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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some zeri in the mid lane running Fleet absorb life alacrity cut down conditioning and overgrowth we're going to go a double zap Zer build where we go a static shiv plus a runin so when we Al we shoot electric out and then also our static shiv is going to zap everything so we'll just have such good wave clear and I'll be able to hit everybody in a team fight I was going to do trist anomid but they picked a colie and I was like oh zeri can hit her while she's in the Shroud Zer Autos are really cool you can hit a ward if you don't even have vision of it we can win you just have to press Q the whole game that's the annoying part about her I've not played her in a while so and when I did play her I would go like ap's are damn this is actually pretty good versus aali cuz most Champs the second you get in range of her she's in range to quue you but since these Autos have a little bit longer range since I can pre-fire them she can't do anything now if I Dash in my auto attacks go through the minions but if I Dash in she might be able to hit me okay she used both of her potions I was like how does she back to full health we'll play it slow I don't really like the aalii match up I have uh barrier so she should have some difficulties okay it's aoxy we're fine she should have some issues killing me with barrier conditioning overgrowth I'm going to scale pretty well nice little zap think we do attack speed attack speed shoes into the static sh to zap good trade she's too low now if she tries to like all in me I'll win although they do have a noooo I just remembered by the time I notice the noooo is ganking me it's too late all right she didn't go for that the wall I can go over can save me but if I get hit by okay he's top we're good want to zap you there you go no way how far does that go slow him oh my God damn that a Calli got deleted I got 200 gold I'm happy no point in hitting that before 5 minutes Brier's one of the most OP Champions early like you get caught getting hit by her you're losing look at that you're losing all your HP you don't want to mess with a Brier if she gets behind though it's over for her cuz Brier just keeps running it down but if she gets ahead she gets so far so strong so much damage I'm baiting her in yeah she died last fight before she could even Flash oh so close oh almost got her I'm going to get n-o an enemy I'll stay by a wall noooo doesn't have Flash as long as he doesn't come through right here man I need a dash to clear this oh okay see St by a wall I'm free to go uh I'll try this cuz I don't even really remember ever building it before 40 additional damage attacks redu it by 1 second I wonder if my auto counts as like multiple attacks since it shoots a bunch of little bullets oh I didn't know that uh zary's lightning on her Autos does uh physical uh I don't know where she is I got to push honestly this isn't as bad as playing EVN I mean maybe it gets worse once I get more attack speed but you just get a nice little rhythm yep I'm hitting the turret easy did she die again damn pretty strong actually so does my all go oh man again this wall is my hero does my all go forever as long as I'm hitting champs yeah it used to be with whatever you hit right my Cannon no I'm dead I think I mean I can Flash it Zippy zap I didn't even need a flash your barrier I think Brier canceled his all EZ oh wait I have it I'm dumb dumb damn it I'm going to lose a wave now I was like I could sell my potion but I still have enough anyway by waiting this is my first time trying the new static shiven missing double dark seal and the double ERS well noooo actually only died once ai's just carrying their team in deaths oh there she is well an Ezreal Lane really doesn't push that hard so ooh does that happen on every every minion kill oh it has a cool down Fine reset our gold he's going to ping me to hit the turret now an ally oh I don't have a ke we I don't think I could have ran cuz I was ignited this is kind of fun though I be zapping I be zipping he I guess sing is actually pretty good match up for Cante cuz he's just going to run away from him but once Cante gets magic resist s ain't going to do too much damage but C could just proxy and then make Cante not play the game ow oh wow they're really the Noo-noo seems to be always mid nice thought I was going to have to flash away oh I got conditioning new new's bot okay I don't need to Ward an ally an Al have to put a deep War if I know what side of the map noooo is on it's a lot easier to get away from him a sing died youram dest maybe we can go kill this guy I think Brier I don't know if she'll have enough damage she's got armor oh yeah she's Bri fire I'm here to take the farm push the wave take his turret you can go proxy the wave while I hit the turret more incom oh that's cool I'm recalling in the wall o I got runin I'm hitting everybody now am I yeah K's never mid and Noo-noo is always mid yeah I could jump over the wall yellow a if R Al somebody and then they take the hex gate is she just going to chase them across the map still that's kind of funny H I would Al and go into this but they got too much stuff that just I wouldn't be able to do anything the second I get CCD by one of them oh that's cool I I tickle him I hate well at least I made it out an enemy has oh good thing I was a little bit late oh my God okay how be doing damage I wasn't doing any damage before he aled though very kind of fun oh my God I couldn't even I thought that was like a Morana bind at first quick trigger Red Rough all right what are we going next is it Infinity Edge it's Infinity Edge that's when I'll get some damage then we go flicker blade after or ldr I might need an ldr the thing is like only Cante no I won't need an ldr actually because cassant is the only one that I like will not do damage to but the rest of them will all die and I can actually kite Cante and get away from him if I had flicker blade and get more dashes I an ally almost noooo is going to be heading mid from bont side I like her Dash wait he took that no Lux did I was like what look oh my God I got to fight darn Cante CC I didn't really have anywhere to go did he flash as soon as he died what just happened I got ignited too desty enemy where is he teing a fight bless that woman I don't leave others behind I think I can fight Cante if I Al just cuz I'll be so fast R try it unfortunately he's just too good at the game I can't even move vers him cuz he just has so many cc abilities he's very balanced all he has is an iceborn Gauntlet he does more damage than me and I can't even move I'm not fighting him no more oh no oh no he didn't get a collie oh he might die oh she got all okay she got all just a little late oh Morana does a lot of damage to him okay I'll wait for this balanced I need an ldr if I want to even fight him I'll still probably lose just cuz he does more damage than I do I don't even think kaisa is not even going to beat him oh she beat him hooray okay Lux is pushing top ezreal's pushing mid an enemy nice feel like I need some sort of Life steal I don't know oh yeah sorry Brier I took those I'll be really good in a team fight where I'm not like the direct Focus or if I appeal like if me and Morana fight Cante we destroy him oh there's no turret that was close aalii almost one shot me without even the R2 I think she hit e on me that's why where's Noo-noo an ally has been slain an enemy has been slain your turret has been destroyed oh he's in our jungle heo he's full HP if he has Al I can't beat him I'm dead oh my God uh new new snowball is going to come down the lane can't believe she didn't get me more attack speed flicker blade might be nice cuz I I'm not having my Dash up enough I can't like stick on Ezreal except for my there's no way this guy could do Baron an enemy has been slain he's going to come through here lightning and a gun coming through no attack speed boots yet on an on hit build that's kind of insane cuz attack speed boots are like the best attack speed item cuz they're so cheap got to dash that that did a lot of damage I really hurt Noo-noo cuz I think he's full AP yeah the Squishies I'm absolutely deleting a Call's 4 and 13 and she can one shot mey oh that all was huge his shield was like his whole health bar I almost had him right before he shielded too down you have slain an enemy all right um Shield bow [Music] ldr I think I want the ldr we'll see though the Shield bow might be needed so I don't get one shot by a collie H we'll go to Shield bow okay how did that H oh my goodness these damn Ezreal alss they're everywhere well if she wasn't 4 and 14 she would be able to kill me there but I'm killing her before she gets R2 also kie got nerfed that's probably why she's not one shotting me can I hit this over the wall just a little bit too short I think we win get over here I think I'm going in I don't care your team has destroyed an inhibitor your team has destroyed a turret un an ally you Runner he literally ran all the way to the wall I really thought he' tried to fight me I thought my barrier was up to it was not 15 death of kie SAS are warmogs you can just back up and heal the full if he doesn't die here do we go try and fight gante I don't have the ldr and I don't have any armor P but I do have flash pretty much if he hits me once I'm not going to beat him cuz he'll slow me too much but we'll see oh we got a Isa he's doing the same thing he's trying to wait in the bush so you get too close oh he's going to get melted now you an enemy ink by the way ready here kill her quick oh my God she keeps trying to go for it she's so close every time ow I don't have any life still do I oh I'm dead oh my God he did not I knew it was going to Al so I wasted my flash all right got the ldr red pot could give me a little bit of healing eny never seen so little ooh hex te oh my God I got triple zap alt zap this zap and static or static Shi my alt and yeah the hex TCH oh my God mega zaper no Mega Z Zer PE damn I killed him so fast he died faster than anyone GG that was a fun Z game can't believe I haven't played her more I mean they gutted like AP are and that was my favorite thing so that's kind of why I haven't played her at all but that was fun 21 kills triple zap if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last been at least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next 53,000 damage also check out my Zago channel in my website swag. I'm selling sign mouse pads $15 with shipping in the us if you want a hand sign mouse pad by me they're really good quality I only got a few left uh physical to Magic oh yeah she does like all physical now not that much magic rune stats and I'll see you guys later peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 76,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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