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all right everybody welcome back to another Zago video today I'm going show you guys how to get some free LP with the most broken support pick right now is Poppy I've been playing this on my main account and I'm on a gigantic win streak with it and I just picked it up yesterday I started playing it I went from D1 to Master's almost 100 LP now and the runes we're running are hail blades Sun impact zombie Ward treasure Triumph and cut the grass and we're going to be building first a dead man's or Swifty boots first into dead mans and she just does so much damage I tend to play a little safe level one unless I can for sure see a wall stun but I do the uh Auto attack with the passive but even from behind I'm just so useful in games as Poppy I feel like it can make a huge difference nice we got two first so we can keep them backed up o almost got a wall stun on her if I do St stun somebody into a wall and quue them they lose like half their health he The Shield's down okay that's more than half of her like there's one combo and I just took this Lulu out of Lane yeah I go swifties into dead man so then I can roam around the map really fast don't think nocturn is going to gank bot this early there's a trap there good poke now I can't go to too aggressive though I think part of My Success in winning all these games is I don't go too aggressive I don't int cuz I could slam the poppy into the turret or the Lulu into the turret and maybe almost kill her but she has exhaust I get baited I could go behind him here okay a pathing just ruined it and there you go see it's so much damn damage next time getting out ranged Hold Steady she stands in the middle I can't get her we can go Ro mid oh never mind he's dead knew I mean damn I could flash over the wall and maybe get him oh he's still here another kill let's go for the auto first then e all right 1,300 gold we'll take a little base we go this and then what I do is I go dead mans after swifties go straight into dead mans and after dead mans I go lock it but since this game I might need to carry a bit harder since I'm not playing on the the master account playing in a bit lower ELO I'm going to need to do more of the carrying so I'm not going to go full tank cuz I don't know who I can rely on to do all the damage so maybe I'll throw in like a lethality uh opportunity move speed item I'll be a little bit squishier but I will do a lot more damage you might want to what's nice is we can clear Wards and then put a zombie Ward I just took half of her health I still have flash ignite by the way I think she still has exhaust I'm not sure another wall I can stun into is that one I do have swifties they're going to sit under their turret I can go [Music] Ram okay I admit it I'm lost and since they're moving out I'll just go behind them ULU has no Shield we got this one more Auto nice we'll take what we can get and get out I need to go Raman kill Lai though before she's too strong cuz she's a champion where if she just ease me and alts we're never going to kill her she'll just kill all of us she might have already hit that point at level six we don't we don't want to fight that I'm kind of low I could peel I don't know if she's still has l oh I could get the soul she wants me I think she still has all nice good uh combo there okay these teammates actually seem pretty good you're in my and then I can also help with objectives like grubs but I need a base there go help my ash um I'll take the health I think for the chain vest seems nice I feel bad about 1540 I wonder what's better I get some free armor from this but I need to go get a sweeper soon too noock turn's around botside he's actually not level six yet but they know I'm here does my ham oh he's mid okay we can fight this I stopped her Dash ow all right not bad they used everything there got to be mid right an ally oh she's really low actually I'm a little bit behind in XP from roaming though so I'll sit here and soak some up G Lan's rough but we're doing good they're not going to let me clear this oh yeah they will Kate's too low now I have to be careful though I'm 4 and0 I don't want to give this Katlin a shut down or she's going to be killing us in one Auto I think we just try to push this in and leave go spend our monies well I could do ghost blade or opportunity even a spell shield would be really good what did I come back nice that's huge and what you can do is W when you're running to Lane but it is a long coold down I might be able to fight them right away no they're even me the hero n that's ridiculous I want to hit level six so we'll stay around bot get some more XP I forgot sweeper so I can go back and get that too shove The Wave in I'll go I'll go Rome and wait for the Kate and Lulu to push Ash under turret and nocturn is also bside so Ash just needs a sit back who do I still need to kill Kate and nocturn uh nocturn is probably going to all mid again if we can do something oh my bad well I still got him but I kind of messed that up on accident I hit uh him out of her ability that's tanky I sure do a lot of walking and Poppy can actually clear the waves pretty good too so I like to take the farm in waves when I can cuz I end up being the carry all right we got dead mans I might still go lock it my team actually is pretty strong I can afford to go more defensive like I normally do yep it's even heavier than looks yeah I'm just zooming around the map that's hard to do anything there I got exhausted by Lulu aled polymorphed can't go in though she'll uh get Shield oh Kate's in this bush hey nice pick that wasn't the her I would go on her but I think KN turns in the area yeah just get my locket that way I can save Asher I should have flashed try and stun that Cape but I mean I was going to get exhausted polymorphed anyway we just run to grubs Lulu is always going to stay by this Kate so they're going to be down a man at these grubs going and if anything I can just ult away alloi and you got smashed into the wall some Wards down here we go blood song is our support item I can do this oh help Ash to the bot Lane just had a Lulu is kind of annoying but oh that went a little further than I wanted to yeah Lulu is just too good at saving people but we're still doing really good we could dive here actually I might go in oh you can't block that learn something new every day oh that that is a big big combo team destroyed I'm worth a huge Bounty I really don't want to die here Soul's going to kill me an Al all right bro it's just a ward it's just a ward there's your all I still have my flash yeah the Lulu just kind of stops me from so many good engages but I'm still popping off as a poppy what did I come back for but yeah you see look I'm building all tank items and I'm doing so much damage I'm seven and0 go run bot let's see I'm the same level as Lulu too and I've had impact all over the map if you're waiting for me to give up you might be here a while nothing personal but I need to squash you an enemy nice go try and help over here do the [Music] wave Kate's mid jungle's clear I can wait for k or try and go mid on her she needs to back up nocturn is going to go out okay I was going to slam her into a wall but I'm glad I didn't cuz she would have flashed me under turret and if she would have Eid I would have uh stopped her Dash my w I'm coming down nocturn here shut down oh nice we got Ash kill let's go I didn't think my w would stop his Dash like that that's cool CU he has a really slow Dash all right lock it it up and after lock it I would usually I've been going force of nature because it has a move speed item do they have any AP they just have soul I might go uh lethality here too to I have 11 of our 18 kill participation as a support the only one I really have to be careful of is uh alloi cannot fight her alone She'll always destroy me okay I admit I'm lost oh we can go for her I guess there whole teams up here we definitely don't want to be focusing allawi we just wait out the all now we can go in I think my w stops her W Dash oh I missed I'll just ignite her so she stops healing there we have it en get some deep Vision while I can oh yeah I had locket there I could have used I don't think anybody died though y oh yeah she did die I don't know if she died mid though I think she was mid I'll save you sir lock it and run has got to go got to go your team has destroyed a turret no we don't get the herald from One auto I want a lethality item with move speed or the spell shield the spell shield honestly I think I'm actually going to go edge of Knight cuz I'm so sick of getting Lulu cced the second I go in so this would stop a lot of that plus it keep me alive they're coming back though the nocturn is really strong huge nice oh we wiped him I think I can actually One V one Souls is the funny thing he's actually really squishy I got to see this through he's either recalling in a bush or flying away he flew away has destroyed a turret the hero has destroyed where is that shut down I didn't even know nocturnal stops you from seeing a ward I'm so fast though I can just run away from people without even really trying oh she flashed can still get her continues got an arrow OH Close Soul's there I definitely don't want to fight this well I could go in and run out they almost I did Kill Lulu there oh my god oh I'm dying a an ally has been slain all right next item we'll go I mean I don't really care for their magic damage Soul's not hitting me too much I can just CC him if he tries I think we'll just go more lethality I'll just go opportunity I do a lot of walk it's heav it kind of missed everything there oh my God Lulu I can like almost one shot en I might flash diver just for funsies what do you mean my Hammer's too big oh she just barely didn't get stunned but she's still dead though eny has been your team destroyed a tret Wards zombie Ward Le it or 4% move speed I'll just take the lethality I'm already so fast poy poppy ham I just stole it I got to go en can't tell are we winning or not oh my God see like I'm tanky I can take a lot of damage and deal a lot of damage like till I get like a 10 LW streak playing this this is my new favorite thing to play just cuz I feel like I have such big impact on the game if I play correctly I stop dashes I CC enemies I do damage I peel I Ward I literally do everything oh we found him dead I'm Coming For You Dragon oh oh my God everybody's going for oh yeah nocturnal breaks my spell shield but I don't get blinded so I could still see Pop not turn Dodge that a big wave I'll just keep queuing it probably H I'm dead Lulu is cringe she finally got me cuz she just Ed aoi polymorph flashed everything man whatever my perfect purus game has come to an end I'm full build uh tenacity that just go damage I mean I was able to One V one Alli there Lulu is one of the Annoying ad or supports to play against and we did perfectly fine this game I've been Banning Leona when I play this just cuz Leona does the same thing poppy does but I think Leona's a little bit better at least in like the helping her team cuz she's got even more CC I just don't want to deal with her cuz she's hard to kill and she CCS a lot same thing as me I just found I have to end up trying to like peel the Leona more than actually hit the other enemies well this is all clear if you're waiting for me to give up you might be here a while oh you don't want to go by a wall do you get one shot by the support I'll wait here I kind of feel like they're all coming no they're on Baron Soul might clear another wave sometimes you just got to do it yourself I've noticed I can apply good good split pressure too as poppy because nobody on their team can kill me I'll just run away so and I can clear waves with my Q so I'll just apply pressure and then somebody on their team sometimes even two people have to come for me as a support boom take flash Soul doesn't even get to use his big Chung assault oh I just teleported Caitlyn back and picked that up and I'm going lier 17 kill poppy support most kills in the game that's fun and that's how I won like 10 games in a row in master playing this pretty fun build my new favorite thing see much damage I did I wonder if I did the most I don't think I did maybe did not do the most Kiana did she was putting in some work I did 35k damage though here's our Rune stance the Hal blades just adds a lot of burst cuz you get the Autos when they're stunned and they're hit getting hit by two parts of your que impact 1 2 3 n and yeah other than that make sure to leave a like on the video guys also subscribe to the channel if you're not and leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next thanks again for watching have a wonderful rest of your day peace
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 115,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: gVwvG0ufVU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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