Students Get Caught Smoking at School | Educating Yorkshire (HD) | Our Stories

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shall we you know I've only ever danced once prop I've never Mr Mitchell is the new head teacher at Thornhill Community Academy he started in the job 18 months ago and ever since he's been on a mission to drive up standards before they ask us to pay theill and uh soon'll be without it's January morning and the first day of a new ter good morning morning ladies happy New Year yeah did you have a nice year did you did you even though you don't like Christmas it's traditional you come back after a Christmas holiday and you've either got wedge steep haircuts rats Tails really and I mean really excessive makeup slapped all over kids faces and piercings so have you both got your tongues pierced one of Mr Mitchell's top priorities is to improve the school's reputation within the local community I came here with a firm plan make the results much much better so that they stand up to the National scrutiny and everybody can say there's nothing wrong with Thornhill cuz people still look at Thornhill whatever we call ourselves Thornhill Community Academy they'll still say yeah but it's thornel I'm not sending my kids there well I want that's the perception I want to change I want boms on seats I want kids to come here because it's their school of choice and that's what any head teacher wants oh [ __ ] morning mate morning daring my values are very traditional I believe that students should turn up to school on time they should say please and thank you they should hold doors open black school shoes Hannah s it how people dress morning Woody how you doing morning Court boys come on you're in school you'll burn you going playing golf huh what golf is where i' just got style I try to make sure that the kids are abiding by our uniform policy take it off though please thank you is that style you can keep it they're Basics and everybody should do them and they're not difficult they really are not difficult things to achieve turn up on time every day dressed appropriately be nice to people and don't break the rules it's not rocket science is it I'm going to set you a challenge today and the challenge is this every student I will not expect that when you're in the corridor if somebody's walking down the corridor with you I want you to make eye contact and say hello or good morning how about if you're near a door and somebody's coming the other way hold the door up for them make a special effort just today to see how we can do it Mr Mitchell is not alone on his quest to improve the school he's backed up by a tightly knit senior leadership team gentlemen C is this way please Mr Burton assistant head if your table doesn't get cleared completely today there will be trouble do you understand oh my God chewing gum chewingum warm chewing gum up there give us five yeah there I'm just going to tell you what she said before that Mrs Marsden head of year seven Somebody went into those G toilets so it was either you or Cara shouting out at the top of your voice no but I will lick your bumo what is the basic problem we're sitting in a room and doing your work and his two Deputy heads Mr steer get school in a mass class room do Ms God's sake look at this and Mr barlu there'll be some days when there are 20 or 30 people raing against my vision you feel could you untangle those for me everybody takes their eye the ball at some point but there are some things that you stand for and they're not for [Music] sale hey Bingo got the big time all of you weit outside isolation now it's morning break and Mr barlu has just caught some students smoking behind the it block I just caught the Big T and I feel like Al Capone Ness OT Ness you're Ness right who's been smoking there have you been smoking yes have you been smoking yeah yeah have you been smoking no have you been smoking yes I've been Che Treet you've been smoking youve been smoking here you've been smoking yet I'll ask you again right the three of you need to go into isolation you're isolated for the rest of the day E Eh since when were that punishment for smoking put on the system uh caught by BB smoking year 10 students Bailey and Kaye will be made to work in a booth in silence for the rest of the day what is isolation death it's like just two boards and a wall and work turn around please right into the booth please Bailey can you turn into the booth please MIT if you're wondering why you're in isolation actually we know why we're in isolation but we shouldn't be in isolation we got told that smoking more detention we say that smoking smoking M I asked Mr Mitchell this very question last week he said it's in isolation yeah but we haven't been told that want to speak to Mr MIT that's all I want to do don't go with that silly girlfriend no I'm not I'm not going speak to if if a detention is the punishment for smoking where does it say that I don't know but every time I've been caught smok I've always had a detention well detention is no good at punishment it doesn't prevent people from doing it people need to be punished your attitude is awful you can sit as smug as you like in my office telling me what's what bar have you got a minute please just one minute thank you having failed to talk sense into Kaye Mr Mitchell decides to try an unusual tactic just have a PE thank you for agreeing to go back into isolation and not kicking up a massive fuss about it you you your friend is not taking the same decision unfortunately but thank you for climbing down as it were is there any possibility that you could ask her to react in the same way that you've reacted and take her punishment in isolation because otherwise she'll be excluded and she knows that I love him think is his best thing that's happened to this girl Kaye barely would like a word with you it's just fair it's just like I listen to and he'll have a laugh for you and he won't be serious all time yeah I like him I didn't I didn't think I would at first but I do c honestly it's not worth it honestly just comeing there get a laptop put your phones into laptop no cuz now they're just going to exclude you or go in your apartment if you want to be a [ __ ] L okay okay I don't I going to just get excluded but it's not about that it's about him thinking he can do what he [ __ ] on we making any progress we're not I thank you for trying Bailey [Music] it's 11:00 a.m. on the second day of term and there's been a fight in the boys toilets year eight student cameram is called to Mr Mitchell's office C on Cam's mom is English and his dad's family is from Pakistan I've just had Mrs mden up with uh Connor I'm assuming you know what I want to talk to you about them well I went at toilet and he went on his phone and then I went get off your phone as a joke and then he went shut up your p i k i so I pushed him p i k i p here and then like or p a k i yeah so he called you a packet so you pushed him yeah right scenario all right let me just run this past you okay somebody calls you a Packy not acceptable absolutely not acceptable right what's the best way of dealing with that Cameron going to a teacher getting out of that situation and going to find someone if you left it alone says please don't call me that oh shut up if you then got out of there and come to either see myself Mrs Stevens your head of year or another adult you choice and just say I've just been racially abused in the toilet we can pick it up and deal with it and you you you're out you're clear you're innocent and now you're you're involved so you do admit pushing him yeah right so that needs to be punished as well as his attitude towards you needs to be punished too agreed okay fine you need to stop here and I want you to write that down for me Connor's writing his version of events down with Mrs Mar and we'll take it from there clear excellent you may use this one name on the top date on the top write down everything you can best Spelling possible please nice and neat so I can read it sign it at the bottom I have no quarms repeating the language that they've used a lot of head teachers will go oh don't even say the p word I have no quam saying it and and saying you did you call him that well yes I did right you know automatically it's unacceptable you've just heard me say it and you're shocked and then they understand the gravity of what they've said and then he went give me your phone and then Jack said don't be tight so how many times would you say he pushed you eight 15 years ago the population of this school would have been 99% white British and now we're in a situation where as near as dam it 50% white British 50% Asian as far as we're concerned within this school building the kids that are here belong to Thornhill Community Academy they're not white they're not Asian they're not Muslim they're not Christian they're not atheist none of those things apply here we're all the same something I feel extremely passionate about and as a Jews be man myself I think it's really really important because growing up I've seen so much nastiness and tension and and and and backbiting and aggression between different sections of the community I I it's something I just can't tolerate how we doing well it seems that he was with his friends in the toilets and they were playing on the phon yes and that camera went in yes and um said give me your phone now oh get off your phone no give me right give me your phone okay and um he said no and they tried to get out of the um toilets and Cameron pushing him back pushing him back and pushing him back about eight times and on the last time he fell into the sinks and um I'll give you Cameron's version of events as well then we we know what we what we're playing with I went into the toilet and I said to Connor get off your phone as a joke and he said shut up you py so I pushed him and he pushed me so I pushed him again and walked away so that's what Cameron said okay is there any truth in any of that no are you sure didn't I just said no if you said it you're best off just doing it if you said tell me now didn't if somebody else corroborates what Cameron has said I'm going to have to think about that aren't I so if you think You' said it or you know you've said it you need to tell me now Connor didn't okay that's fine so who was there who who are you playing on your phone with Callum M was niik see there yeah as it is we're going to have to talk to all of these people as long as it's not a w goose chase and as long as we're not going to find things out that it's going to come back and haunt either camera or if you did it you might as well just say it now because that's going to anger him if you called him a Packy then it would anger me I didn't okay that's fine that's absolutely fine tell me what happened uh there were four people on the phones right so then what happened came like oh give me a phone just joking yeah this part is very important what did Connor say back to him you've got to be completely honest I think he sworn at him he said no and then did he call him anything did he say anything yeah I think he did I think he said no and then something I'm not sure was Cammy still in there with Connor yeah for about 30 seconds right okay so after you left other things could have happened yeah then you didn't see okay I'm going to ask you something did he say anything about did he use the word Packy no he didn't use the word py I didn't hear py but he said no and then he might have said a nasty word so no point did Conor turn around to camera and say shut up your Packy well if he did you didn't hear that no I just went out he doesn't look like Connor's called him a packet by the sounds of it because Jack was Pals with Camy a little bit he'd have backed him up yeah if he had [Music] there was something that didn't quite add up about most of the statements Cameron and it all largely revolves around the ver the verbal abuse the racist abuse no cuz when I walked in I went get off your phone and he would py nobody apart from you heard him call you a py right no I'm just telling you I'm telling you what I know and I've have no reason to disbelieve most of the stuff that I've been told CU you agree with most of it and I can't get to the bottom of it I can't decide whether you're telling the whole truth or not and I can't decide whether somebody else is telling the whole truth or not and to be brutally honest I'm not I'm not PUO you know I'm not this great detective the Lord of averages tends to suggest to me that you're telling some of the truth yeah and that they're telling some of the truth to it right two things first one you've got to be dead sure that somebody's rally abusing you before you make an accusation like that because the consequences of you making something like that up that is serious and if I find out you've made that up you're for the high jump yeah I had to draw the conclusion based on the balance of all probability and given all the many statements that we've taken uh that this word wasn't used and if it if if it was heard then it was mistakenly heard and what are we not going to do this year get excluded right you've been excluded enough times already you know the next time I exclude you I have to start thinking about doing it for a long long time I don't want to do that so if I see you using your hands for anything apart from writing drawing acting throwing shapes or whatever yeah you know what I'm going to do I think it' be fair to say that Cam's not had the easiest of rides at school in the past he can be a source of tremendous hassle for a lot of colleagues I just feel sometimes that he just needs constant Direction and he needs reminding of that constant Direction so that he can he can achieve but he can also stay in school so what we're going to do now is we're going to watch a little bit of Shrek you know when he goes to Jew lock okay I'm so hot Miss maybe you're going through a metap pluse I hope not only 29 write these down Miss I asked you if you knew what it was yeah it's when you get older and you you change yeah you lose your ability to have children yeah are you writing this down then yeah good lad while I cool off I'm only 12 and some people say I have a low voice for my age my mom calls me a little 40 year old I'll see you tomorrow guys well done today thank you m yeah it's an honor being taught by you oh thanks it's an honor teaching you thank you Ryan that's lovely hello all right yeah coming in sure thank you as part of Mr Mitchell's changes at the school he's creating a new student Parliament have a seat there with hopes of winning a place year eight Ryan pays him a visit I've uh come to ask you a couple questions about the what your job's about and what you do in your job all right what do you think I do well I think that you're the person who keeps everything running so that it keeps it running smoothly does it run smoothly yeah it runs good thank you I'm glad about that people think he's really stuck up but he actually isn't he's actually quite fun he's uh he's um he's a lot funnier than I'd actually thought he would be well I think you might do a lot of paperwork and like right and you're going to be sorting out people who aren't being you know behaving very well do a lot behavor stuff yeah and uh you're going to be when I first arrived at the school the vast majority of the time that I spent with students were for negative issues and for behavior issues and for discipline reasons uh and although it's getting much much better now I'm still only spending about 35% of my time for positive reasons with students I have to deal with behavior probably more often than you think I probably deal with two or three Behavior things every day the number of kids coming now to see me to ask my opinion about things or to be praised um is growing um and I'd be much happier if if the balance between the positive and the negative was sort of redressed and neutralized if you like Billy mord wants me to take my nail down I can't why cuz I can't well you know you're not supposed to wear it anyway yeah but if I if I take these off my nails will look proper scatty and I don't like it all yourself down isolation then sure yeah where choices choices um Bailey is a challenge but she doesn't perhaps approach subjects in the right way and she can be stroppy and I've had occasion on a you know a couple of times recently to sort of challenge her about the way she's spoken to people she can be very confrontational with people that she doesn't particularly have a good relationship with uh and it gets her in hot water Bailey might be carrying out her latest punishment but she's got Ambitions to improve her reputation with Mr Mitchell you need to go to a class Bailey to go to one of the members of Staff do with some work no I've I've got some work you got it to do okay just need to sh say this I'm going to go for pre right good so you should be I told you you should I always saw you as somebody that the other students particularly the girls in year nine could look up to yeah and that's the way you go you know you nobody will mess with you Bailey there are a number of reasons why it's important to have prefects um we are setting children up for life we need to nurture leadership skills anyway crack on with some work and it also gives those people that you think oh maybe my track record hasn't been great but I'm really trying to turn it around and maybe with the support of my peers and the support of the staff I can and I can I can turn into somebody really responsible I'll be very very very happy if I see you next year with a prefa pull over on and that'll look great on your application form to college yeah ba is all right ain't that je she needs to sort that bloody makeup out though it's the bright lipstick if you turn that down people won't notice the amount of makeup you put on I like to think Paul that I had I wore ridiculous clothes and had ridiculous hairstyle when I had a full head of hair I think it's just the same now isn't it no under the bees knees yeah was in our 40s look at them think you're looking absolute PL yeah but I'm sure my teachers looks at my hair style I probably thought what the hell has Steve Moses done to his yeah I said to me first time I saw makeup I said you seriously don't need that much makeup I said you're a pretty girl she oh no all these scaries and she has got issues with that and obviously that will affect her self-esteem if she takes all the makeup and I can understand that I think I was five or six I had a dog bite and uh like I just had three big Gos in my face looked like somebody being shot the blood all over balls and ceilings and stuff my smilees G me awful I used to have a well ni smile when I was a kid through Junior School got like scar face but now I'm just goes over my head because I've learned to live with it but if somebody says something it'll still affect me but I just want show it and that's why I like I have to wear Foundation CU if not I'll just just show out mine like if I'm straight faced my face will be like lopsided a bit so I don't like it like my eye brows shaved them all [Music] off shaved all me eyebrows offic [Applause] [Music] consensus this morning is most schools have closed however a lot of schools are opening like later this morning a lot of schools open about1 that kind with 6 in of snow falling overnight only a handful of Staff have made it into [Music] school Mr Mitchell has to close Thornhill for a day well that's a good throw come on [Music] man the school reopens the next morning away from the building away from the building and down there at 9:45 a local resident comes in with the latest challenge for Mr Mitchell and his team there were five of them there and four of them just stood in front of the window and threw snowballs at the window and then all this business you silly old all this in front of the window we are not going to be intimidated in our own home I went out to see what was going off and the first thing I got was get in there you white white head old bastard never said a word yeah right so that did it Barrett followed them down the road and all the way on this pouching with snowballs Barrett is a man e70 and m71 I've got andr right we can't we don't need this Barry said right there's four of you all come at once okay and we'll see who's left standing right he's like that is Barry right so he said but they didn't come near him yeah as Brave as they are so he got ped on the head with snowboard twice on his head and one knocked his glasses clean off they were on the road did you tell me you had names oh yes thank you g for gracing us with your presence H unfortunately I think you find both myself Mr steer and Miss gford in not very charitable mood get your hands out of your pocket and sit up Cameron do you know why I want to talk to you about when the that man got snowboard yeah that's exactly what it's all about some people might think ah just a few kids having fun and a bit of Tom Foolery I'm afraid I don't share that view far from it Mr steer you take it on a bit further would you well we all going come in yesterday because of the snow I was working at home and I got a phone call from the police and the words the police used were running a mock okay they were out of control and they also use the word terrorizing I was appalled I couldn't actually believe what I was hearing and I honestly think whatever punishment you come out with here you'll count yourself lucky and you're not Daft Lads you know full well you've overstepped to Mark when you're throwing snowballs at an old age pensioner now whether or not you were the one who threw the actual snowball you were the one swearing I'm not 100% sure on yet but you were there and you know about this stuff I hate to go to hypothetical here but what if that 70 odd year old woman had come out of her house to speak to you and the shock and the Panic that she was feeling had caused her to have a heart attack what would you have done at that point if she grabbed all of her chest and Fallen to the floor cuz it can happen because this is the kind of thing that brings on this kind of reaction in people I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm beyond upset actually I'm absolutely hopping oh I am and if I speak anymore I'm liable to expl what you did was wrong no two ways about it I want to know what you've got to say about it know what what do you mean I don't know shouldn't have don't do you want to actually say anything that means anything Tom I'm sorry and I shouldn't have done it ca I'm sorry and I didn't like I would have liked if someone did that toor no that's more like it you wouldn't liked it would you no I'm assuming therefore that you're as apologetic as I think we're going to get so you'll be happy to take down whatever punishment I give you yeah good well sometimes I feel like it happens and then after I realize what I've done so how did you feel disappointed in myself you're doing it Mr Mitchell decides to isolate all of the boys for the rest of the day Cameron can you come with me please head of year eight Mrs Stevens calls Cameron for a catch up I know you can be good if you want to be I know you see he's a nice lad often cam people that have Behavior like yours when they're a bit not not very bright but you know I see you sit down every time he sits down all he wants to do is read somebody that's got the love of reading like you have potentially he's got all the ability to do really really well because somebody your ability cuz now people would follow you if you said to year eight kids in year eight come on come on would they follow you they would if you said come on let's get a football team together and show everybody in year eight show everybody in this school that we could do really well that' follow you as well because you are a natural leader but now the could they're following you in a bad way and it would be so easy for you to turn it around you'd still get all fun and youd still get all the people looking up to you thinking you're great but it'd be for a good thing he's a nice enough boy I like him you know I like I like him a lot I put a lot of time into Cameron I've spent a lot of time with him um sometimes it's um it works and sometimes it doesn't and when it doesn't that's when it gets a bit upsetting straight back to to isolation might chat we you again later on all right he doesn't want to be oh bless him disrupting a lesson he don't want to be this Naughty by but uh unfortunately um that's the way it's going at the moment which is sad Diary of a Wimpy Kid yeah have you read it a lot of you do you empathize with the character okay so the wind did not moan through the casement only the muffled noise went on and the dog continued to stand speaking of which I'm kidding Mrs I have no idea about it but apparently it's a right massive thing with teenagers throughout the country they call it sexon CH what oh no this is a coffee for me coffee yeah I'm having a yeah good lad keeps me awake you [Music] know it's the start of a new week now do you know what the senior leadership team in school is ISL it is indeed and year eight Ryan is in the assistant head's office what we're going to put together is that Mr Burton has suggested he runs for a place on the junior leadership team the students who will lead Mr Mitchell's new school Parliament I'm interested in getting you involved in it and I certainly want you to kind of campaign and try and do your best for it because I think you'd be you'd make a valuable addition to the team does that sound like something you'd be interested I'm intrigued intrigued good Mr Burton just came up to me and said how would you like to be part of Academy pment and I was just like I like that very much thanks you are going to be prime minister of this great country of ours at some point in the future is that right is that is that the aim well it will always be the dream I mean cuz only one person can do that once kly so what's the dream on the way to that particular to become an actor fireman or a policeman basically just something that will either help or entertain people that's very that's very Noble I I wish more people in this world had that view on things that's lovely in terms of priority what what would be one my preferable would be to be an actor but uh the second one would would be a police or a fireman what about military I would never be in the Army really I could not stand shooting another man really really I never would right well that's that's very Noble of you a big man shoots the guy a bigger man walks away very true right it's very it's very good you're a very you've got a very old head on those shoulders a [Music] you what are you doing well in front of my now in spite of Mr Mitchell's best efforts to keep him on track over the term Cameron's Behavior continues to go downhill there's a little bone in Cam's body uh that determines whether he's going to kick off or not Mr har every time you do something wrong I'm standing there my aim is that Camy stays with us until the end of year 11 at some point over the course of the two years that he's been here that's looked increasingly less likely what do you do that for cuz she thre me all right so some real St it you always finish it though don't you come on now I thought we were working hard at getting this right he is given structures and he is given opportunities to get himself better and he he does on occasions sort of rise to that challenge but then on other occasions he singularly fails to meet them at all he sort of goes back into that rout of really poor Behavior oh give me strength I need a toffee I have days like this where all I seem to do is have to talk to students who can't remember how to behave was looking at my little daybook where I write down all my chats with people do you know how many times you set foot in this office for a chat with me 73 I mean he's making fun of her saying that she needs a facelift and all that sort of stuff why would he do that why would he say that like Chloe she was in tears last week and that we about coming I'm becoming increasingly concerned at some of the stuff I'm hearing about you and I don't know how detailed I have to be when I'm speaking to you about it but not a day goes by Cameron where I don't have a parent a student telling me you disrupt lessons you're rude you're say nasty things to people and I've had enough now you haven't even got the nowe to look at me when I'm speaking here now you might look like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth but time and time again Cameron your name keeps coming up and I think it's happened enough times now for me to take some action so I'm going to ask your mom to come in [Music] it's 6 weeks into term and with complaints about Cameron's Behavior mounting up Mr Mitchell has called his mom into school I'm adamant that if I can possibly keep hold of him then I will and show that irrespective of the number of mistakes that a kid might make we prepared to give them that final chance and sometimes that final chance happens five or six times they don't need to know that as far as they're concerned if we say right next time you do something you're out they should believe that and and then they should think Cy they've really worked with me because they they said they were going to kick me out and they haven't done they've given me another chance this is the fifth parent now independently that's rung me and threatened to take their kids out of school if he's here and I can't put up with it youve been pushing I haven't been pushing no one you see you're lying it's just lies C you always get [ __ ] off them and then you don't get not off me [ __ ] you are going around intimidating people and bullying people because I have I know what your mouth can be like Hy cuz I get abuse off your home so I know take your feet off your table please if it had been one parent it'd be different if it had been one kid it would have been different I am talking about five official reports of parents threatening to take their children out of my school because of one student the Lord of averages tells me there's only one way I can react and I have stuck by you and I've tried to give you chances but there comes a Tipping Point Michelle and I'm going to have to ask him to leave I'm not going to permanently exclude him at this stage we need to look at an alternative way everything's getting took off you mate you've done it this time K I'm sorry to have to deliver that news I do hope in time he does understand that I have tried to stand up for him on a lot of occasions and I can't I can't do anymore the plan for Cameron is we've made arrangements for him to go to a neighboring secondary school so he can spend some time away from us realize that actually we have got his best interests at heart right Michelle thank you good stuff that he can feel a little bit if you like of short-term pain in terms of being away from his friends and being away from his his circle of people and hopefully then the intention is to bring him back start a fresh again and hopefully his ways Cameron will now spend 4 weeks working in isolation at another school he'll have to be on his best behavior if he wants to return to Thorn Hill what's the master plan then cam just try to get my head down and then do work I have to change my behavior because when I get older I'll have to get a job and then look after myself and other people but I won't be able to do it if I don't get a job and behave in school I know how naughty Cameron is it still makes me think that I hav done my job as well as I should have done I should have done something else to keep him yeah you blame yourself a little bit don't you you do feel as though you partly responsible yeah I know Bailey is continuing to pursue her dream of becoming a prefect um putting yet another spare wheel but she's still to convince Mr Mitchell that it's a good idea I'll I'll have a chat I'll have a chat if I I might I may get back to you I mean I'm not I'm not saying I will leave it leave it with me and I might get back to you on that one Tom oh yeah fabulous no problem Tom you take care of yourself bye now bye bster you want to be a prefect yes good glad to read it couple of things have gone wrong over the last few days aren't we yeah so do you want to tell me about it I would an isolation your name your name in the isolation box is surprise to me yeah I don't want to see it any there again cuz if you rack up two or three isolations I'm going to have to say you're not suitable to stand that and I would like to do that it's like to give people a chance and are we going to do anything about these eyebrows at any point before the end of year 11 do you not think they're too big do you not when you draw your eyebrows on on the morning yeah they'll go right and then other one they'll go wrong right so you'll have to like even them up and then one biger no no you can buy stencils all right you're going above me head now okay tell very much thank you you know why you're here today today we're going to do the speeches for moving from the AP to the jlt the academy Parliament to the junior leadership team if anybody's interested in going for a speech to help her chances are becoming a prefect Bailey is joining Ryan in running for a place on the junior leadership team what it's Junior leadership team you know like you've got SLT that's senior leadership team it's just like SLT so you'll have the power of what SLT does but in a junior way if you get what I mean you can't put someone in isolation you know what I really hope I get this cuzz all of my life in Junior School I've had to take like people who like just vote for their friends to actually vote for somebody who actually will do something anybody year 10 I'll go okay right B can go then we'll go to Courtney then we'll go to uh Rabia right okay Bly hello fellow staff and students everybody knows my name so I don't need to tell you I think I should be a member of jlt because I'm very confident student who has a power to change his school for the better I will put everybody's point across and try help everyone with their problems I'd like people to see me like they see Mr bton because he's ace and I think the Bond he has with his students is like proper good thanks for listening okay you're right Ryan we go TV's on Ryan W man of the people sh hello sh hang on Ryan 3 two one Ryan 3 two one off you go I did have a speech but I accidentally left it at home so I suppose I'll just speak from my heart um to be honest the reason that I've actually done this is because all my all my life like I've not been offered stuff like this I've never been offered stuff like jlt or anything special and now all I want a fair shot at it so I suppose if you can find it in your heart to vote for me then killing me right Ryan brilliant I think you said enough you look at that look at you sting her over the edge it's like an Enrique songwriter goodness me Hot [Music] Stuff front page news is Yorkshire school's failing kids and then we get that the league tables have been published and Mr Mitchell and his team have had some good news most improved oh that's that's nice 25th in the country most improved School in the country over four years W didn't we get a certificate for that like last I'm particularly proud for the kids obviously that achieved that I feel honored privileged proud all those epithets that to to be able to lead this school it's it's the best job in the world [Music] try more than I used to I might say like I've changed cuz I used to be bad but not bad no [Music] [Applause] more I think what we all want to hear is an acceptance speech from Ryan hey come on ran are you being serious yes absolutely right I'd just like to say that I'm extremely honored for this opportunity to become part of jlt and I'll try and be the best jlt member that I can [Music] [Music]
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 262,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes
Id: rb5al4NRGGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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