Teen Girl Looks For Love In Wrong Places After Heartbreaking Past, Mother Struggles To Help | KARAMO

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Heather says she needs help talking to her 16 year old daughter who wants to have a baby she says that Leela has been having sex at school has been smoking weed and lies about walking the dog and instead sneaks off and has sex and she's even says she's sending nudes to grown men let's get into all of this and more listen let's welcome Heather to the show so Heather I know that you said that your daughter Leela has been having sex and doing all these things I want you to tell me what's been going on from your perspective well I work and whenever I'm at work I can't be at home watching her so she is home with my mom or my husband and when she's thinking that they're not paying attention that's when she sneaks the guy's in and she gets them to a room okay and my mom had caught her and a boy in a room naked together wow and so you said that Leela's also been having sex at school yes how did you find that out this principal at school called me and said that Leela was caught in the boys locker room with another guy and they was having sex and for you as a mother when you got that call what went through your mind scared yeah what were you scared most about she's 16. she's still a baby 16 years old what do you think is going on with her while she's wanting to engage in this sexy Behavior so soon she wants to be an adult she don't want to be a kid she wants to have a family you said that Leela used to be a sweet girl can you talk to me about the kids that she used to be oh my God when she was younger she was my baby yeah that was my everything that's when she needed me that's when she wanted me I didn't think changed she thinks no one wants her her world I don't want her he don't want nothing to do with her her biological father yes yeah okay yeah I mean how can you not want someone that looks like her yes beautiful yeah inside and out she's beautiful yeah I could never walk away from my kids yeah yeah and I know she's hurt inside I do and she's hurting I know it so I know that she said that she's also sexting photos to older men how did you find that out so my husband told me that my one row in my house you don't stay in your room you don't walk doors so that's how I grew up in my house if you're not paying bills you don't lock doors yeah yeah so I he called me at work one day and he said Leela is in her room and I think you need to look at her phone so when I come home from work I checked her phone and went through it and I seen all these messages of bad pictures of her sending things to grown guys and them sending them back to her yeah we have screenshots that you gave to my producers of the messages right yes yeah okay so this is one this is her saying are you okay why is your face red I'm okay does it feel good I'm dead she says I'm Daddy's I don't want to say that word I Daddy I want you oh my gosh yes so she's even using language like Daddy I love you I love you that's that's heartbreaking and so when you saw these messages what did you say to Leela I asked her what they was and she said it's role-playing yeah I'm 35 years old I don't know what role-playing is I'm sorry I'm 42 and I'm not role-playing like that yeah oh you know so my producer just told me that there was even more that you gave us that were even more graphic than this yes yeah how graphic did the text guess without telling us exactly how graphic did those text messages get it's something that a 16 year old shouldn't be doing do you mean like it's pornography status yes wow Leila how are you doing okay yes you look very pretty today by the way I just told you that before we started your haircut you look nice so you're 16. you're a baby yourself why do you want to have a baby oh um when I was younger I raise my sister and brother myself so from there I thought I could raise my own family it's not hard to take care of kids like everybody says it is it's not I understand from your perspective because you're younger and even though you're the older sibling your mom is still holding a lot of the weight she's doing all the work so like when you're adding in those extras in your mind you're thinking oh I can do this but like you know there's bills there's money there's formula there is a lot of things that come with it how do you feel about what your mom just said well I never heard her saying I was beautiful you never have no and it has been a long time since I heard her say I love you what did it make you feel like when you heard her say I love you and that you're beautiful you cry a little to be honest you know I don't well you are beautiful wouldn't you all agree this is a family the family here we wouldn't lie to you do you believe you deserve love yes I do have you ever felt like you were loved no when did you start having sex uh when I was 14. okay um it's not because I want to have a family early it's because I was touched inappropriate my whole entire life trust me I hate it but there's really nothing that you could do for it it's just how life is I really don't want to it's just how people are when they've been touched inappropriate have you ever told your mom that she knows it and she's the one that told me and I have short memory so that's basically I'm surprised that I remember it I'm very sorry that happened to you have you ever talked to somebody about what happened the court but they didn't do anything about it what was your mom's reaction when he told her you were molested she was mad she did try her best but I mean all kids go through it all kids go through it I'm sorry that you had to go through it though I'm sorry that you had to go through it has you have you talked to anybody else about what you went through I did at school I thought I could trust people or church issues because they told my mom that I was trying to do suicide do you do you really want a baby to be honest no I don't people so we have to worry about school when jobs you have to try and get a job but I can't do it without my family yelling cussing me out for having a job are you are you just looking to be loved yes I am looking to be loved I haven't been left or anything like that my whole entire life I try to go to counseling I'm tired of being sad I'm tired of crying so I take it in my own hands to be happy to the boys because you feel like that brings you some temporary happiness and some type of connection yes yes so why don't you feel the love in your house because we just met your mom and it seems that she loves you and she supports you is there something else that's going on in the house like everybody says you should talk to your mom without her yelling because she has a problem I bring up the past and my mom did put me in ginger [Music] um I will never speak to that person today I hate him because what he did um so you talked to your mom about the past when you're molested and because of that she gets angry yes and so you can't talk about it yes because I don't know what to talk to her I have shut her off for so long I don't know what people expect for me to say I I learned from my producers that your grandmother lives with you do you talk to your grandmother somewhat but when I talked to her she tells my mom so I barely talk to her so you don't have anyone that you can trust and confide in I have my stepdad are you calling them because he shows me what our actual daughter is so our producers had a conversation with your stepfather Kenneth and he says mom doesn't listen when Layla speaks she doesn't listen to you um all Lila wants is time with her mom to talk she wants to feel loved and not be yelled at all the time that's what your stepfather said true why is that making you emotional here grab this [Music] all the stuff I have to say is because she don't even listen I wanna I wanna bring back out your mom now because um this is important for us you know because at first we hear a young child and we think oh she wants a baby and she's wild but what I've learned especially in my career is that anytime you have something like this there's a young girl that's hurting and this is a cry for something else now I'm going to tell you something and I I want this to be clear I don't think you're a villain because I always like to make sure that's very important established because mothers have so much to deal with they're doing the best they can and so I don't know what's been going on in your home but I do know that your daughter says right now that she wants to be heard how do you feel about her what she's saying I understand what she's saying I understand that she does try to talk to me but it's more like when she talks to me she won't spring up the past why are you ashamed to talk about the past I used to be on drugs like she said I was on drugs but whenever I was on drugs I made sure my kids was being taken care of so then if you can acknowledge that you were on the drugs why can't you have the conversation why can't you allow her to bring up the past because sometimes to heal the future you have to talk about the past you have to be able to say this is what happened this is what I went through what are you afraid to face if she talks about the past it's not that I'm afraid to face it or deal with it it's more like the things that I did with my ex she brings it up and thinking that it's going to cause an argument between me and my husband got it and it's like something don't go wrong way but can you understand this from she's a young person we're older we get it we understand like oh I've changed I've grown but in young people's minds as they're developing she's still stuck in a period of her time where that's her truth yes so when she's bringing it up and I will let you speak for it I don't are you trying to hurt your mom when you bring those things up no I just want everything to be answered so I can move on and tell your mom this get a bone I don't want to speak about the past I want to move on spend time with my mom when she's home I can't do it without arguing all I do after the days of her cry you did see me cry a couple times but I tell you it's just nothing because I don't know what to say to talk to me but it sounds as if she's saying what she tries to you react and your reaction is something that shuts her down just because she said something that's immature in your mind you can't match that with immaturity as well does that make sense yes it does because your daughter your daughter is crying out right now and I know you've been there as the mom but even though you're there parts of the actions are causing her to still lash out do you want your daughter to be having sex with men no tell your daughter I want her to save her to save yourself for someone that she really loves look at your mom she's talking to you your daughter said she had never heard you say I love you in a long time I'll tell you all the time every day I don't I tell you how beautiful you are because you are beautiful inside and out look at your mom when she's talking to you tell her listen because I want you to receive this in this moment I love you this is not an out of control team this is a team that needs love and a mother that didn't know how to communicate with her daughter you don't need to act out anymore the love that you're seeking from a baby of the love that you're taking from these men your mother is committed right now to start giving you that love can you tell your daughter you're committed to giving her that love I am you need anything talk to me I want you say to her I'm committed to giving you the love you need I'm committed the minute you need do you believe your mother yes good I love you Mama hug I'm gonna be all right
Channel: Karamo Show
Views: 78,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karamo, Karamo show, conflict, drama, full episodes, daytime tv, television, karamo brown, queer eye
Id: zr1gl70MMMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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