Dealing with Teenage Truancy | Educating Cardiff EP 1 (HD) | Our Stories

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maths we'll try that again maths y not your school days stop heal love them or loath them I will be your teacher all the way through to GCSE kill me now you never forget them to page30 at Willows high in Cardiff for an uncompromising head teacher girls I don't know what's slowing you down but is starting to annoy me there's a job to be done it means everything to me that all you guys get is one thing and that is a choice to turn around a school that was until recently one of the worst in Wales I think an education should give every child a chance I don't think it's fair that actually your post Cod can determine your life chances but when you're dealing with teenagers [ __ ] I got assembly life's never straightforward we're Switzerland New Zealand it's somewhere like that in there we filmed over a year to find out what life is really like in one of our secondary schools for the teachers so everyone in the department is ganging up on your son and the kids at the very start of adult life come in and damage any more school problem how I damaging St I want the right staff in my school people that genuinely want to Champion the underdog [Music] these girls they give everything to the children of their school give me high five [Music] EXC when a child makes it against all the odds it's the most rewarding thing of all how come we get called Sheep shads they are like five million of the questions you could have asked me why did you come up with that one [Music] let's just clarify one fact in life don't think just cuz you live in Wales the sun doesn't come up cuz I actually had a year 11 once that said the sun hasn't come up today because I can't see it so it's important to clear this up in your seven the sun rises every single day that's the the only reason night becomes day if you go and live in Australia or some other hot countries you see every day in Wales we don't always see [Music] it hello just a man I want what's missing TI yeah where's your tie I'm to get ripped up come on get a tie please head teacher Mrs Ballard is in her third year at Willow's High School you all the way son yes you lovely I'd actually never been to Wells before only to Barry Island on the Gavin in Stacy T I was a bit of a fan hi I haven't become fluent in Welsh I've tried B to getting that's I don't I didn't think I was ever able to say that before and now I can say it you haven't got a giant bottle of Coke in your hand have you right you better have that put away when Mrs Ballard took over it was one of the worst performing schools in Wales when I first came into the school I came in the wrong way through the back gate and somebody had written up there in big black letters it's the other way to the [ __ ] I don't know if that was one of the kids one of the parents or indeed one of the staff yeah your ties are all right since I've been the head teacher of this school I've been determined to drive up this standards oh you are the best boy in this school I'm looking good as well I want the peuples of this school by the time they finish year 11 to be fully rounded human beings and to be able to dream and to achieve whatever they want to do and that means in a school like this from the minute they start in year seven to when they finish in year 11 not for one minute can we take our Eye Off the Ball good morning year 11s guys it is a tough world out there when you finish school it's so competitive and if at this stage you're not attending regularly you're not getting to school on time we will be honest about that when you're applying on to places Willow's year 11s have just six months before they sit their gcses and finish school if anybody's not starting to turn it around now and give it all their Chance is going to be gone if you're one of the people that's still acting like you're in year eight W beside you oh my god with these there's a lot more electrons that could get in the way okay if the electrons get in the way it's 9:30 halfway through period one year 11's Leah and Courtney are late for science when I wake up I have to sit there for like 10 minutes to actually wake up um well I just don't wake up it's just to jump on here to wake it up yeah then you got to do the same for sodium and potassium good afternoon Leah have you been it's not good is it Leah and Courtney have two of the worst attendance records in the school one of you be kind and let her copy what you've written for the last 3 weeks they've been late or absent on average every other day Sly but it [ __ ] stinks in yeah yeah we have test we don't really come to school thinking it's going to be school are we allowed to talk no why come in late for the start it's just like a day out what it's all and I had a work I was like a work help my hands because my as I work like and they thought it was contagious girls there's no point in being in this lesson to be honest with you all right Courtney get out sick of you ready go do you have a teacher that you dread catching when you were late Mr Hy back to the buzzers Fighters five 25 back here I will keep you here for lunch oh see that's not fair but we're not going to lunch until we finish this question simple I Mr Hennessy has taught maths at Willows for the last six years what made you get into teaching in the first place oh God uh long holidays I don't know what the hell you're doing take a seat arrived for one day supply in 2009 then a week then a month then a term then a year then another year those who been no problem will be out the door in like 30 seconds I'll be here longer go away I hear the most strict teachers there's only one it would be Mr Hennessy Mr Hennessy Mr Hennessy two Lads here kicked out of [Music] grass I'm going to ask him once are you going to parking jent cuz I'm going to make sure you're in there after lunch as well it's nice he's nice but it could be horrible stop heal cu the hell is he miserable isolation do you think it's important for students to like you to like me um Emily Emily always the most popular one in a one word answer no bloody your third time up these bloody stairs as a head of house Mr Hennessy oversees the progress of 120 students at the school and one of them is taking up the majority of his time could I speak to Leah please y y he's concerned Leah's poor attendance is making her fall behind challenges for Leah this term are to keep it in school all the time make sure she's attending core subjects and get as many qualifications as we can Thursday you were late Thursday and Friday I was you sure yeah many days off this year none none I don't choose when to be ill along with her mother we've decided that I will ring her on a daily bases to make sure she's coming in on time normally about 8:00 every morning give her a quick ring sometimes she answers sometimes she doesn't it's like a game you won't answer I'm going to keep ringing until you answer stop these patterns of the OD day there and the most frustrating thing is she is very bright she could be leaving with a very good set results but you need to put some effort here and now come on let's get educated let's go okay three two shh one it's Wednesday morning right there Leah's in science that back table look this way shut up minute right you want to go through this Leah Leah this way a [Music] minute there are some people in my class that are a little bit like silly and I'm just kind of looking at on the cor of my eye going why don't you just shut up just let us learn for God's [Music] sake some people do want to learn you know they they want to do well in life a grade student Jessica is also in year 11 with a 100% attendance record right Leah shut up minute because they're the more popular people you can't really say anything to them because you'll get a whole gang of people on your like on your back then you'll be like e cuz you've got a kind of cool kids you've got kind of a girl group you've got a boy group and then you've kind of got me it's p period 3 and Jessica has been called to Mrs Ballard's office this is a big thing for someone big opportunity for someone and she is really organized and she's a right character but she's got a bit of work to do in terms of the way she works with other people she is a little bit different she a little bit quirky when I first started at Willow's jessle it'd have been in year eight but actually she seemed like she was in her late 30s then she works her socks off every single lesson she never had a referral for anything however it's easy for pupils like that to start developing a reputation from some others um that actually makes them unpopular is you thank you come on in Miss bashel come and have a seat it's only me miss bubbs you have a very unusual personality it's a quacky personality I love that cuz I've got a quacky personality too but you've been a perfect student but I guess I'll put my cards on the table what we think is that you've got natural leadership qualities oh well thank you so we want you to consider becoming the overall editor of the the newspaper for for Willows basically we need somebody who's going to put their heart and soul to it and obviously a really good writer like you are thank you so do we have ourselves a deal yep congratulations young lady editor of our new newspaper The Aviator I think that Jessica can achieve anything it's just adapting parts of her personality so that she can survive in the real world I think if I tell myself that it's for a good cause then it makes it a lot easier to deal with but I find myself those moments sometimes where I'm like exential Crisis hits you and just like this is my life I'm going to leave school and then I'm just going to be in the big old wheels and going to be like oh no okay so how does Jenny's mood change why it's after lunch and Leah should be in her English class [Music] Uncle teacher Mr Roberts has been told some year 11s are missing from [Music] lessons I think when pupil is true and it's the most frustrating thing I actually think it's the worst waste of Education that child can do to be honest these girls are going to be finishing this school in a few months time so they have to learn that silly Behavior won't be [Music] tolerated I don't think he could see us to be honest I don't think he could [Music] morning how was uh Friday didn't even get until quarter to 3 quarter to 3 yeah it's what time you acted your age4 to 3 bloody hell it's 730 a.m. Mr Hennessy is the first teacher to arrive for the day people know me I I don't think they' said a patience of a saint I I think I am patient you've got to be it's the day after Leah trued and she hasn't turned up for her first class as part of the school's approach Mr Hennessy regularly calls Leah to make sure she's coming in your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system I won't answer the phone I leave it [Music] ring hello hello and then as soon as it stopped ring and I quickly text him up so I don't have to listen to his face when you have finished recording you may hang up or press one morning Courtney Courtney Courtney Courtney were you in school all day yesterday no there a referral says you went true into Lon five I'm I'm going mad absolutely mad I got told there was three students involved right we saying you weren't involved can you turn that off or answer it I'm just I'm just picking up the crap picking up the pieces who is ringing you never mind it was me I was going to say you got to see Mr Hy with me you went through it in the lesson six yesterday see I don't know why I'm coming going with you too at the moment you know the easiest thing for me to do is go tell you what you're in your 11 balls to it but you are so close to actually making it but you threw up one lesson it just snowballs well you're definitely in isolation so why ain't she there I that's what definitely Le and Courtney were you TR it then yesterday or [Music] not you've got two Roots you can either say you're rebelling you don't want to do it or just leave you alone or you can take the attitude of well actually you've got 6 months left we got a chance to change you around will you true international fire but teenagers they think they've got all the time in the world so oh yeah we we'll worry about that next month before we know it we're in May June an exam's around the corner were you less of five or [Music] not no thank you for clearing our isolation so what's the probability zero thank you so you could say the zero to 10 get my green pen so eight is going to that make sense then I roll again I got [Music] five okay last question what's the prob as a pink [Music] marble right on the front page of your sheet that's the sort of picture you're going to get in your exam okay it's period three and Jessica is in her geography class did you these why CU you it's very mistake cuz you spell effect I knew I had I knew I had be kind to me people are going to be affected affected my favorite teacher is Mr Whitaker we just kind of clicked no you're wearing that again I know I have the three science teachers I have Mr Luca and I like Mr Luca say not M around with it Mr Price and I like Mr Price no to just joking Mr hanock I like Mr Han all my teachers I like do you ever watch America's Next Top Model no you should Jessica's always preferred the company of adults and people like that seek the company of adults because they prefer that and feel more comfortable there rather than round with their peers but actually you've got to learn social skills as as well I feel like Allan sugar yeah you're fired there's three weeks until the launch of the new school paper reminds me of Alan Mr Hennessy yeah it's the end of the day and Jessica and two Deputy editors are holding interviews for prospective staff I don't think anyone should been on the newspaper who kind of like spread like ha like negative people just like no no positive thinking they can't be reserved really they need to be optimistic they got to be really really determined yeah it definitely needs to be like inclusive and to be non-judgmental you want everyone to be included yeah yeah which section of people are you interested in which ideas do you have for the article that would appe of teenagers Harry got to go in hi hi hi what year are you in 7 or2 okay I don't talk too much but if I ever do talk it does it just sounds strange I suppose I just I don't know I don't [Music] know okay what do you think would interest the teenagers in school things like um gossip read like newspapers and are you like writing sometimes not all time though and are you prepared to attend every Wednesday after school yes okay F thank you for your time you bye so which section in the newspaper you interested the most I'm a little bit nosy and I like would you be prepared to attend every Wednesday after school yes good okay good just exciting you know something new so you're like Innovative yeah yeah I was thinking that word obviously why do you want to work on the school newspaper because um my cousin done it okay sometimes giving somebody a job title stops them from having to go in as themselves and I think gives them a confidence okay right thank you you to be careful that's one give me high [Music] five I don't want you to glue to the person that is your bestie in this room I want you to attach yourself with somebody in this room and find out five things about each other of your it's period two and Leah is in her favorite class Performing Arts go I like doing drama it's not just something which I enjoy it's something what I love when I clap become your character off you go Leah needs five gcses to pursue her dream of studying drama at College okay and freeze you know yourself you're a different person when you're acting so that's what I like did anybody feel like they learned something additional about their own character whil it's doing that life is like an act you only act yourself a little bit sometimes you put a bit a front up like act yeah why did you do that I don't know cuz I don't like me you could be no could be I think most girls deal with the same issues actually as they're developing with their confidence and particularly girls that actually got very low self-esteem they're just girls that actually have finding their own identity and growing up to be young woman and I think that's tough for most girls is the truth hi I'm Jess I'm the uh I'm the editor of the new school newspaper The Aviator and uh this strange box which is a mystery will become clear in a minute um I have made it my duty to find out what we need to change in this school I'm going to be in the canteen with this box and this is a comment box so you can write your views on and what you to change on the in the school and don't worry I will make it my duty to make sure that everyone's voice gets heard the thing about like Personal Image is like something that I've never quite understood like I've never understood how people got to that point where they were like really popular or they were really [Music] liked because I just don't see myself becoming that so I was just like how do they do that hello suppose it's the people you hang out with but how did they get popular in the first [Music] place it's like it's this great circle of life I don't understand so who are you and what are we doing I'm Jess so what what what is that for the the newspaper change the thug life fre sweets on Friday and close the school animal what would you like to change about Willows H what is on there a games day with Xbox I'm saying uh Mr which pay R yeah we'll go [Music] 6040 I think I'll close up shop for a break the stories that you have been writing already revise them go over them memorize them okay it's halfway through term and the year Els are preparing for their upcoming English mock exam exam it's really important that you go into this thinking you're going to do well you're going to try your best okay open your books we're going to carry on practicing with this so now looking at question two so how are you feeling about your exams uh I'm just like I'm trying to avoid them I'm trying to like not think about him and that I really don't want to do him like how to start off answering this question the exam all right you're just sitting there in your own little world like you overthink then about like all the stuff what I got a catch up on and I just think oh my God and then I just think I want to quit an out we need to be quick cuz they see us working out they see us working out it's the end of lunch Lear and Courtney's next lesson starts in 5 minutes you right H you [Music] know after the tone please record your message oh my god when you have finished record recording you may hang up with Leah's Behavior showing no sign of improvement Mr Hennessy calls her mom hi it's Mr Hennessy from Willows how are you reason I'm ringing uh I'm very very concerned about Leah at the moment I'm concerned that she starting to unravel she's uh starting to go away Wall so any particular reason anything going on that you know of what did you leave year 11 with me uh two gcsc that was about it I can remember my gcsc results day the rest of the boys were celebrating I remember being in the kitchen with my mother in tears great big lad in tears with my [Music] mother oh yeah she's very bright girl that's that's why trying to keep on top of her but I was lucky and that straight away she on the phone to contact local colleges and went on from there all right thank you [Music] T from the moment they come into school the moment they leave that's a massive responsibility because that will keep you awake thinking oh my God like me they're going to leave with an e or a fail or whever and there are no excuses no hiding places it's [Music] you do you have any phobias I'm not a big fan of anything that scuttles no cockro CH I'm afraid of cider and I'm afraid of run there we are once walked into working your biggest fear is always to do with your family isn't it you know what I mean something up to your family and kids and stuff it's Wednesday morning Jessica's undercover reporter Harry is on the prow for school gossip see anybody else snakes not a fan of snakes that is one of my biggest fears beetro I'm a little bit scared of [Laughter] be [Music] what's time it's 1110 it's period 3 we need to go and see Mr Hy Leah and Leah is only just arriving for the day no sit down get some out that box and sit down after yesterday's truanting she's due to spend the morning in the isolation Unit S am I an inclusion where were you afternoon well what's it called oh yeah because one of the I'm teaching right now le or trying to no tough love probably the hardest aspect of the job but she needs to follow the rules otherwise we've got no hope the first thing you got to say is you want to speak to the manager okay so say that you're a Benji from Willow's high school and then ask if they'd be kind enough to donate A5 gift voucher it's a few days until the launch of the school newspaper know if they don't want to but I have to persuade them Jessica has asked year eight student Benji to help Round Up prizes for a raffle and saying thank you is extremely important it's easy for you to say I'm the one who's doing it now um you know if I get stuck should I say you're my manager someone's really professional colleague my assistant no oh I'm nervous hello I am Benji um from Willows high school please can I speak to your manager MH um I'm currently working on a school newspaper and we are very excited about it and we were wondering would you be kind enough to donate A5 gift voucher yes that' be wonderful um if you would like to speak to my associate hi my name is Jessica I'm Benji's associate as he said usually I'm more of a you know individual person but you know working with a team as a good experience but as long as everyone pulls their wait pleas hello could I speak to your manager please we were wondering could you would you be kind enough to donate A5 gift voucher as a prize for the competition Benji kind a kid and he was very confident and I was like wow oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I kind of learned from Benji how to do it so it was a good feeling I was like wow Benji told me something I feel like oh I feel here professional right on Monday you have got your mock exam okay now this is really really important you have to see this as the proper exam think of it as it's one week until the year 11 sit their GCSE English mock with poor attendance still an issue Mrs Ballard has called the worst offenders to the hall this is know now all this [ __ ] come on in you are here today cuz it is deadly serious if I had anybody that even had less than half his bad time key in or attendant as you I'd be firing them you will be dumped out of a college at the speed of light if you've got poor attendance and poor timek keeping if you're late for work you will get the boot you Le I think in your house you're like have got about the third worst attendance record for school in fact Mr eny got to get up in the morning get ready he got three little kids what's he doing he's on the phone phoning you and you don't like the sound of his voice so you hang up come on there aren't another school in Wales where the staff would be phoning you guys up to get you here there is a different side of to this right and this is important if you're late 10 times in a row your parents will get a fixed penalty they're £60 each if that's not paid in 28 days the parents will be taken to court I worked in a school in Southampton where a parent actually ended up going to prison for nonpayment of these fines right this sort of makes it even more important now to come to school on time and every day because it's not just going to affect your progress It's going to have a knock on effect to your family isn't it get here on time got it we walk a fine line with Leah making sure that she does actually finished school I believe that if we turned into disciplinarians with her she would stop attending allog together her brother left because of his behavior her sister didn't achieve her potential at Willows all I if Leah can get to the Finish Line she'll be the high highest achiever at school of anybody in her family my mother always makes me go school all the time she says I'll turn out like my older brother I I'm scared about that I feel so [Music] emotional she has appear depressed we do have a small percentage of kids that test us day in day out and they're very needy they're a challenge but if you keep pushing it and push it something might click I hope Leo realizes that it's not too late so do you still need a phone call in the morning well you still need a well you said that you left me now well you know it's it's like an argument with a wife type thing you know settle down after 48 hours and OT are back down but I'm not going to give [Music] up so do you still need a phone call in a morning I think the truth is at the moment that everybody believes in Leah apart from Leah the kids that don't believe in themselves think that they will just fail and because they think that they fail they give up [Music] trying are you crying oh my God Lee what the [ __ ] oh my God I don't even know why I'm crying like is this scho I can't stand it get you pure depressed just being feeling like I want to cry all week are you scared about fa yeah I'm very scared I wake up every day and I just think I don't know if I want to stay in school or not cuz my S I don't recog [Music] good I need I need help a lot with like everything in school but then asn't like asking for help I really I don't know I just really don't like asking for help [Music] it's 5:00 Mr Hennessy has received a text from Leah but I own accounting I said do you want me to do you want to keep ringing you and she sends me that text message sends it to you me school phone all right the school gu [Music] oh [Music] oh I know what' you say to her then [Music] I hello look Leah speak to me I just needed to ring you cuz that text got me worried where you're just starting to implode you've come so far you just need to start believing in yourself yeah just don't start losing it now right enjoy the rest of your evening I'll speak to the morning cheer up for God's sake ta you talk to nice a most of the time she's quite a Clos book with me but then kind of this fence comes down she's talking she's communicating she started to think and move forward which I suppose some people will describe as maturing well the thing is Jude you think do you think Leah I Curr think they're lucky or they hate me I bet they hate you exactly but they don't realize how lucky they are do they right I'll see you in the morning girls see [Music] you it's Monday morning it's like a really bad our dogs walking water the day of Leah's English mock exam is she coming is she coming on her done the isolation done the phone calls we have the tears we have the shouting match but you've got to selectively think well enough's enough they got to take take on board what you said now and let them fly or crash come on my lovelies you know it's always lovely to see you but I'd like to to see you a little bit earlier Mr Hennessy because he knows that I got the potential of doing something and he thinks if he don't try and help me I won't help myself then right if we can fill up the gaps that would be L just keeps saying like you're CL that or I you could get anything so then I thought oh I might be able to downald sit there just sit down so I thought what's the point in doing so many years in school and then not getting anything out of here so I feel right you got to change now start growing up and all okay you can begin it's a big day for Jessica you want to sit in the boss's chair and I'll sit you okay so how do you actually feel when you're approaching some of the people you you would never usually approach never Mrs bubbins has asked Jessica to launch the newspaper at lunchtime in front of the whole school great like how how do you do that without them laughing at you but when has anyone laughed at you well no never happened but it's just like yeah right it's never happened it's happening in your head in your imagination and if you actually speak to some kids not that you're going to believe this they're a bit scared of talking to you because they think that you're too smart for them oh they do I wouldn't thought like too smart for him but I think not cool enough for him that's what I think that's why I think people don't hurt to me I don't think it's that a lot of people in this school actually admire you oh well okay honestly go with a confident stride in your step MH I really wonder what kind of people you've been talking [Music] to it's for the newspaper do you have to really some of them I don't go up to them cuz I find them maybe a bit intimidating or that they're not quite you know I'm kind of here they're kind of here there's no two ways about it you've got to get out there and do it but what if I don't want to what if I really don't want to do you think people will be brave enough to like say to their friends I'm just going to go get a newspaper [Music] no it's hard when you've got a lot of self-doubt [Music] the CH of Doom no it's not that oh Jessica confidence hi Ryan do you want a copy yeah sure go on then here you go Ryan to Fresh Off The Price okay go I'm scared but fing confidence is the best way of gaining [Music] confidence oh there we go like good through playing off the shelves I've never felt pred like it oh really it's going to be really difficult to say goodbye but actually she's taken some really big steps she's probably just about ready to take on the world and to face some new challenges you are last [Music] coffee there we go they got they sold out for the day [Music] our undercover reporter also managed to discover that Mr Whitaker has a strange fear of beetroot and that Mr Edwards isn't a fan of snakes my favorite word kin we think of the idiosyncrasies of that character okay off you go thinking about your character R had it you were in school on time this morning and [Music] freeze I'm starting to be organized now trying to get it on time it's hard but then like if I pass oh I feel like oh my go I just achieved something for once [Music] what's it called I don't know what's it called I want right a Christmas picture to stick on Mr Hennessy's card right then what's that I think the kids reluctantly like him I think that the kids actually wise enough to see how hard he works thank you for helping me out this year he' be lucky to go one out with meet I'm going to give him one but he'll be lucky he one you can be Mr Grumpy in his push as you like but the kids know you care and I think that's much more important to our kids than anything else something came through in the post this morning you seen special delivery just cheeky go w w w she was here till quite late last night putting that together so you know you are there in her head and in her heart do you think you've got quite a sensitive side yeah yes I don't think it always comes across yeah I'm a sensitive Soul really the the exterior doesn't really show the inside so I'd like to call Jessica Ral to receive her award thank you very [Applause] much oh my God oh my God this is [Music] amazing [Music] [Applause] he
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 344,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes
Id: uUZlKzqo8kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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