Daughter Stuck In The Middle Of Her Separated Parents | KARAMO

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foreign called me because in her words she is tired of her parents arguing and she is tired of being emotionally involved I gotta find out what's going on with her so can everyone please help me welcome 16 year old Diamond to the caramel show [Music] take a seat for me first of all I gotta just say to you Diamond um we got to give you some props and give it up to you because at 16 I'd have the courage to come out here and do this all right listen seriously you are already exhibiting a strength in you and a power in you that I hope continues with you as you keep growing into the woman you're going to become seriously thank you yeah you're welcome so I want to know what is going on with your parents please tell me why did you call me um for more more 24 hours um my dad feels like she's my mom she's going in Rocking his stuff taking from him and he has thought that I've done that a few times too and it I would never do that he's my dad how does that make you feel when your father accuses you his own daughter of breaking his things it breaks my heart sometimes yeah yeah it destroys the relationship with what we had at one point because the fact that he could ever think that I would ever do anything like that hurts is it destroying you as well it does key I I don't know thank you you're welcome thank you um it it makes me think back then like he would never think that I would do anything like that so why why would you think that now you know someone are your parents still together now no okay how long have they been apart uh probably like a year I guess when my dad left okay so it's been a recent breakup so you've been involved in this your entire life and only recently since they left are you still involved in the middle of all of this since he's been out the house sometimes I do yeah so even with him out the house you're still caught in the middle yeah so you said earlier that your father thinks that your mother is damaging his things as well as you do you think that your mother's damaging his things absolutely not why do you think that I'm her I was always with her 24 7 but I'm always with her and sometimes it just doesn't make sense because I knew she would be at work and she wouldn't have time to do that I know my mom would never do anything like that I think it's time to meet her father and find out what exactly is going on so everyone please help me welcome Harold to my stage [Applause] outfit today okay all right um all right Harold I want to know what motivated you to be here today my daughter yes she's the youngest my daughters are special to me she made me change my life so what has gone wrong with the relationship with your daughter well me and my daughter used to be close I'm a chef by trade so that's how I bonded with her when she was younger I would have her at the stove teaching her how to cook yeah that's what we always did through the holidays that was our thing I like the little picture of you too all right so now tell me what is going on right now between you and Diamond's mom Julie we separate it okay you know we used to be like best friends I talked to your daughter and she said then you started accusing her mother of damaging your things talk to me about that I'm very observant of people and also of my surroundings if I ain't got nobody else around me but her where is it coming from you told my producers that he's cheating on you talk to me about why you think she's cheating on you okay I got a voicemail okay not just one multiple voicemails if and here's my here's the way I see it when I first got it I had to process it in the first part of that was anger so rather than say something to her about it I had to bag up and just hold that and it took me time to mature to that point all right so we have one of the voicemails and I want to hear this because you said this is your proof for her cheating thank you I don't know if you're pointing that because I don't sound like none to me you probably like that was about to make it you got to make a point right there that sounds like a pocket dial no do you have any other else because I would like to hear it because the thing is because that didn't give me any proof and again the thing for me is as I say always this my intention is to help you is to help your family yes it's also to really make sure Diamond walks away knowing that she can live in a family where love is going to lead right where she is put first right and so if you're telling me that there's dysfunction because of the fact that there's cheating and that's your proof no well then I'm telling you I didn't fail this case so if you got your phone you might as well play something else for me otherwise it's her right here at work let me hear she sounds like she at work typing typing yeah you're gonna hear the guy in the background saying every time you hear it's hard yeah right okay I'm going to give you the benefit of not a lot of doubt I'm a small amount of Doubt because you hear that guy I heard I heard it I heard it the only reason I'm gonna give you a little bit small amount of Doubt see I'm glad that I asked for this because the thing is is that at least there's an interaction with another man in that one right so at least I can understand that possibly because she's even though she's at work and so I'm like you know if she's at work you don't talk to somebody else so I would say okay if you really feel at 18 years that maybe your ex has not talked to someone at work maybe she has never been told at work which seems like a normal work thing to do I don't you know um I'm gonna give you a little bit of benefit of the doubt please help me right now welcome Harold's X and Diamond's mother Julie to the show all right so I need to know from you because I've heard from Harold now and I've heard from Diamond why did you and Harold break up over a pocket dial a pocket dial I just heard it I just heard it ruined my whole life we went from having a house to not having nothing tell me more about the voicemail because he's played another one so it's in my pocket do I build bonds with every person I work with yes you got to have a bond to take care of people you have to for them to trust you do I joke around with them yes I do yeah but that's true they're 80 or 90 year old men right come on now Harold no how does it accuse you of cheating please tell me right now this is your words because I always like to be blunt about it have you cheated on Tarot not that he don't know about the first no the first year we both cheated live the first year we both cheated no you cheated oh you didn't get someone pregnant who who I get pregnant who I get pregnant where's the proof what we can focus on is the fact that she did admit she cheated which I was surprised by right and she said you cheated too a first year yes uh no what is the status of your relationship the whole time we've been separated I haven't been with nobody but her oh so you're separating you're still sleeping we've been separated for I would say two years two and a half years you left me on Mother's day you told me to leave I got the voicemail for that too [Applause] the minute that you're separated unless you've had clear boundaries set and agreed upon then she's free to do what she wants to do and you're free to do what you want to do right that's what the truth doesn't matter but now you also made accusations that Julie was damaging your things Julie how do you feel about those accusations that broke my heart oh why did they break your heart it was like he won't ever understand because I would never do that ever why would I damage our own things let alone your stuff okay that's that's petty stuff that's like little kids stuff what's the deal with the car every last one of my cars she damaged she put stuff in my car for a living God really I I have my producers go through your social media and we saw that you put this video on Facebook yeah of you talking about your daughter's mother yeah can I see the video y'all see all this I can put gasoline in my radiator bro I've been messing with cars since I was a young teenager man and I always know when my cars don't run like they're supposed to or something right the girl that's set up and destroyed everything in our house man messed up my Daytons she posted on scratch them all up see that I ain't working this hard I paid two thousand dollars cash for these man Nicole I ain't so much worried about she scratched on it but all that's got to be stripped off anyway but look what she did to my date did y'all see that spiteful X drug addict bro d ude if you ever would a woman all met run run run look at this man how could you ever post a video on social media disrespecting your child's mother because I was mad okay but you know do you know understand that videos like that have Ripple effects so you're targeting one person but you don't realize that bullet has ricocheted off of her and went straight to your daughter and how does that make you feel knowing that your daughter could have seen that I wasn't thinking when I did it I just did it was it was the anger it got to the point where it was overwhelming because things were happening and like I said I didn't have people around me I wasn't I I wouldn't have people at my house or nothing these things had to come from inside my house but again at the end of the day what I'm bringing up to you is the Ricochet of your effects on your daughter let's bring diamond back out so we can try to start to heal this family Diamond please come on back [Music] thank you I want to know diamond do you have any positive memories of your parents and your family a little bit yeah going out to eat as a family yeah this whole car damage you said that you thought the mother damaged your car you thought your daughter even said you've accused her of damaging it as well I didn't accuse her I knew she knew some of the stuff that was I it hurts because I know I've never ever I would never you're my dad why would I ever destroy your things you know that doesn't help me destroying your things when you're the one who provides for me so Harold I'm gonna ask you directly is Julie affecting your car did she damage your car yes my daughter didn't see so this is the moment right here where it breaks my heart for you because I feel the emotion I know you want to be better as a man as a father but you're scared to be not at all yes you are Harold you're afraid to be the fact that you had to pause when I asked you you know that she did not damage it but the thing is is that you know that Julie didn't damage it and the thing is that I'm trying to show you right now is that by you hold on to this narrative the only person it's really hurting is your daughter your daughter is shaking her head right now saying this narrative is hurting me look at your daughter shaking her head she's in agreeance with me so you keep holding on to this story about damage this and that because what is it the car is done the two thousand dollars gone so why is it if something is affecting your daughter why are you gonna still keep holding on to it I've been really good I can't change what's already done you could change it by acknowledging right and I'm sorry right now I am sorry I'm sorry for involving you I'm willing to do whatever it takes to change yeah to communicate would you enter in a better way this is the first step for you and I know this is about to be a hard Road for you but I want you to know that something you said to me earlier Diamond when you said that you pulled yourself up and you started to make sure your grades got back up there was a strength in you that knows what is right and I want you to hold on to that strength for the rest of your life because your parents right now are trying to get to a space where they can do right by you and I'm sorry they're not in that space fully but I need you to know that you deserve the best light you hear me and if you ever find yourself in this leave hold on where you going I'll tell you where you're going right here to subscribe and right here to watch more period
Channel: Karamo Show
Views: 100,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karamo, Karamo show, conflict, drama, full episodes, daytime tv, television, karamo brown, queer eye
Id: 3wC9zFM9IF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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