Abusing TF2's Secretly OP Playstyle

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one thing TF2 players love to talk about is movement and as somebody who spent way too many hours on jump servers I get the hype I mean come on there's no mechanic in any game that's as satisfying as [Music] this wait what what happened dude that ship sailed man you got to try something different what do you mean I thought everyone loved movement videos come on man if's made a video on that try something unexpected such as well what about flanking man I'm not going to make a whole video on [Music] flank there are tons of different ways to flank in TF2 but they all depend on the map class and most importantly load out for most people playing the game involves holding W and slowly crawling to the action only to get immediately destroyed and end up right back on the respawn time timer while everybody else has to walk to the fight you can use a weapon like the tide Turner to get behind the enemies and spawn Camp while your team wins the game now with over 10 years of experience ruining games of casual TF2 I feel pretty qualified to show you all the power of flanking using some of my favorite loadouts starting with the sticky jumper demo the most important thing about this Loadout is how fast you can go from being at your spawn to being behind the enemy team and when I'm using this load out my only goal is to be as as annoying as possible and hopefully it's enough to make red team forget about the objective so now to cause some problems I saw a oh I saw a teleporter here apparently I believe a teleporter or a sentry gun I don't actually remember what I saw but there was something that I need to kill and it's already been destroyed well let's see if I can just do a bit of that smack this thing down thank you since there are no sentries to take out my current objective was just to get back behind the enemy team and keep being annoying that is a friendly spy all right two people dead this Lotto is by far the most effective when you take your enemies on a wild goose chase straight for their death and if you've noticed my name you can probably guess what I'm about to do just going to ignore all these people actually never mind I'm going to kill this medic hopefully or the engineer or what is going on right now okay okay is this engineer going to chase me he's going to regret it you ready I will turn around and I will kill you I was going to go all the way back and destroy the teleporters but I imagine they don't have any well they do they're not functioning though that's fine goodbye Soldier yep you want to chase me you are far too slow Big Boy unless the duel the battle and I missed my other air shot I'm bad and there's a scout oh this is so bad for me and the sticky jumper and he makes it out unscathed and gets the soldier unfortunately for me there were no sentries to take out but we were also playing on badwater and not having any sentries is a very rare but welcomed occurrence already going pretty well here actually only five kills but the harassment level is very high oh my God why did he not kill me he just turned around and walked away okay I hear engineer noises yeah okay Sentry just got destroyed and oh no oh and I got a crit oh you love to see it hello you are a spy I was going to say you look suspicious with no helmet or gun what the fck was that that was terrifying and pretty quickly my team won the game but our time with the sticky jumper isn't over just yet because it's time for round two okay you know what I'm going to go all the way to spawn and try to take out their Sentry from there or sorry their teleporter from there this is the one good thing about the sticky jumper as well or not the one good thing but it's one of the many good things about the sticky jumper is you can just do stuff like this and actually there's no teleporter there or not one that's active at at least yeah get out of here okay okay get me out please when you're stuck with only a grenade launcher it can definitely be a little bit rough but you can still do some serious damage huge flank to get a bunch of kills can I smack the Scout too no they put down the Sentry okay that was actually pretty huge though okay so somehow we've already capped the point but yet we are still being held off at this stupid building so I'm going to see if I can hopefully take out some of these mini sentries and like really that was supposed to be sneaky come on this is not what I meant by flanking just please just let it happen we got Auto Balan wait I hope that Soldier comes up and does the exact same thing with me oh my God I love you yes oh my God the Spy please yeah I have no clue how that worked but oh my God I love this Soldier anyhow we did try to continue on but unfortunately the two of us could not push the cart all the way to the end and we did end up losing the game but maybe the real victory was the friends we made along the way the next load out I have is for the Pyro and I want to start this one off with a quick quiz when you think of pyro and flanking what's the first flamethrower that comes to mind could it perhaps be one that excels specifically when you're behind the enemies that's right it's the dragon's Fury we want the back burner okay I know I know I know look but soundsmith just talked about the back burner so I'm not allowed to talk about it for at least 6 months or also my copycat but seriously the dragon's Fury is my go-to weapon for pyro and if you can get behind the enemies with this thing you'll have a good time of course the back burner is like the flanking weapon but the dragon's fury it's just just such a good weapon and like as you can see look how fast I killed that guy I don't even need to be behind him now normally I would use the flare gun but the Detonator is such a great secondary for this play style because it allows you to do these really simple jumps that set you up for insane flanks the problem is the dragon's Fury has one big weakness which is you actually have to aim while playing pyro okay we've infiltrated once again uh the Detonator doesn't even really help me right here right now but I can stop missing and kill this guy Jesus Christ and that's why we flank and fight enemies who aren't looking at us this flank right here which we actually don't need the Detonator for unless I can okay well I guess you can use it if you're bad at jumping like me but that flank is insanely powerful for getting behind people and let me just kill that spy okay we once again infiltrated going to kill the Scout really quickly and then who is on the chopping block this poor Soldier goodbye this is why I love the dragon's fury it's just so good at killing people fast at a range and then also you can reflect which is great unlike the flog I guess which is not what we were going to be using anyway but my favorite thing about the dragon's Fury is the sheer amount of damage it can do whoa please I'm going to kill that guy okay that heavy kind of missed me like a lot but I still think that shows how powerful the dragon's Fury is because I I did one V one a heavy but let's put this thing to use and actually get back to the flanking all right I think this first point is probably going to be the most difficult the flanking can't really commence until we can get through this or unless I can infiltrate all right hold on Mission flank that was a lot easier than I thought it would be that was so anticlimactic now that I've gotten past the centuries I quickly destroy the enemy teleporter to get people distracted my strategy was to slowly pick off the stragglers in the backline to allow my team to take more space and hopefully capture the point and just like that the hunt begins come here okay no and the Scout oh no okay there's a lot of people I have no clue what's going on right now oh my God okay I don't know why everyone's just like donating their lives to me but I definitely appreciate it holy I was not ready for that oh can I just no I I was ah okay that was not smart but I just okay you know it wouldn't be a c ravioli video if I didn't accidentally say something questionable okay we're coming up on the big flank though where you jump from the little balcony thing over there and oh my God I just got knocked up I'm that's bad word choice all right once this gate opens hopefully there's no Sentry but I'm about to go crazy with the flank there's actually no Sentry this is great I think these guys actually took it out so so much for that flank psych let's do this and let's kill everybody yes please one more oh my God this is actually so good the dragon's Fury man it's just just I can't not use it oh my gosh yes please the consistent damage it's just so good please don't kill me yes oh hello why are you pushing me what was that what was the plan Soldier I think I've done a good job showing off this load out but before we move on to the last thing someone please tell me where this pyro could have possibly come from yes okay I'm still in like a very bad what the how did this guy just materialize can we get a replay man this video sucks I just want to play some demo man but if only there were a smooth way to transition to the next segment and now for what is possibly my favorite Loadout in TF2 the tide Turner hybrid Knight this load allows you to fly across the map in seconds which lets you constantly get behind the enemies and annoy the absolute hell out of them of course we are on defense right now and generally flanking is just more of an offense thing or at least for me my play style it tends to be better but on defense it can work just as well if the people can actually push through first point if you're newer to TF2 one thing that you'll come to learn is that people never look up and that means if you can do a silly little flank like this one you can just sit right behind the enemies and get free kills I want to take out the sniper here he's just he's standing so gracefully just waiting to eat my crit pipe and then can I get the soldier nice and the medic no you may have noticed that I use the iron bomber over the stock grenade launcher and the main reason for that is because it allows you to do really stupid stuff like this so you can do something like that and then grenade jump and then get yourself in a really bad situation because I didn't think it through and then get out because the tide Turner is awesome and on one Health that was the stupidest play I've ever made but somehow I survived but as you saw the self damage from the grenades usually puts you in a pretty bad bad spot which is why we have the tide Turner okay finally they've capped first point which means I can start kind of flanking oh my God you know what maybe I should wait like a second for them to actually get under the tunnel the little jump and the flank this poor Scout oh my god did not expect that I can't deal with it the Pyro who knows how to play the game it's always the pyros I just can't do anything unless unless I need this health and then I'm going to jump away the reason this looto is so powerful is not only can you Frontline for your team and go on massive kill streaks but you can basically roam freely around the map like a complete idiot and just pick up easy kills on enemies who definitely do not enjoy playing against you this guy in chat he says I just like to say I hate goose and at the end of the day are you really winning if your enemies don't hate you by the end of the game uh
Channel: SeaRavioli
Views: 92,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eo2Qwr3kz34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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