Ted Danson On Dining Out With Larry David | CONAN on TBS

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you know what is nice is that you're getting to show on curb your enthusiasm you're getting to show this side of you where you can be impatient with larry you can be you can be uh angry with larry you can disagree with her you can be mean to larry and it's appropriate because larry deserves it let's face it absolutely and i think that's your job people talk about you know are you playing yourself or a version of you know you have you're a function you're not a character on curb you're a function and your function is to drive uh larry into a corner until he gets so you know tight that he comes out exploding yes he comes out more larry more inappropriate more whatever so that it's basically the same when you go out to dinner with him you know you just first off he's so generous with his laughter in real life a lot of standups aren't that way yeah a lot of standups are kind of no no i make the jokes yep kind of thing he loves you to be funny and loves to laugh at his his own expense so you basically even going out to dinner you try to find ways new ways of insulting them and making them laugh which is pretty much the same thing you do when you go to work the uh thing that's weird about larry that i don't think a lot of people know is that he'll meet you for dinner but not not at your house or not at his house it has to be at a restaurant yeah do you know what the reason is for that yes because he uh doesn't want to be hemmed in by uh you know societal norms which means when you're invited to dinner you stay through dessert he gets halfway through if he gets any kind of agita he's up and out he wants to be so he can't do it in a restaurant he can we went out to dinner i think it was woody harrelson uh p fairly and myself and maybe someone else we're going to meet larry for dinner we were all together in the afternoon and it was sounded like great fun so we all get there even a little early so uh and the maintenance says well mr uh david is uh seated over there and we show up and he is literally halfway through his entree what he's already ordered because on a whim he's decided i think i'll have more fun if i go uh call this lady friend i know or something yeah you know well i don't he's right you know but nevertheless no qualms about totally blowing off any kind of right he wants to he knows that in a restaurant he can say i'm done i'm out yeah i'm gone and he can do it 10 minutes in throw in his share and be gone but you can't do that at someone's house so he's he's got the whole thing stop going to people's homes you know larry's character is someone who's always saying the wrong thing on his show you yourself have said that you're prone to a faux pas occasionally you had a great word yeah faux pas yeah it sounds like a faux pas yeah and it it does actually i used to pronounce it foax pass and then i realized i someone corrected me about a year ago but uh yeah faux pas is a great word and you seem like someone who if you did if you made a faux pas was because you were maybe trying too hard to be nice and maybe said the wrong thing is that is that where these come from yeah it's that whole charming thing you know um yeah i uh uh i'm trying to think of the i've done a couple of them uh my favorite was pretty much first uh first several interview interviews i did for cheers and it was very heady and exciting somebody actually asked you a bunch of questions and you know appeared to be so interested in everything you were saying so i was just full of myself and it was a wonderful interview and i was charming and it was around the same time that dr uh kevorkian was doing a lot of uh assisted suicides yeah it was very controversial it was a big thing in the news at the time yeah yeah euthanasia where you help people pass on um and i i went through my interview sailed through and then he said one last question uh what do you think of euthanasia and i went what you know i think they're pretty much the same world over and i could just see his eyes [Laughter] now i understand everything i need to know about ted
Channel: Team Coco
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Keywords: Conan, Conan (TV Series), Conan O'Brien, TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco, andy richter, best moments of conan, celebrity interviews, coco, comedy, comedy sketches, conan best, conan best moments, conan brien, conan classic, conan funniest moments, conan funny interviews, conan funny moments, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, conan on tbs, conan remotes, funny, funny moments on conan, late night show, stand-up comedy, talk show, talk show hosts, tbs, top 10 conan
Id: QlEyUe4nMck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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