Teenage Girl Tries to Drop Out of School | Educating | Our Stories

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why don't you ever get service in the [ __ ] school oh I'm cool on I am never ever come in this school again so you can tell the teachers just shove it up their ass it's midday year eleven Cody is a familiar face to the student development team known for her poor attendance you just get moaned out all the time just like being my own person doing what I want to do dropping out of school right let me talk to a coder come away so you really not gonna change come here a minute today she's decided she wants to leave school for good Cody listen you really really really need to think this through and I actually do wanna leave yeah but why throw away at this last stage because I come in skirts get [ __ ] all the time okay I knew gives you the share easier teachers are people in my year that I don't get on with okay you've got to make that decision but honestly trust me when you leave here you are going into a very difficult world where you're gonna need everything that you possibly can to equip me for the rest of your life and if that is just a handful of GCSEs that might make the difference for you Cody it's the ultimate sales pitch isn't it you've got convinced that young person entered making the right decision it is as simple as one decision either way it's gonna change your life what difference does it actually make to my life whether you stay on it doesn't it doesn't does it so why am I having this conversation with you well if you were my daughter in the same position at her school I would want somebody to have this conversation with if I couldn't get through to it it's a waste of five years of your life or just throw in five years your life down the toilet I cannot just sit back and watch you make a decision that's gonna negatively impact massively on the rest of your life I just want to make sure you understand how important this is and is it going to make a difference that you understand that's my question what time's your grandpa coming for you right think about it Cody she can be a chat away whenever younger I could play with him you know mess about you know with toys and what Alvia Cody now she's getting that that stage we've been a teenager and she makes things difficult so sometimes I can't cope [Music] yeah fine following Cody's threat to leave school her granddad has been called in to speak to deputy heads mrs. Burney neo and mr. Ross Povey we're outside air just so that you know why you've been asked to come in she's saying she doesn't want to be here she's not following our instructions in terms of going into lessons such as just well that's this is what does Marion told it it's not hard all you got to do is just settle down try and get on with it would you like you to know day in and day out [ __ ] another teachers do anything that's what and eiszner what sometimes you comin in with the attitude I'm not teachers just moan at me for nothing which then puts me in a mood and they don't expect anything back we understand that she's not perfect nor away and she'll have the odd blip and we get that but we can't have her wandering the corridors not really I understand you know but deep down she is a little girl I mean there I know she could be cheeky I know she can be a virus but you see if you don't understand what she's been through you know in their life we're losing her mother for one that's blazed on the mind a lot every time he looks at me he sees money his house at me on time he'll tell me like when she was in school she was clever so he wants me to be like her when was our 2:30 when she turned 30 in December and she died in March and that excuse me I'm sorry she was ill for a while for nearly a month I never got a phone call saying you better get here now because I don't think your daughter's gonna make you that was it she'd gone that's how we got Cody and Thomas we was the only family that they had and I've brought him up as my own children this girl it was a lot for me she makes sure that I'm okay she can be like that here just give her the chance I mean I want a big school fun when I was arranged my Angeles school before when I was 15 don't suck after me we went through your grades early you know you predicted some pretty strong results bays and seas and a lot of subjects just get down do you do your work and then [Music] everybody will be happy I'll give school one last try neither I'm sorry for all the devolver but all I can do is like use my best yes I can thank you no problem chess thank you so tomorrow hewed a fresh start yeah all right thank you thank you bye yes [Music] I'm not going to comment on this case because now who's miss Kay miss Kay miss Kay a she ignores one more time miss Kay I need y'all to go through yeah yeah course Cody is back in school following yesterday's meeting what we done what she caught herself is that what you call photonic Shauna yeah yes I'm the only bit longer Donna have you learnt the other arm yeah you have to not be shocked you know I'm not encouraging her to do it but then I don't want to think that I'm horrified that needs cleaning god I know found that old god what have you done then next time she might not come and tell you one which could be worse do you want to do I drop me do it [Music] tell me Fayette yeah when she do that code on this monitor what's it clean what you used yeah I tell us he don't do things like that I said I've been there I've done it myself I said you're a beautiful girl you'd no need to do that you know you just put everything to you backing of mind I think of something else rather than that what she gets upset and I think a lot of that is due to losing a mother come on she's 14 years you know since she passed away people that know talk to me who say your granddaughter ain't half like your sander ain't she you know I'll say yeeeeesss you've got the same temperament as well and her tell you something now when Cody was young I have a cabin up there and in in the cabin I have this figure of Elvis sang Love Me Tender and he supported on Minnie and she fall asleep listening to it she that was the only thing that I get coded to sleep was Love Me Tender you know of course cold is a very very lively girl she's got to be on the run all the time don't feel better apparently last night was really upset at home and she said she just kept thinking about school and stressing over everything that she's missed and what she has to catch up on and she did self-harm which obviously it was a concern for this morning when we saw us she's very vulnerable isn't she very clearly very vulnerable yeah she said she feels like she just can't deal with a full timetable right now okay I think maybe she should drop history she's being predicted Annie and all mr. Taylor's already talked to me about the fact that she's missed a lot because she was obviously her attendance last term wasn't always great if a child comes to you and speaks to you about the fact that they've got issues around self-harm we pass all the information on to the relevant people safeguarding team most likely make contact with home inform parents carers they refer the young person to Cam's which is our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service so that child's got a network of support around though [Music] alright I'm dead proud you though that you've come in I really am cuz I didn't think he was gonna you know Cody has been referred for regular sessions with the school counselor and you say are you feeling how do you feel be honest with me now yeah which school don't make any but that's why I like school to walk through that door is a massive thing in itself there's a lot of shame that goes with it so a young person that that's so hard to actually come out and say I'm feeling this way about myself that's up huh was your doing it obviously when you got home because of pressures of school or just in general if that's not gonna happen like still I'd find a way to make myself feel like [ __ ] so I just do it we could just have someone to UM work cuz we don't worry doing that do it she's very misunderstood she would come across that she does not care and she doesn't need you and she doesn't want you know I but actual issue screaming and shouting something very different inside and I think if you can tap into that that's where I'm you get to know Cody she's a great kid I'm just used to you laughing Geoff in and shouting laughing and joking I was being crackers we're out allowed to feel like this one tells us why we all do even adults you know outs have their moments but he needs to do it so now how to come out and talk about it isn't either I don't want to push anything on you at the moment other than just be there from year 7 we've had your moments but to me to get to year 11 is an achievement in itself sometimes in it when it's been difficult so I want to be able to see if today I'm comes a bit of prouder yeah because you've done dad well so take it as it comes I'm brewing the Marling's or whatever and then we go from everyday and we'll just see yeah [Music] come on gorgeous you'll find that emotional people they're the ones that couldn't stand school don't want to be here we'll always be the ones near but that last few months will kind of melt down because that's safety net that continue would say it goes dude we say you're gonna do Saturday they just give a better work so you're not completely bad yeah all right that's fine missional please push on and test yourself stretch yourself a little bit it's two months until her GCSEs and Kody is back in lessons already coop gone with them I don't get it all right so what goes in between there if there's nothing there it's a time for chocolate at the Times she's also receiving long-term counseling support try the next one x equals y divided by compared to I used to be like I think sometimes what spares me on his school is knowing I'm doing my granddad proud Gotti so how what is a move a rude desserts she's on a part-time timetable but she's asking for extra work and she's ripping in and she's coming to see me and she's asking questions and she's in a good place and we've got a keeper there we've gotta give her every chance we can and I just keep checking in on her and she's doing all right and all fingers crossed you can keep it going nailed it we have nailed this today hold on [Music] good morning fog students next time there's high drama don't tell anyone as to year 11s find their identity I started I make three years ago it defies your face oh my browser Papa I've always been taught they are Fae are it's all senior in doesn't ninja suave you don't tinder what's what's in there sorry you
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 1,542,721
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Keywords: Educating Essex, Educating Yorkshire, Educating: What I Wish I'd Known..., Educating Greater Manchester, Educating Cardiff, Teenage Girl Tries to Drop Out of School | Yearbook, Yearbook
Id: ex3rvQvpKnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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