Team Edge Left Hi5 Studios...

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[Music] [Music] so weird day definitely weird day team edge moved out today as you can see this was their office and they are no longer in red base anymore they moved out of high five studios wow this place is back away so weird to here without furniture it just brings you back to like when you first move in it's crazy starting off the day making horrible life decisions that's McDonald's what do I do it yeah I shot some GG today Paul made me feel really bad last time I bought food I only bought food for myself and he was like what the head that's all rude so I bought the guy some food kids these days are so entitled it's like I'm his mother or something alright Paul what do you like Egg McMuffin McGriddle what I like food that what's that that's McDonald's you're welcome hey on what do you there you go the water bottles you just bought like there you go oh it's over at the new spot so how's the new spot going it's really good that's right it's pretty good um it's really just bland there's nothing on the walls it's oh it's like the color of your shirt it's t match it is not like I don't like the entire building painted like that I think it looks terrible oh why are you wearing a t-shirt that matches the ghost pack your orchid color it what are you doing here then it's trim the water you literally came back to height by studio Johal exact here we're doing our final walkthrough to make sure things go on hi Kevin whoa good morning whoa welcome to the vlog did you feed me McDonald's bro no hey Kevin you're such a selfish Kevin I did I'm just messing with you who Kevin Kevin I'm your biggest fan subscribe one of those change though you can split that one with woods you didn't bring me one after one either but I was like we're doing GG today and he's wearing the gg merch and it's GG day who really deserves one you don't represent Kevin Kevin have synoptic Reddy's on off days my GG more than you did a doubtful I mean I actually John you want the truth yeah I've seen it where GG shirt more than you have here's the thing I don't know what it is lately but everyone is getting sick at the studio it's crazy I was sick as you guys know I was sick for like two or three weeks Tanner was sick twice Paul just now getting sick I think Tanner's finally getting over it but it is definitely affecting the studio right now what's up didn't pay you feeling so alright good John alright alright it's helping me out a lot it seems like everyone's sick yeah feel like I was like getting over sickness and I keep retouching it and now Paul's super sick we have an entire audience for today's Beauty shoot woo we have a lot of people through this what the heck good what what kind of GG shoot is this kids a sponsor station it makes shoots so much more difficult because it's like a shoot is generally supposed to be like this fun thing and it usually is but like when you're sick it makes things difficult sometimes because you feel like uh tur garbage and you're like trying to like pretend like you're not what are you doing here I'm making sure your mic doesn't cut out what are you doing here there's not enough room for people in this place there's too many people I wants to say I am here for moral support okay we'll see Looby you all right guys shoot that thumbnail do it work it honey work we got the Razer products Oh what's it like with team as not being here this is my first day of them not being here sorry great yeah loading that's pretty rad this is upsetting a lot of people because it's perpetually loading look at this empty place this is gonna be - oh what the heck what are you doing gem fun there's no brakes on it I was just full speed cuz you know why not first time on it I thought this thing was the e breaking I think pull it thought I was the break ends up just lifting my back can I go there's a car still coming up I'm like the to [Music] no budeau so tell me what are your thoughts of team edge moving out like goodness yeah I love it I'm actually really excited like I want to go see it that's just no sadness whatsoever I'm happy for them they're growing no what do you mean they I'm a part of team edge and you own team ahead Matt those are the baseball team doesn't play on the team I've seen the place and it's sick orange egg I would would Brian after the fourth of July party yeah Brian what you guys doing together breaking my heart no invite Sarah was there no cuz you don't show up to things your own sister was there I do show up to things and it's called work it's called work and it's gone wrong so like I said as you can see team edge actually moved out finally this is something that we've been working towards for quite some time when we first started team edge it was like this gosh hope someone's not dead and we first started team edge it was like in my apartment this right here is a new channel with me J Fred and Brian and we're only doing challenges and gaming I had some moderate success on YouTube years and years ago [Applause] exploring the borders down here on the stage stand and rise yeah and the next internet icon is [Music] and Brian and Joey saw that and we're like hey what do you think about us and I was like let's do something together team edge was a way that I could help get Brian and Joey into this world of YouTube so that they can like quit their jobs and like actually do something that they enjoy for the rest of their life it just has grown so wildly I never would have imagined that when we started this in the apartment that it would be this you know it's not even this anymore we've outgrown this and it's crazy the apartment was just an apartment it was tiny and cramped and I remember Joey you know dealing with his like health issues would like naps for like two hours in between each shoe is so crazy cool to see how much his health has improved since then because now he's able to work like the entire week she would only be able to work like half of a day but like when we moved out of the apartment we had to move into my garage and it was it was difficult to shoot in the garage because it was hot there was no air conditioner the garage is looking mighty empty and then we're going to paint everything here now it's gonna be kind of difficult but it's part of the process so hey that's Conor he was a part of Team edge and then he wasn't moving into the garage was awesome because I remember we spent all weekend maybe two weekends like painting it and everything like that and I remember Joey stayed up late helping me put on that floor and that floor after he finally cut it all and put it all down ourselves it was like loud and we're like no this is gonna be ruined for audio but we had a vision for Team edge and it's always been kind of this you know what I mean and it's so interesting seeing how that has expanded so much and I remember back you know when when we first built the set in the garage how it looked and how awesome it was and then we got the studio today marks another pivotal moment in the history of the tea as channel asset is being taken down and we devoted that entire warehouse about his orange base right now to team edge and we are able to do bigger and crazier things meanwhile we still had moved that set that looked identical over the corner of orange base that is going to be the similar corner for the team edge set and we're building it back up now we're probably not gonna do get that far but building it back up yeah like that that was really awesome to be able to do that and we slowly phased out of using that little set because we have so much room and like the vision that Joey and Brian had for team edge was always like sporty was always like crazy wacky challenges and bigger and bigger and bigger the ability to do things that people couldn't always do and like challenges got crazy but like the garage like the apartment we grew out of it because we had hundreds of ideas that we couldn't do because the space wasn't big enough so that's what red base was red base was a much much bigger warehouse and this whole section of red base was team edge and this allowed us to do a lot of those ideas what was so funny was like we kind of transitioned the sitting set but we never really even used it the transition from orange base to red base that's when I started phasing out of team edge I think people need to know that that was a hundred percent always the plan guys before the video starts just want to let you know because there's been a lot of comments being like screams with dance I can't be in every single video on every single channel and remember I'm not ever gonna leave team attitude not if they even try to kick me out baby team edge for me was a way to get my brothers into this world that I was in so I could you know work alongside them and see them succeed and see them live out the dream that I was living as soon as that became like sustainable as soon as you know became Brian and Joey's full-time job like I didn't necessarily need to be focusing on that as much it became a lot more about their dream rather than mine my dream was like high five Studios setting up high five studios and all the channels with inside that and then now we're entering a new season of team edge and I'm utterly excited and stoked for them but it's sad because I'm not gonna be able to just walk over and talk to them they're gonna be miles away you know it's like a couple minute drive it's not that far but you know it's different but I'm so so excited and proud of my my brother's so crazy what they have accomplished and I'm really really proud of them but it's funny because they as you can see they beat the heck out of this place oh my gosh what actually it's probably not that bad considering it's not that bad they they didn't remove any of their weird drawings but they got some stuff to do I think Brian's old office J Fred's old office Bobby's old office doing a bit no I'm not doing a bit why is your tripod fully extended you were doing a bit forever Bobby's office so this here is going to be chilly records chill records all right click who doesn't meet a headquarters Liz he's gonna be chill records are you doing a walkthrough I am yeah that's Cory spot right there you're like a little kid just chicken away I just did a little blog where I was reminiscing about good old team edge and I'm so excited about the future of it um yeah you know what why don't I show you the new team edge space [Music] here we are this is it [Music] and like portable gaming breezy producers octopus oh yeah but here's what's cool this is the warehouse right no look at this warehouse and I know what you're thinking wait is it smaller yes but there's a second level that you can do crazy stuff does everyone else know that this is your office with sports the on here's the thing right we're gonna take a look at this space right now in this vlog right now flash forward a couple years you're gonna be watching this vlog and you're gonna be like yo things have changed yeah we're in your apartment three years ago so what's there here not much not much this is new warehouse welcome to the edge space so what the heck is this they didn't tell you what we're doing no we're granting a wish for Bryson make-a-wish reached out to us and said yes of course which is an incredible humbling honor like ya know speechless yeah like yeah we're gonna have a tournament to see who's the dumbest the dumbest walk around does this work there you go thank you right so here's the thing guys just wanted a big shout out to all of you for always supporting team edge and helping us make this whole thing a reality this is just so crazy could have never done this without you so you know what thank you peace [Music]
Channel: Project: 863
Views: 1,344,074
Rating: 4.9532981 out of 5
Keywords: team edge office, matthias vlog, omneity, team edge leaving, team edge vlog, hi5 studios, team edge first video, click crew, team edge, dope or nope, fail time, team edge challenges, adpop, edge space, screentime, new office, team edge move, chill records, battle universe, hi5 news, news, get good gaming
Id: fZc74tuPELU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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