This Goose RUINED my Minecraft Experience

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oh it's good to be back it's good to be back on minecraft but this minecraft video isn't gonna be like any other minecraft video is jump today we are gonna be joined by a special guest who's gonna be helping me helping in quotation marks along the way in trying to set up a minecraft hardcore world holy [ __ ] are those bees did I already find B ok you know I can't I can't explore yet okay I have to I have to invite my little friend to the game he's gonna be helping me out hopefully Jesus Christ I hope everyone please put your hands together for the goose okay this is hardcore baby we can't be messing around here you can't be screwing around look we already found bees this is the new update to minecraft here and I just thought I'd try it out for the I think it would be funny for a video to have this goose absolutely Tara what are you doing were you going right now what are you doing okay you he did if he just murder someone did you just kill is that blood Oh God okay hey man yeah we're cool no worries don't don't worry about me man okay we're uh we're sorted I'm just gonna play the game here look look at the goose necks of the chicken look at that if you aren't familiar with what this goose does basically it's a program that's run on your computer and then he just wreaks havoc essentially so it is quite possible that he just went off screen there to delete one of my files and I hope that's not that where you're going now what is he doing what do you got what is this what are you doing get that off the screen right now get that off no we don't want wait wait wait I'm sorry I'm sorry no no no no my [ __ ] he's got my goddamn Mouse are you I'm gonna call nine-one-one I swear to God why are you distracting me alright we gotta get safe here we got it I'm gonna make sure we're good for the night cuz uh no it's dangerous out here let's start doing a mine but I definitely need coal if so Oh perfect here we go any coal around of course not why would there be any I have recruited the help of a one of my friends you might know Marmite who is a top-tier meme master I have told him to gather me a hundred images and just allow the goose to go nuts because this goose as you have seen can just pull on random things like what's he got now what is this one what do you got now what was it what's exciting you you're honking around you're jumping over the Jesus photo let's figure it out real quick you just take another bite of something he ate something I'm really concerned I don't know if he's actually destroying my PC or not I didn't I didn't read up on this I'm just doing it for fun he could very well just have deleted my my tax returns from nineteen eighty-seven who knows he has control right now and it's really terrifying I'm not kidding I feel myself like kind of like messing up the recipes like I just didn't even mean to put two cobblestones I just I'm like generally nervous I'm genuinely terrified I don't want to anger you and I don't want to see what you're doing because I feel like it'll piss you off and you'll go after my mouse again goose let me know if you see Cole okay we need Cole for tonight or else we're gonna die you see it is it over there is it in here is that where your honkin oh good call man oh well there's you're just trying to leave me to my death aren't you this is hardcore baby I ain't dying like that Oh more Cole look at that boom I survived a whole parkour series baby got 74 diamonds in it without using a single diamond for any benefit some of my own like alright what do you got now what is this one's a notepad good work thank you okay that should be enough coal to get me started here you get a little bit more wood and I'm gonna focus up on food for a bit also for those curious as to why I'm playing in wait what piece was never not wait what are you trying to say here oh god I that just I feel nervous what does that mean what's he gonna do you make it be really nervous man I'm not gonna lie can you stop please I'm going into this cave here this is gonna be my home right here he just ate something yep he's just eating things and leaving blood trails I mean it could be poop it looks Brown it could be very well just poop and he's just pooping everywhere and you know I'm not here to judge he's a goose goose goose can do what he do what he juices you know I don't mind okay he needs to knock it off for real that is like the fifth time he's gone poop or eaten something I do not know what's going on maybe ask yourself Smitty why don't you just play on your other hardcore world well that's not fun when I'm trying to start out here I want to have an adventure with my goose bud while I get everything set up and see you know maybe we could take this somewhere you know who knows the sound of him just walking around is unsettling he's just up to no good at all times and I'd like I could feel his energy radiating right now look at that torches boom we're all set up to set up a little base camp around make sure no mobs can spawn up here it's fantastic look at that anyway oh okay we're good no problem fine just a little fall damage what do you got now I like this huge show no actually I was gonna put him in a description anyway but Hugh shoutout to the guy who actually put this program together I will link all of his stuff down below I was going to anyway but that's actually funny this came up that's so good okay I'm just here trying to cook steaks and you're gonna go grab something are you gonna eat something I don't know you're gonna poop I can't figure out mr. goose he pooped he just pooped I love little Waddell alright goose this is gonna be boring so you got to keep me entertained here cuz I'm gonna be digging down until I find a cave alright when you get some of that iron we need we need to survive oh just as I say it oh good luck goose right there baby hey what do you got what do you got a show for that what are you bring in what do you was is it gonna say oh okay em goose honk yes I know we've established that you are a goose I know I'm very aware why here water goose do you hear that there's something down here we got we got a we got potential here this is dangerous territory we're going into your mr. goose all right you need to understand that this is a serious time this is hardcore minecraft we're talking mayor one life I don't want you going for my mouse or anything like that okay I need you to need your relax all right I need you to be cool and understanding it the fact that we might die any moment you could end this video and I know that seems tempting don't get me wrong like I understand oh [Music] well here we are the cave baby did you just take another poop so far so good we already got some iron well you have to say about that goose put that one away come on bro don't just leave that one there okay I gotta clean up the screen here we need to read a refresh on the memes mr. goose hold on one second okay I'm gonna I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry I apologize you can't catch me catch me idiot okay catch me oh look at that we've gotten rid of everything everything you've worked hard for your entire life is gone you stupid hey that's white mouse you look I'm sorry we have we've had a rough start to this relationship mr. goose I apologize that you've just been very difficult to me if I'm honest and I I just I want honesty to be in this relationship honesty is important as you know being a goose and wait what are you doing what do you stop stop why are you that mad at me oh you didn't even grab it you suck at this game oh here we go blocked baby what Oh Oh handle it like a professional did you see that goose back to my mining thank you very much [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] come here skeleton time to die Oh hit you with your own arrow oh you're so dumb hit yourself again oh you are so bad at this game no good for the skeleton army why are these skeletons here man watch speaking of stops is what the [ __ ] is this first four of them thank god they're fighting themselves at this point here shoot over here Oh a little bit of Romeo and Juliet action right there as a [ __ ] squad are you kidding me I am NOT prepped for this skeletons - okay - fighting each other get it okay why why is there [ __ ] booze picture on the side I've even notice him pull that in their own mad at me now all professional plays holy [ __ ] I do not have any armor this goose is terrifying me why did I come across the skeletons okay alright we can take this fight take it take it take walk it's all blocked off then I could be able to fun fight fight each other fight you [ __ ] [ __ ] okay oh all right we won we won I'm definitely thank you I just want to say is well I don't mean to be pause in my game I think there might be a compatibility issue specifically with Minecraft where this happens it's supposed to just like drag your mouse like say if he was turning it this way like it would you know it would bring it over like this but I think there might be like some sort of issue where it makes the game pause I don't know [Music] nightmares over that [ __ ] I want to get back smelt this iron up because I definitely need to upgrade my ax my wares here because I'm gonna die if I don't ah home sweet home and once again baby all right let's smelt the risk this iron oh wait he's coming after this love it a little take it there you go there you go me you can be satisfied for a little bit okay well now what do you what do you bring in i'll make space for it i'll make space for it and you just pooped great that's fantastic aw he's bringing in something let's make room for him there we go what do you got again okay you know what fine fine we'll just put that in the middle hold on and don't wait to you place it there you go we'll just put that in the middle of the [ __ ] video there you go are you happy okay I'll put it back in the corner alright I'll put it there okay why now you're gonna go after my mouse because because I find oh you're an idiot now look at you you're gonna you gonna pass out for being so dizzy dummy diat look goose I can't be done all right that doesn't make any sense okay my dog needs to go out right now and I'm gonna go I'm gonna go let her out I gotta watch her while she's out there mr. goose okay so take care of the place okay I'm I'm hopefully you know you don't do it what are you doing now what is this no pet piece was never an option that's not a good sign you can't tell me that again just as I'm about to go afk for about five minutes you can't you literally can't do that to me all right you know what I will see well go ahead do your thing I'll be back will you pull up two of the same photo are you kidding me how lazy can you get I come back you've paused the game you've pulled up on another Peter Griffin Lois what else did you get okay to my fans thank you for being loyal impatient because there's a pianist let's put this one next to this one there we go you're just we're just you just keep making the collections holy [ __ ] my screen is a mess holy [ __ ] oh hello mr. zombies nice of you to join me in my very questionable quest I have here to fill up my screen with stupid photos and [ __ ] play the game at the same time hey hey chill out bro chill out I just need a bit of wood and I'll be out of your hair oh hello oh you did feels good whoa whoa oh that was so close that was so close okay get me out of here me oh yeah oh my god I just realized he tried to grab the mouse there and if he succeeded I would have died 100% good thing minecraft is on my side here at least Danny ate a whole [ __ ] triangle of cheese baby what do you want now [ __ ] cake you just keep pausing the game it would be a little more effective if the game didn't pause when it when it you know it took my mouse away because when you pause in single-player it pauses the entire world if it did take my mouse away and then it kept the game running there's a good chance I would have died multiple times by now why are you just drawing random why you're just putting random [ __ ] and no pets stop that stupid goose that's what I'm killing the chicken I don't care if it's a close relative potentially I'm killing the chicken [Laughter] that is biggest poor guy I've ever seen Matt Wow that is crazy don't steal my mouse I'm busy you can clearly see I'm busy goose you knows food we got cooking goddamn yeah look at that oh that's fantastic I'm doing so good right now I appreciate the applause thank you very much thank you it doing great he just stole my crafting [ __ ] now where was I when I found this cave mine thing here we go now we're now we're now we're getting so oh hey yeah no no entry Oh what the [ __ ] is that why is it like that why does that look so eerie is this like a big open room oh okay [Laughter] where was that from Tom Brady over here what are you doing it's amazing how many times I don't notice he's doing he's dragging something onto the screen and then I see it once I look over and don't you alright I'll take it away from you I figured out how to break you at this point oh here we go deeper into the mines baby Oh first redstone join hey not bad what level are we at well I can't [ __ ] tell so everything is covered Oh Oh what the [ __ ] did you just jump shot me homeboy just fell down the ravine and took a shot at me and hit it god bless him okay time to go back this is no messing around I'm going whoop can't hit me stupid skeleton torches on the left I'm going the right way okay here's where the lava was fantastic goose is taking poops everywhere it's not a big deal where is it there it is there it is okay okay too much excitement for one video of getting memes thrown at me just [ __ ] constantly I've been spammed by the same photos at least three times I swear to God drink up alright there's been too much excitement for me I a wrap of the video here this is quite experiment what a cool program which I will link all this guy stuff to the creator of this program I will make sure to link all of it down in the description below if you're interested in checking out it is free to download but you can also donate to them as well if you want to support his development and whatnot this goose is a fantastic companion and I would love to make more videos with him on different games perhaps if you are interested in seeing that and perhaps have a different game in mind please leave it down in the comment section below if you did enjoy the video make sure you leave a like what is this make sure to leave a like on the video I'd appreciate it where do you find this [ __ ] Marmite we're wrapping the video up if you did enjoy they should leave a like it don't you go for that [ __ ] Mouse if you did enjoy this video and want to see more and or just you know enjoyed the content you don't wanna see more of me make sure you hit subscribe as well and leave a like on the video I need to cleanse everything I think this this video was too much for me and this is out of my league collection this goose is giving us [ __ ] it stack the frogs Oh beautiful we basically fill up the entire screen with these goose we need one photo for this that the right side here where there's no pet is thank you I'll take your notes and I'll put them over here I appreciate it what do you got you got me a good photo you got a notepad file no pet piece was never an option you're just repeating things now at this point goose you've you've ran your course alright thank you guys for watching the video hopefully you guys enjoy it and I will see you guys and whatever I decide to post next my god what a mess [Music]
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 3,324,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, MC, Minecraft Gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft 2019, pc, minecraft survival, survival, building, challenge, minecraft survival series, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, hardcore survival, SMii7Y, Commentary, Gameplay, Funny Moments, diamondminer74, desktop goose, Desktop Goose gameplay, goose minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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