Ghosts Of Previous Residents IN Hi5 Studios...

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Yeah maybe one of the tenants was one of the lab workers and accidentally nicked them self with a needle or injected the wrong needle and a dirty cop in the LAPD covered it up as like a heart attack or something like that

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yourmom1129 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
Someone that spends money on their car, let me rephrase that. I don't know if I'm that guy I'm not someone who's ever spent money on their car, even when they probably should have my first car ever. My dad bought me Yes, I was one of those fortunate spoiled kids. No, no. No, my dad didn't buy any like a crazy nice car It was a used car, but it was crazy. Nice. It was like a 95 Thunderbird it happened to be 2005 at the time so it was a ten-year-old car. I love that car. That car was awesome Actually now that I think about it, I did do something to that car. I got it painted It was supposed to be red but the Sun had baked it so much that it looked pink I remember trying to save a lot of money So I sanded the car myself with this like fine fine fine sandpaper to the point where it looked like trash But I was gonna save a lot of money because that's what costs a lot when you're painting your car I took it into the shop. And since I sanded it myself it only cost like $300 for them to paint it or something like that not a great paint job, but I remember on my first date with Amanda I was hoping have it done by then, but it wasn't I hadn't even gotten to take it in to get it painted yet So when I pulled up to the movies, it was a fully sanded car. It looked like I drove it out of a junkyard I guess what I'm saying is I have spent money on my cars, but not not really I mean Come on can't drive around a pink car The point that I was getting at was that I bought a bunch of cheap things to make it look like I spend money on my car and you know when you first get a car and you buy all These accessories and they're really cheap. They're made in China. I don't know if I really had a point I'm just saying I don't spend a lot on my cars Typically, I don't know but then again, I did buy a Tesla so you could say I'm being frugal But I'm also flexing you could say I'm a frugal flexor. That's my new nickname Got some fan mail here don't often get the opportunity to read family on camera I'm really not going to because I know a lot of people who don't send fan mail don't really like watching it but we do Check it all out. We do open it even though sometimes it's not on camera, Utah from No Name look of Mormon I'm not Mormon. I am Christian, but I appreciate your efforts This one's from Evan from Arizona Stretch Armstrong and a nerf blaster Okay, I think we have some of these I'm gonna give this to be you Thank you very much for all of your letters much appreciated If you want to send us fan mail, I can't guarantee that it's ever gonna be on camera But we do appreciate it address in the description below If it's not be like Matt, you're a doofus put the address in the description below in the comments and that I'll do it What is happening in here? Yo goat. Are you set box Kingdom box Kingdom. It definitely looks like a box Kingdom How does this game work ISO? Oh, wow. Look at that. I think I get the picture already That's like a giant turret not giving this all away. Oh It's a wreck shoot day today Some waka Tyrael, we're touching some Sun Photoshop We have one with the hands, but the hands look a little less off-putting couth hands my amps. Oh, yeah Well look at them. Is that how you were holding? No, it was like way it's like looked weird, I don't know I think it was a boy you're holding them probably Can I see it with the hands? Oh Yeah. Oh, yeah, they look like they're like touching them. It's just too many hands. No, it's like a video he cam How is he taking the picture with two hands up, you know is he like got a head camera? What are you talking about? Dude? You can't film with two hands What are you talking about Welcome to Matthias box. Today. We're doing I don't know. You're the second person today. That was like I asked the question to Robin who's like Dana she was like I'm good I make myself on this breakfast croissants and they don't get one get it. You know what I'm saying? Did you just throw popcorn in my beard? No, I'm supposed to be your mouth respect Yeah beer how rude you give it to the fans because some of the fans did You did it What is this bro? It is a Laptop stands. Oh, what a lot more boring than it look excited like building a model airplane Well as might as well be the free gift came before the actual piece of equipment if you got a lot up no I got A pretty controller. Oh nice. Yeah, cool What a rookie I Do everything. I'm literally but I don't even know. Okay, I'm just writing What you're about to say now, he's about to say does my job he wishes. Hmm. Hey look at this thing What is this for that term of me is a thing. I'm aware of what that is. That's a human. Thank you What are you what's this why you have this up the little Matt Ramon camera beans? Oh, ok camera B because we're doing that don't drop the box, right? Don't drop the heavy item on the box or the mystery correct, mister all 5 of those different concepts, correct? What are some of the videos they can look forward to we chewed bubble gum for a week school? That's gonna make me vomit. Absolutely No can't laws cuz I don't have to be in wreck videos. They're successful without me now Trust me. You don't want me on that channel. I'm too sassy. Yeah Keep them off. You're too gassy to for my humor. Not you, bro That's not funny enough Connor. So gassy that it doesn't even make its way all the way through his body burps it up I'm so gassy. I just saw the fire alarms everywhere. I got it. Does that make me you mean carbon monoxide alarms? Yeah, there's a little bit of a deeper joke not it's funny carbon, but NOx I'd get it Nice fire me already. Do you want the positions Dober? No way is a product worried right now O'Conner No, but if it's a no then you're gone forever, we throw you off the table and throw you in the trash can okay we're ready our employees on a scale of 1 to 3 what does Timmy get then if I agree Jimmy's already been more? Yo, Timmy has given would so much quality ball count to contact campaign Content You're gonna break your keys You wish you could I wish I could kiss it There's been a lot going on in the comments of all of my videos Y'all think high-five Studios is haunted and I can assure you that it's not but I did get some really interesting Emails about that subject now, I'm gonna pull them up here So this email is titled theory of possible haunting to whom it may concern I'm sending this message to say that I believe a strange event that happened in one of Matthias vlogs specifically women eius Tanner Paul and woods and Connor State after hours in the studio isn't the first time there has been paranormal activity I am of the belief that Everything happens for a reason what they're talking about is a vlog that we shot overnight at hi-5 studios in the pitch-black dark No one was messing with it and like this broom fell over like this boom. Like how does that happen? It could have been a cat in the studio. I mean a cat's pretty doubtful There's never been evidence of a cat, but you get what I'm saying? Anyways, the email goes on when you guys made the theory that the studio might have been haunted I became a bit spectral about her however I started to actually believe that it might be possible because of something that happened in Matthias his first dope or note video in the Video a poster of what I believed was the guardians of the galaxy. You're right It was guardians of the galaxy fell off the wall There's nothing strange about that except for the fact that was on the top part of the post or that fell first So what they're saying right now is if I go to that video and we take a look at this video As I said guys this is still a work in progress continuing on here They're saying the way it falls doesn't make sense unless it was pushed also in a video log back a hammer falls off the wall in the thises room during recording in both matthias and Tanner just make A joke about it thing. Is that Thor's hammer. I appreciate you calling out that jug That was a good job because the hammer so have anyway I believe that there are more events like this that have happened but these are the only two that I'm able to remember and then The number and name eerie, but here's the thing. It doesn't Stop there. Let me show you a video that by the time this comes out will be released This is from a video called ten products. You wouldn't expect to be edible on That's pretty eerie, I truly don't know what to say cuz I can't say I don't believe in ghosts cuz of the Holy Ghost right I don't know if I believe in those type of ghosts and I'm pretty sure we just hung them right up Before we started shooting so they were just hung improperly Everyone keeps reading into these things and we're playing it up a little bit to have some fun But I really don't think there are ghosts even though there's been some spooky things happening Let me know down in the comments below. How do you even ghost hunt it? Sounds like a fun night in the studio, but I don't even know how to do that There's some apps for that or something. In fact, I'll prove it right now. I know where your ghost is. He's right in here So do you remember the first doper? Nope, shoot day? Of course you remember everything I remember everything? Okay, Liz was hanging things on the wall, and she was about to throw some nails in there. Yes And what did you say? I said you should use the stick on hanging things Yeah, so the 3m command and something like that. You can easily remove them and put it back up So here's the question though. Did you watch the first video? I did watch the first video and you saw that it fell down I saw that Guess what in the second video the second one fell down really and now I'm getting emails of people thinking high-five Studios is haunted Really and that's like a confirmation and I'm telling them it's not and I'm telling them. You're the ghost. I'm the ghost I didn't put him up So this would be technically the ghost Liz would be the guest but what if I told you that I heard? Stop that. Actually there might be a ghost. I heard Oh from who I heard from the property management stuff Are you mouthing before we moved in here they asked hey, are you guys okay with possible rumor that there's ghosts here I said what are you talking about? Because a long time ago apparently the previous tenants passed away here You didn't tell me that until just now well because I know how you are and you probably wouldn't want this place I'm not superstitious you're not supposed to know. Mike is superstitious ghost isn't has nothing to a superstition though. I don't think so See, that's what I'm saying. I don't know enough about this whole superstition something madam Do you not walk under ladders because you don't believe in bad luck I walk into ladders all the time and look look look look. Look at this. I can have some pretty good luck You're not superstitious, but do you believe in ghosts? Well, I mean, don't you I don't know I mean the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost That's a ghost I've never seen one in person But I have felt some chills and things like those things falling off the wall. All right Well, I thought I was gonna come in here and get some confirmation that there's a reason to everything But he just opened up some new mysteries and I don't know how to feel about that. Stop sending me emails(send more). You're scaring me Here's what I'm saying. I don't even know if this dude's serious. He could be totally messing with me We mess with each other all the time. So, you know my stance. I don't think there are ghosts around here I think there's an explanation for everything So no, I don't think we have ghosts and I think he's pulling my leg over there about two previous tenants I don't think that's true Okay, did I forgive you again this thing? No, you did it. Oh, I was gonna actually send you a box about You forgot already no, no. No, I got a really weird voicemail. Wait. What are you talking about? So ADT called me yesterday morning at like 5:30 in the morning and it said the burglary or the Berkley Burglary alarm went off. Oh really, but it wasn't like the front door downstairs. It was upstairs Stop swearing. Wait, that doesn't make any sense. There's no you later. There's no entries upstairs. That's what I'm saying, dude You're creeping me out right now. No, I know I freaked myself out. Don't worry. Play it for me Upstairs mobsters motion no downstairs no door entries nothing I think I told you already you guys scared me during my livestream and then I got this elevated Yeah, and then I got this phone call literally the next morning. Okay, so we have surveillance footage a ATT phone call We have you guys scared me saying somebody's behind me. I don't know dude. I think we might need to do this ghost, huh? Who you got me trippin now dawg? I Will say this It's not gonna be your average team ed. Shoot. Okay, what's up, dude? You dress up my thigh a stain what your thigh stain my thigh is stained. I'm not staying my thyestes I'm looking fly dog. You gotta go get my gear on make it happen time. Why are these clothes cooler than our regular clothes? Just because there's so much more fabric. No, I mean like actually physically cooler So attractive before what What is what are you waiting for it without blood I guess dressed. So fancy are you talking about this is the casual Thursday? cuz of the beer dude Kevin said I looked Amish to do look except you look like a really bad Amish because you have an Apple watch I'm trying to get a piece of these cakes Just finished filming a tag Um, I thought it went well, I was feeling a little theurgy but with the power of editing I think it's gonna with the power of editing how tall Bobby is right now in a previous video We talked about me being six foot one I know my driver's license says six, but they're like there's no way blue this we goes Um, I think you hyung is actually six three that I'm right here. That's not hungry. Look you just put that up with tape I'm six nine. No. Oh Hey Joey, can I show them the set? Yeah, let's check It actually have rich to it some rich you want to show us with a set rich. It's not lit right now. So yeah Look at that little what does that heater double-pane glass? I've got a vent you got a light and there's some other stuff by I broke pretty awesome Dude team edges a next-level videos lately guys. I'm a cop. You're a cop now, huh? Yeah What happened to his messing with brain? Oh gosh, he's gonna feel bad split second. I thought I really hit her
Channel: Project: 863
Views: 1,732,810
Rating: 4.9552598 out of 5
Keywords: team edge, hi5 studios, click crew, omneity, chill records, screentime, battle universe, rekt, dope or nope, fail time, vlog matthias, matthias vlogs, family friendly, hi 5 studios, hidden rooms in houses, ghost hunting, ghost, exploring, haunted, scary, paranormal, paranormal activity, ghost hunters, abandoned, spirits, ghost hunt, haunted house, 3am challenge, office night, get good gaming
Id: T-vSR8r3By8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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