KIDS SPY On CREEPY NEW NEIGHBORS, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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foreign [Music] what do you two think you're doing we know you're hiding something from us what's in the bag yeah we saw you steal money from Dad's sock drawer are you two spying on me again yeah and this time we know you stole his money to buy something in secret you know what that means hand it over [Applause] [Music] look what you've done that was a present for Grandma and now it's ruined because of you I keep telling you stop spying on people and making assumptions you are not secret agents sorry now come with me and get a broom and you're gonna clean this up I told you you shouldn't have done that so it's all your idea that must be our new neighbor let's go say hi Oh no I I don't want to you look creepy no maybe like serial killers stop you two have to stop jumping to conclusions come on hi I'm Vanessa I'm your neighbor my husband sold you the house it's so nice to meet you well that looks heavy do you need a hand no we got it um these are my children Carter and Sophia say hello anyway we'll leave you to it I'm sure you have a lot to do but let me know if you need any help bye okay bye bye [Applause] Carter Sophia come on get the broom what's going on I don't know but we have to figure it out that's ridiculous you saw a hand it was all pale and stiff like a dead body I saw it too no wonder why they were acting so weird and creepy they think they're a couple of spies when I sold them the house they didn't seem off well other than they paid in cash and they used an anonymous company name to put the title under I guess that's kind of weird is that the office again no it's a news notification there was another bank robbery in the area someone stole a bunch of jewels these bank robberies haven't started until they bought the house first they're murderers now they're bank robbers I can't keep up with you too and what do I always tell you don't judge someone until you get to know them they're nice people torvald his wife Flannery their son Lars may be a little eccentric but wait that's their names how come you're not creeped out they're artists I think maybe what you saw was one of their statues here take a look at these pictures I took of the house you really think a bunch of creepy weirdos are going to buy a house like this how'd you get that shot oh my latest investment I bought a drone so I could take better pics of my listings okay enough Chit Chat your food's gonna get cold come on I can't see anything all the other windows have closed blinds it's like they don't want to know what's going on we've been here for an hour the only angle we had it's not the only angle oh my gosh you won't believe what I just saw a lady covered in blood what we gotta call the cops okay wait not yet we need more proof which is why what are you doing with that that's Dad's he's not even home today plus what he doesn't know won't hurt him we'll just use this to figure out what's going on and then we'll put it back [Music] okay you ready yeah okay oh my God okay ready now what if I flip the switch oh my gosh oh my gosh be careful that thing probably costs hundreds of dollars yeah please brought me the thousands oh my God check this out maybe bring it back before something bad wait look someone's coming out are those shovels it must be burying the body don't get too close they might hear it they are bearing the body this is recording right yeah it's recording uh low battery mode um I'm trying I think it's broken no no no no no no no are gonna kill us I'm not taking the blame for this okay you need to get it back before Mom gets home when is that uh okay don't worry she shouldn't be back from yoga for uh what are you two doing we're sorry we the drummer's your idea stop it both of you are in trouble here you know I had to miss an important meeting for this but you don't understand they were burying a body if only you saw the Drone I don't want to hear any more of your crazy conspiracy theories I told you we were letting them watch too many Ninja Kid videos you too need to go over there apologize and ask for the Drone back what no and if it's broken no Christmas presents this year who cares about the presents we're not trying to die those people are crazy yeah you might not ever see us again we told you what we saw stop it I am sure there is a reasonable explanation now go thank you you're not coming with us no well knock on the door already okay you do it I wasn't the one who lost the Drone in the first place get back here look I I knocked in the door so you can get the Drone back no stop being a baby hello so dwarven's uh Flannery uh the other one anyone home you really think they're gonna hear that oh I guess no one's home right too bad look the car's not here anyway let's go back no I'm not losing my presence to this well tell Mom and Dad they accepted our apology but we have to get that drone what are you talking about and they're not home we oh boy oh how are you I can't hear you you know coming to be smart Alex it's a smart alec not smart Alex whatever stop argument and start looking for the Drone dummy I am I can't find it oh don't you means this strong ER [Music] look this is when they were dragging the dead body it was right before they tried to attack us with their weapons weapons what do you have to say about that Mr uh adorable call me turbon no we are nice people nice this is my family I try to give the Drone back to the children's in our backyard but they run before I can find them but they said you were carrying weapons yeah you know for sculpting yeah we're artists yeah right we saw you trying to bury a body how do you explain that hey younger man I'm asking the questions here yeah how do you explain that uh this is mine it's it's sculpture it's not done but uh can you show it to us it's uh pretty heavy suits well do you mind if we come in and take a look for our sit-ups no I'm sorry I mean we are moving in with the many packing books unpacking boxes yeah so we don't want to make bad first impression it's fine you guys should see my house can't be worse than that let's go oh no hey Lars go and get the sculpture the statue bring here show the nice yes officers come thank you now the girl said you an apron uh covered in blood uh how do you explain that not wasn't blood it was paint look look little girl is a painting all in red I told you I'm an artist well I guess that makes sense what do you two have to say for yourself no more watching ninja kids ever that still doesn't explain the dead body I mean here comes the statue Lars did such a good job on this careful excellent work good job is the statue yeah so it wasn't a dead body no nobody I've seen enough you know I have to bring it all the way out here seems like this is just a big misunderstanding you kids are in so much trouble I told you don't judge somebody before you get to know them I'll cut you off in the world that looks at the jewelry they'll stole it from the bank it's me it was stupid idea to rob the bank how can you stay there you're under arrest you need to snitch out of my way [Music] yeah been trying to find these bank robbers for weeks [Applause] [Laughter] we tried to tell you surprises this year and we can watch all the ninja kids we want [Laughter] hey kids come meet the new Neighbor come here Martha this is Carter and Sophia oh I am so they're so cute but it's nice to meet y'all it's nice to meet you too you have such a nice family this is just me or did she seem a little too nice yeah we gotta keep our eyes pipped you thinking what I'm thinking Dad's drone gotcha don't worry we won't judge anyone before we get to know them anymore unless they're bank robbers or hero Killers yeah [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 6,052,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: Xr-rvKgTI08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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