bigger knows that if you give away stuff and you put $100,000 in the title, and "giving away this to homeless people" or whatever, it's obviously gonna get more views, so it's a good video idea to get more views, but the way he does it and actually gives the money to homeless people, it's not like he's being an [bleep]. He's genuinely donating to shelters and he's doing really good deeds, but he is just filming it. I feel like he's filming himself donating. He's not really donating for the video. - (FBE) Finally, a fact about MrBeast and his career that tends to surprise people is that he is only 20 years old. - What? No he's not. Oh my God. He's only a year older than me. - (FBE) He's not too much older than you are right now, so seeing as he's experienced so much success at a young age, where do you think he should go from here? - Literally wherever he wants. The world is his canvas. - I can't really tell him anything to do. He should be telling something for me that I should do. - Whatever he's doing is working for him now, he should obviously keep doing it, but still keep in mind his changing audience and just keeping up with that. - I do think it will start getting repetitive eventually because honestly, those videos all felt very similar and I can't imagine this going on for much longer, so I do think you would have to-- but he seems so creative, so I think he would be able to come up with more concepts that'll keep his audience engaged. - He just really says he just wants to keep going and be number one and just go until the end of time, so for MrBeast, I think he should just keep doing what he's doing, 'cause it's obviously working. - Thanks for watching this Beast episode of Teens React and shoutout to Bianca Likes Cats. - What YouTuber should we react to next? Let us know in the comments. - Thanks for watching. Bye. - Hey guys, Lauren, producer here at FBE. Thank you so much for watching this awesome episode of Teens React. Make sure you check out our FBE2 channel for daily vlogs, exclusive content, and so much more. Bye, guys.
Channel: REACT
Views: 7,508,250
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Keywords: mrbeast, mr beast, mr. beast, Teens React To MrBeast, circle challenge, one million, one hundred million, ten thousand, money, teens react, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, youtubers react, elders react, kids react, adults react, parents react, teenagers react, youtuber battle royale, battle royale
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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