Dad Explodes when Teen Refuses to Eat and Set the Table | Full Episode

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on this episode of the world's strictest parents and get up and let's get going meet the ballards from Ohio you need to go ahead and clean that bathroom up if you're going out tonight who believe that family is a team help us to make an impact in their lives and participation is a must let's get going away wasting my time wasting yours let's go for the next week they'll take in two belligerent teenagers when it gets full I'll take it all but can a week of living Ballard style here we go here's how we do it Force these two teams off the sidelines you're the dumbass [Music] oh [Music] I'm Lily I'm 15. I'm from San Diego California and this is my playground I think you can just go out and stay out all weekend and not call me or communicate with me you realize how much trouble you're in it doesn't matter I don't care if I'm in trouble wooly is extremely sassy get out of my face and stop yelling at me rebellious doesn't matter to me I don't care and has a major attitude no I'm not gonna do those dishes today my dishes what's the relationship with my mom I am the boss pretty much there you go to them that's what I thought how I punished Lily for him really being bad is I turn her cell phone off or take it from her Lily what when I want to do it and what I say goes move out of my way oh really I don't always win but pretty much 90 of the time I do I'm not getting Lily you know slowly doesn't change she'll probably end up in juvenile hall I can't even comprehend how that would make me feel [Music] I'm Matthew I'm 17 and I'm from Tustin California [Applause] Matthew what frustrates me very often remember I'm talking to you call them back Matthew has very good ears but he's deaf earph to things that I ask him to do um Mom hold on okay yes the relationship I have with my mom is on and off you clean your room today you're being annoying the days we hate each other is because we get any huge arguments about stupid things I want to clean hell house this is ridiculous this isn't fun this is when it gets full I'll take it all I said okay I'm gonna wash my hair I look over and I know I had shampoo in it so this thing is shampoo I think you know it's pretty hard for Matthew you know not having a dad around to influence him no way I walked mom no but things have to get that I do it myself Matthew comes back and he's the same Matthew I'm going to be really hurt really disappointed and and truly truly angry but it's going to really really affect pain I think it's going to make my relationship with Matthew go down this is your break for me this is your vacation so make it last hopefully the link will learn from this experience how to be more respectful towards me as her mom appreciate what she has here in life and appreciate me as her mom they're gonna have a whole tornado up in their house and they don't even see it coming I love you and I hope you have a good experience I think Matthew is capable if he listens if he wakes up and opens his eyes and ears to what reality is maybe he can change my name is Dick Ballard my wife and I Denise have four children three of them are still here at home Jeff Megan and Blake we live here in Ross Ohio I'm a retired teacher and Coach come on guys God gave me that ability to relate to teens through Sports Megan and Blake challenging Jeff you and mag D my family is competitive and aggressive back door done mom my dad is a very animated person all right we start my possession here we go who's following me now let's go slide down there now do it I do about three the right ways that's twice he double dribble my goodness I just try to keep things Lively and going that's the coach in me where's Jeff as he's cleaning up Jeff all right you need to go ahead and clean that bathroom up if you're going out tonight as long as they're under our roof living here they have certain you know responsibilities here at the house looks like somebody track money and again who helped their shoes off if you eat something then clean your plate off and put it in the dishwasher you know if there's dishes in the sink then you take the initiative to go ahead and clean them up it's not somebody else's job it's all of our jobs Megan um can you dust that piano my parents definitely have high expectations of us if they give us a tour they want it done right away make sure they're dried bless you so Lord in these ideas so what you're about to receive from thy Bounty through Christ Our Lord amen [Music] what up how are you good how are you I'm good I'm really I'm not it's nice to meet you I was like Wow Lily's really cool do you drink sometimes me too I'm still hungover from two days ago so I was like uh Matt's not really the type of guy I would hang out with back at home but I guess I could see how me and him could get along and be friends oh wow there's literally like nothing I know I think it's gonna be like the most boring week of my life I think everyone's gonna hate me because like I have crazy style and crazy hair and I'm just super out there and obnoxious and stuff dear God give us patience kindness and understanding and dealing with these teens this week and help us to make an impact in their lives and you know hopefully they can teach us something too and thanks for this great opportunity they're gonna wake us up like early too I'll lock the door yeah put like a chair up against it so yeah like bust in on us or whatever one two three I'm not intimidated by bringing trouble kids into the home but I would just like to connect to make a difference I'm excited look at the house hopefully our rooms aren't like on opposite wings of the house yeah [Music] foreign and I thought the dad looked very like strict oh God yeah I just kind of looked like a goofball and the mom looked like she would be the strict one I mean when they first stepped out I was like whoa I mean the hot pink hair obvious you know and then you know he's a little alternative looking too so I mean they look like two peas in a pot you guys made it into Hollywood [Music] when they first got here we really wanted to set our standards and went through rules and the higher you set expectations or standards the more you get now first off is just show respect the second one you know be honest be trustworthy you know when you screw up you say you screw up okay and the thing is while you're living here you are reflecting us and and you know you're part of our family and so what you do reflects us and that's what we tell our children all the time but I just kept talking and talking like a freaking bladder mouth but I just kind of wanted to jump across the table and like tell them to shut it now for us to immerse ourselves into this we're not going to have cell phones or Internet this week actually broke last week I know no teenager is going to go from California to Ohio without a cell phone Lily I felt like was going to be the one that we had to watch there was just something about her told me that she is going to be a hard one to Break failure to live up to these expectations results and consequences it can't really force me to do anything so if they try to give me consequences I'm really not going to go and do them our goal was to get Matt and Lily involved right off the bat then it was dinner time so we're going to sit and eat as a family you guys set the table so that way you'll kind of know where stuff is two four six what do we got there there we go Matt he'll put the forks around please I'm not gonna eat it and I have eating problems so I can't even eat I really can we we need you to be part of the family you came here to kind of experience the table but I'm not going to eat that's fine but you can help you can have something can't you well not it's not like I'm not going to eat so can't you guys just need to grab your own like grab your own fork and then you maybe in some homes but not when Matt didn't set the table for dinner it seemed really out of nowhere you know if I was to ask you to do something immoral or something over the top it's just it's just the thing is like I'm in like a really bad mood right now yeah I'm not gonna do it so stop bothering about it because it's gonna make things worse it really is so you know you know we're going to deal with this tomorrow it doesn't just go away we're going to be a blessing here bless us which we're about to receive the Lord amen it's almost like a standoff and I know we're all just kind of sizing each other up can you wake up pretty easily we'll be getting up tomorrow about eight and we've got kind of a day planned there we've got some little work things to do eight o'clock that's that's late you know I knew we had battles ahead if if it's gonna be like this my room at home is just somewhere I sleep so I don't really care how it looks this room is totally completely different it has Sports everywhere and I'm totally not a sports person at all [Music] coming up let's go it's time to get going it's a lockout for the Ballard because we're all in my face oh my God and Dick catches Matt in a lot our plan for the day had been to get up go out and walk around the lake with Matt and Lily and you know it's our first day together and we had told them what to expect the night before that we weren't going to be sleeping until noon we have an agenda and this is what we're gonna do good morning to wake up Lily door was locked I mean our kids don't lock the door rise and shine come on layaway get up come on let's go it's time to get going okay well tough that's tough open the door get unlocked it okay opening the door calm down [Music] she opened the door and she wasn't a happy camper let's put it that way oh my God I woke up actually to them screaming for Lily to open the door and I'm like wow they're gonna come to my room and out Matt get up and I was just like screw this I'm sleeping and I don't wake up this early rise and shine hurry up get up and open the door I had to go get a key and put it through there and got it open there we go get up let's go let's go watch all this stuff on my walls and stuff no Sports and all this stuff you know oh nice word over here yeah man if you wouldn't do that you wouldn't have to sleep late in the morning okay you put something warm on because you got some walking to do right off the bat we'll take care of yesterday's thing and this paper stuff here there must have been at least 50 pieces of paper that he had taped to the wall I was kind of stunned let's get going away wasting my time wasting yours let's get an anticipate that they were gonna get up late which was really trying my patience well I have to be able to drive one to be up and this is not what I want to be up so you're just going to make it harder on yourself Lily Lily and Matt were extremely unreasonable I was very very frustrated get up and let's get going let's go you're gonna head off around the pond grab some shoes grab a coat so we got up at eight and it's 906 and we're starting laps all right let's get going come on let's go don't fall in the pond all right good to go join Matt out there what the hell it's all muddy my fingers are so cold I think these parents are stupid and they think they know what they're doing and how to control bad kids but they're really the stupid ones not us [Music] you know and I noticed when you were riding over this way somewhere you were texting there's no doubt in my mind you were texting I seen it I watched over I got a pair of binoculars I put them on yeah we're texting I wasn't texting you were texting give me the phone I wasn't texting give me the phone I give roof yeah give me the phone if one person is looking here I knew Lily was a little more the dominant force and the first strategy a war is divide and conquer I don't have my phone you just lied that's sad it's time to man up man he really wouldn't give the phone up so let's deal with it now and get it over with so what we gotta do is insulate this again we're just gonna staple it on there I hate when it doesn't stick when I realized that we were going to be doing hard work I was just like wow this sucks ow [Music] now I know you got six more to do wow seriously we could see that we need to not let them feed off of each other so dick was dealing with with Matt and I was gonna deal with Lily so I said let's go clean the aquarium first of all just get all those shells and crap out so push your sleeves up and all them bracelets you got on I don't know if that's going to be a good work work thing there you go the reason why I went to help Denise clean out the tank was because I was super bored and I just wanted something to do just kind of get the algae off them kind of rinse them off she can go from screaming and yelling at you and then come out and help me clean the aquarium and she pitched in fine I didn't really have too much resistance with her doing that oh God you get your pizza my phone Pizza phone Pizza no phone no pizza I guess I'm eating man we knew we still had an issue with the cell phones and it was a major rule the rule state no cell phones period okay you guys would not even know I had a phone you haven't even seen me on it yet number one you lied because we know you have cell phones both of you yeah but a smart person would have lied about it and hit it as long as they could we're trying to sit there and explain the rules once again of the house and she's just battling battling bat it's more Lily talking back talking back dumb and honestly the same dumb and honest not honest and smarter the same because a smart person would have not been honest with you about it so you basically came into the week thinking I'm gonna deceive him I'm starving right now I'm in a piss mood I don't want to talk to anybody right now this is such what's the the point of it is to give up the cell phone and make yourself part of our family cell phone thank you Matt thank you thank you you know you came here and we have set rules and guidelines and if you're not going to abide by them I'm not giving it to you guys you guys can punish me all you want that'll be pretty much it you know all right that's cool I knew getting the cell phones was going to be tough and once we got mats I was like wow thank God but Lily's going to be a whole another ball game coming up I'm not eating at the table with you so stop trying to get me the teams refuse to join team Ballard unbelievable and Denise stands her ground can you please look at me [Music] I was happy this morning they were up getting dressed I thought we're good okay out to the table now guys I'm not eating up to eat you just need to be a part of the family and come on no I don't I don't ever want to be a part of your family I felt like here we go again well that's that's the point of this week no we're gonna do things together in real life and living your health you're here too what I'm doing so come on out guys it's just shocking I'm I'm just like the way she talks to me I'm not asking her to do anything that outrageous I don't understand why you want to be bad what's what's because I get a thrill and excitement out of giving you hell that's why I was just trying to get ready this morning and then they started like bugging me about how I needed to hurry up I'm so over this family right now just come take your seats in the chair you take a seat in the chair because I ain't going out there not morning people obviously they're not social people yeah we're used to eating breakfast like two hours ago so kind of hungry it's our home and she's totally disrespected us so I went in thinking get your point across that you're not going to tolerate that kind of behavior you do not treat me like that I do not deserve to be treated like this here follow your rules when I don't even follow you came into our house if you were in our house you're the dumbass you let me come into your house so get out of my face let's go God I think she needed debris some air after that you know conflict with Lily the emotion that comes out and the frustration and you want to give up but you're competitive and you say no I'm not going to let them win that battle just want to make sure that she knows she has consequences yeah because I do not get disrespected like that and let it sweep under the rug and I don't see any love for any person or any how can you treat people like you do you don't even really know me and you're cussing me out this morning because I asked you to come to breakfast all we're trying to do is make a difference in one kid's life and it may just be like I said onion layers and I think we've come a little bit it's baby steps I am not going to give up Lily is not going to win this battle [Music] this morning I can relate to her you know getting pissed off when she was getting ready but I didn't want any more arguments I was sick of people screaming Lily we need to have a talk about it I went in thinking just stay calm don't get emotional and stay firm can you please look at me Lily what what my eyes are hurting they're tired what I'm looking at you you were extremely disrespectful this morning and we got off on the wrong foot so we need to make some sort of amends we just asked you to come to breakfast I didn't think that was an unreasonable request I was trying to get ready and I was getting irritated and I was still tired I understand that so obviously I'm gonna yell at you guys no I'm not gonna say sorry to you guys no I'm not sorry I can lie to your face and tell you I'm sorry but I'm not sorry okay let's not get upset because yelling is not getting anywhere okay and there is gonna need to be consequences if you want to start a lap around the lake Lily thank you [Music] oh here again let me try again I went to the barn with Jeff to um shoot some hoops yeah oh my God I made it I think after the you know blow up when I was jogging down the street and then I just headed toward the barn oh did you know came down here and shot some huh yes I was kind of amazed to see Matt and Jeff down there shooting baskets my dad's seeing the two of us playing basketball I think it looked to be like a breakthrough I think through his eyes for Matt for somebody kind of anti-sports coming out and kind of shooting well basketball isn't that bad yeah I don't mind playing it but like on a sport like if I was on a team right I but like for fun I mean it's actually not that bad that's what they're supposed to be it's kind of neat to see them bonding and also you know that was an opportunity right there to connect with Matt I thought you said you weren't very good at it I don't I don't know I'm pretty good to me [Music] you know what you should do I tell you what's fun is playing on a softball team and stuff they're just planning to get out and have fun I think Matt has some self-confidence issues could be a little bit of his identity and where am I gonna fit in and that type of thing all right here we go here's how we do it but we still have some consequences from the morning and we decided on the 10 up downs ready yeah yeah two I didn't want to start any more fighting so I was just willing you know to go for it and do them after I did the 10 up downs I was kind of just like wow because I never work out I never do anything like that so my confidence boosted a lot my intent this week was to connect with Matt and I do think I'm making progress with him thing we have to cross the bridge now Lily too much because she was on thin eyes but at this point we still don't have her cell phone we need to probably try to get your cell phone before we leave I wanted to talk to you alone okay that's fine that's good all right that's fine come on man I feel like she's inside a lonely sad girl that's putting on a hard exterior I'd rather like give it to you than like give it to him I know this is a big step for you it's just one of the roles that you know we set from the beginning and I'm thankful that you agreed to compromise and let's let's go forward from here okay and no more no more fights all right okay thanks when I took Lily's cell phone that was a huge step coming up do you know why you just hate doing anything for other people can a Frank talk from Denise open Lily's Eyes you know today he got off very good both Lily and Matt got ready a little quicker and Matt came in and had some donuts and some juice and I wanted to take Matt somewhere just me and him you know get away from the confusion here away from the whole thing dress warm yeah yeah because we're gonna go hit some golf balls that uh it's a heated driving range oh gosh it's not you know great heated but you know it's heated so I decided to take him to hit golf balls that happens to be a passion of mine and it's something that anyone can do and it doesn't have to be a passion of yours but we do need to try to find a passion something that if given an hour after in a day that you'd like to go do just put two hands on there in the beginning and just kind of have at it I never do anything like this so I was kind of just really nervous just because I really thought I was going to do bad and then you hey then they always say practice Wing nobody can prove differently as practice never admit so if you miss it yeah kind of cool and it was just a practice swing wow you hit that pretty good yeah my goodness you got pretty good hand eye look at that you're like you were in baseball yesterday and you say you're not very good and you've never probably even swung a golf club have you oh a long time ago yeah and it looks like you hit him pretty good to me I played I think Matt you know has some self-confidence issues and I think it was just failure early on on a lot of things and maybe not having a father figure and then he internalized it and then it became everything so I think he got off to a bad start what do you think there you got anything you like to just go do like this it doesn't have to be Gothic just something you like to do that you have maybe a little bit of passion for I don't see I don't know um I would love to like you know play guitar like learn to play guitar and like maybe like sing while playing guitar or something yeah I think that would be pretty cool now you got your keys finding your passion you're alone time your quiet time my time there's so many days I'm teaching kids or doing stuff I like I want my time when dick was encouraging me it felt amazing just because I never had that encouragement when I was a child and I had such low self-esteem about doing any kind of sports and dig totally erased that for me Matt you ready to go Bud yeah all right have a good time yeah it was interesting it was a new experience so we're talking about maybe getting you a passion finding my passion tell me one you're not bad at some of these things [Music] the last three mornings have been pure hell I was very anxious about being alone with Lily at that point because I just didn't know what was going to happen so we sat down and I kind of just wanted to feel her out for the day do you know why you just hate having anybody tell you what to do or do anything for other people just out of kindness my dad has always taught me to like be independent don't count on anybody else like eventually all those people that you're counting on are going to be gone eventually you know something could happen to you and you're going to need something you just have to have some sort of resources you know and that's what community and family is about but this experience was to help you go home and maybe appreciate maybe your mom a little bit or kind of see how you've been treating her for 15 years that it's not working it's not a positive you know but you never stop learning yeah and just because you are this way doesn't mean this is the way I have to be forever I don't know if anything I've said to her seeped in at all but at this point I had the letter to give to Lily and I'm curious to see what her mom has to say your mom did send you a letter this week you can read alone or I can stay here with you that's fine thank you I appreciate that handwritten I don't think my mom's ever met me having it letter I was wearing to read my letter because this is her first opportunity to really like get her feelings out on paper towards me so I knew like all of those deep like sads like frustrated feelings were gonna come out hey kiddo wow where do I begin I always worry about you and the choices you make and spend many nights and mornings wondering where I went wrong that you would display such disrespect towards me and not even care the way you talk back to me and tell me how I annoy you crushes my very soul and brings me such uncontrollable pain and sadness as I feel I have failed you as a mom okay I'm not going to be able to read this when you're cruel to me the pain I feel goes unnoticed as I spend so many hours of the night and Mornings in tears praying for guidance to be a good mommy and to be able to take care of you and protect you [Music] totally know what she's feeling there yeah singing and writing the way my mom felt did made me feel sympathy towards her because I have been giving her a hard time and she does deserve a break all my love forever Mommy to Infinity how are you feeling inside after that it does bug me to the point where like it's hard to go there I don't want to go they're like I don't want to put myself in that dress I don't want to feel bad for that because that's just going to cause me more problems so I just choose to like drop in and like push it out and cancel it out it was a beautifully Written Letter and you could feel the pain in her mom after reading about letter and stuff and like hearing about like I can only imagine like what you've gone through I was very dramatic and like chaotic and super stressful for you yeah all right I'm sorry I'm sorry I mean seriously that was that was a mini accomplishment to me we're making strides there's a heart in there get out my stethoscope now that I've gotten to know Denise a little bit more better I can tell that she is a great mom and that she's a very caring and loving person I'm sorry about this week [Music] coming up some painful truths for Matt finish here we'll head down to the basement I got something I want to share with you down there just for you oh I have a bad feeling please don't say exercise oh it's it's not actually okay I'll give you that okay good but that's a good one maybe we can do that you know we could do that later guys Matt Scott people that love him at home and he needs to see that got a letter from your mother oh God ladder here and Matt wanted to read the letter to me and I was afraid that he might get mad you know because a lot of times people don't take criticism very well dear Smith what happened to the cute little man who loves spending time together with me and pleasing pleasing pleasing others I look at you today and I'm so hurt I love you so much we are so much alike but so different all you do is take from me emotionally physically and financially [Music] I know it's been hard growing up without a dad but I've tried giving you know role models to be with you or talk to you but you treated them the same you treated me kind of hurt my heart because Matt just didn't know who he was hurting and and how bad he was hurting his mother I'm always there for you you've given me attitude and resentment every time I give you the respect you out of court you turn around and just regarding me and the rules of our family Matt the one thing I hope I can give you in this life is the ability to be a good person and make the right decisions I love you Mom [Music] that was the first time I received a letter from my mom and it made me like realize how hard she is by me you miss your mom a little bit yeah do you see her side of it pretty much a little bit sometimes we don't realize that too we're away from somebody you know that we love and how much they've done for you and the more bricks that you put in between the two of you the harder it is to knock that wall down how do you think you can change a little bit I mean what are you going to do when you get home a little bit I think I'm going to clean my room and just you know um when my mom asked me to do some like you know do things and I'm realizing that my mom really you know she's really hurt by me you know what though that's what teenagers do sometimes okay that's what they do and it's not what's happened now it's what's gonna happen in the future that's all that matters right now you can't make up for the past that's done okay you know I've seen Improvement just your habits around here you're a good kid you're funny you're a good looking kid you're sweet I mean you're a heat kid you really are I know that's a moment that he will remember the rest of his life and I do think it could be you know a life-changing moment I really do my mom she wears so hard for me and I never showed her any appreciation [Music] we're working out the Good China It's a Good China it's a day for celebration it was good to finally have everybody sit down to dinner I mean we all ended on a high note and it was really nice thank you oh you're welcome I never would have dreamed we could come this far in a week with the accomplishments we made with Matt and the progress we made with Lily I think they're really starting to to feel like part of the family hey Lily yeah I just got a call your mom's an hour away really yep so if you can finish packing maybe collect your thoughts all right the main thing I'm gonna take home that I learned from this experience is that less arguing is like more productive just got a call your mom's on her way seriously yeah so you can go ahead I'll finish that up for you okay um go ahead and get your stuff packed up she's on her way get your thoughts together okay I'm actually really excited for my mom to meet um dick and Denise just because they're wonderful people and my mom I think my mom will get along with them really great [Music] I'm hoping that Lily will realize to respect her elders respect me as her mom good luck we'll let you go out and see her yourself we'll be in here hi baby girl when she saw me that she'd missed me so much that she wanted to you know run up and hug me and it made me feel really good I guess the biggest problem maybe I had with Lily was just her her language and it's off to a rocky start there yeah the first morning but I guess I should apologize to you no it's not yours to apologize Lily has to take responsibility for her actions I know it's not you you know and and that's the first step of anything is you know seeing your part in the mix and it was just little battles little control issues but it's Lily's way or no way and the more we pushed her that's when she just lost it like I said like I said I understand the immaturity listen Lily but the thing that I've tried to get across to her is just some remorse for her actions or take responsibility for her actions or just acknowledge that you've hurt the other person or you've worried them Lily you're kind of at a Crossroads somewhat your opportunity to take something from this experience [Music] [Music] hopefully we've made a little impact oh I think you've made a lot more impact than you realize the main thing I hope for Lily is that she realizes that she can't exist alone in her own little world that she needs family around to help her she's at a stage I think where it's almost sink or swim type of thing I think the next two or three years are going to be pivotal for her entire life we'll be thinking of you Lily stay out of trouble when I get home I want to show my mom that things will be different I do want to tell her like I'm sorry for the way I acted like it does reflect a lot on our family [Music] hopefully Matthew did some uh searching of Matthew this week and maybe he uh thought about some of the things he does at home and how they affect the family [Music] that's anxiety right there we'll let you have a little long time with her good luck good [Music] morning [Music] I cried because I was so excited to see her after this whole weekend I was ready to tell her that learn so much when I saw Matthew coming out of the house and he was crying I was a little concerned if it was too overwhelming for him but then I realized that he was crying out of Happiness to see me and it made me feel happy this is Denise hello oh that's Mom what's your name Bonnie Bonnie nice to meet you buddy you know when they first came in you could just see the excitement in his eyes to have her meet us that it was that positive an experience what kind of issues did you have at mad I mean what was your like conflicts well Matt didn't have respect for me you know I did everything I'm a mother I'm a father I'm a friend just common respect like if you say you're coming home at one which is reasonable and Matt before he left I said who cares about Mom and came home at four so those are the kind of things how does that make you feel Matt I mean you think something's going to change now it's definitely going to change I mean tell your mom tell me coming into this I really did not think it was gonna have it was gonna have such a big impact and he battled I like I we broke through he's he's I want to start like everything over I want to get new friends I want to like find something I'm passionate about all the things that you ask me they're not even that big like you know setting up the table walking the dog taking out the trash their little things and that shouldn't be affecting our life and because and your relationship and our relationship just over those stupid little things and this experience just made me realize how much you and Craig and Eric and everybody means to me thank you so much for um having Madden and putting some things into his brain that I tried and I couldn't I just wanted to thank you guys so much for letting me be a part of your house and you being the dad I've never that I've never had yeah and experience all of this behind now you know I could be 100 years old I still will remember this week I really will that's how the impact it had on me too we need a hug and we have the salad dogs half the time the transformation was astounding Matt's mom seemed shocked that this is the same kid that she dropped off last weekend it was a really special moment I know he's a truly loving kind and little boy and I'm a good mom but he just needed someone to give him a rude awakening and I've got his phone number and he's got mine you know I have to try to stay in contact with him a little bit and see how he's doing until he feels he doesn't need me anymore I can't wait to go home and find my passion the thing that makes me happy hey guys if you can change one kid's life you know and get them on the right path there's no words to describe that I mean it's great you guys matter the most to me that sounds really nice you do I like to hear when you say that [Music]
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 333,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents barbados, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strict parents, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, scared straight, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, world strict parents full episode, worlds strictest parents, that'll teach em, mr drew's school for boys, world's strictest school, world's strictest parents where are they now
Id: wjsbxERTDIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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