Student Gets Caught Using Tinder at School | Educating | Our Stories

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it's 9 A.M on Monday morning and Mr Chambers already has his first incident to deal with right this is when you're going to have to be really non-judgmental right you're gonna have to speak to Mitchell with me shark the fact that he's on Tinder he's on Tinder and he's ages 19. what's what's tender sorry you're getting website so you see pictures so you swipe one way if you like them apparently swipe the other so obviously if we saw you we swipe yeah so it's Tinder for not interest for everyone Grinders Grinders Grinders is for men [Music] man to man Mitchell life's one big performance for him the student with the Tinder profile is year 11 Mitchell a regular with Mr Chambers oh where's the mirror I started wearing makeup about three years ago because I got psoriasis it covered it up but now that I've got better at it I just like wearing it it defies your face it like makes you look slimmer to my eyebrows look okay you take so much pride in his makeup Mutual he only started off a bit of foundation and a bit lipstick and I was like better than me everyone understands me in my ear I wouldn't either get bullied off anyone I've been walking around with my makeup on everyone knows me both I need bronzer that's all I need the first time I ever talked to him he pulled out his ideals and he's like what do you think of this uh well they were like big big still that's all things don't be getting on my heels or dinner Mitchell I've got maths to teach here I think I see things from a girl's perspective and a boy's perspective I don't think I fully understand it yet sometimes I find I will like a boy but sometimes I'll look at a girl and fake she's beautiful I don't know if you want to see both genders then sort of bisexual if we're using levels yeah [Music] Mitchell has been tracked down and it's been taken to see Mr Chambers you sit here Mitchell we need to talk to you which has been brought to our attention right by a member of Staff about some activity you've had on websites over the weekend yeah okay so what have you done on Tinder I don't know you've obviously made a profile of yourself so you're posing on there as what 18. oh I think it's 19. mm-hmm what what are you doing but what do you mean what do you mean well Mitchell what are you doing I don't you've posted on something saying that you're 19. you could open yourself up to massive amounts of threat on that you know that that's illegal don't you you're not even 16 yet are you well why are you continuing to press this self-destruct button yeah get it took off now Mitchell I mean get it off all right take it off there now right well you're here and then I can put that in the drawer oh I've just deleted the app and I will ring Salford to see what yeah we need to do yeah it's because we need to just get it right [Music] the American phone that you had to give in is that your real mobile phone how do you know foolish I may be but I actually trust you put it on the shark foreign [Music] you're not going to get it back I just don't know Mitchell honestly you've had an absolute shocker you need to keep off that sort of thing you were leaving yourself wide open oh great start to a Monday besides is a Mitchell here that that can be out of order and be hard work and there's one here that's a really really good guy this one here is going to get him nothing on this one here it's going to get him everything he wants he's got to spend more time here and less time here and that's what I've got to do hey I've got a good few matches on there my first kiss on a Friday night I don't reckon I did it right [Music] year 11 Mitchell lives with his sister and Mum obviously I was I was very worried but luckily from the moment you started to school they all loved him so I never never had any problems in that way he knows what he wants to do in his life he's always wanted to sing or be on the stage but he's got to get the grades just over the years he struggled a little bit with authority and stuff that's the thing where he goes wrong this is a bit of a diva today Mitchell has his audition for the school play it's into the woods into the woods I love it I actually do love it how many times I've seen you watch our film it's actually unreal I just love to perform that it's just me George I'll have to sing wants to dance School right how's our Mitch you're in next yeah there are some negatives in the school for you aren't they let's be honest let's be totally straight but that is where you Excel let's go in and do what Mitchell does you stand on that stage and you make it yours don't you mint listen to it go see you later break a leg when you actually are part of a production it's much more than just the creative there's so many life lessons being part of something special like that that they will take with them for the rest of their lives but when you look at somebody like Mitchell it can be a significant distraction which is a worry that we've got ready that's it if I should lose her how shall I regain the heart she has won from me ready three agony Beyond power of speech high in a tower she sits by the hour maintaining her hair Blythe and becoming and frequently humming a light-hearted air okay brilliant well done good morning Hartford students it's not my job no thanks why not you just stand there every morning like good morning it's a great job isn't it what have you got now maths well I really don't want to go in it just go in you'll be fine come on all right let's go as well as being responsible for student Behavior Mr Chambers is also a maths teacher learning we're not having earphones in there's no phones we're learning he takes Mitchell's year 11 class Mitchell open your book quick starter for you what is sixth grade what is four to the power of three what is 5 to the power of four what's the root of 49 come on Mitchell please Mitch the young people they're learning all the time aren't they they learn an emotionally you know they just watch the things them all at once the maturing and the standifying themselves but I can't be the be all in indoor because they're going to come to exam time and and the pressure is going to hit them soon Mitchell you are gonna have to listen here sorry sorry sorry you've done three questions I'll tell you a big world record where you wind me up but are you going to do it I want to ask you one more time three questions I'm not moaning at you without worrying about me about something else it's only like a classroom where you're in year 11 where in five months time where you're gonna go and do an example where you're gonna then leave so if I was you I'd revised in here get the work under my belt know what I'm doing it ain't that hard [Music] you know if I go with students they absolutely hate me for it at times but I've got to be relentless and I've got to push him I've got to push him and I've got to push him some more and have a go with them if I stop doing it that means I've given up on them and it hasn't happened yet no chance I'm not letting him down that way no way right Mitchell you got a minute having heard he stormed out of class head teacher Mr povey wants to talk to him what's what's happening Mitchell you've got to stop this now there's certain ways that you are that are like and you're your own individual character but I tell you something I'll come head on at you if I think you're disrespecting staff don't do it Mitchell you're better than that you're in a crucial part and you're 11 you can't afford to make these mistakes anymore we can't afford to have this I do not want to hear of disrespect I do want you in your lessons do you understand yes sir this is the last time I'll have this conversation because next time it'll be in my office and I promise you it'll be a different conversation is that clear yes sir they are months away from going into the real world and the exam timetables are huge and the pressure on revision and expectations in school are bigger than ever before so Mitchell has to have that moment where he's looking at his behavior and saying I've got to make that change Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell he's like Peter Pan he doesn't want to grow up yesterday I was talking about songs for his performance and there were a couple we were thinking about and he went should I go home and learn him tonight now I could guarantee he would go home and he would learn those songs and he would be Word Perfect by this morning I think he's done that about his mother's homework do you know what probably not we're gonna have to put some really hard sanctions in I think um I've thought of one or two what likes coming for drama and music isn't that someone somewhere they can link maths into a form of Dance yeah you do well that's the thing you know I really do but he really pushes me to the bloody limit sometimes we're trying to help and at the moment he's not giving us a lot back he's gonna have to be given a hard message because if we don't we're cheating them really well everyone's got a part bought me who plays Jack all right let's just go due to his bad behavior the school have decided not to give Mitchell a major role I was just in the Ensemble there was no light no acting peace at all I mean I'm not being like a [ __ ] I have got a part but there's no point doing it if I've not got a part I actually wasted like an hour and a half of my life on Wednesday doing your makeup no auditioning from School production we could give him a part in the school play but as he earned it no no he's not and you know we're not doing him any favors to just say because it's Mitchell and he he's got talent that talent and only going to get him so far you know which are perseverance it's a it's a graft it's that grind he wasn't getting any of that he's not going to get anything given to him and if he walks out of here and remembers that one thing then we've done it for the right reasons oh I [ __ ] hate school oh hello Carla it's Julie York here from harrop I just wanted to give you an update on Mitchell if that's all right he has been really nasty to a teacher who has supported him he's got to get into his head the fact that actually over the next few weeks they've got to do exam paper after exam paper right it's a real shame because his behavior is shocking [Music] foreign [Music] with Mitchell's GCSE is only three months away the school have called in his mum and Grandma [Music] if you keep solving that mindset that people are against him are he's right all the time and he doesn't care and that's not healthy that's not good for him if Mitchell doesn't grow up he's gonna have some big problems there's going to be some real issues for him he's going to lose oldies and he's going to get to your 11 he's not going to achieve what he wants probably not getting a college place he wants then he's not in control anymore then you know once you get into that stage other people are making decisions for you and that's not a good way to be good afternoon hi I did come to a bit of a head yesterday didn't it sir I'm not gonna lie I'm going to the stage where I don't want to teach you anymore no because he just doesn't want to learn my biggest concern is that he will end up failing his exams I mean we've got the incident where what was it in one test you drew a butterfly foreign because that's something he enjoys yeah you're just ruining it for yourself make sure you have a matter of months I mean this isn't our life this is the most get down on you today from today it's up to you whether you want to go further in your career or in the rest of your life you just lose note that's what I mean that's losing I'm going to tell you as it is I think you need to grow up a little bit you're acting like a baby you're going into lessons and doing what year sevens and eights and that would do in year 11. there's a gap about that word if you're learning so many sitting in exams you can SWAT as much as you want the night before it's not going to make any difference don't even bother at the moment you've got no chance because you don't care no that I don't want to let any of not even just my family I don't want to let myself down I do what I succeed in life it's 1 45 and Mitchell is having his first math class since the meeting between the school and his family so whatever you want to leave or make the subject of you leave that to last and deal with the other one does that make sense and then you come back to it after that and if you do something to one side what you have to do to the with it on the same on the opposite side do the opposite so if it's a plus five what does it become minus five it becomes a minus five and you move it across and then you're left with your three w ow and then if it's 3w watching between did we say times fantastic what's your opposite the time right so it means your three is then going to be divided by yeah everything's come proper fast and I just know that now I need to buckle down and start preparing for my exams just don't think I knew what actually is happening but now I do I know that you've made that that transition and they know about the future when they start to take responsibility and that's how you know they're growing up so he kills King Duncan then he gets banquil killed then what can't he cope with the thoughts and the and the guilt fantastic so the blood and the thoughts and all of those things and seeing the ghost represent his wife so she kills herself she kills herself okay I'd start working harder because if you don't get the grades that you meant to get then you're not gonna be able to get on the courses that you want to do with his GCSE exam starting imminently Mr Chambers calls him Mitchell for a progress report which one not that nice comfy suit it's hot in here right catch up I think you've improved deal yeah I think there's been an improvement are you in general in the whole school yeah I think normal lessons so that's good though isn't it yeah like I do but I don't you have you have improved but it's still woodient is that a better way to put it yeah all right but at least you give yourself a chance now whereas a month ago you hadn't you've not got a chance you know no you give yourself a chance so that's a positive and you're giving yourself a chance there's only one way around here you're just gonna have to put everything else on hold and that's going to be tough nothing honestly Mitch nothing else matters and and I guarantee at the end of it you'll you'll know what I mean yeah whatever you need let me know and I'll help yeah if you're out of order I'll kill you you know that but it's only because I want you to do well you wouldn't want any other way would you no all right see you later thank you sir see you later see you later everything's changing I think I'm being more responsible than I was but then I think I've become more mature now [Music] I think he probably needs collisional needs ability to let you evolve into what you want to be rather than regimented into a school uniform and into these school rules College it's a bit more grown up and I think that's probably what he needs now foreign [Music] it's the opening night of the School production and there's a late addition to the backstage crew Mitch has managed to turn things around his attitudes a lot better he's a lot more focused so I thought it was really important role where he felt included [Music] I know that I'm not always been the best behaved student but I try it at the end gotta always make a right for your wrongs [Music]
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 2,515,599
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Keywords: Educating Essex, Educating Yorkshire, Educating: What I Wish I'd Known..., Educating Greater Manchester, Educating Cardiff, Schoolboy Gets Caught Using Tinder | Yearbook, Tinder, Yearbook, Educating Manchester
Id: LFbKQ6u7h24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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