Team Fortress 2 is a Perfect Video Game

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[Music] foreign Fortress 2 is a perfect video game hang on wait wait before you Gallop to the comments to tell me I'm wrong because this item is unfair or this map is bad just hear me out for a second okay it's actually more like hear me out for 12 minutes not a second but still you get the point in my opinion this game is the closest a multiplayer game can be to perfect even after over 15 years this game is still hugely popular and it's still just as fun to play now I know exactly what a lot of you are thinking uh muzi what about the Bots that are still infecting the game or the fact that valve hasn't updated it in Forever what about the bad parts of the community surely it can't be perfect with all those nasty nasty things and while you're right those things aren't great and aren't negative things about the game I still think the game is perfect the video game known as Team Fortress 2 developed by Valve released in 2007 is perfect the bot problem terrible horrible no good very bad yuck valve not updating it sucks I pray every day that they do the community isn't perfect there are a lot of good parts of it yeah but the bad parts of it do really stand out but the game yeah it's pretty good I've been playing this game since 2015 which isn't as long as a lot of people have been but it's still been a significant part of my life for a decent while yeah I haven't been playing it every single day since then and I've moved on to other things plenty of times but it's always been there no seriously I can't get it off my computer I've tried so many times somebody please help me I'm not good at the game I don't have all the hats I don't have girati seriously I don't have jirasi I lost my jarrassi somebody please send me a giraffe but I still adore playing this game and I want to talk about some of the weirdly specific things that I love the most this is why Team Fortress 2 is a perfect video game foreign the TF2 cast of characters have more charm and personality I got a bucket of chicken then any game I have ever played ever the way these characters interact with each other both outside and inside the game is so enjoyable the unbelievable amount of voice lines and specific reactions these characters have ADD so much depth and humor to the game the Scout is an yet he's also quite timid which matches his playstyle he does high damage but has low health and can run away fast the soldier is stupid but is also aggressive and chaotic which matches exactly how he plays aggressive chaotic and it's stupid when one random crit rocket kills me in my entirety the Pyro is just a little cutie patootie which translates perfectly in game when they burn people's skin off Demoman is drunk and likes explosion in game he is very wacky and likes explosion Bravo valve the heavy is actually very caring and will do whatever it takes to help out the people he cares about and in game he's pretty much the main character he protects the team and is used the main Force to win a game the engineer is very laid back which matches how he uses sentries to kill people the medic is insane which matches how playing medic makes you go insane the sniper um yeah I don't actually know what the sniper's like he kind of just has a piss thing yeah and finally the Spy the Spy is French so that's it for the characters but what makes these characters fun to play and how are they different from other games well that's because of the unique items there are so many items in this game every class in this game has a huge array of different items to use which range from weapons with different stats and items that completely change the entire character's play style and on top of this this game does this unbelievable thing where the default weapons are actually fun take the spy for example hello now the Spy is my favorite class in the game and you can tell this because um I did that for real but it's not my favorite class because I love getting trick stabs look at me go Yahoo and I can safely say I have never managed to hit someone with my bullets no the reason I love spy is because of something you have to master that I have never seen done in any other shooter ever acting if you didn't know one of the spy's items the disguise kit allows you to disguise as a member of the enemy team now while he could just pray that they don't shoot you and just accept you into their family this isn't gonna work all the time so instead what you can learn to do is to pretend to actually be on their team look at this clip for example I'm disguised as an enemy sniper and I'm walking up to the control point from their side and inside is a blue medic and a blue Demoman if they for a second suspect I'm a spy I will be eradicated so since I'm disguised as a sniper I'm gonna act like I'm a sniper so I stand right at the back and act like I'm trying to snipe my own team they both turn around and all they have to do is Click once and guess what happens because of my unbelievable acting skills of standing in a corner I have successfully fooled two people name one other game you can do that in one name one no and because they feel safe I can easily sneak behind them and kill both of them easily before I do a silly silly dance to celebrate my joyous Victory these creative items and abilities are all over TF2 and it creates so much more replayability in another class-based shooter let's say OverWatch I know nobody's ever made this comparison before subscribe if you see a roadhog approach you you know that he's gonna try and hook you shoot you then heal that's not a bad thing I do like OverWatch a lot but in TF2 there are so many different items that do wildly different things that you have no idea what's gonna happen when that Scout comes up to you they could shoot you they could slap you with a fish they could hit you with a baseball that could hit you with not a baseball that could cover you in milk that could cover you in not milk they could give you a light shove they could have a happy drink they could have a mean drink they could fly away into the Sun and they could fall over and die this variety is so enjoyable for me as someone who gets bored very quickly when I do the same things over and over again the sheer amount of weird that goes on in this game is perfect if I'm bored of regular Soldier I can go play wacky Soldier and try keyword try to Market gun people if I'm bored of hitting countless headshots of sniper yes I'm that good I can use a bow and arrow and throw jarati at people oh wait I still don't have a girati somebody please trade me a Jurassic the map designing this game is Flawless while obviously I don't enjoy every single map in this game from a gameplay standpoint due to the existence of opinions this does not make the maps bad in any way for example I hate bad water and that is one of the most popular maps in the entire game every map in this game is designed with a specific intent to create more variety it isn't just one straight path with a couple of rooms you can go in the amount of different routes and small details in this game make it so much more enjoyable not to mention how pretty these maps are this game is over 15 years old and this still looks gorgeous and this gives me an excuse to talk about one specific map that I adore in this game [Music] okay now I'm more confused this map is my favorite map in any game ever but music this map isn't good who cares about King of the Hill it's not competitively viable at all shush shush I love playing on this map more than breathing there is just so much stuff you can do on this map you can Air Blast people off cliffs you can do long range sneaky sniper you can do Market gardening you can do whatever this is on top of all these things the layout of this map is just so good you've got the cartography temples next to the waterfall yes that is what they're called I Google it we've got these wooden planks that take you to the control Point roof so you can shoot people from above and the Cliffside area of this map is where I want to be buried the buildings are perfectly spaced out for Rocket jumping there are tons of areas you'd think would be out of bounds but just on which adds so much freedom to the map and it's the perfect place to just fight I can't lie I don't think I've ever played the objective on this map and I love it for that so yeah suijin is perfect and if I don't see this when I next open the game you have failed me I've got so many memories of tons of maps in this game which is something I can't really say I've experienced with any other game out there and these Maps combined with a huge amount of modes in this game create so much Variety in how every round plays out wow this sure would be a great transition into a section about game modes now I know not every mode in this game is perfect Capture the Flag a lot of the time can be painful at best double cross and landfall are good I like those but I understand why a lot of people don't like this mode just how long it takes in fact as I'm recording this I am still sat in the Intel room with a Sentry now my favorite multiplayer is payload because I really enjoy most of the payload maps and the amount of Serotonin I get when I backstab like five people pushing the car unfortunately cannot be matched with drugs but I also really enjoy pretty much every other official mode yep even past time I like past time it's silly and dare I say silly but there's no way I can talk talk about modes in this game and not mention the gargantuan amount of community made modes you've got trade servers which are weirdly fun to just play considering they aren't made to be played one of my favorites is the medic vs engineer zombie mode because it's absolutely terrifying you've got versus Saxton Hale you've got jailbreak I love jailbreak it's so stupid but it's so good because you'll have people taking it so seriously on a Minecraft map there's rocket jumping servers surf servers Prop Hunt servers the amount you can do in this game is unbelievable I've got some of my best memories through this game whether it's when I first installed the game had an fov of 70 a huge ass few model and I played sniper on two fours I'd either over and over again because I just stood still or whether it's unboxing my first and only unusual now granted it was during the brief period of time where he could get an unusual every single time out of a specific great but come on please let me have this even if I don't play it as much anymore and I'll go through phases of playing it and then not playing it and then playing it again and they're not playing again and then Play I Will Always Love Team Fortress 2 because without it I probably wouldn't even be making videos some of the First videos I ever made were TF2 videos while yes they were without this game existing there's a big chance my life could have been completely different so in my opinion that's why Team Fortress 2 is a perfect video game thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video I really hope you enjoyed watching this video as much as I enjoyed making it this has been easily my favorite video to make in a good while it takes me way too much time to make these videos because of how much editing goes into them and my masterful ways of procrastinating if you like my stuff and want to support me making these videos I've got a Kofi where you can donate whatever amount you want and you don't have to be locked into giving money every month also I've got a Discord server now I wasn't sure whether I wanted to make one initially but I actually quite like it it's really nice having a place where I can just talk casually to people the links in the description for that and my Kofi and lastly I could I could rarely use that Jurassic [Music] thank you
Channel: MewZe
Views: 434,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mewze, Tf2, Team fortress 2, Valve, Valve corporation, Tf2 gameplay, Engineer, Tf2 engineer, Scout, Tf2 scout, Medic, Tf2 medic, Heavy, Tf2 heavy, Demoman, Tf2 demoman, Soldier, Tf2 Soldier, Pyro, Tf2 pyro, Sniper, Tf2 sniper, Spy, Tf2 spy, Sentry turret, Turret, Sentry, meet the engineer, meet the spy, meet the demoman, meet the soldier, meet the scout, meet the heavy, meet the medic, meet the pyro, meet the sniper, achievement, tf2 achievement, lazypurple, funke tf2, masterpiece, update
Id: m9D5ftFBhdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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