Why The Backrooms Aren't Scary Anymore

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foreign what's up guys it's PewDiePie and gorilla gaming here back with another Vlog um and I just want to show you this weird thing that I found I can't really explain it I just gotta show you um so if you look over here there's this silly creature what is this silly creature so yeah that's it um thank you for watching and I hope we can watch this banana peel oh goodness I should avoid it so I don't slip here I go avoiding [Applause] oh Jiminy crickets I seem to be in some sort of back rooms hang on is that lanky Kong the back rooms are not scary anymore I don't think it's a particularly controversial opinion that the back rooms have kind of been ruined by this teeny tiny thing called the internet the mystery and interesting parts of this concept have been thrown to the side and replaced with generic scary and Loud Noises as well as what there are weird back rooms games that just ruin the entire point of the concept as well as bizarre kids videos about the backgrounds and while all this stuff has tainted the overall Legacy of the back rooms there is one exception that stands out on its own as an independent story but music you ask what even is are bathrooms well before I tell you about how much it sucks and is bad I should probably give you a bit of backstory this is why title no wait hang on I've messed up sorry um okay this is why the back rooms are not scary anymore in 2019 an anonymous user on Earth requested people to send disquieting images that just feel off and someone sent this this image of an empty piss-like room gained a lot of traction and people started making up lore for this fictional area basically if you're not careful you can no clip out of reality and end up in the back rooms where it's nothing but 600 million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms with the sound of fluorescent lights buzzing constantly this on its own is a great concept the whole vibe of liminal spaces isn't directly scary but it isn't inviting either so this idea of a pretty much infinite liminal space was intriguing to a lot of people me included and more and more people were getting interested in this concept because it was something that hadn't been done before at least not at this level however to add to the horror factor of this concept people started thinking of how they could incorporate some sort of danger to the back rooms yeah it was basically impossible to escape so the inherent danger was that you just die of dehydration or something but it is meant to be scary it's not just supposed to be this chill area where you just Die slow I don't think anyone really settled on one specific monster that inhabited the back rooms but they pretty much all shared the same characteristics it just wandered around the back rooms just like you and if it saw you they politely told you to leave however as the backrooms fandom grow people began adding to the concept creating stuff like new levels and entities I really don't like the idea of there being different flaws of the back rooms when I think of the back rooms I think of this yellow walls carpet and buzzing lights I don't think of the [ __ ] Moon and while it makes sense for this to be some sort of entity in the back rooms to make it more horror-like I feel like just one is fine don't have there be like a million different generic monsters and here's your Muse tip of the day if you're creating a monster of your Creepypasta or whatever don't do the smiling guy everyone has already done The Smiling Guy this is not scary anymore this is just somehow how about scared guy make a monster that's scared of you or how about pensive porn yep he'd be thinking as the back rooms following increased even more people began making videos where they fell into the back rooms themselves these varied in quality and style some being incredibly well made and surreal looking and some being not and as well as videos there were tons of backrooms games being created mostly on this small Indie website called Roblox now when something gets popular it always gains the attention of this group I like to call children and because of this it can kinda sort of get ruined I mean at this point someone should make a video on how popular things get their legacy tainted by its popularity I sure would watch it I'm winking you can't see me but I'm winking now out of pure curiosity I wanted to play some of these back rooms games maybe I was wrong and they're actually really good they're not okay now this is scary why did I just get shot are they just waving to me farmer ow yeah okay the back rooms game oh Jesus is this scary what is that what the [ __ ] is that there's a thing there I mean I know this is a thing that do I have to go up to it do I have to say hello there's just like some goop that's interesting yeah no it's weird how that happened I'm fine this is fine oh oh this is great this is okay this is fine oh I fell through the world okay after playing these back rooms games I can confirm that loud noises are scary but what I can also confirm is that the scariest part of the back rooms are the back rows being stuck in this place is meant to be the scary part there's not supposed to be random pipes that lead to new areas this is just stupid the back rooms is not a McDonald's play area however let's be honest at this point there probably is a McDonald's level it's all just been turned into a generic horror genre for kids let's manage to invade every single corner of the internet now when I see this it doesn't feel like a liminal space it feels like I turn around and be confronted by Mickey Mouse saying which door takes you to level 512 the gravy level the whole point of the back rooms being desolate and claustrophobic has been thrown to the side to appeal to the masses that assume horror has to include scary monsters and wacky tribulations I don't know why it couldn't just be left alone in its perfect State and had to be turned into something it wasn't intended to be however at the start of the video I mentioned an exception something that stood out on its own as a well thought out story that doesn't try to appeal to the masses and contains some of the best filmmaking and effects I've ever seen on this website so when I found out that Gangnam Style in the back rooms found footage only had 1.8k views I was distraught luckily for me there was another series that was almost as good and that is Kane pixels backrooms series on January 7th 2022 Kane uploaded the back rooms found footage and in my opinion this is probably the best horror short film on YouTube I know that's a bold claim but it's true it's by far one of the most influential and impactful videos on the internet in general and it makes complete sense as to why the video is Flawless every single scene is crafted with such precision and there are no points where it feels lazy or cliche not to mention the insane visual effects and 3D rendering which is almost lifelike and has only improved as he continued the series oh yeah I forgot to mention this video was so good and so loved that this series is still being continued to this day uh hang on for some reason in my script it says that Kane is involved with making a back rooms movie with a24 I mean that can't be right surely oh my God through this series so many people have been inspired to make their own story worry based around this concept and I continue to be impressed with what people are able to make I struggled to make my intro skit and that was in [ __ ] Gary's Mod so the back rooms as a concept is still thriving after many years of being a thing but due to how popular it's become it's lost a bit of its charm but I still love it as a concept however my issue with the back rooms is why people who end up there don't just leave subscribe if you would simply leave the back rooms and go to musicstore.com to purchase a mug thank you
Channel: MewZe
Views: 285,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mewze, the backrooms, backrooms, the backrooms explained, the backrooms game, escape the backrooms, why are horror games not scary, what is the backrooms, the backrooms creepypasta, the backrooms levels, the backrooms found footage, what are the backrooms, the backrooms are ruined, the back rooms, backrooms level, the backrooms are terrifying, backrooms found footage, backrooms explained, backrooms entity, backrooms levels, backrooms scary, backrooms theory
Id: oyxioN6gujk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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